Timely Death Of Political Corpse Navalny: Сui Bono?

Timely Death Of Political Corpse Navalny: Сui Bono?

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On February 16, Alexei Navalny, widely known as a Russian opposition politician, died in the colony in Siberia. The official cause of death has not yet been announced, the investigation is ongoing; but the West has already apointed its culprit. 

According to official reports from the colony, the prisoner suddenly felt ill during a walk. Navalny “almost immediately lost consciousness,” medical workers were sent to him, and “an ambulance crew was also called.” The doctors carried out “all the necessary resuscitation measures, which did not give positive results.” The doctors who arrived pronounced him dead. According to preliminary data, the cause of death could be a thrombus.

The infamous politician Navalny was a flamboyant figure widely touted in the West by the MSM as the “main freedom fighter” in Russia. In fact, the oppositionist was imprisoned several times not for his political struggle, but for ordinary financial fraud, non-compliance with court requirements and violations of the criminal code.

Timely Death Of Political Corpse Navalny: Сui Bono?

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Back in 2014, Alexei Navalny and his brother were convicted in the case known as ‘Yves Rocher’. The case against the Navalny brothers was initiated at the request of a private foreign company, not a Russian one. Having created a dummy company, the brothers stole tens of millions of rubles, for which brother Oleg received 3.5 years in prison and Alexey got the same term, but conditionally.

By this point, Alexei Navalny had already had another sentence. Earlier, as an adviser to the governor of the Kirov region, Alexei Navalny stole 1.5 million rubles through his other dummy company. The sentence was 5 years probation.

So Alexey became the only person in Russia with two suspended sentences. The Russian court did not make such concessions to anyone else before.

Timely Death Of Political Corpse Navalny: Сui Bono?

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According to the term, the convict had not to change his place of residence and to report to the inspection 2 times a month. However, the opposition leader ignored these terms many times. In 2020 alone, Navalny violated the inspection attendance regime 6 times. Such violations could lead to the replacement of the term with actual detention in prison. It was during this period that the scandal with his poisoning and medical treatment in Berlin, away from the Russian prison, was staged.

In August 2023, Navalny was convicted again, this time for 19 years in a special regime colony, despite the fact that the charge required 20 years in prison. He was found guilty of creating an extremist community. The investigation proved his guilt in defamation of a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, public calls for extremism, rehabilitation of Nazism, involvement of minors in committing acts dangerous to life, creation of a non-profit organization encroaching on the rights of citizens, financing of extremism etc.

Navalny was sent to a colony in Siberia, where he was forgotten by his fellow supporters.

Timely Death Of Political Corpse Navalny: Сui Bono?

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Today, immediately after the official publication of Navalny’s death, the opposition Russian media, as well as foreign MSM, exploded with long articles about the life and struggle of this “hero”, which largely signals the readiness of journalists for such news.

Of course, Russian President Vladimir Putin is unfairly accused of Navalny’s death.

It is unclear how the current president could be hindered by a prisoner in far-off snow-covered Siberia, whose dirty secrets, including political ties with Russia’s enemies and all sorts of financial frauds were long ago disclosed, and whose organization has long been forgotten not only by the Russian public, but also by the most ardent “freedom fighters” in the West.

Indeed, there is a possibility that Navalny’s death was not natural. The examination will find out. However, in order to guess who might be behind it, it is necessary to understand who benefits from his death.

Since the escalation of the conflict in Ukraine, Alexei Navalny has already become a political corpse. The United States has had the opportunity to exchange its hero for many years. Biden and Putin discussed such an option back in 2021. However, Washington was not interested in this, because Navalny’s main card should be played in Russia.

Completely subject to Western interests, Navalny’s figure could play favorably against Russia only in one case – his timely death; and a more advantageous moment is hard to be found. Elections will be held in Russia in just a month, and support for the current president among the population is growing, including with the ongoing Russian advance on the Ukrainian frontlines. It’s a high time to remind the public for the last time about the unfortunate “political prisoner” from Siberia, who allegedly became a victim of the “terrible totalitarian regime.”

Timely Death Of Political Corpse Navalny: Сui Bono?

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However, Navalny’s death has even less impact on the Russian public than on the European and American audience.

Right now, “the main defender of all the democracies around the world from the terrible totalitarian Putin”, Zelensky has launched another tour in Europe. Giving a press conference in Berlin, Zelensky shamefully refuses to answer questions about the critical situation of the Ukrainian army in Avdiivka, where the Ukrainian command is holding thousands of Ukrainian men in cauldrons under Russian fire.

But Zelensky had the audacity to cynically accuse the Russian president of the death of prisoner Navalny, of causre, without any evidence.

“It has just become known that Alexei Navalny died in a Russian prison. Obviously, he was killed by Putin,” Zelensky proudly declared.

