The US President’s personal lawyer and ex-New York mayor Rudy Giuliani visited a rally held by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) in Paris where he said that Iran’s “regime” will collapse soon and “democratic” representatives of the NCRI have to take power in the country.
“The mullahs must go, the ayatollah must go, and they must be replaced by a democratic government which Madam Rajavi represents. Freedom is right around the corner… Next year I want to have this convention in Tehran!” Giuliani claimed adding that tighter sanctions will be imposed on Iran facilitating the ouster of the country’s government.
“When the greatest economic power stops doing business with you, then you collapse… and the sanctions will become greater, greater and greater.”
Furthermore, he called for “a campaign to shame the European governments who are unwilling to support freedom and democracy” and urged to boycott companies “that continually do business with this [Iranian] regime.”
Meanwhile, the Iranian government is already preparing for possible sanctions to prevent their negative impact.
Reminds me of the old Masters Apprentices song “Living in a Child’s Dream”
Did t you guys say same thing about Kurdistan last year….LOL
Surely Maryam must recognise she is doing something seriously wrong if Trump is supporting her.
Seriously they have been trying since 1979 & nothing has worked even a war with Iraq. Unless tens of millions join a popular revolt the government will remain in control
ladies and gentlemen,
I present to you the worlds finest and purest cocaine there is.
Rudy Giuliani
Thumbs up!
MEK pays him between $50,000 to $200k for each of these enlightening speeches, so he can afford to buy the finest and purest!
How many iranians did you kill yesterday?
Go away pederast…
What? Bibi and Trump are dead?…..
Check Iran.
The mayor of 911, these people have a lot of American blood on their hands, Jew world order terrorists:
CIA and Mossad Richard not Mossad and CIA.
Mossad would not be able to be main organizer in US.
CIA was assisted by Mossad in doing 9/11
Mossad was assisted by the CIA in doing 911:
– “9-11/Israel did it” –
WOW Wikipedia “proves” I’m impressed !!
Now who can go against Wikipedia?!!?
I am talking common sense that is IMPOSSIBLE that secret service of foreign country organizes huge terrorist act in US without being supervised by CIA and or FBI, NSA.
Now what is your answer to that?
(No more Wikipedia crap answers please)
Did you even read the article?
i’m losing interest in reading them because much of it is often crap and waste of time.
Do they claim that it was Mossad?
I just can’t accept that anybody did it alone without benediction from Bush,Chaney, Rumsfeld, CIA and maybe some parts of FBI and NSA.
just doesn’t make any sense.
No – you are changing tactics now. You are correct in this last comment, but Mossad did the detail + work.
94% of US Jews are Zionists. It is a basic tenant of Judaism, that many or most Jews adhere to, that their primary allegiance is to Israel. That includes victimizing non Jews for the sake of Israel. Mossad and their neocon US assets, which includes non Jew collaborators, directed and carried out 911. Not the other way around. The article helps explain that using truth, the scientific method, judicial process and judicial quality evidence.
zionism is not religion or judaism in the same way wahabism is not islam in any shape or form. both parasites a re created to steal from the ME by the same organisations that gave us 911.
so people please be clear and unified in demanding the slaughter of war crimminals! death by torture for cheney would be a satisfing start for everyone seeking peace and justice
1% of Muslims are Wahabbis, most Muslims reject it. Zionism is almost univerally embraced by Jews because it’s ingrained in Judaism aso a basic tenant.
Firstly it doesnt matter and secondly, whilst the CIA obviously called for Mossad’s assistance -> but it was they, who did most of the real business – that is a fact.
Mossad was assisted by the CIA in doing 911:
“but it was they, who did most of the real business – that is a fact”
WHY is “fact” ?!
You are even so pathetic to throw that “fact” in my face without offering SINGLE proof !
That is laughable as an argument. Can work for 5 year old children.
All I have considered you reasonable person.
I will not accept something that my common sense do not find it to be reasonable.
And you repeating it forever doesn’t make it more acceptable for me.
NOBODY could have organized such huge terrorist act without accord from White House
and supervision from CIA or FBI.
CIA was assisted with Mossad not vice versa. CIA was in charge not opposite.
It is just common sense and you do not explain why is not so!
