![Turkey Announces Extension Of Survey Vessel Mission In Disputed Maritime Zone Turkey Announces Extension Of Survey Vessel Mission In Disputed Maritime Zone](https://southfront.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Turkey-maritime-survey-flotilla.jpg)
The Oruc Reis with naval escort in August
In what seems to be a calculated move to further antagonize the European Union and the United States, Turkey announced on Saturday evening that it would be extending the seismic survey mission of the Oruc Reis in a disputed area of the Eastern Mediterranean until the 4th of November.
Turkey and Greece are locked in a dispute over the location of the maritime boundary between the two countries in the Eastern Mediterranean. The dispute escalated abruptly in August when Turkey sent the Oruc Reis into waters that are also claimed by Greece and Cyprus, both European Union member states.
After months of tense confrontations and successive rounds of military exercises involving warships and aircraft around the disputed areas, Turkey finally agreed to withdraw the Oruc Reis from the disputed area last month to allow for diplomacy.
The decision was made just before an EU leaders summit was to be held, at which Cyprus sought sanctions against Turkey. However, the vessel was sent back to continue its exploratory activities in the disputed area earlier this month, prompting an angry reaction from Greece, France and Germany. The US also sharply criticized the move.
On 13 October, the United States said it ‘deplored’ Turkey’s decision to renew geological survey activity in disputed areas. US State Department spokesperson Morgan Ortagus called the move a “calculated provocation” that would aggravate tensions with other NATO members.
“Turkey’s announcement unilaterally raises tensions in the region and deliberately complicates the resumption of crucial exploratory talks between our Nato allies Greece and Turkey. Unilateral actions cannot build trust and will not produce enduring solutions.”
However, Turkey brushed off the criticism, angered by the US decision to end restrictions on the transfer of arms to Cyprus in late August. The restrictions were put in place in 1987 to encourage reunification efforts and avoid an arms race on the island.
“In a period in which efforts are being made to reduce tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean, the US’ signing of such a decision poisons regional peace and stability,” Turkey’s foreign ministry said in a statement.
“Turkey, as a guarantor country, will take the necessary reciprocal steps in line with its legal and historical responsibility to guarantee the security of the Turkish Cypriot people.”
Earlier this month, Turkey’s foreign ministry accused Greece of planning military manoeuvres in the Aegean Sea to coincide with Turkey’s national day celebrations on the 29th of October. Turkey retaliated by declaring exercises on the 28th of October – a Greek national holiday.
Late last week, it appeared that the two sides were willing to reduce tensions. On Friday, Nato Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg announced that both countries had agreed to cancel military exercises scheduled for this week after chairing a virtual meeting of Nato defence ministers. He commented that: “These are steps in the right direction. They help to reduce the risks of incidents and accidents.”
However, just days after the conciliatory move, Turkey has once again opted for confrontation.
A Turkish naval maritime notice issued late on Saturday declared that the Oruc Reis along with two other ships, the Ataman and the Cengiz Han, will continue exploratory activities to the south of the Greek island of Rhodes until the 4th of November. A previous notice had scheduled survey work in the area to wind up on 27 October.
The Greek foreign ministry said it would file a complaint following the new advisory, which it said involved an area within the Greek continental shelf.
It further stated that the extension of the Oruc Reis’s survey was an “illegal move” at odds with efforts to ease tensions and with the recent conclusions of the council of EU heads of government.
“Greece blatantly condemns this unacceptable behaviour, which is essentially moving even further away from the prospect of a constructive dialogue,” the ministry said in a statement, calling for the advisory to be revoked immediately.
It said Turkey was behaving “like a pariah,” seeking to destabilise the region, stoke tensions and defy international law. LINK
US has done a great favor to Turkey by not ratifying UNCLOS
USA is the only kind of really friend Turkey has in the whole Nato.
UK no?
UK no. But its a relative how hostile Natos are to Turks. Thats what I think I see.
As long as Turkey fights Russian and Iranian satellites in ME, she’s doing US and UK dirty job.
UK, but in British style. Always very subtle
lol@ΠΑΡΜΕΝΙΩΝ..o Brother Where art thou?Look what ı find for you..you like these stuff…
Well dude you are funny. But the Greece-Turkey issue is not just about us or France … look to learn. The Greek-Turkish war of 1897 brought the collapse of the then empires very important. The decision for the fall of the USSR was taken in December 1973 immediately after the Yom Kippur War, and sealed in 1974 on the island of Cyprus with Attila 1 and 2… if that tells you anything. The “Lewinsky scandal”, the 1999 war in Serbia, the rise of Putin in Russia and Erdogan in Turkey, the planned decision on our illegal entry and occupation in €, were the result of a single night in 1996 in the Aegean and in Imia. So when we refer to the Greek-Turkish war, or hot episode, we should have a picture of what it coming from behind.
