Originally appeared at ZeroHedge
In a shocking display of toxic masculinity – daring to call out ‘unequal’ treatment of sexes (however many of them there are today) – a German town’s effort to prevent sexual violence has seen it hauled to court by a man who claims its ‘woman-only’ parking spaces are discriminatory.
RT reports that Dominik Bayer, 25, from North Rhine-Westphalia, appeared at a hearing at the Administrative Court in Munich, Bavaria, on Wednesday saying:
“I feel discriminated against as a man.”
Bayer argued that he is fighting for “equal rights for men and women” because the signs were not only discriminatory against men, they were also offensive to women by implying they “are weaker,” reports Spiegel.
Legal representatives for the town argued that the signs are needed for women’s safety as the car park is near a retirement home where many women work.
“We did it purely for security reasons, because it’s statistically proven that women are more likely to be victims of [sexually] violent crime than men,” said Hans Bittl, head of the legal department in Eichstätt.
But, Bayer countered that men can also be victims of violent crimes:
“The city does not come to mind that even men can become victims of violence… There are also small and weaker men.”
A compromise was found in the end that meant the town officials were ordered to change the wording of the signs to make it clear that the reservation is only a recommendation, and not a legal rule.
“The defense of individual rights has reached such extremes as to make society as a whole defenseless. Destructive and irresponsible freedom has been granted boundless space. Society appears to have little defense against the abyss of human decadence. To such consciousness, man is the touchstone in judging and evaluating everything on earth. Imperfect man, who is never free of pride, self-interest, envy, vanity, and dozens of other defects. We are now experiencing the consequences of mistakes which had not been noticed at the beginning of the journey”
Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Lawyers. “woman security” and bla bla bla. Do we need to say more?
Positive discrimination is still discrimination. And in a way its fun to see the PC crowd come up with creative bullshit to justify the injustice that they want to perform. As if when racists laws were introduced in the past, segregation in the US, apartheid in South Africa, the legislators came out and said that they were evil bastards who wanted to kick down blackie! Of course not, they too packaged it in well meaning words and supposedly good intentions. Similarly with the Nazis when they introduced anti-Jewish laws. It’s always supposedly for the good of all and best intentions.
Fucking hypocrites all of them!
Thankfully for now in the hands of skilled lawyers the laws that have been crafted to give equal rights to women and minorities can also be used to work in favor of white men. A slight oversight. Expect that to be rectified soon.
“Legal representatives for the town argued that the signs are needed for women’s safety as the car park is near a retirement home where many women work.”
Well tackle the real problem then Germany, kick out all the gimps that Merkel invited in.
Well said. Stupid Germans can’t see the wood for the trees.
So maybe you could write on the sign that “priority to the employees of the retirement home” or even “retirement home’s exclusive parking” and be done, But I think that retirement home was not the initial intention, just a later excuse.
They think having mix bathrooms is fine but women need protection for a parking spot?
Well, I too think some women need every protection they can get in a parking lot, at least these do: