Trump Agrees To Keep US Forces In Syria “Little Longer” – Reports

Trump Agrees To Keep US Forces In Syria “Little Longer” – Reports

FILE IMAGE: US-led forces at the border with Syria

On April 4, a senior US official revealed to Reuters news agency that US President Donald Trump had agreed, during a National Security Council meeting, to keep US troops in Syria a “little longer”. However, the official stressed that Trump did had not approved a specific withdrawal timetable yet.

“We’re not going to immediately withdraw but neither is the president willing to back a long-term commitment,” Reuters quoted the senior US official as saying.

Earlier, Director of US National Intelligence Dan Coats confirmed that a decision had been made on the future of US troops in Syria and said that the decision will be announced soon.

Commenting on these reports, the White House Office of the Press Secretary said in a press release that “the military mission to eradicate ISIS in Syria is coming to a rapid end.”

“We will continue to consult with our allies and friends regarding future plans,” the statement added.

The senior US official had told Reuters that Trump wants other countries in the region and the United Nations to join the US efforts in Syria. This confirms that the US wants its allies to join its troops on the ground in eastern Syria or at least to finance the the US presence there.

“Saudi Arabia is very interested in our decision, and I said, ‘Well, you know, you want us to stay, maybe you’re going to have to pay,” Trump said on April 3.

Syrian experts believe that the future of the US troops in Syria is still not clear. Currently, the US is searching new sources to fund its deployment there and to ease the impacts of the deployment on its allies, mainly Turkey, that wants a rapid US withdrawal from Syria.

Trump & U.S. Military Presence In Syria: To Withdraw Or Not To Withdraw

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jerry hamilton

We are all so shocked. We would never ever have expected this.


Lmao ??


I am so shocked that I am going out for an Indian Curry now.
It will be ‘The best curry in Christendom ‘ with a powerful, very powerful green pepper’.

The Saudis are paying.. :)


Trump will never leave Syria because Iraq, Afgahnistan, Japan and South Korea examples are there. Yes Trump will leave Syria if threaten by Putin, Iran, Turkey and Syria together.



This is absolutely true. I love the Putin efforts and Moscow Conference which will not allow any dog to take away any part of Syria from Syrian nation.

jerry hamilton

Yes. Washington also wanted regime change. Assad out and a CIA guy in.
I support Putin too.


I think the “DEEP STATE” had a little chat with him….. (just a wild guess of me, no sources)

Joe Dirt

I get a good laugh of people who actually believe in the “DEEP STATE” :D :D


Okay some Folks who rule the World from the Shadows… because they don’t want to be recognised when the shit hits the Fan… they know their History…

This is their Praetorian Guard sort of…them is smart people…their structure very old…, they keep their wisdom a secret… to be on top of all peoples… and rule over them like the Gods

jerry hamilton

Mate. Dirt is real dirt. Ignore him.


I know…but he was asking for a little attention….always in for a little chat Bro…:)

Joe Dirt

Like I said before, I get a good laugh of people who actually believe in the “DEEP STATE” :D :D :D

jerry hamilton

Fuck off

jerry hamilton

Fuck right off

jerry hamilton

Sources. JFK was trying to make the Jews register their jewish lobby as a foreign body.
They refused. Days later he was dead.

John Mason

Not wrong Jerry, devastating news, type of news that can justify suicide…….


You never believe the biggest liar Trumo , invalid duck , without his own decision !!


Washington and EU first injected terrorists in Syria and Iraq to create safe zones for Washington forces and then Washington and EU have injected their forces in both countries. Washington and EU want to make Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Yemen more like Palestine type countries. Where Muslims will be slaughtered without mercy.


Russians do something good in Syria , because EU,USA and NATO , are very nervous . from this reason sanctions,Novicok and diplomats out !


You got it……:)


The Saudis have been bankrolling this war on Syria all along.

jerry hamilton

Yes but not on their own. They have had a lot of help from the West.


You are quite right, the Qatar PM revealed the US, Saudis and Qatar have spent 132 billion dollars on this war against Syria.