The unequivocal statement was right on the eve of the Munich Security Conference, that is, “in front of the entire elite” of the collective West, which, in general, is not interested in any expertise or any other truth, except for another fake scandal about the “terrible Putin”. The same accusations against Putin were already made by many other European leaders.

The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova,commented succinctly and harshly:

The immediate reaction of NATO leaders to Navalny’s death in the form of direct accusations against Russia is self-revealing,” the diplomat stressed. – There is no forensic examination yet, but the conclusions of the West are already made.

Timely Death Of Political Corpse Navalny: Сui Bono?

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Meanwhile, all the international MSM, who had just begun to disclose unpleasant details about the impending loss of another Ukrainian fortress of Avdiivka, suddenly remembered the poor Navalny, whose life and health, in general, should not worry the Western audience much.

The puppet Navalny has not been valued by his masters for a long time. All he could do for them was to die in time. Now, its turn of his popular wife to take the main role and travel around Europe with pity claims and her new lovers, whom she has already found enough during the imprisonment of her husband.

In the near future, a medical examination will reveal the reason of the death, but the elite of the West has already appointed its culprit, gaining all the benefits of the death of the puppet.


Navalny’s wife is already taking a speech on the Munich Security Conference instead of rushing to her family to lament the death of her husband:

Did anyone remember the recent ‘death’ of Gonzalo Lira in Ukrainian prison during the conference?!




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Milei Vanillei

the west is scrambling for propaganda victories and distractions now, i wonder why? *cough cough* avdeevka

but if true, good fücking riddance


the question is, why russia negated tucker’s interview and serious effort to present better “image” of russia by killing that loser navalny ? are they stupid ? probably yes.

Last edited 8 months ago by hohou

“tucker”? are you guys on a first-name basis? why would the russians kill navalny?


one of navalnys insider people who just like navalny works for the west probably paid him a visit in prison and poisoned him on orders from his western masters. could have tricked him into taking something for other purposes. this is how it ends for all stooges who rely on and work for the western “intelligence” cia or mi6 etc…


navalny has been useless for the west for quite some time, now they offed him because they need an “evil russia boogeyman” story to pass the ukraine aid bill but many in the u.s government are against the bill.


as i have always said, if you are now useless to the west alive then your corpse will suffice. it’s always the same story.


navalnys death is a perfect cover up to not talk about ukraine’s defeat in avdeevka, to not talk about gonzalo liras death in ukraine prison with the u.s fully knowing he was held captive and in poor health and exactly as you said to try to persuade the u.s government to fully sponsor the 60 billion dollar ukraine aid bill because it’s not going well.

Pedo Joe Cia Hoe

now that sounds more realistic…! cia handlers media kurwa slipped him a kill dose and left so the cia could have something for their win, lmao. cia is such a bunch of globobeechboise must be sad to have to live off their paycheck.


no because russia didn’t kill the man you daft bastard.


i’m so stupid that can’t smell the hairs of my burning ass , i don’t understand that tucker is still an agent of the western media, i.e. western governments. so i answered myself

Pedo Joe Cia Hoe

azzclown much on that copium cia goop gobbler?

Pedo Joe Cia Hoe

yeah they are. look how many cia globohomo slobber goblins are here trying to push their bs western narrative. putin bad, navi good, puting did this, navi good, putin did that, gonzo who… foooking freaks are off their leash. is it me or does zelebok have the glare of a money grubber in the photo above, he he.

No love for 1776!

the man who stapled his balls..
fuck him.

france foreign legion dead

this is another guy. the one who stapled his balls calls himself an artist and tried to set fsb on fire

Last edited 8 months ago by france foreign legion dead

why they didn’t let him die in prison after 40 years of sentence then?

Last edited 8 months ago by hohou

well sherlock homo, what makes you think that they didn’t? who benefits from his death?


the west for propaganda purposes of course, like the skripals that were never seen again and miraculously survived one of the most potent biological weapons known to man


you don’t say?


litvenenko berezovsky they all have one thing in common they worked for british sis/mi6. they were no longer of use alive worth more dead.

Last edited 8 months ago by Cromwell

and they had a “funny” relationship to israel.


no that was a different guy. the guy who stapled his balls or his foreskin (i think) was a mentally ill schizophrenic (russia said this repeatedly) but the western media said he was a freedom fighter for the truth against putin. then this schizophrenic went to france and burned down a door to a french bank and all of a sudden he is now taken away into a mental asylum and diagnosed with mental illness and the western media never talks about him again.


kony 2012!

M. Paraplu

what does that have to do with anything?


sorry, i forgot which cia meme we’re pushing today. putin killed navalny because navalny enjoyed overwhelming support among the russian people and was about to become the leader of russia! is that the right one?

