Trump To Appoint Warmonger Senator To Lead Diplomacy

Trump To Appoint Warmonger Senator To Lead Diplomacy

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant

The American political scenario seems to be completely uncertain for the future, considering the election of Donald Trump and the officials he allegedly plans to promote to high positions in his government. Currently, Florida’s Republican Senator Marco Rubio is one of the most likely candidates to become the next US Secretary of State. Rubio has even partially changed his public discourse on Ukraine to better suit Trump’s agenda, but it is hard to believe that he will truly adopt a pro-peace stance.

Analysts and voters in the US are anxious to know who Trump will choose to lead American foreign policy for the next four years. Recently, the Democratic media launched a public pressure campaign for the nomination of Mike Pompeo, who, among the team close to Trump, seems to be the most bellicose and pro-war, considering his attitudes during Trump’s previous term. However, despite the media lobby, Trump made it clear that Pompeo will not be his choice for the post.

One of the most likely names is Marco Rubio. Initially, there would not be much of a difference between nominating Pompeo or Rubio, since the Florida senator has long maintained a pro-war stance, encouraging military support for Ukraine and American efforts to “wear down” Russia as much as possible. However, Rubio appears to be “changing” his mind, having recently made some statements in favor of a diplomatic solution.

Rubio stated that the war in Ukraine is at a stalemate and that a quick conclusion is necessary. He emphasized his condemnation of Russian actions, but seemed to think more realistically, saying that a solution must be found to prevent the US from continuing to spend billions of dollars of its state funds to prolong the conflict.

“What we are funding here is a stalemate war, and it needs to be brought to a conclusion because that country is going to be set back a hundred years (…) That does not mean that we celebrate what Vladimir Putin did, or are excited about it, but I think there has to also be some common sense here,” he said.

It is curious that Rubio began to spread this kind of rhetoric, considering that he was one of the most vocal supporters of the war effort in favor of Ukraine. Rubio and other Republican hawks led efforts to advance sanctions against Russia and assistance for Ukraine as early as 2022, shortly after the start of the special military operation. Rubio advocated for specific American coercive measures against the then separatist groups in Donbass, showing a solid stance in favor of Kiev’s demands.

Not only that, Rubio has always been a representative of the most aggressive wing of the Republicans. He even criticized Trump’s foreign policy in his first terms, advocating for a more incisive stance on the part of Washington in global politics. In practice, choosing him would actually be like choosing Mike Pompeo, who is another Republican public figure who on all international issues agrees with the typical interventionism of the Democrats – being not by chance supported by the media.

However, more recently, Rubio has changed his narrative, trying to appear more realistic and pragmatic. He now claims to be “against” continued financial and military support for Ukraine and has made statements in favor of Trump’s so-called “peace plan” — which appears to be just another futile attempt to end the conflict diplomatically without adhering to Moscow’s peace terms.

Rather than a genuine change, this appears to be a strategy to suit Trump’s political agenda. It seems clear that one of the main reasons for Trump’s victory was his promise to end war funding. Millions of Americans are tired of seeing their money being spent on an unwinnable conflict on another continent. Anti-war activism is currently popular in the US. Rubio has understood this and has changed his public discourse to increase his chances of being chosen for a relevant government position.

Once he becomes the Secretary of State, Rubio could simply revert to his old pro-Ukraine rhetoric. Or, more pragmatically, he could hypocritically maintain his pro-peace public discourse but take decisions that go absolutely against this narrative, implementing policies to foment war with Russia.

On the internet, several pro-Trump activists are warning that Rubio is a kind of “infiltrator” and that his eventual appointment could ruin Trump’s plan of military de-escalation. In fact, this is just more evidence of how the Republican president-elect, even if he really wants to do so, is unlikely to be able to “end the war.”

You can follow Lucas on Twitter and Telegram.


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what would be astonishing is that, after being drunk on power for so long, there is a return to actual diplomacy in the us. because right now it is blackmail, destabilization, threats, violence and threat of violence.


that’s international diplomacy as a tradition of centuries you can’t suddenly think ,oh i’ll just be honest in this game .grow up get real . it’s not primary school.


check the definition of diplomacy. the us has lost the skills to do that because the state department/blob has been infested by neocons who couldn’t care less and understand only power. the result is that a large part of the world is rebelling against them.


when was there actual diplomacy in the us? the americans signed nuclear arms treaties with the ussr while working non-stop to internally subvert it through economic means.

Conan M

since when has this changed post self-destruct mode 9/11 aka 3 building(s) 2 planes?.. when “little marco” makes good on trump’s 2016 pledge to re-investigate the event(s) in lower manhattan by interrogating the usual $u$pect$… donkey’s and elephant’s will “fly”!….

Last edited 4 months ago by Conan M

more thorough rubbish from the deluded day dream believers.

Rusty Ruskie

trump once said “zelenska is a hooker and i’m gonna be his pimp.” zelli is desperately trying to conquer kursk back but is miserably failing 🇺🇦=🤡 😆😆😆


trump once said “putin is a hooker and i’m gonna be his pimp.” putin is desperately trying to conquer kursk back but is miserably failing 🇷🇺=🤡 😆😆😆


how’s the ukrainian campaign to clear the last of the moskals from donbas going? do you suppose that the ukraine will kick the russians out of crimea any time soon, given the ukrainian progress since 2014?


little marco is one of the biggest shabbos goy c***suckers in dc.


beware of a cuban trying to be a gringo

Baba Loo

didn’t little marco come in on the mariel boat lift, along with tony montana?

at least i hope he can play the bongos.

Last edited 4 months ago by Baba Loo

i am an influencer, and i made trump be elected. if i knew he would invite a hawk like “dumbo rubio” to the position, i would favor harris

Baba Loo

yeah, i’ve been rooting for bob menendez, ever since he resigned from the senate.. maybe he’ll get an ambassadorship to egypt instead.

Last edited 4 months ago by Baba Loo

bob said he’ll try to bribe trump into giving him a presidential pardon with half of his ill-gotten gains, $100,000. senators come cheap these days.

Edgar Zetar

the exceptionals are coming… the exceptionalism is in the air. russia will accept the ukraine peace deal, just wait and see. i told you before it happens.