There is going to be an effort, that the Syrian government coalition needs to discourage, to engage in a burden sharing effort in the 30% of Syria under US control, by adding additional outside military and financial support to the US effort east of the river and on the Jordan border. As part of a nation building secession attempt to partition Syria and keep the Syrian war going for the evil Jews for as long as possible.

The end of interior pockets west of the river is in sight. And once that’s done, the border pockets without US air cover on the Golan and Turkish borders are going to face the same type of overwhelming fire power that the interior pockets faced. And they’re not going to be able to hold out long, even with supplies and reinforcements coming across the borders, which without air cover will be interdicted on an as needed basis once they’re identified as being non civilian targets.

A simmering guerrilla war east of the river appears to be picking up steam. And there’s no doubt that Syrian government coalition special operations commando forces are engaged in extensive activities there. This coupled with the Syrian government strengthening it’s footprint on the east side of the river in Dier Ezzor and elsewhere. And upgrading transportation infrastructure like roads and bridges to support full scale military operations on the eastern front. Will contribute to making the secession effort increasingly untenable.

There is also the very real possibility that the Turks will continue their push east along the northern border overrunning Kurdish majority population centers on the border within a Turkish buffer DMZ 20 miles deep into northern Syria. Thereby depriving the Kurds of a majority in any of the area east of the river that their Mossad masters want for setting up Israelistan. This would leave all of the remaining area south of the DMZ with non Kurd majorities who will be looking for Mossad agents to string up in the town square. Rather than becoming Jew ethnic cleansing victims.


There are twice as many Jews living in New York, than all the Kurds living in Syria.
Maybe the UN should invade New York, and give them a homeland?


That’s nonsensical, what’s your point?

jerry hamilton

RichardD is not on our side.


What side are you on?

Travis Kelso

Maybe you should show the Alawite area’s too?


Why is that?


Are you missing the point?
“The senior US official had told Reuters that Trump wants other countries in the region and the United Nations to join the US efforts in Syria. This confirms that the US wants its allies to join its troops on the ground in eastern Syria or at least to finance the the US presence there.”
This means that usa can no longer maintain their troops in Syria and Trump wants reinforcement and financial support. This is not a good news. Either it comes to an end after their withdrawal or it intensifies.

northerntruthseeker .

Absolutely.. That is why the fucking French are now in the fray and moving in even more forces…

Reports are now coming out that the goddamn frogs are now moving in Raqqa as well!


We’ll see how they survive in this.


Exactly, the US is in deep financial trouble, but because it can manipulate the markets, and controls most of the global press, the problem is hidden.

Joe Dirt

please share your economic experience with us all.

My 401K/investments in the US says the USA is doing very well! :D :D :D

jerry hamilton

Piss off

jerry hamilton

They got France in.

Joe Dirt

Trump has been campaigning for years on the idea of NATO piggy backing off the USA. Now that Trump is POTUS, he is requiring all NATO countries join in the fight.

jerry hamilton

Sod off


…..because the exceptional, almighty, democratic usa army is not able to win against SAA.
I get it, don’t worry. The whole world can see it.
And by the way, Trump was singing one song before election regarding nato, once elected he changed the tune, now … if this is not a sign of weakness and desperation I don’t know what it is.


Great points. The electorate supports America First, the Jew swamp is repulsed by it.

Joe Dirt

USA is not a democracy it’s a Republic! get your facts straight before you start spewing worthless shit out of your mouth. :D

BTW how many World Wars have the SAA won? ZERO!

Winners of Syrian Civil War Russia, USA, Turkey, and Israel! :D :D


Thank for the laugh! I needed it. Of course, usa is a republic, on paper. In reality, usa is a business entity acting as a mercenary army on behalf of israhell. It is not a state, it is not a democracy or republic, it is just the “honey pot” for israhell. No one needs the import of american democracy!
BTW, SAA is not a war loving monster and they should be very proud that so far they have not participated in such barbarism but they are winning now so I would say that their debut is very successful! And no, usa and israhell are not winners, it has been very tough on them but I don’t feel sorry for them. They will get what they deserve in due time.

Joe Dirt

Typical response from a low IQ individual.

