Trump’s Victory Seals The Coffin Of “Bush-Clinton Era” Which Lasted Three Decades

Trump’s Victory Seals The Coffin Of “Bush-Clinton Era” Which Lasted Three Decades

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Written by Uriel Araujo, PhD, anthropology researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts

So much is being written now about Donald Trump’s victory in the United States’ presidential election. Few analyses however, if any, are paying attention to a remarkable development, namely the end of the Bush-Clinton era. You might have not paid much attention to it (in all likelihood, you never heard of it), but it started in the 1980’s, and lasted all the way to 2016. Let us go back in time, then.

This is how it worked: starting in 1981, either a Bush or a Clinton was in the White House (as a powerful Vice President or as the President himself) for years onwards. Or, later, in charge of foreign policy. If one recalls, from 1981 to 1898, Republican George H. W. Bush, also known as George Bush Senior, served as Vice President under Ronald Reagan. Being a former Director of the mighty Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), it is only fair to describe Bush Senior as a powerful Vice President. As the founding father of an era, he deserves a closer look.

Those were the Cold War years, and the CIA was quite a big deal (it still is, of course). The Agency is well known for teaching torture technices to foreign groups, as well as promoting  “regime chances” (a code for coup d’état) false flag terrorist attacksassassinations of foreign leaders, and the like. During the Regan years, keeping up with such a record, Bush admittedly played a role in the so-called Iran–Contra scandal which was about the illegal sale of arms to Iran and then clandestinely using the arms sale to fund the Nicaragua anti-communist rebel group known as the Contras. The Contras were involved in death squadscocaine dealingterrorism and torture. To make matters worse, the CIA was accused of getting involved in the Contras narcotraffic operations.

According to diplomat Peter Dale Scott, historian Alfred McCoy, and journalists Gary Webb and Alexander Cockburn, this is in line with a long record of CIA involvement in the dope trade. Back to the Iran-Contra affair: at the time, CIA agent Barry Seal took part in bringing at least three billion dollars worth of cocaine through Mena Airport (Arkansas). This is where Bush and Clinton meet: while Bush was part of the administration running the Iran-Contra, Bill Clinton, who later became President, was the then governor of Arkansas and was accused of being complicit in this operation. That is not the only alleged connection Clinton has to the organized crime world, by the way: his brother Roger Clinton had ties to the Gambino crime family and even served time for cocaine dealing – only to be later pardoned by President Bill Clinton.

Back to Bush Senior, he was so powerful a vice that when former American Nazi Party member John Hinckley Jr. shot and injured President Reagan in March 30, 1981, in an attempted murder, rumors and conspiracy theories were spread about Bush being involved in the deed so as to rise to the Presidency. The fact the Hincley family had connections with the Bush family did not help much in that regard: for one thing, the shooter’s brother (Scott Hinckley, Vice President of the family’s Vanderbilt Energy Corp) was friends with George Bush’s son (Neil Bush). Scott Hincley was in fact going to attend a dinner party at Neil Bush home before the incident. It is a small world.

George Bush Senior did not become President in March 1981, but he did in 1989, thereby succeeding Reagan. One of his greatest legacies, so to speak, is the first Gulf War. As President, he did not make it to reelection and was then succeeded in 1993 by someone very dear to him, someone whom he considered as a son, the aforementioned Democrat Bill Clinton. Again, a small world. Suh was the rise of the New Democrats. For Clinton, I highlight two major achievements: pushing NATO expansion and having NATO bomb an European country which then ceased to be (the former state of Yugoslavia). The region is a ticking bomb to this day.

The family connection has remained strong – there are a number of Clinton-Bush initiatives, such as the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund, and the Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund. It is no wonder Bushes and Clintons are so close – they took turns running the country for decades. President Clinton, preceded by Bush Senior (whom he called “dad”), was then succeeded, in 2001, by none other than Republican George W. Bush, that is, the son of Bush Senior. George W. Bush would often call Clinton his “brother”. Those were the neocon years. Bush legacies include the turning the country into a de facto dictatorship with the Patriot Act, and the two-decades long occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq, the former being a clear neocolonial enterprise, plus yet more NATO enlargement.