I will Never forget this day, in the same evening i wrote an small Article who i mentioned that Mossad(with SUPPRT of CIA) have instaged 9/11 and distributed in some places.
Respect, how do you provide these photos?
Do an image search and copy and paste the address.
achilesgreeko yes but
achilesgreeko no but
Another example of blatant regime change by the US. Where is this in the MSM? If the public want to know why so many people die in war and so much is spent for the military still to this day, THIS is why!
False, you no nothing about Iran
Ask your JEWS in TEHRAN, how it looks like in IRAN, before you come here tov0mit your Hasbara propaganda g@rbage
there are more giews in teheran than all of childburnistan, there are more than 22 synagogues in teheran and all human beings , giews included despise the terrorists danci g child burners that give jufaism a bad name
US state policy toward Iran is openly hostile and regime change based – Pentagon and State Department White Papers willfully illustrate this – having long recommended sustained policies of indirect political and economic warfare against Iran. If you don’t know this you are very ignorant, but if you seek to deny it you are a shameless liar.
You know nothing, period.
You again..
Go take a shower..
False, you know nothing about how much does he know about Iran.
They are geting too optimistic on Iran with their “color revolution”
At this point in the Information Age how could any foreign person or group trust or depend on American suppport?
It’s bad enough that the paranoid theocracy in power came about because the Americans wouldn’t tolerate Iranian liberty.
Thinking of those dissidents being lulled by Sam and Simon’s whispered flatteries, what do they think has changed?
I think the US and certainly Giuliani have completely lost it. Do they know anything about NCRI and Rajavi? Even if the US can oust the current regime, who in Iran who is left is going to follow Rajavi? Is the Republicans honestly ready to support an openly communist regime to take over? Absolutely no interest in democracy anymore, not even a pretense?
Rudy Giuliani. Bless. I thought he was dead and buried. Resurrected for the end of my country. (US)
Makes sense. He cleansed NYC for the rich and screwed the poor and middle class. In nine years he
increased the prison population in NY by 65%! Good old Rudy exchanged one criminal for another.
See 2007. I can’t believe he’s still at it.
Not bad for a mafioso’s son turned legit.
Ha! US former enemies and well known non-persian spoilers in persia! Funny how the usa removed its TERrorist status only in2012 just after us caused trouble in syria in 2011 . Funny how with us help they got shipped off to terrorist cells in Albania where they now reside,close to all the other smelly isis /nusra terrorists the us trains,houses and supports in Kosovo and bosnia which the usa stole and gave to hard-core muslims.
Funny how the USA houses many of the isis terrorists in the narco states of albania,kosovo and bosnia. All great friends of america and in the heart of the Eu. Now why would the USA do this to its eu allies?
It wouldn’t be blackmail would it? Do as i say in the UN or i will unleash these hairy arses amongst your metropolises?
This 911 perp should be in hiding,because when the american people realise that they have traitors in charge of their government,army etc,all hell will be let loose.The people have had enough fake wars on terror.
Truth. If you’re invested in another war for Israhell join the IDF COWARDS and see how they do up against a real enemy. Most psychopaths are cowards and get others to fight their wars for them
Iranian state terror organization let shoot own citizens. In the southwest of country they have no clean drinking water. Therefore there were protests in the last days. Beacuse they are not willig to die of thirst, the government massacred them. Zionist occupied irans government????
MEK terrorists inside the country trying to start color revolution. Do you think Iranians would rather have their heads cut off and their children starved to death?
propaganda by a propagandist siding with terrorists.
in time these traitors will be prosecuted
Liar. Iranian regime murders its citizens. Death for IRAN!!!
Another Russki allie about to fall
You mean like Crimea or Nth Ossetia? BTW, try using a spell checker next time, just to avoid exposing your single digit IQ.
No I mean Venezuela, Syria, soon to be Iran.
Syria is WINNING the war. ISIS and FSA laying down arms everywhere. That’s why Israhell putting tanks on Syrian Golan. Israhell cowards terrified of losing land they STOLE in 1967 war. God bless Syria army and Syrian people
About time Iran had itsi revolution. God speed Rebels
“Rebels” :-))
you mean your “moderate”head chopping Al Qaeda and ISIS Jihad pigs huh Dirtbag?
And what is the name of that TERRORIST group that was in Iraq and they are now in Albania and on Kosovo?
