Trump Says US Forces Eliminated ISIS Leader Baghdadi In Northwestern Syria, Thanks Russia

Trump Says US Forces Eliminated ISIS Leader Baghdadi In Northwestern Syria, Thanks Russia

A screenshot from the video

On October 27, US President Donald Trump confirmed that US forces eliminated ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi and 3 his children in northwestern Syria. According to the President, Baghdadi’s body was eliminated by an explosion of the underground tunnel, where he was trying to hide. However, Trump said, that the terrorist leader was identified using the vestiges.

No US personnel were killed or injured in the operation.

Additionally, US forces allegedly seized many sensetive data related to ISIS further plans and actions on the site. They allegedly evacuated 11 children and eliminated a number of militants during the operation.

Trump also thanked Turkey, Iraq, Syria and Iraq for assisting in US efforts against the ISIS leader.

The Trump administration needed an operation to eliminate al-Baghdadi to once again take credit for ‘eliminating ISIS’ and get a PR success for Trump’s ‘mission accomplished’ claims and the withdrawal of US troops from northern Syria. With these developments, Trump will be able to explain his administration’s Middle East strategy to the internal audience ahead of the upcoming presidential election in 2020.

Another important factor is that the US action once again revealed the double-faced policy of Western states and mainstream media that have been promoting northwestern Syria, including the province of Idlib, as a stronghold of the ‘democratic opposition’ to the ‘bloody regime’ of Bashar al-Assad. In fact, this ‘democratic opposition’ does not exist and the Greater Idlib area is almost fully controlled by various radicals and terrorists. So, the ISIS Leader and his inner circle were free to hide there, near the Turkish border.

The White House released a full text of “Statement from the President on the Death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi“:

Last night, the United States brought the world’s number one terrorist leader to justice. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is dead.  He was the founder and leader of ISIS, the most ruthless and violent terror organization in the World.  The United States has been searching for Baghdadi for many years.  Capturing or killing Baghdadi has been the top national security priority of my Administration.  U.S. Special Operations forces executed a dangerous and daring nighttime raid into Northwestern Syria to accomplish this mission.

No U.S. personnel were lost in the operation, while a large number of Baghdadi’s fighters and companions were killed with him.  He died after running into a dead-end tunnel, whimpering and crying and screaming.  The compound had been cleared by this time, with people either surrendering or being shot and killed.  Eleven young children were moved out of the house un-injured.  The only ones remaining were Baghdadi in the tunnel, who had dragged three children with him to certain death.  He reached the end of the tunnel, as our dogs chased him down. He ignited his vest, killing himself and the three children.  His body was mutilated by the blast, but test results gave certain and positive identification.

The thug who tried so hard to intimidate others spent his last moments in utter fear, panic and dread – terrified of the American Forces bearing down.
We were in the compound for approximately 2 hours, and after the mission was accomplished we took highly sensitive material and information from the raid.
Baghdadi’s demise demonstrates America’s relentless pursuit of terrorist leaders, and our commitment to the enduring and total defeat of ISIS!
The reach of America is long.  As you know, last month we announced that we recently killed Hamza Bin Laden, the very violent son of Osama Bin Laden, who was saying very bad things.

He was the heir apparent to Al Qaeda. Terrorists who oppress and murder innocent people should never sleep soundly, knowing that we will completely destroy them. These savage monsters will not escape their fate – and they will not escape the final judgement of God.

Baghdadi has been on the run for many years, long before I took office. At my direction, as Commander-in-Chief, the United States obliterated his ‘caliphate’ in March of this year.  Today’s events are another reminder that we will continue to pursue the remaining ISIS terrorists to their brutal end.

Baghdadi and the losers who worked with him – in some cases people who had no idea what they were getting into and how dangerous and unglamorous it was – killed many people.  Their murder of innocent Americans Jim Foley, Steven Sotloff, Peter Kassig, and Kayla Mueller were especially heinous.  The shocking publicized murder of a Jordanian pilot who was burned alive in a cage for all to see, and the execution of Christians in Libya and Egypt, as well as the genocidal mass murder of Yazidis, rank ISIS among the most depraved organizations in history.

The forced religious conversions, the orange suits prior to many beheadings, all of which were openly displayed for the world – this was all Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s work.  He was vicious and violent, and he died in a vicious and violent way, as a coward, running and crying.  This raid was impeccable, and could only have taken place with the acknowledgement and help of certain other nations and people.

I want to thank the nations of Russia, Turkey, Syria and Iraq, and I also want to thank the Syrian Kurds for certain support they were able to give us. Thank you as well to the great intelligence professionals who helped make this very successful journey possible.

I want to thank the soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines involved in last night’s operation.  You are the very best there is anywhere in the world.  I want to thank General Mark Milley and our Joint Chiefs of Staff, and I also want to thank our professionals who work in other agencies of the United States government and were critical to the mission’s success.

Last night was a great night for the United States and for the World. A brutal killer, one who has caused so much hardship and death, was violently eliminated – he will never again harm another innocent man, woman or child.  He died like a dog.  He died like a coward.  The world is now a much safer place.

God bless the United States of America!