So there you have it with the Bush-Clinton era. That state of affairs lasted at least 28 years, that is, until 2009, when Hillary Clinton (none other than the former President’s wife) could not make it within the Democrat Party and, in a vicious internal struggle, Barack Obama instead was nominated and won in 2009. That’s not the end of the Bush-Clinton era yet. Obama still kept a Clinton (Hillary) in charge of foreign policy, as Secretary of State until 2013. She resigned after some scandals, and was replaced by John Kerry.

Kerry, if one recalls, is George W. Bush’s fellow bonesmen (both are members of the same elite secret society) who was defeated by him in the 2002 election – small word, once again. So much for American “anyone can become President” democracy. Even though Obama was then said to be “the least Atlanticist” President, Obama-Clinton-Kerry legacy includes the empowering of terrorist group ISIS/Daesh, adding fuel to the fire in the Syrian civil war, supporting the Maidan in Ukraine, the destruction of Libya by NATO bombing – and, again, further NATO expansion.

Then Clinton lost the presidential race to Republican Donald Trump in 2016. This ends the Bush-Clinton era. Trump was then defeated by Democrat Joe Biden in 2020 and was thought to be done with. Instead, he took control of the Republican Party, sidelining the Bushes and neocons. The Clintons did not make a comeback under Biden for a number of reasons. Biden-Harris’ administration legacy in any case include being complicit with Israeli genocide in Palestine and playing with world war by increasing tensions with both Russia and China (over Taiwan). So much for Biden’s “America is back” motto.

Now Trump is back, which seals the coffin of the Bush-Clinton era – and this time with full control of the Republican party, with a Senate majority and much more. Trump, as I wrote, is by no means a “peacemaker” and it is not quite true that his 2016-2020 presidency was marked by “no wars”. He assassinated Iranian General Soleimani for one thing and did facilitate the Abraham Accords, which lie at the root of today’s crisis in the Middle East in a lot of ways.

In any case, Trump’s previous administration certainly was no match for his Bush-Clinton predecessors in terms of war-mongering, genocide and nation-destruction – and no match for Biden, for that matter. In all likelihood this time too he will not exceed the aforementioned legacy of his precursors. If such turns out to be the case, and if the slightest restraint is exercised, this in itself should already be good news for the world. The Bush-Clinton era is over, amen to that.


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bullshit. nothing changes. deep state rules in the u.s.. trump or harris or biden or obama, it doesn’t matter. strategic bombers in qatar are ready to unleash hell on iran and the war will be started sooner then anybody expect. it is not about trump. it is about world dominance. all the billionaires pushing agenda are suddenly trump’s best friends. trump is the most pro-jeewish clown in the political theater ever. you can expect 30millions dead towelheads in iran in the next 2 years.


and i’m tired of stupid sf “analyses”, i really don’t know what stuff you’re using, it’s not weed or alcohol, it must be some crazy chemicals in combination with mushrooms.


brainwashing by educations a serious weapon of mond control

s n o w d e n

do me a favor, go fck yourself. trump is a jeewish candidate. if they don’t want him elected, he would not be elected. to be precise, he did three fundamental things in his campaign, much more important than his ramblings about the border wall and other unfulfillable promises. first, he said he would not pursue his political rivals, even though he could easily put people like hunter biden in jail. in other words, he promised the loyalty to the system.

s n o w d e n 2

don’t expect any investigation into the attack on the capitol, which was the cia’s internal work against trump supporters. or don’t expect an investigation into the murder of epstein and the publication of a list of his “clients”. these are the things that trump’s “voters” wanted, but trump will never do it. the continuity of the swamps is guaranteed. that’s why kamala told her “voters” that they should respect trump

s n o w d e n 3

secondly, he said that as a professional politician he accepted the fact that he can’t do anything against the will of jeeewish lobby, because it is the strongest lobby in the united states. he told it just like that. thirdly, his daughter, ivanka, makes anything that her husband jared wants and trump makes anything that ivanka wants. so the foreign policy of the united states are cooked in kushner’s bedroom.

s n o w d e n 4

and the last but not least. they shot him in the ear. i think trump is quite an idiot, but even a complete idiot can understand a message like that. they own it. he has already started babbling about the weak american army suffering from cancer (but he did not mention lgbt directly) and has started babbling about the “army of “warriors”. i can’t wait to see how soon he will use “army of warriors” against iran.


brainwashing by educations a very severe form of mind control operations

Jewish pimp

yeah lsd all the fucking way.


why you read them then? go away, nobody will cry a tear for you.


crusades started centuries ago and are ongoing right now .


it’s fundamentaltally feudalism disguised as benevolent socialism .the bush’s are cousins of the windsors via the stuarts .


that kremlin puppet agent from the republicons will be beaten next time he got help but that will not help him next time.


still crying over the fake selection? serious mental regression from a person who ought to understand the concept of ‘puppets’ having used the word, yet misses the point completely by triggering that his favorite puppet didn’t get selected. at least snowden realizes its all.bullshit, just like your empty threats…

Jewish pimp

that is right. nothing changes. bs article.