Those who have helped Israel in their terrorist assassinations of Iranian Nuclear scientist actions in Iran
O yeah now I remember !!!
They call themselves “MEK” !
here I’ve found it
The US And NATO Are Establishing MEK Terrorist Bases In Europe
propagandists should be tried as accomplices to war crimes when the time comes. in the meanwhile, please ignore.
So Southtard will get shit down then? It’s the biggest Anti-US media source I know. Lol
US exporting freedom because they no longer have anything else ?
“Trump’s Lawyer: Iran’s “Regime” To Collapse Soon..”
OK, this is that a##hole GIULIANI, Dubya JR’s bottom-friend and a WARMONGER, from the “select Chickenhawks collection” of BOLTON & Co.
Wishful thinking.
Discuss about massacer of iranian citizens by IRGC in iran!!
Those are cia trained crystal meth overlords that are hanged in iran.. and we all love to see them die, just as any crimminal resposible for killing thousands: cheney, bush ,blair are no better.
if the boycows had iranian courage they wouldve hanged wallstreet instead of occupying it!
IrGC like hezbolla are heroes fighting the good fight while the world is brainwashed by baseless slander directed at palestinians, hezbolla or the irgc
IRGC is terroristic organisation. Kill every member!
First I woould like to tell you, you look very.much like hypocrites on the photo.
Secondly Iranians don`t believe that such a people like you or Juliani would realy have any solidarity(and sympathy) WITH THEM:
Thirdly such a hypocrites like you and Juliani(or any other zioNazis) try to abuse iranian justice-loving aspiration for your zionist-Agenda.
4; In that conflict “IRGC” is not killing the people but is taking some steps agains corrupt individuals(or organised mafia-bands in Iran).
5; you will NOT be able to impress anybody here with ur stupid propaganda except zioNazis.
Wishful dreaming. Israel will be the one to be regime changed long before that of Iran, hence Mossad’s new tent city in Patagonia.
It’s not wishful thinking. You obviously no nothing about Iran. Lol
I hope this doesn’t work. If China, Turkey refuse to go along Iran just might survive.
Meanwhile, since the Saudis want this too, Iran can protect it’s sovereignty by blocking he straight, as Trump’s sanctions will further cause pain to US CONSUMERS, and is the reason for rising gas prices.
Guiliani is a war criminal and belongs in prison for his part on 9/11, a false flag done by Mossad, CIAand Saudi terrorists to manufacture consent for the war on terror, Zionist wars for Israhell. What Guiliani is hoping for is MEK TAKE OVER of Iran and Iranians HATE MEK. It would be a hostile take over and would plunder the Iranisn people worse than they are. It sickens me that the US KISS Zionist Nazis asses and throw their banking cartel and state sponsored terrorism around.
Let’s hope that the Iranisn people are as strong as Syrias. The terrorists are nothing but thugs and sanctions are punishment upon the Iranian people for not wanting to over throw their government
Is there anything more delusional that a seppo exceptionalist crack-head?
Yup, a voter….
so its begin…
whenever you hear rajavi, think muslim brotherhood sponsored by gullen type cia asset.
slaughter 911 perpetrators as a good deed, be it cia , tel aviv or riyad or all 3 together!
Money power rules, with its hammer called inequality.. Not the insignificant groups created with cultural conditioning used to manipulate people to purpose.
Globalists do hegemony. For purpose. It isn’t random coincidence that so many work towards the same goals. Using assassinations, diplomacy, inequality, greed, envy, bombs, propaganda, psychology, guns, sanctions, debt, careers, imperialism, et al, to purpose. Globalism
“This regionalization is in keeping with the Tri-Lateral Plan which calls for a gradual convergence of East and West, ultimately leading toward the goal of one world government. National sovereignty is no longer a viable concept.”
Zbigniew Brzezinski
Money power rules…Cultural constructs mean jack shit with respect to “what” has the power.
All they do is divide and distract.
And our most common leash is obvious.
” the poor are there to scare the shit out of the rest of us”.
George Carlin
” we should not have invented the internet.”
Jay Rockefeller
The USA is not a Democracy and never was. Once upon a time 100 years ago we were a great country.
Now we are a collection of Jewish-supremacist believing bigots.
The Federal-Empire is public enemy #1 of the American people!