Jim Prendergast

U.S. troops are illegally occupying Syrian land. Syrians are tolerating them while they wipe-out the other groups. Their time will come.

northerntruthseeker .

WHY am I not shocked by this “announcement” at all? The criminal US will stay in Syria until they FORCE their illegal “regime change” which they have been aiming for since THEY created the entire “Syrian civil war” in the first place!

A “little longer” is doublespeak for “as long as we feel like it”…..


Jews are 2% of the US population and 35% of the 1%. And they use that money to control the media, government, academia, finance and society to their advantage and the disadvantage of the exploited host population.


CNN, NBC, NYT. All Jews.

Joe Dirt

Hate the Jews?


Hate the truth about Jew crime and evil?

They are the most persecuted, expelled and genocided group of people in history for obvious reasons for anyone familiar with their evil and crimes. Those of the state of Israel being a clear example. Judaism should be outlawed.

Joe Dirt

yup you’re a Nazi

jerry hamilton

Fuck off you silly jew.

Joe Dirt

typical low IQ response! :D :D

jerry hamilton

You really don’t get it. You shits are hated.

Joe Dirt

The Jews maybe hated, BUT doesn’t make your IQ any higher! :D :D
Thanks for trying to have an intelligent conversation.


Being a truther doesn’t make me a Nazi, but your false accusations make you a liar and truth hater.

Joe Dirt

“Judaism should be outlawed.”
“Satanic Jew faces of evil”
“criminally insane Jew world order”
“Jews are 2% of the US population….They’re a parasitical disease.”

First step towards acceptance is getting over your denial. Just accept it dick you’re a Nazi!


The problem that you have is that all of that it is true and supportable with verifiable credible evidence. What’s also true is that Jews are the most persecuted, expelled and genocided miscreants in history. And those are some of the reasons for it

Telling it like it is doesn’t make me a Nazi. Objecting to and rejecting the truth about Jew crime and evil as you do. Makes you an evil Jew pedophile mass rape cult supporter. People like you are part of the problem.

I condemn crimes against humanity. You applaud and support them.

Joe Dirt

All you do is spout Anti Semitic hate speech about the Jews. There are other groups of people in the world today who commit crimes, but i don’t hear you condemning them.

If you don’t like being called a Nazi then stop acting like one! :D


More lies from an evil Jew baby raper supporter. I condemn all crimes against humanity and regularly criticize non Jews. Which you’re well aware of having read as much of my work as you have.


Your sick and twisted definition of a Nazi is someone who tells the truth about the Jew crime and evil that you’re clearly a miscreant supporter of. You’re really sick in the head with a criminal mindset.


This is the perverted Orwellian world that you live in from all of your Talmud rabbinical cult brain washing, it must suck.

Joe Dirt

New Nazi slogan?


I suppose that I shouldn’t be surprised that a Jew pedophile supporter like you with their mind in the gutter has sick obsession with Nazis, given your evil cult’s long and criminal collaboration with them:

– The Zionist-Nazi Collaboration –

Joe Dirt

WTF kind of BS are you reading?! ohh wait I know NAZISM! :D :D :D
No one likes a Nazi RIchardD you should stop now.


Then disprove it if you can, you can’t, so you won’t even try. You’re the one with the Nazi obsession whose a Jew pedo supporter.

Joe Dirt

“””””The Jews are the biggest antisemites…..”””””

Dick do you know the definition of Anti Semite?

You can’t call the Jews Anti Semites! LOL :D


The Palestinians are Semites, your average Jew has little or no semetic blood in their veins compared to the Palestinians. Who the Jew criminals victimize every day. That’s real antisemitism.

Joe Dirt

LOL :D :D :D :D are you trying to make up your down definition?

Let be pull out my RichardD Dictionary…..

Anti Semite – The Palestinians are Semites, your average Jew has little or no semetic blood in their veins compared to the Palestinians. Who the Jew criminals victimize every day. That’s real antisemitism.