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Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

God bless Russia

Sasan Jamshidi

Lol there is no name of turkey all the world knows Turkey is Godfather of ISIS.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

Turkey is a large part of ISIS but not the godfather. That would be the USA. Saudi supplied a lot of the bodies who were rapists, psychopaths and murderers in saudi jails on life sentences who were released if they fought for ISIS. ISIS formerly known as ISIL. IS, Al qaeda in iraq, al qaeda, mujahdeen.. been funded and trained by the USA for decades

there were about 170 different actors funding ISIS. and about 37 different countries within that number,

the rest of the actors funding isis were private individuals and corporations


Your post is indeed an accurate summary of this most destructive of conflicts in the 21st century.
Well done.


You forgot israel where isis sent their wounded to be patched up!

Sasan Jamshidi

Nicely said, only that Turks are racist morons wherever they go bring destruction doesnt have to do with only USA and russia russia can not tame those mongols. Also IS whoever funded them its clear they are muslim mus did as quran and muhammad did (i im ex muslim myself) and USA only misused the ignorance of the people of the region.

Wolfgang Wolf

so then, mission accomplished!! go home! bye byyyeeee!

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes


Harry Smith

They can’t. ISIS has new Caliph now. Abu Ivanka al-Amreki (father of Ivanka from America) :)

Ceasar Polar

Very good one, made me smile ?


yes they really, really, really kilt him this time, they kilt him so good there are no body parts left.


LOL Trump you tipical liar, the place that this happens is only 3 km from Turkish border, and you are saying that you have flown above Russians, Syrians etc, plz, anyone who will open map and check the place it is 3km from Turkish border LMAO. Who did you fly over thru???

fayez chergui

a buffon


Another potential witness about the creation, financing and backing of ISIS silenced. Would have been interesting to know about all that oil business and weapons trades. Well done! No loose ends.


Just so you know why these snakes of men want all the credit, go to TRT News and search for one presstitude going by the name Omerati. He claims all the victory for the defeat of ISIS in Syria belongs to Turkey and the US, while Syria had always cooperated with ISIS.

There is one guy who claims he is a rap musician recently arrived from Turkey to sing about Idlib revolutionaries. Al Qaeda is mentioned only as tough choice to pick as opposed to the “evil” Assad. A female White Helmet “rescue activist” is shown in the video.

Julian Clegg

The following Russian-language report from today’s Izvestiya says the same things about the operation, but without mentioning Trump’s thanks to Russia, Turkey, Iraq and Syria. It is odd that a Russian news report should leave out the part that concerns Russia. I look forward to seeing what more Russia has to say about it. Трамп подтвердил уничтожение главаря ИГ в Сирии | Новости | Известия | 27.10.2019

klove and light

Zionist bullshit…… uS Aircraft came into Idlib airspace…no bombing recorded……

trump says ” we thank Russia for cooperation……….”

Russia says…” we have no Information on any cooperation with the USA in Idlib…..”
” no US airforce planes moved into idlin airspace and no bombing was recorded in Idlib at that time”

Zionist bullshit

Prince Teutonic

There were definetly choppers operating in Idlib yesterday…


S400 says otherwise !

klove and light

BREAKING: Russian MoD on Operation to Eliminate Baghdadi: No Airstrikes From US or Coalition in Idlib Have Been Registered in Recent Days

Russian MoD Does Not Have Reliable Information on US Operation in Syria to Neutralize Baghdadi

The Russian Ministry of Defence has announced that it does not have reliable information regarding the US operation in Idlib which allegedly resulted in the death of terrorist leader al-Baghdadi.
As US President Donald Trump has confirmed the death of Daesh* head al-Baghdadi, Russian military officials said they do not possess any reliable data regarding this matter.
“The Russian Defence Ministry has no reliable information about US servicemen conduction an operation to ‘yet another’ elimination of the former Daesh leader Abu Bark al-Baghdadi in the Turkish-controlled part of the Idlib deescalation zone”, ministry spokesman Maj.Gen. Igor Konashenkov said.
Earlier, Trump declared that al-Badhgadi allegedly “died after running into a dead-end tunnel, whimpering and crying and screaming all the way”, and boasted that the US personnel involved in the mission “were incredible”.
He also thanked Russia, claiming that the US forces had to fly through certain Russian-controlled areas to reach their target.
“Russia treated us great. They opened up – we had to fly over certain Russia-held areas. Russia was great”, Trump said.
The Russian Defence Ministry, however, stated that they are unaware of providing cooperation to US air units entering the airspace over the Idlib deescalation zone during that mission.
“No airstrikes performed by US aircraft or aircraft belonging to the so called ‘international coalition’ were detected on Saturday or during the following days”, a statement by Maj.Gen. Igor Konashenkov said.
Konashenkov also remarked that the reports of the terrorist leader’s alleged demise are unlikely to have any serious effect on the current situation in Syria.
“Since the moment of the final Daesh’s defeat at the hands of the Syrian government army supported by Russian Aerospace Forces in early 2018, yet another ‘death’ of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi does not have any strategic importance regarding the situation in Syria or the actions of the remaining terrorists in Idlib”, he said.
News of al-Baghdadi”s demise come after he was reported dead on several occasions in recent years, though none of the previous aforementioned reports were ever corroborated.
*Daesh, also known as ISIS or ISIL, is a terrorist organization outlawed in Russia.

