‘Tsar-Tank’ Enters Battles: Russian Military Reinforced Protection Of T-72 Tanks


'Tsar-Tank' Enters Battles: Russian Military Reinforced Protection Of T-72 Tanks

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In early April, 2024, mysterious vehicles appeared on the Ukrainian frontlines. The Russian military is learning lessons from the ongoing fighting on the Ukrainian battlefields, where the UAVs of various types proved their high efficiency in the hostilities. In response to the massive use of drones by enemy forces, both Russian and Ukrainian forces began reinforcing the defense of their tanks and various vehicles. In their turn, Russian military engineers have reached a new level.

In an attempt to protect their vehicles from Ukrainian drones trikes, Russian forces began to install special grids on the roofs. The tanks were also reinforced with mobile electronic warfare systems.

In early April, Russian engineers revealed their new invention. Russian T-72 tanks with huge protective ‘boxes’ were spotted in the battles in the Donetsk People’s Republic. The tanks were equipped with massive solid metal protective structures. The tanks with reinforced solid protection were filmed leading armored groups in the attacks near the village of Krasnogorovka in the Donetsk direction.





On April 16, the footage from the battlefields in the Avdeevka direction showed an upgraded version of the solid protection. Another Russian T-72 tank was seen covered the solid protection; but unlike the previous models, the combat vehicle with enhanced mine protection was also equipped with an extremely powerful electronic warfare system with eight antennas.

'Tsar-Tank' Enters Battles: Russian Military Reinforced Protection Of T-72 Tanks

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'Tsar-Tank' Enters Battles: Russian Military Reinforced Protection Of T-72 Tanks

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The constant threat of enemy FPV drone strikes forces the warring sides to resort to various unusual methods of protecting their armored vehicles.  Various protective devices are aimed to maximize the safety of equipment and crew from enemy drone strikes. The flexibility of the warring sides and the ability to adapt to new challenges have always been necessary to achieve any victories on the battlefields.  The modern wars are not an exclusion.

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8 antene chestie serioasa. gustul inovarii de abia a fost deprins.

Thomas Sundström

one of the reasons why nato and ukrainian mod is highly exaggerating russian losses are these bombs and missiles. using expensive weapons, storm shadow, scalp etc. to kill 2-3 and cause injuries to 8-12 enemy soldiers is not cost effective way of warfare. when ua mod claim losses of 300, rfs in reality have lost 20 to 50 men. washington and kiev lives in fantasy. what is true is that ukraine has 4 times more cannon fodder to waste than the russia.

Bart Simpson

i don’t know if it works or not, but it looks ridiculous, and can’t be doing any favors for crew situational awareness. brings to mind the first tanks in ww1.

Last edited 11 months ago by Bart Simpson

je to vyrobené na kolene. to znamená, že to zrejme chceli iba odskúšať. v podstate by tým čo sme videli obmedzili vežu, tá by sa nedala otáčať. ak by to obstálo, tak potom zrejme nastúpia inžinieri a budú pracovať na nejakom tom prototype. na bvp na prepravu vojakov, by sa to snáď dalo použiť už aj teraz.

Dave Simmons

the mullahs have the trick with the drones learned from the rushnyk flatheads. we have the problem in kharkiv every night. our guys get the drones down, then the rushnyk rockets come and smash everything. but they don’t meet our air defense, which is cleverly hidden behind civilians in residential areas, because the orcs don’t dare attacking civilians


situatioinal awareness is a good point.

Thomas Sundström

one of the reasons why nato and ukrainian mod is highly exaggerating russian losses are these bombs and missiles. using expensive weapons, storm shadow, scalp etc. to kill 2-3 and cause injuries to 8-12 enemy soldiers is not cost effective way of warfare. when ua mod claim losses of 300, rfs in reality have lost 20 to 50 men. washington and kiev lives in fantasy. what is true is that ukraine has 4 times more cannon fodder to waste than the russia.


agree, very ww1. but as a french , i would say that if it works … it’s not stupid , no matter how it looks.


you’re right. if i was being generous i would say they look like the elefant or an old amoured train. the bottom line. it must mean the ukrainians are inflicting damage to the tanks. that may instructive. it probably means that hezbollah can decimate the israeli tank forces with drones if they decide to come calling. we have seen very little drone warfare in the middle east but we know the various forces have them. interesting.

gestapo mctaco

“but it looks ridiculous, and can’t be doing any favors for crew situational awareness”

don’t offend tsar tank, will show up on ur front lawn one day…


song? does anyone know the name of the song in the second video? tried shazam, genius. no luck, typed in kind russian, but that seems to be poster of video.


looks like it works. this tank was sent forward to breach nazis positions at railway station in krasnogorovka and succeed. though it can’t be used in normal combat, it’s like a magnet for drones.