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Joe Dirt

Son you just went full retard!!!!! :D YOU keep referring the Jews to being Anti- Semite!!!!! LOL Semite Vs Anti-Semite LOL :D :D

Definition of anti-Semitic
: relating to or characterized by anti-Semitism : feeling or showing hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a cultural, racial, or ethnic group


Your refusal to recognize the Palestinians as being far more Semitic than the Jews, and the Jew’s indisputable victimization of the Palestinians is your problem. So whose the retard, retard?

jerry hamilton

Fuck off jew troll.

Joe Dirt

poor jerry why you crying?

jerry hamilton

Fuck off idiot jew troll

Joe Dirt

typical low IQ response! :D :D :D

jerry hamilton

Nasty smell. Did someone fart?


Just a little longer, only 10 or 20 years.
Never believe anything Trump says, he is a compulsive liar.


“Saudi Arabia is very interested in our decision, and I said, ‘Well, you
know, you want us to stay, maybe you’re going to have to pay,” Trump
said on April 3.
So…. the Saudis are accepting blackmail?
And American troops are now just mercenaries.


The Americans extort money from most countries.
The Koreans and Japanese have to pay Uncle Samuel to be occupied, Australia pays over a billion a year for 600 US marines it tried very hard not to accept.
The US encouraged Saddam to invade Kuwait, then made the Kuwaitis pay for the US to kick out the Iraqis.
The US military is mostly funded by other countries, they make you pay them to kill you, what a racket.


“The US military is mostly funded by other countries”

You’re a moron, show us the math with links that proves your idiocy. Any money that the US receives is minuscule compared to what US taxpayers are paying.


I’m curious ….. where do you think the money comes from for the US to pay $1B a day every day for the INTEREST on the national debt?

…. Not the capital, that $21 Trillion, you aren’t paying that but you are (because you have to) paying the interest. That One Bil per Day – before you pay your bloated military and crumbling infrastructure, your food stamps and horrific medical care, before you build bridges, repair roads, catch criminals or put out fires – where does the money for that INTEREST come from?


Taxes, deficit borrowing and money printing.


Uh hub – now think what you could do with a $1b a day every day – if wasn’t …. smoke. Interest to sustain unsustainable debt.


What does any of this have to do with your idiotic conspiracy theory that the US is making money on these Jew world order foreign military adventures and occupations that are bankrupting the US?


All crossborder trade generates a transaction fee to turn currency into US dollars – and back again where one of the borders crossed is not the USA. Eg. Oz buys lamb from NZ. (9% either way.)
REAL Whoopdeedoo “money for nothing!”

Now Russia and China and some more sidekicks are making deals in “own currencies” (they pay themselves instead of the US.) China also cut their fee to 5% to make it more attractive to other countries. And that was before China created the petroyuan-convertible-to-gold….

You really think that trade war brewing is about “intellectual rights” huh?


You didn’t answer the question and clearly aren’t interested in having a rational debate about your idiotic conspiracy theory. So you’re trying to change the subject again.


…… Exactly – how STUPID are you??


“”The US military is mostly funded by other countries”

You’re a moron, show us the math with links that proves your idiocy. Any money that the US receives is minuscule compared to what US taxpayers are paying.”

This is the comment that you responded to and are unable to support with a rational argument and credible verifiable evidence. Because you can’t because it’s not true. Your false allegations don’t make me stupid. But they do make you an idiot, liar, loser and truth hater.


Two things….
1. Just oil – nevermind the rest of world trade – is valued at approx. $14T. …. Do the mats – 9% times 2.

2. Look again – I didn’t say that.


Are you now withdrawing your support for that comment and agreeing that I’m correct?


You really are as stupid as you appear to be.


More evasion from a loser who supports lies and can’t prove his points with rational arguments and credible verifiable evidence of the type that I provide everyday. You’re the one whose making a fool out of themselves, not me.


Twaddle about “criminally insane Jew world order foreign military adventures and occupations that are bankrupting the US” is YOUR idiotic conspiracy theory – not mine.


Look up the definition of Jerk in the dictionary, and then look in the mirror to see what one looks like.


Why? I’m looking at one right here.
Name-calling says you know you’ve lost.
On the upside – it means you’re at least bright enough to understand that.