Last edited 4 months ago by Jewish pimp

sometimes you make sense, sometimes… unlike the annon/anonymous clown… he’s the retard that basically accuses/projects everyone of being like him, so he can strawman your ass with petty insults that he remembered from his unpopular high school experience….you just promote rag head genocide, at least you’re consistent….


rubbish parochial contemporary superficiality

Teutonic Knights

every mexican and every yew should be deported. the former poison the blood of our country and the latter poison both our blood and our morals.


bullshit somebody will beat the russian puppet.


servoslavia soon turn to chetoslavia. fuck drago, fuck servs. they had one of the mightiest armies in europe, attacked all countries from slovenia, bosnia, kosovo, threatening macedonia, countless mass graves, after another, tortures, all monstrosities one can think of. all that russians doesn’t do, even dough they can. they do not, because they’re not savages as servians, who’d like to be called little rusky bro, little cousins, slavic bros, etc. while servians are slavs as monglos are.

Last edited 4 months ago by Chetoslavia
Jewish pimp

that is right, all the time sitting on two chairs on the fence, playing fools, russian partners, while making hundreds of millions dollars by producing ammo for ukies. tanks and helicopters excluded.

Jewish pimp

nothing, aboslutely nothing will change. now there is no more weak russia. that is different, if that counts.


“putin accepts” brave man” trumps ukraine proposal ;says ” will speak…” you tube times of india 19 min ago

Last edited 4 months ago by Anonymous

anything is better than getting nuked, i’ll take what i can get.

middle east conflict is something the middle east must solve. for the longest of time i wonder why soleimani was assassinated and now i understand. – he was planning the israel attack.

propaganda shifts perceptions, and when groups claim “defense” by slaughtering civilians you are not better than the other group.


same shit same smell only putin behve like prostitute when he sees macron,boris,scholtz.biden,trump and erdogan.instead of stead fastness and support allies.he should never surrender ukrainewar until zelenski is arrested.


inshallah trump delivers on all his promises and leaves iran and russia alone


trump’s victory was a selection, the only thing to change will be the memes… lot’s of meme sauce coming… kamala-toe memes, liberal tear memes, garbage truck memes, and the same pos neocon swamp gators like podesta will be dusting off their cabinet name tags all over again…

Conan M

tell that to the iranian, lebanese and syrian government(s) who will see an enormous escalation after his inauguration courtesy of the j**i$h mafia that has his blackmailed balls in a vise courtesy of the jeff epstein videos and the felony charges that are being waved in his face the past 8 months through jin$a and aipac… trump is their favorite neutered “pet” and will do anything the i$rahell government tells him to do. this uriel araujo, is an asshat!…

Last edited 4 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

lots and lots of oil under the indigenous ones feet and western oil has the bullseye on it after the bitch slapping they received in ukraine! the biggest question mark is will russia’s military planted squarely inside syria do anything to protect it’s host and the rest of the neighborhood from further harm which will now require ma$$ive u.$./nato boots on the ground leading… also… to wwiii ?…

Last edited 4 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

i’m actually delighted that the end sponsored by the u.$./nato terrorists will see i$rael obliterated before the rest of the globe goes up in a mushroom cloud courtesy of the money lenders!!! dimona will be beautiful day or night as a glowing “orange ball”!…

Last edited 4 months ago by Conan M

same old, same old. just the latest episode of sham democracy. zionist glove puppet chumpo, zionist glove puppet kabbala, what difference does it make? whizzo soap powder or whammo soap powder. the whole tawdry degrading multibillion spectacle has zero relevance to the lives of ordinary americans as they watch the country collapsing all around them.


fool me once shame on you. fool me twice shame on me.
after every trump fan thought he will change the world the first time and he didnt.
why would they believe it will happen the second time around.
the entire planet will again oppose him in every single move and he will get nothing done.