Massa John

how can nato even have this, knowing that the other side is forced to constanly improve everything to stay alive, while they are having the best time in their south going lifes?


netradičné riešenie problému. ale ak by to mohlo pomôcť tak sa netreba tomu brániť. v podstate by išlo o ďalšie opláštenie, ktoré by vykonávalo funkciu ochrany. teraz ešte aby nebolo ťažké a aby splnilo svoj účel. ak sa osvedčí, tak môžu začať vývojári pracovať na niečom čo by malo trochu vzhľad a neobmedzovalo to vežu.

Paul Scesniak

would that work on my car…? older volvo wagon, rear-wheel drive, has axle, is sturdy. i write.


need to reinforce suspension components for additional weight, older volvo is turbo diesel or turbo gas? needs more hp to compensate for external frame assembly.

then you are ready for rock n roll mode, best of luck…

Icarus Tanović

i heard from western sources that ukies are strated to use russian tactics with drones, just yesterday, and article was rwo days old. so this is sort of a answer.


but russian side had developed constantly better antidrone protection, more than steel – electronic measures.


the blyatmobile :-)


a wild pokemon appears : tortank !!!!


homemade by amateurs from construction waste from destroyed houses and barns, unbelievable. i really don’t understand why the west is so afraid of russia when i see how difficult military progress is in ukraine.

Reverse Talmud

well they have all been heavily propagandized, so when things don’t go the way they were told they scream, throw fits and get violent. american cops and western government officials act the same way with their fat retarded egos. they had to learn it from somebody and thatd be the pisraelis who train american cops to be such scared scared cowards they’d shoot their own mothers.

Dave Simmons

the mullahs have the trick with the drones learned from the rushnyk flatheads. we have the problem in kharkiv every night. our guys get the drones down, then the rushnyk rockets come and smash everything. but they don’t meet our air defense, which is cleverly hidden behind civilians in residential areas, because the orcs don’t dare attacking civilians

Ramses II

another stupid ugly orch t72 equipment rolling out of the orchs nest

pop ‘em, pop pop!

Last edited 11 months ago by Ramses II
Dave Simmons

the mullahs have the trick with the drones learned from the rushnyk flatheads. we have the problem in kharkiv every night. our guys get the drones down, then the rushnyk rockets come and smash everything. but they don’t meet our air defense, which is cleverly hidden behind civilians in residential areas, because the orcs don’t dare attacking civilians


this is hilarious. unlike the tiger 2 they wont sink into the ground at all. of course, it also allows you to cloak what taknks are what.

Thomas Sundström

one of the reasons why nato and ukrainian mod is highly exaggerating russian losses are these bombs and missiles. using expensive weapons, storm shadow, scalp etc. to kill 2-3 and cause injuries to 8-12 enemy soldiers is not cost effective way of warfare. when ua mod claim losses of 300, rfs in reality have lost 20 to 50 men. washington and kiev lives in fantasy. what is true is that ukraine has 4 times more cannon fodder to waste than the russia.

Dick Von D'Astard

somehow the jagdpanther and jagdpanzeriv come to mind.


looks like some medieval siege weapon or some post apycalyptic warwaggon


muahahahaha hahaha haha 🇷🇺=🤡 😆😆😆

jens holm

why humiliated amerikunt so envious of superior russian?

jens holm

i attend bank of amerika holy service with gay americunt priest where we worship money


which is why ur care home community cat buried u in the sandbox for 5th time…

concerned citizen

nice to see them do more for the crew protection. russia doesn’t have infinite men to burn. it’s time they treat them as the most valueable resource of the country.

gestapo mctaco

tsar t-72 went everywhere then went for relaxing burger times..


it is no good as the tank cannot rotate its turret????

gestapo mctaco

please respect tsar tank even if it looks like a traveling tool shed, can rotate on tracks, that’s enough…

jens holm

americunt tank humiliated by taliban

Mr. Guldar Tate Esquire

what’s the point if even having tanks anymore if you need that much protection? that thing looks like an aircraft carrier with wheels?

gestapo mctaco

watch ur language..


i think better to weld 24″ lengths of half inch steel bar 6 inches apart all over the tank to create a porcupine effect so drone will hit them and explode 24” away from the hull.

Dog Soup

good idea, even better make it into a multi layered lattice of those steel bars. that should still be way lighter than solid plate


russian mighty military should have finished the job long time ago.. looks like ukraine going to be russia’s second afghanistan


improvise, overcome, and adapt.