Rüdiger Fritsch // Düsseldorf

…maybe he died of jeffrey epstein syndrome after all?

in any case, the perpetrators have already been identified in the western media, it was the russian miracle weapons, 008 ruslan boshirov and 009 alexander petrov.

james bond would be jealous…


to be fair, litvinenko was murdered by mi6 by polonium, which is :
a, crazy expensive b, nearly unobtainable. just to point on russia. and it was quite long ago, 20 years before cold war 2 started.


cold war 2 started in 1999. what role the jewish supremacist state played in the death of litvinenko has never been adequately assessed.

M biyd

clyde you always add something meaningful to the discussions without the need for the pseudo antisemitism.


so questioning the role of the intelligence services of the jewish supremacist colonial settler project in palestine in litvinenko’s death is anti-semitism? or pseudo-antisemitism? the guy was clearly involved with the long-suffering persecuted and vulnerable minority consisting of the jewish oligarchs who took over russia for the americans after ’91, and was in israel right before his poisoning on oligarch business.

Last edited 8 months ago by Clyde
Pedo Joe Cia Hoe

shhhhhh that is not kosher, pun intended, lol…

Pedo Joe Cia Hoe

hey now, don’t question the wej… bwhaa ha ha.

france foreign legion dead

navalny is the guy who hates immigrants from asia and marched with neonazis in moscow some 10 years ago. nuland ordered yt to remove the videos of him marching. but still possible to find in russian internet.


the west has no problems with nazis as long as they fight people they do not like.
no matter if in ukraine, the baltics or the balcans.


or in guatemala, or indonesia, or central africa.

Pedo Joe Cia Hoe

or canada…

Pedo Joe Cia Hoe

yes he did, but shhhh that is the same thing azov and the like are doing in keiv. secret cia stuffs and sheeet, lol. led zeppelin – the song remains the same! maybe this is more suitable… queen – another one bites the dust, he he.


to make this guy, who only had around 2% support, into an opposition figure that kremlin feared would be elected is such a joke.


you don’t understand anything. his 2% are not important, the important thing is that “russia is killing political opponents”. this is something that will be repeated million times in the western media day and night over and over. people in the west are sick just hearing “russia”. pavlov’s experiment. russians absolutely don’t understand how important is propaganda and asymmetrical warfare. they are like babies in the kindergarten.

Last edited 8 months ago by hohou

so “the important thing” is the story told by five eyes media about this death, but you want to keep asserting that the russians killed him. logic!


as i said, it’s not about logic at all. it is a pavlov’s reflex. when you hear russia, you feel sick. earthquake? putin did it. someone stole your car? putin. did muslims illegals from rapefugee gang rape your daughter? putin. constipation? putin. diarrhea? putin. you are hopeless. you don’t have a clue how it works.


again, if the russians do not benefit from his death, why do you continue, feebly as you do, to insist that the russians killed him? keep up the derp!


we are tired of your 5 cent b.s comments on here. you are convincing no one. not even yourself.

M. Paraplu

2% support is quite generous.

Pedo Joe Cia Hoe

sure as heck is, and fook navalny may he rest in piss as zelebok says in his proper english! mikhail khodorkovsky had more support and got nowhere and fast laying azzz up for the cia!!!

Pedo Joe Cia Hoe

cia holohoax styled dribbleporn for the sheeple and msm nightly spewdumb.


a character who is only worth dead to the so-called collective democratic west. interesting how it happened in strange moments on the front and in washington.


there’s nothing interesting about it. the russian secret services do nothing. probably just taking bribes, drinking vodka, fking girls. the russian government is the same, except that it sends conscripts to the meat grinder and calls it a “special operation.”


on the other hand, the cia has hundreds of thousands of specialists in every country of the world who are thinking day and night about destroying russia. they are diligent as bees. putin calls them “partners.” or maybe not. i don’t know, i don’t care.


so all your posts are the result of your not caring?


his posts are the result of being paid per comment at the local western owned troll farm.


i have 3 possible explanations: a, putin is an idiot and killed navalny. navalny does more damage dead than alive, but putin simply took the opportunity to get rid of him before the presidential election, despite the hysteria in the west, b, cia killed him in a russian prison to counter tucker’s interview. in this case, putin is an idiot and incompetent one, because he let cia to kill him. c, navalny died of natural causes – very unlikely, but cannot be ruled out


anyway, all the three scenarios i described means putin is an idiot. no offense.


the bigger idiots where all the sowjet/ russian leaders after stalin and before putin for letting the usa get in a position where they are viewed by a far to big chunk of the world population as a somewhat legitimate lawmaker, ruler, acuser, judge, investigator, executor and reporter of truth.
the buildup to get into such a advantages position that you can make the world believe everything your enemys say is automaticly a lie was very long and very visible.


its allways the same slaws win the battle and lose the war at the negotiation table.


more identitarian rubbish.


give me a favor and shut up when adults are discussing


do. ln english we say, “do me a favour”. typical nafomo, unfit for the task.