It’s an accurate description of what you are.


PS. Of course other countries (you call them “your allies”) are funding your military – think about it.

You really think Poland needs an anti-ballistic missile shield 300 miles from Moscow? Any missiles coming in would obliterate them before they have time to think to push any buttons. So why did they give the US $46B for a missile shield (1) they can’t use and (2) that’s useless against Russian missiles anyway – and double useless since Putin’s March 1 hypersonic speech? And ditto for South Korea/Japan.

Look at Saudi Arabia. Not two years ago, on his way out, Obama signed a $300+B arms contract with them – runs for 10 years. The US has just signed another $100B contract with them and now Trump says to them – If you want us to stay in Syria you have you have to PAY US TO. How long do you think before the Saudis say – “Phuck you mate – you’re bleeding us dry!”

Do remember that just last year they were jailing their rich folk in hotels to screw ’em for “taxes” because the state needed the money.

As for your 1000 military bases in 100+ countries – you think the US taxpayer is paying for all of those? – – – Well, taxpayers are paying for them – just not American ones.


Please post links and figures supported by them to show where the foreign countries are paying for more than a minuscule part of what the US taxpayer is paying to protect them. Weapons sales don’t count.

You won’t be able to, because what you’re alleging is baseless. Your arguments to the contrary unsupported by credible evidence are meaningless.


Of course weapons sales count – you dumbed-down Yankee twot!
This whole idea that “America is protecting them” is pure …. advertising!


No they don’t count. That money goes to defense contractors, not the government. And if they weren’t buying the weapons from the US they’d be buying them from somebody else.

The monies paid by governments to the US government for security is minuscule compared to what the US government pays. You’re trying to change the subject because you can’t prove otherwise. So whose the idiot, idiot?


Okay so they plan to leave somewhere in between “soon” and the end of time. Good to know…

I love Iran because they have strengthen their national defence against Zionists.
Iran test-fires SOUMAR Land Attack Cruise Missile with 2500 Km range.
Iran successfully test-fires S-300 missile system

According to the sources available,
Iran produces a variety of nuclear ballistic missiles with ranges from 70Km to 2500Km,
Cruise missiles with ranges from 20Km to 2500Km, air defence missile systems 4Km to 300Km range.
Iran also produces independently nuclear power plants with 40 MWe to 1200 MWe and nuclear weapons. The total number of nuclear warheads with Iran are 36 which have already fixed on 36 long range nuclear missiles for defence purpose because Zionist Israel and Zionist led Washington and Zionist led EU all the time threatening Iran. The missile and nuclear program of Iran is better than Pakistan.


Looks impressive but so far none of their arsenals are being used in real life conditions in Syria.

More likely not that real ….


These guys talked as though Syria is free game for all to join. They can do as they wish and as I said it will get worse where any country within their alliance can do what they please.

Assad as usual is dead silent as his country is being becoming free game to all .

Gosh …

jerry hamilton

Assad is trying to play safe. What would you have him do?


Just short on top of his voice in protests rather than being silent.

Silence means consent if you do not already know.

Now it’s Russia and Iran , guests of Syria that’s making some noise

The owner keeps quiet

jerry hamilton

Putin is often silent. You want to mess with him?


Who is taking about Putin?


The US is holding the parts of Syria, that the proposed Iranian gas pipeline to Europe would have to traverse.The US plan is to force Europe to buy American gas.

All wars are about money.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Not all the parts, Al-Tanf is the key to an invasion that will give them everything they want though, and the so called pocket of Isis in Hama and Deir ez-Zor, will be the means.

jerry hamilton

Everyone here. If you get a post from Joe Dirt , ignore the little shit.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Just a little longer, that translates into, just until we start our surprise invasion that no one knows is coming.

jerry hamilton

There are some really sick jewish trolls trying to underestimate us.please don’t take them on.

Ariel Cohen

Pitiful isn’t it? A lame duck President who is constantly pushed and bullied by the earth’s bully cabal…the Zionazis


Es admirable cómo has logrado sintetizar información tan compleja en un formato accesible sin sacrificar la profundidad del contenido.

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