Troubled IAEA Mission To The Zaporozhie NPP


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Troubled IAEA Mission To The Zaporozhie NPP

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Troubled IAEA Mission To The Zaporozhie NPP
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Troubled IAEA Mission To The Zaporozhie NPP

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On the eve of the visit of the IAEA mission to the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, the Armed Forces of Ukraine attempted to launch a counteroffensive in the Kharkov region. On September 1, units of the Ukrainian 14th Mechanized Brigade were defeated in the area of Russian Tishki, losing up to 50 servicemen. Another attempt to counter attack was reported near Russian Lozovaya, where Ukrainian forces also suffered losses and retreated.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine suspended attempts to break through the Russian defenses almost along the entire front line in the south of the country. The pause is likely due to large losses which are disproportionate to modest achievements on the battlefields. Currently, the Ukrainian command is pulling together additional forces to carry out another offensive attempt to expand the control zone, primarily near the villages of Kostromka and Vysokopolye.

On the morning of September 1, a few hours before the visit of the IAEA mission to the Zaporozhye NPP, Kiev attempted to seize the station.

Two sabotage groups with a total number of up to 60 servicemen landed on the coast, three kilometers north-east of the NPP. The saboteurs were blocked by units of the National Guard and the Armed Forces of Russia. An hour later, the second attempt of the landing by two self-propelled barges heading from Nikopol was prevented. As a result of the fire damage, both Ukrainian watercraft were sunk.

Before the arrival of the international mission, the city of Energodar and the station itself were subjected to another artillery shelling. As a result, one of the two operating power units of the station was stopped.

Kiev’s efforts did not disrupt the short visit of the IAEA. The UN positively assessed Russia’s actions to protect the group of international inspectors.

The head of the IAEA, Rafael Grossi, has not yet given precise comments on the results of the mission, saying that he saw ‘the key issues’. Some of the mission staff remained at the station.

The head of the international organization was handed a letter signed by more than 20 thousand residents of the Zaporozhie region. They appealed to the world community demanding to stop the shelling of the NPP by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Rafael Grossi promised that their appeal would be heard.

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hunter bidé lab pork !

Klauz is trying to F Klauz and be a really Nazi Parazite Pig in the end the anus of Klauz is going to Explode with Dynamite or Psico Bugs or Bouth !!! Heill Psico Pedo Klauz the stupid pig !!!!


While I’m suspicious of the group I don’t see how they can put Russia down here, we’ll expect the worst and hope for the best!

AM Hants

I thought the same with the chemical weapons, over in Syria, they tried to blame on Russia and Syria. The staged hospital images, and Russia even had witness statements from those who were at the scene. Yet, the UN had no problem with the fake report, that came from a team that was sponsored by 13 members, with a vested interest in the Syrian War.

OSCE Joint Investigative Mechanism – funded by the EU, and the nations that also fund The White Helmets, provided that report. You even had an image of a gas cylinder used, that came from Ukraine and the labelling was written in English, that the UN ignored.

Syria, the UN confirmed and signed off the fact that they had given up their chemical weapons. Ironically handed over to the US, and shipped out on a US military vessel. Russia, again the UN confirmed and and signed off the fact that they had also given up all their Chemical Weapons. The US has yet to do this. They can supply hundreds of bio-weapon labs, around the world, including numerous labs in Ukraine, but, they cannot afford to give up their chemical weapons. The same US that is the most vocal, of projecting their crimes on others.

Hawaii guy

The real “trouble” would be humanity finding out nuclear power is a massive scam.


they will not say who did the shelling the UN and Nuclear watchdog is NOTHING BUT LAPDOGS TO THE USA and they will say they are not certain who has been shelling the plant. Long Live Russia and the Donbass forces onwards to Odessa and push the Ukraine NAZIS out of range of the plant and landlock the Ukraine NAZIS before taking the rest of Ukraine and annexing back into Russia =Z=

AM Hants

Have you heard about the Ukraine Kherson Counter Offensive, that went with what happened yesterday? Allegedly, the have got themselves caught up in another cauldron, and over 10,000 stuck in it, with no way out and no supplies in.

‘…Huge Ukrainian Pocket Encircled | Kherson Counter Offensive Update [Ukraine War Map Analysis]…’


The Uke govt does things for media foto opportunities, not to create logical outcomes on the ground … what else could one expect from a former comic and his hollywierd production staff ? They are also insanely reckless tyrants. We used to call such freaks ” atomic playboys “.

NATO = North Atlantic Terrorist Organization

Dont put your hope up guys .. all these UN investigator are bought and paid for the the UN. The UN must be disband NATO and the US are controlling the UN long ago.

Lesco Brandon

I have as much faith in the IAEA as I have in the opcw. They are bought and paid for by the Yanks.


Bad idea letting western scum remain at the plant.
Nothing good can or will come of it.
Sorry if that hurts anybody’s feelings.


Whoever reads the report on the Zaporozhye NPP must learn how to pronounce “nuclear”.


Lets face facts the only reason Ukraine is even to shoot anything is because Russia REFUSES to take this operation seriously.

In 6 months NOT ONE ROAD or RAIL BRIDGE across the Dneiper River has been TAKEN OUT.

The UAF are able to move around freely able to marshal and move any amount of forces where they want.

In 1942 Nazi Germany (with HORSE DRAWN ARTILLERY )was able to capture Ukraine including BOTH Crimea and the Donbas region ………………… 28 days !!!


Lets play a game word association what does IAEA have in common with the following countries

Iraq : IAEA is after the 1991 Gulf War is allowed lead the disarmament of Iraqi Nuclear Weapons yet the US /UK claim that the country has prohibited weapons which was the Causus Belli for the 2003 invasion Note that the U.S. used ALL the “inspected” locations as landmark wave points for the invasion

Libya : IAEA in early 2000’s also “inspects ” Libya Nuclear programs leading to disarmament and what happens in 2011 ??? NATO uses the inspected sites as wave point markers for bombing missions

Iran : IAEA Inspectors are allowed to inspect sites in the country as part of the larger JCPOA agreement one of those sites would later be cyber attacked

Now name a country that in spite of the FACT that it’s a PROVEN violator of multiple International protocols regarding the proliferation of Nuclear and Radiological materials
that the IAEA NEVER INSPECTS …………………………..ISRAEL !!!

Russia had better DROP this Pan-Slavism BULLSHIT get a little more SERIOUS dealing with these Ukrainians

billy anus-bean

amerikans are troubled anus—-remove them from UN declare north amerika a lower primate zoo


Why does South Front delete comments ??? But openly leave RACIST ones on pages ???


WW3 is coming. When we see Paris burning we’ll know it’s getting close:


Why would this be the sign ???


Here’s a question you guys provide the answers :

Would the US STOP a military operation so that the UN could inspect a location ???

swedish retail military academy

IKEA found nuclear dildo in jens anus—now in quarantine w ex husband Tommy Sawyer
