Trump: US Planned To Be In Syria For 3 Months, But Stayed For Years

The US initially planned to deploy their forces to Syria for 3 months, but eventually the US troops stayed there several years, US President Donald Trump wrote on Twitter on December 22.

On December 19, Trump once again claimed that the US had defeated ISIS in Syria. He said that this was the only reason for the US troops being there, so all US troops would be pulled out of the war-torn country.

According to reports, the US would withdraw its entire force of 2,000 service members from Syria within 60 to 100 days. Along with this, US Department of Defense Spokesperson Dana White stressed that “the campaign against ISIS is not over” and that the US “will continue working with our partners and allies to defeat ISIS wherever it operates.”

There are little doubts that the US Special Operations Forces will remain in the country.

Trump’s decision to pull the troops from Syria has startled not only US allies, including in the Middle East, but also members of the US Congress. Some influential senators of both parties have opposed Trump’s step.

Meanwhile, France already stated that its forces will remain in the country.

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Rüdiger Preiss

As usual he crowns his head with laurels that others have earned

Jamil Abdin

Dear US, thank you for your visit, when can we do our counter visit.
Yours sincerely


Talk to any officer, from any of the 40+ countries in the anti-ISS coalition, about the SAA and you get the same reaction: they will laugh uproariously. I’ve seen it often enough. The SAA is widely considered to be a joke, the world’s most inept and incompetent ‘fighting’ force, they make Saddam Hussein’s Republican Guard look like a superpower by comparison!


Even those who are in syrian prisons, they laugh all the day. That’s good for the moral.

Concrete Mike

At least SAA dont take over news cy le for 2 weeks scared shitless.over a tunnel. Mort

Saa has some goof formations in it. You seem to live in a world of hubris though. One day the macquerel will slap you in the face. We will watch and laugh!


was it a car accident??? or is your brain damage born??

LOL…. thats why yankee pussies are running away now that SAA has finished off the american jihadis in the west and is ready to confront the evil american drug taking peadophile filthy humans in the east…..but u know the yankee saying
“when the going gets tough, the american pees in his panties and runs back to mama”

did u forget the hilarious videos of us marines THROWING helicopters into the ocean from their carriers while FLEEING vietnam?? LOLOLOL one can smell the shit in their panties even 55 years later.LOL.

what about LEBANON?? same piece of pussy the americans..did u forget the beautifull executed bomb attack at the marine compound in beirut??? LOL over 200+ american wannabe tough guys die, and a week later all start to fleeeeeeeeee, back home to their drug infested peadophile country.LOL.

and the list goes on and on…….

catch the drift moron…..
U AMERICANS JUST GOT MADE IN SYRIA ….lol… all the billions u put into regime change….well here is the news for u my american drug taking ,child fucking individual.


phone up hillary or bill, cry baby and ask for a trip to epsteins child fucking, drug taking caribbean ranch.Thats what your country is about.ITS PURE EVIL!!!and the funny thing is, you are beiing taken apart little by little, not by any foreign nation, but by yourselves.No need to bomb this drug infested paedophile nation, just like the roman empire(check out history u paedophile) it will collapse from within…and its on a GREAT way.So go out today , have a big mac, fuck some children, take some cocaine and drinke some booze.Thats american 2018!!


Yet they are winning against the might of FUKUS and others.
You can poke fun at them now, but will you do it when their guns are inches from your head?

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

is that why theyve taken back most of their country? LOL you moron


Maybe Tiger Forces can take over Tennessee, it really is worth a visit!


America is going to go bankrupt owing the world an awful lot of money, so deciding who gets what when the repossessions start is not such a silly idea.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

hahaha i would welcome them with arms wide open


Is Trump really up to this fight ?
The very old veil may be falling and we may soon have to see the emperor’s ugly stinking nudity …
and it’s not my words, …

Watch attentively from 3:35 :


Trump’s goal is to reduce senseless US expense in dollars and lives for the benefit of Zionist Israel that wants ME in turmoil and chaos.


“There are little doubts that the US Special Operations Forces will remain in the country.”

Source? Who says this before the withdrawal has even happened.


It’s a natural, if the US can cause trouble, it will cause trouble.


Based on past practice, yes, you have a point. They have buried in like ticks.

I am optimistic that the next generation will not have to live on the brink of WWIII all of their lives like we have. I join in with others who think that we may finally be at the end of the globalist agenda which has used the US as their war machine.

A few amusing Rand Paul tweets from yesterday. He is the one that Trump sent to meet with Putin.