Very strange You can forget all the other wars: Balkan war 1 + 2, WW1, Grreeks in Anatolia 1919, WW2 and Athen by not Konstantin and just after that greeks kiling and killing Turks at cyprus even they already was treated very bad.
Much as Your computer memory is divided into two and You have lost contct to one of the parts.
As you have read, there was a conspiracy against Greece to introduce them in Eurozone…and make them work :)))
I see no conspirisy but and extra amount of money would make Greece abpove the demanded level.
Instead those many money was used to remain in the same.
Greece somply was too infected and more or less still are. I as person was against taking in members like “we did”.
The list for bad is long. Too few having a job. too many in early åpesion. Corruption given to a few already rich persons which hardly are being taxed too.
Its the same for several other new members. Just as very visible for Turkey and AKP, I would prefare countries should be more and more affiliates and after well established improvemenets became real ones.
It was sarcasm.
OK, I love sarcasme … Maybee I should take more oxygene, when reading:)
Don’t take too much, the green party will tax you.
They will. They already tax us a lot for smoking. Its about getting more money then we cost extra i the hospitals. They always forget, we dont take in pension as many years as them.
They do not forget, they take your money because they love you.
I think you are sick …. you need a psychiatrist. MALAKA.
No, I have a Julius Ceasar kalender and its sober, hard and neutral and year for year tell, what went on.
I anytime try to fight Your kind of lining up selective blindfolding. That goes for all. How can any debate whats right and wrong if all behave like litle girls and boys lying even for themself.
Sure…I probatly has to have a psychiatrist to reach You. You even expect chocolate and kaviar for lying.
So, regardless of the time period, we are referring to a Greek-Turkish war, we are referring to TERRIBLE WORLD RECONSTRUCTIONS.
Greater Macedonia is loading:)))
And never forget that the geographical area of the Aegean … is the cradle of the birth of the Greeks. For hundreds of thousands of years …
And Santorini is birthcontrol or what:)
You probatly are semilar to Vikings here. Danes where not only Vikings. Maybee the main parts was slaves and You too.
Vikings was not only Skandinavians as well but mixted partly up by neigbors nearbye. Vikings is a culture just as the much bigger and long living greek one.
I have learned that in the Netherlands you are all assholes .
Before Turks, Romans and Persians, brave Greeks fough Dinos and their king, T-Rex.
I am MACEDONIAN … my name says it … PARMENION..ΠΑΡΜΕΝΙΩΝ.The best general of Alexander
Alexander the Great cursing on new generations xD… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3e43b3f2ad6a9bf9214c4054c06bee9a818cc5c2031588d35d88c315824229e9.jpg
Slavs live in Skopje … they speak Bulgarian and have Bulgarian passports.
The Balkans or the area of Aimos together with the Aegean and the wider area of the Mediterranean … is the Center of the center of the planet. Whoever has this area in his possession becomes the SOVEREIGN OF THE WORLD. That is why the Zionist rulers are trying to cut it into many pieces … so that no one else can unite them. Only one managed and UNITED the two poles of the planet..Alexander.
The second image: where is the East land?
What do You eat. You must be very old?
Yes, I am millions of years old, and I eat ΜΑLAKES like you.
Dont make the world bigger then it was. It was Empires by Empires Russia, Ottomans, Britts, Italiens and French – and maybee USA as sideliner.
Grek is a slicing. Others even has has to clean it for Nazis and Communists several times. Thats why You are not so many greeks.
Well some went to South America and made Onassis as well.
To me Lausanne 1923 was a great mistake Turkey got their Eastern provinces, but parts of the rest is bad too.
