Tragedy In Kherson: Dozens Civilians Killed in Ukrainian Strike On Local Shop

Tragedy In Kherson: Dozens Civilians Killed in Ukrainian Strike On Local Shop

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At least 22 civilians were killed in Ukrainian strikes targeting the village of Sadovoe in Russia’s Kherson Region. A nine-year-old child was killed among the victims of the attack.

According to Kherson Region, Governor Vladimir Saldo, the strike hit a small shop in a residential area. When locals rushed to aid the victims of the first strike, a second one hit the same area.

Moreover, at least 15 people were also injured in the strike, Saldo added. Five of them are currently in “critical condition.” The shop was full of customers at the time of the attack.

According to Saldo, Kyiv’s forces first used a guided bomb to strike the shop before hitting the same area with a US-made M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) multiple rocket launcher.

Photos from the site of the attack show the destroyed local shop, civilian cars and an ambulance vehicle dispatched to the scene:

Tragedy In Kherson: Dozens Civilians Killed in Ukrainian Strike On Local Shop

Tragedy In Kherson: Dozens Civilians Killed in Ukrainian Strike On Local Shop

Tragedy In Kherson: Dozens Civilians Killed in Ukrainian Strike On Local ShopTragedy In Kherson: Dozens Civilians Killed in Ukrainian Strike On Local ShopTragedy In Kherson: Dozens Civilians Killed in Ukrainian Strike On Local Shop

June 9 and June 10 were declared the days of mourning in Kherson region.


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Conan M

a “double tap” personified. and perfected over many, many horrific years of u.s. military warfare post 9/11.

got made in the u.$.$.a. written all over it.

time to put the western half of the neighbor “to bed”!


something to pay, for ukropian nazis…

the clock ticks, nonrest assured for foreign ukronazi clowns…

Conan M

i said “bed” when i meant eternal rest…

russia needs to be using it’s humint like it’s never used it before to “double” and “triple tap” anything nato inside the western half of ukraine.

Last edited 9 months ago by Conan M

“prime minister of slovakia: allowing ukraine to attack russia with western weapons is aimed at escalating the conflict”



the ukrop nazis will pay for this.


they won’t pay, they haven’t since 2014 and before. whenever rus captures any of these nzi b*strds pooty baby hands them back to n*to to stay sweet with usa.

rus is in thrall to the west and prefers to organise brics events, spief etc, but not fight for territory.

incapable of defending its own citizens and borders, rus cares about its relationship with usa/eu and its own oligarchs; but not its people.

jens holm

you still get it.

you even write ukriane is well supported. thanks for your realisme and support 🦆🦆🦆

History's Non-Mysteries

ukraine’s government was installed by a violent coup d’etat planned by the u.s and executed by ukraine’s extreme far right and was clearly illegal under international law.

all the world knows it. nothing will ever change that fact, no matter how hard western propagandists try.

jens holm

hard for them. they are very few.

jens holm

i like all nazi–especially amerikan

jens holm

0 id and not me


moron ….. and you always have been


i’m willing to bet these civilians were killed by nato forces. there aren’t enough actual ukrainians left to pull even one trigger.


yes, in any case, nato is providing the weapons for free, paying the wages of the troops and government, giving orders about what can be targeted or not – ukraine at this point has become little more than a mercenary army paid by nato to attack russia.


‘ukraine at this point has become little more than a mercenary army..’

ukr violently declared itself as a 100% murikan owned fascist puppet state in 2014. its 1940s nzi roots never went away, and so it proved to be easily bought and corrupted by the mic, blackrock, nuland, biden etc.

jens holm

you still get it.

you even write ukriane is well supported. thanks for your realisme and support


again a busy shop was targeted so they found a method and will continue. never forget the enemies are the children of the fuhrer. pure evil.

Last edited 9 months ago by thewhiterose
Kyivian Cesspit

they target our soldiers. we target their civilians. it’s the american way.

Last edited 9 months ago by Kyivian Cesspit

cominciano a non piacermi gli avvertimenti di putin ( parola di marinaio ) quando dice che farà pagare il prezzo dei morti a chi fornisce gli esplosivi per bombardare la russia. sarà bene, anzi produttivo per il presidente russo cominciare a dare seguito ai tanti avvertimenti che finora hanno infinocchiato sia russi che chi sta al suo fianco in europa.

Kyivian Cesspit

we are banking on russia’s reluctance to target our civilians in retaliation. that’s why we’ve used them as human shields for 10 years.

our plan (as explained to us by american advisers) is to kill as many civilians as possible and eventually force russia to capitulation. it’s the same plan the americans used in serbia in 1999, so it’s nothing new. they just pulled it off the shelf and dusted it off.

Last edited 9 months ago by Kyivian Cesspit
crispy xo-xols on abrams

yes, folks, this is how the nazis in kiev are winning the ‘hearts and minds’ in kherson, by killing unarmed civilians including women and children.

Kyivian Cesspit

our only goal is to win the hearts and minds of our western allies by killing unarmed civilians including women and children.

crispy xo-xols on abrams

and where is the russian retaliation? damn now i am very angry with the kreml

gestapo mctrucktaco

krispy kentucky fried idiot, wait for it..


is their any difference between american proxies and zionist isrealis.


yeah, they differ in the amounts of counterfeit dollars being laundered, and the fake labels they parade under, usually they have zionist or nato commanders in proxy cross dress, which also differs, but they always seem to get the same new boots, like the fake hamas guys, for their photo ops.


this was very deliberate using the first attack on a civilian shop full of people and following up with a second bombing knowing that rescue services would be trying to recover injured. this is a war crime!

gestapo mctrucktaco

and bob’s ur uncle..

Magilla Mozilla

war criminals are national heroes in ukraine. they build monuments and name roads for them.


war crimes, made in usa, exported to the free world…

The West Is The Best

russia is war criminal. case closed. west must destroy russian fascism.
