Tisza Turned Into Death River For Ukrainians Fleeing Mobilisation In Ukraine

Tisza Turned Into Death River For Ukrainians Fleeing Mobilisation In Ukraine

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On May 6 alone, 6 Ukrainians died at the Ukrainian border, trying to escape from mobilization. 6 bodies of drowned Ukrainians were found during the day in the Tisza River on the border between Ukraine and Romania.

Four of the dead were found on the territory of Ukraine, two more on the territory of Romania. One of the victims recently turned 20 years old.

Tisza Turned Into Death River For Ukrainians Fleeing Mobilisation In Ukraine

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Tisza Turned Into Death River For Ukrainians Fleeing Mobilisation In Ukraine

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According to Ukrainian media, hundreds of men attempt to escape from Ukraine every day across the Tisza River alone; while this is only one of the routes used by the Ukrainians to escape from the country. The total number of men who managed to escape from Ukraine in various ways already amounts to about a million people. The Ukrainian authorities attempt to threaten the population, publishing frightening news about failed fugitives drowned in the rivers, frozen in the mountains or even eaten by wild animals; if they were not caught by border guards trying to illegally cross the border.


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damn you judeo-banderite junta, damn you fashington! by the way, narcofuhrer is wanted now together with poroshenko, bloody pastor turchinov and some other criminals. of course they won’t be imprisoned or calibrated soon, but it does mean no negotiations with junta.


what imbecility! you don’t even know what you’re writing antonio!!! go study a bit more before you write shit!!! bunch of ignoramuses!!! don’t kid yourselves, jews are not enemies!!!! unless you’re one of the devils. never forget this maxim!!!! long live israel and russia! it’s as simple as that.

Guy Metdrapedes

why doesn’t the 7 billion on this planet take on the 15 million who own them?

the Hedonist

there you go, your “western values” like freedom, democracy and human rights

Last edited 10 months ago by the Hedonist
jens holm

i worship money—if you worship dollar you can enter sacred church amerikunt bank and gay bank manager will forgive your sin


it still is a better option to try to cross the river. few people out of hundreds drown, but in the frontline most of them die. and in the most horrible ways.

Crocus Shooting Gallery

the cowards fate…real ukrainians stand and die while killing orcs…

South Front Is Pure Joke

your first sensible comment of all time.

after all, you are a little smarter than your one-legged dog

👆 🥇 🤔 🏤 🌐 🕰 .

⏮ 🌐 , 👆 🐥 🙃 🌘 👆 1⃣ – 🎀 🐕

Sylvester the Cat

‘real’ ukrainians run around with swastikas and other symbols of democracy tattooed on every free space on their skin.


asa o sa. patim si noi dupa alegeri. de asta data ne vom inghesui sa trecem dunarea in bulgaria sa scapam de a fi trimiși pe front, de mociolacu si mociuca, sa luptam pt nue.
nue ne vrea vulnerabili sau morti. termoizolarea blocurilor cu poleiala de polistiren duc apt in clasa maxima de risc la foc. firmele de asigurari coteaza apt din blocurile poleite cu polistiren in clasa maxima la foc.


nu uitați de generalii armatei romane cu picioare in gips. nu uitați ca n pandemie in 2020 armata romana a scos hummerul la piata unirii in bucuresti cu mitraliera 0.50 browning sa ne arate cat de mult ne respecta.armata romana e despre coruptie, salarii, si pensii fara contributivitate si sa traga in civili si babe. si mai ales sa si omoare conducătorii.


bouhanis azi, miercuri : va da p at riot clovnului. exact armata romana tradatoare de neam si tara. doar hummerul cu browningul nu era intamplator in piata unirii in 2020 in pandemie.


valores occidentales cristianos frente al volchevismo del este, jajajjaaj nazis podridos


not very good, men dying not wanting to fight and dye, as cannon fodder. would rather except their fate in the river.

Sylvester the Cat

no nation every built a viable army from draft dodgers. this is ukraine’s last gasp.


what imbecility! you don’t even know what you’re writing antonio!!! go study a bit more before you write shit!!! bunch of ignoramuses!!! don’t kid yourselves, jews are not enemies!!!! unless you’re one of the devils. never forget this maxim!!!! long live israel and russia! it’s as simple as that.

Sylvester the Cat

it doesn’t look like much of a river to me. are we sure they weren’t shot while crossing by the gestapo?


cold water, fast stream. but you’re right, they could be shot. 6 for 1 day is too much.