So maybe some from the outside should learn several of You to be nice. That part seemes to be forgotten
you know what is next?…after ersin tatar is selected as president for turkish republic of northern cyprus there will be steps to achieve recognition of them by the international community…similar ones like abkhazia are already waiting for mutual recognition…bigger countries will follow…step by step…one day russia will recognize them too and greeks will frustrate:))
And then you woke up.!!! ha ha ha Yes tell us the other fairy tale with Pinocchio.
im serious:))…program is ready…this is the future of northern cyprus…last step will be like turkey will recognize crimea as integral part of russia and russia will recognize northern cyprus as a turkish state…
oh Dear, now greek accounts will rush…xD
let them come :D
It has been decided that the island (Cyprus) should be controlled militarily only by NATO. There will be no stay of the Turkish army. They will leave …. If they are smart with the good and they will haggle it to get some compensation. Otherwise with kicks and they will eat a thick finger.
nato is collapsing already…its braindead as macron said…they have nothing to say on cyprus…turkish army is there as a guarantor and it will stay forever…
Nato is collapsing…oh Nato is best at submarine defense war and exposing submarines..What will we do without NATO?:)))
Nato is not collapsing. Theer are rwo things. 1) Our main enemy is more or less dead therefore we dont need all that fighting stuff and 2) We do harvest we dont need that much for war and spend the made money for wellfare.
We name it as “peace dividen”.
Your belowed Turks makes agressions all around it and by that need the same as before and even more. So You dont folow us in this too.
We are not collpasing or weak and could build out almost as we wish byút we have taken a realistic choise. Our main enemy is not there, so we take better care of ourself in wellfare and include the poor btter then ever too.
Turks should learn that and do as we and take better care of its own instead of spensing billions for explosives and coffins.
NATO has not been disbanded yet. But when that happens, it will be replaced by another military and defense organization / alliance … of which Turkey will not be a member.
but our endless love will continue darling… “You will go on and meet someone else and I’ll just be a chapter in your tale, but for me, you were, you are and you always will be, the whole story.”
ha ha ha yes unfortunately we are neighbors …. and we will be neighbors even when we unite the two coasts of the Aegean … ha ha ha
Its not about something else but making a better context too.
Thats right. As other organisations they ususally gets too old and unimportant according to facts.
I see the same for UN. Its hard for me to see why we shoudl be a member of that. We sjould create Our own and not pay for things we are verical against just becaise we work hard and by that becomes wealthy.
Thats highly incorrect. Parts of the purpose is gone, which is fine.
Looks like the dangers are coming back.
I think those changes are quite different. So we have to organize different too. But we do have to organize or alse we dont meet possible dangers well.
By that I fx prefare a bigger but looser EU, so all has some kind of cantact for the most important matters.
The same goes for Nato. We dont need the territorial defence as much as we did and the importence is declining. Bu as I see it we do need rapid mobile smaller forces to – if beeded – to change parts of the world.
Danes fx build a mobile Brigade, which wihtin some years can fight with no help from others all over the world with no help. Brigade here is 4000 incluusive all tranportation down to toothpaste.
So Nato do change. That brigade ususally is right here, but it can be moved fast. So Nato do change.
I hope its for the better. Sometimes I dont see that. Just as here I see people we dont dominate name us as weak because we (as EU) prefare talk and trade as tools.
Its very visible we also are up against no hear, no listen ones and maybee we listen and hear only what we wish for Ourself.
We have to try harder. No mopre world wars are needed.
The EU is working to build its own army independent of US Zionist NATO.
EU is not EU in this. Most countries are against EU military forces.
Instead we as Denmark inside the Nato system modernize and build Our own forces independent and mobile for the world.
The Danish forced until about a Year ago was a part of the German northern mainforce. At a Russian attack Our Leopards alreadyhas joined them.
Now we do have some few more Leopards and new stuff for Our infantery and by that are our own remaining inside Denmark.
BUT we are building a own first class brigade inside our military forces too. Its 4000 soldiers and equipment, which can fight independent having all tranportation to anywhere in the world too and with supply.
The main system today is Nato coordinating everythingm where USA as Leader and we other ones as almost equa make bigger plans.
Next they have a list, where they say: We need this and this and that. Who can and wil help. So here we are specilized. Danes deliver F16s, Korvettes and infantery.
If we dont have things asked for, we instead give money. War is very expensive. I we have a hard job for some time, we dont pay as much the next yéar or only are light supporters.
We will remain that old system but it will be in a lighter version. It more will be “will Denmark take over, we see about 2000 troops are needed”. If we say yes, its ours apart from a little help. We now has all the tools for the assugnment ourselves.
I see none of that
In the Turkish version they were almost human until they got Erdogan. Now they are almost wood.
you know that Turk Cypriots are leaving their counrty because of you turks? right?
what do you mean?…
the situation there is getting worse everyday…everybody is leaving the northen part of cyprus…ask any Turk cypriot u can find..and now with the new puppet that you put on them they are going to abandon the country faster
their economy is dependent on turkey and we will support them till the end…life standards of turkish cypriots are pretty good…some of them may prefer moving to the uk its their choice…now a new era begins…no talks about a federated state…as i said earlier new attempts for recognition followed by a more live economy…
The Turkish Cypriots are one thing, and the settlers sent by Turkey to the island are another. The Turkish Cypriots do not want them on the island … they are not like them.
The occupied parts of Cyprus get free electricity from free Cyprus …. what financial support are you talking about from Turkey ??
we are providing them water…northern cyprus water supply project…lots of universities full of turkish students which provides them serious income…grants and so on…believe me their standards are better than a turkish citizen…
did u ask them if they want you? they want to join Greek Cyprus and be like the old good times…the thing is that the Greeks dont really want them now…you made them poor and dirty like Turks
yes we asked them and they chose us over bloodthirsty brainwashed greeks…
well now they dont want you anymore…when they saw what kind of jackals and thieves you are they prefer the bloodthirsdy Greeks over you
Here You ignore the old Turks most likely all was killed or expelled :(
Electricity – iddiot
Its true Ankara dont devellop the area but would someone like You – I doubt it.
It is true that , I have Turkish Cypriot friends who left the island because they could not bear to live with the occupation troops from Turkey.
i have visited cyprus several times:))…most of them are with happy their protector there…they dont want to be massacred again…
i have visited cyprus several times:))…most of them are happy with their protector there…they dont want to be massacred again…
The only ones who committed massacres in Cyprus are the Turks. as they do in Syria … in Libya and wherever else they have invaded
” that the outbreak of violence was a result of a Turkish Cypriot rebellion (Tourkantarsia) against the lawful government of the Republic of Cyprus”
” [21] Overall, 364 Turkish Cypriots and 174 Greek Cypriots were killed in the 1963–64 conflict.”
In what you sent, it seems that the events and the massacres were started by the Turkish Cypriots … and that there were dead on both sides !!! So what massacre are you talking about ??? The Turkish Cypriots or the Greek Cypriots ???? if you attack me and I defend myself and slaughter you …. will I be to blame ???
this is just an example..you can find many others before…rebellion against eoka massacres…do your own research…how can you explain this?
This is Turkish propaganda … I know about that. It is the so-called bathtub crime. Only we do not know how and by whom it was done … and especially who put the corpses there.
keep denying…
At that time there were agents of CIA on both sides.
Do not talk about crimes and massacres … you have slaughtered millions
Thats Your actions which is true and made into propaganda. If Yours didnt do it, this was not there… or at least they have to make some fakes.
Many greeks involved in that should have a corpse to sleep with for some time to tell any Tirks died there….
You must be a filthy liar or hard censured. What happend is well descriebed and by teerible facts of the worst kind.
here you and your Turkish lovers xa xa xa
I dont think I have same lovers as You. Remember to wear fez next time…
I see most of that leaving as normal urbanisation. Many Turks has left Syria too. Its kind of same thing. They becomes Towners in Turkey.
Those things are maipulated by Turkish fanatics too. Kurds has not taken farms and villages from the Turkmen. The Turkmen has left after selkling the poor land or jus has left.
…And by that some even more poor – Kurds – try to make a living there.
We are at the field and not going anywhere.
Lovely..we are not sentimentals as well..xD https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/18dbf32526c39a327f111e2ca1dedf3637b6669c40f48059a06c79a70b990c1c.jpg
“There are only two types of vessels: submarines and targets”
just skin that smoke-wagon and see what happens:)))
Submarine hunters and prey
Do you realize attacking EURO zone would affect not only EUR but Dollar also, creating the premises for a global crisis. Trump won’t spend 2 mins before showing Erdogan what an Ottoman slap really looks like :)
TRUMP is a close friend of Erdogan … and will do absolutely nothing in Turkey.
Another one… Is not like anyone cares if Greece, it’s about the Euro zone and Greece was too lucky to get there.
doubt that he is a friend of erdogan, after all cia set up the coup against erdogan a few years back and he was saved by the russians. butthe mrons in the white house won’t do anything since they are skint are can’t start a war far far away which should worry the jews in palestine who are incapable of defending themselves and rely on the morons in the white house to do the warring – moreover the recent agreements with uae, bahrain and lately sudan are just paperwork and not worth even a shekel. may the jews in palestine rot in hellllll.
Trump as USA support Turkey as member of Nato. Thats no friend. Its the same for theEU and Nato. We need Turks for keeping the refugees not here.
And You relate it making it into a falsification. Just because we dont like or like Turks is not related to we like Greece or not.
Writing here about what actually went on at Cyprus and Greece as You do makes me and most of the rest sick…
And again it does not make Turks right and nice people.
Its more like You are same of a kind and should be forced into some very good washing facilities sr ating in Your brains.
Slapping… Trump is lost soul like all every uber corrupted American politicans:)))
Is not about him in person, you know what I mean.
The Kurds will probably take advantage of such a situation to give Erdogan more problems to deal with.
nope..they have 1/10 ratio…
The Kurds will probably take advantage of such a situation to give Erdogan more problems to deal with
The outlawed US empire has spread many dangerous situations everywhere, in Europe but not only, which will lead over time to conflicts of all kinds, the incompetence behind these policies is clearly shown when the Americans do not have the slightest idea of and how solve them.
Yes, You are right, but You forget they didnt start WW1 as well as WW2 and tryed to stay out remaining in ther Monroe doctrine.
2 Empires collapsed and the Russian would have, if they were not forced too take over. And when they took over they of course would like some influence and replaced Francce, UK and Japan.
So the alternatives might be Nazis i much mpre the Europe as well as even the Chiese spoke Japanse.
So if You writre as You do, You at least should compare with alternative scenaries.
Russian master race uber alles!
Wrong, kiddo. President Trump has the solution: We take the oil!
with all of the threats and rhetoric over so many things it seems that erDOGpig wants to be bombed
Turks sold Nikel to Your friend to the day Russia took Odessa
Turks work very hard to get no friends.
“Unilateral actions cannot build trust and will not produce enduring solutions.” …since when pathological liers (ie turks) can be trusted?!…
I can another one: If You put enough landmines between the enemy lines, they only will meet i heaven:)
I believe so…although it can put in danger regular boats, both domestic and international…but there are other means to teach reapect to these motherfuckers
Marine mines you mean…Although they deserve it (ie the turks), placing mines along the border means that all maritime traffic should be restricted…this “option” will pose serious danger to civil boats and ships..
I can see Turkey start a war…I know it is stupid but, they have involved themselves with (almost) any country that share a border with them…Wahhabi Sunnis in Syria, Iraq are more pro-Turkey and Kurds are terrorists on top of that Kurds are pro-US A.K.A Zion, so they good as dog shit. Azer was pro-Turkey and Iran don’t want any war or care involve between Greece and Turkey.
They bought S-400s and used them and they making their own weapons and mainly drones… there are also nukes in Turkey…it seem fishy…
NATO removed its nuclear bombs from Turkey last year.
There were talks about removing nukes from Turkey but never happened buddy.
Care to proof US removed their nukes from Turkey buddy.
Here the time of Israel said this:
“US said considering plan to remove nukes from Turkish base near Syrian border.”
Where did you got your info? No way in hell US remove their nukes from Turkey. BTW don’t say NATO, yes US part of NATO so is Turkey.
it seems that turkeys eez is rater trifling despite the long and uninterrupted coastline and greece eez rather to extended based on a number of small islands (which naturally shan’t have a right to an eez). so all in all, turkey is entitled to explore for gas outside its long and continuous coastline – common friggin’ sense.
the real problem is israel’s eez which they have no right to when you look at the original size of israel (which would have granted the jews no eez) so the jews are in the process, in keeping with the jewish character, to steal the gas which belongs to the palestinians. any pipedreams the jews have about a pipeline with gas to europe must be stopped and the eu must not act as a fence for the jews, should they manage to acquire the right to build a pipeline over lebanon’s seabed.
another rather important matter, but on another tangent is that if I or any other person transfers funds to ISIS it’s a crime but then the jewish interest groups in london, or paris or copehagen transfers funds to israel it’s allowed, despite the fact that such funds are supporting the jew’s ever ongoing warfare in the middle east, supporting the ongoing genocide of the palestinian people and supporting the operation of concentration camp Gaza and supporting the ongoing theft of land a la hitler’s program for lebensraum extensions and finally supporting the ongoing theft of palestine’s gas. TRULY SHAMEFUL that the jews can be criminal to such an extent without the eu or anyone else saying even beeeeeep.