The Saint

Interesting. Could this entire episode be merely theatre – a charade to rehabilitate Trump after the unmitigated disasters of the past couple of weeks?


Do you have a source for that? Or is this just really bad fake news?

jade villaceran

this is the 5th bodies of baghdadi eliminated, one from russia and 4 from the usa

The Saint

I think just watching Trump talk makes you lose IQ points.

It was interesting that Trump openly admitted that he intended to steal Syria’s oil. Previously there was a charade about preventing Isis from getting it etc., but during the Q&A he openly stated that the US should have the wealth, contrary to international law.

Ceasar Polar

Thug mentality. That is how Trump always did business, no regard to local laws, let alone international laws.


As of recent they say is to prevent oil falling into Iran’s hands.

The Saint

Russian Defense Ministry (from RIA):

▪️ The growing number of countries that allegedly took part in this “operation” raises reasonable questions and doubts about its reality, and moreover, its success

▪️ In recent days, no air strikes on the Idlib de-escalation zone have been recorded by US or international coalition

▪️ The Russian Federation is not aware of any assistance to American aviation into the airspace of the Idlib de-escalation zone

▪️The unnoticed stay of al-Baghdadi in the territory controlled by al-Nusra requires at least some direct evidence

▪️ This latest “death” of al-Baghdadi has absolutely no operational significance on the situation in Syria or on the actions of the remaining terrorists in Idlib

Hide Behind

Yup, they may of actually killed him this time, of course he could of shaved, and with a change of clothes, headed to his new quarters in US where under FBI Witness Protection Program he may took over ownership of a 7-11, or a Butcher Shop, we will.never be certain of anything but the uncertainty.
The dumb as cavemen with clubs of top leadership withi US military and governments top down nose up butt of a chain of commands and appointed Commanders of US governing mindset is realy so f’d up that they cannot understand that”mindsets of idealist” are not solely the property of a single individual, or need a singular person to lead it.
It boils over into alienating the various factions that reside within lands they invade, kill off any opposing voices of those who had respect of leadership qualities of each faction, and then , appoint the lowest of that countries lowlife and demand everyone must obey that person and their lackey employees.
The concept of martyrdom , other than as by US propaganda by todays appointed political party and their hack supporters or those who die in military uniforms, or as for profits from marketing gimmics, has no place in their group think.
In US and Europe where religion is but a for profit industry, selling soul protection via collection plate donations and State free policies, other than in US below Mason Dixon line where God only talks to Republicans and Christian Zionist, or is it they talk for IT, fanaticism and that mindsets actions are almost unknown.
They prefer All Americans pay for killing of infidels, less loss of collection plate revenues.

Prince Teutonic

Where did Hamburger-eaters come from? Incirlik Turkey or from Jordan?

Ceasar Polar

Turkey. He thanked them

Hanny Benny

turkey = REAL ISIS !!! (500 years of devsirme)


Well you guys should appreciate Trump that he thanked Russia instead of Israel



Exclusive: Russia says Bagdadi killing faked by US, part of new move against the region by Deep State (updating)
Russian intelligence says US moved Baghdadi to Iraq then faked his death. Is Baghdadi living with Epstein?
By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor – VETERANS TODAY


Despite the usual conspiracy-rabblings in the comments about Baghdadi being a ‘mossad agent’ etc, I for one am gonna give credit where credit’s due. This is good news, so stop being so damn nihilistic and paranoid.

1) Baghdadi’s death gives Trump another reason to further pull US troops out of Syria.
2) Trump was gracious enough to thank both Russia and Syria for their part in the raid (mutual goodwill).
3) Baghdadi hiding in Idlib helps confirm what we all knew about ISIS, HTS, NSA etc all being essentially the same organizations, just with different branding.
4) Morale-blow to remaining ISIS members.


I would like to agree with what your saying but I really only think this is just a temporary setback for Daesh. Baghdadi would’ve had a contingency plan especially for times like this knowing that he may eventually be captured or killed in which case a successor would automatically takes his place on the event of his death. We’ll probably find out in couple of days who this is and that person will then just carry on in Baghdadi’s footsteps as if nothing ever happened, no doubt calling for attacks to avenge Baghdadi’s death from Muslims across the world.


Are you kidding? The ISIS caliphate is no more, and Daesh is close to dead.
The Muslims will say: good riddance and be forever dead !


Yes, the caliphate is dead but the ideology remains and will continue to do so. How do you ‘destroy’ an ideology? And every single report from ‘experts’ I’ve read on this guys death are saying his demise probably won’t make any difference and attacks will still continue. Plus apparently, Daesh have even now elected a new leader, although I think that is to be taken with a pinch of salt at the moment!

Rodney Loder

It’s in most people’s interests to applaud this story, the total absurdity of its hypothesis and presentation seems to be overlooked, not to worry, have a lovely retirement Brother Baghdadi, same as al- Zawahiri who’s doing the same.

Credibility often depends on repetition.