so when the soviet union backed liberation movements in africa and asia for forty-five years after ww2, the leadership was letting the us have a free hand? the millions of dead vietnamese, congolese, koreans, indonesians and arabs were all fans of the pax americana? thanks for derping.


they did try to fight them in those part of the world but they let the western media and ngo army run unoposed in the world. for decades most people on the world watched cnn and bbc if they wanted to know whats going on in the world and that is a problem if you are the enemy of those who run all those pr agencys and ngo’s it makes it difficult to fight them if they can use so many assets which are operating pretending to be independent or neutral.


most people “on the world” like the billion or so in china, the other billion in india, and everyone else in places like iran and russia watched cnn and bbc if they wanted to know what was going on? you don’t say.


from 1990-2010 the reputation of cnn and bbc was much better then now.
and of course people who can speak english and are interested in foreign affairs at all. but i gues you are just the opposite side of jens just wanting to repeat your point again and again and again.


whereas you’re the same side as jens, uttering rubbish and unable to see that you’re wrong.


navalny dying of natural causes means putin is an idiot? your handlers ought to give you a better set of talking points, li’l derpster.


of course, this man should have first-class medical care so that he does not die. but he was “healthy” and then “died suddenly.” it just doesn’t work, especially in a propaganda war.

Last edited 8 months ago by hohou

what doesn’t work? he wasn’t healthy, or he wouldn’t have had his little trip to germany. thanks for your derp.


blood clots do tend to kill people like that.


now it is corpse in putin’s private collection lol.


that was kind of a nothing-burger. uk-style laziness. you could work for the mirror once the regime in kiev collapses.


the stench of the usual western elites who of course never spoke against the ziolensky regime hand in killing gonzalo lira.

Malcolm Z

navalny was tasked with starting a maidan in russia…but failed!


maybe. but to let him die in prison like this is political suicide for russia. what about tucker carlsson? this guy is a first-rate journalist, maybe the last one in the west. now he looks like a fool who has been deceived by the bloodthirsty villain putin.


political suicide? exactly how is the russian polity going to be harmed by this event? tucker carlson is a second-generation intelligence propaganda asset. get a grip, derpster.


he wins the darwin award for going back into the reach of putin after beeing in germany allready.


in germany, they would have killed him anyway, but killing him in a russian prison is so much better for them. i think cia killed him and it was not so expensive to bribe russian guards, few bottles of vodka.


so russian guards were bribed? why, because a double-secret assassin was allowed into the prison and then out again after murdering this us asset? how exactly did you conclude that this was the scenario?


killed by the nazi russian govern


i bite my tongue, my great-great-grandfather was a member of the ss, all germans are like that, we forget our origins.


the west is always ready to point fingers and not wait for any evidence. where was the west when gonzalo lira died in a ukrainian prison? nobody seemed to care about him and his cause of death. but it might help of you’re a russian critic and not a ukraine critic.


the west most likely had him killed through a third party visit. we will see. the typical trolls jumping on the bandwagon says it all.

Zelenskii's Flaring Nostrils

navalny was expelled from one russian liberal opposition group some years ago for his white supremacist views.


navalny was schizophrenic. that’s why the gleaming eyes, the obsession with extreme violence, race wars and genocide. the only ethnic minority he never spewed venom at was the jews, as in oligarchs, so it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out who was bankrolling him. but then he became a liability and was dumped. then picked up, bankrolled and rebranded by operation mockingbird people.


it still looks like mister putiin putout navalny to sleep. dont forget for some reason all political opponents who challenge his authority seem toe die prigorzhin the spy one of the ukranian leader who got poisoned and got a mutilated face. it certainly lookslike mister kgb is using kgb methods to silence political opponents. regardless the usually lying of western propaganda. this one is too obvious.


its a weakness of the leader when he has to kill political opponents to remain in power.
russia right now is too much of a one party and few very small sanitized tolerated opposition parties to fill the ballot. the only sizable opposition party is the communist party. and its probably mostly elderly voting for them because of memories to the soviet union in its better years 80s pre chernobyl.


it would be better if there would be a more multi party democracy and more debate and referendum were the people have a direct vote in government policies. if you have one party holding power forever without other and new innovative viewpoints being debated you will get rust in the same patern stagnation and deficiencies. things which also lead to the soviet collapse.


many factors that have lead to stagnation with military modernization and deficiencies in 2022 were a result of years of stagnation from the same leadership. if better performance unit cohesion and initiative was more rewarded alot of projects for innovation could have been more succesful in general adoption. its 2024 and a modernized t80 is still the top tank in service. it could just as likely have been a black eagle or t95 t14 armata by now


things like the very poor reverse gear speed for t72 t90 for example it could easily have been fixed with a small upgrade to the gearbox for most existing units if innovation and initiative for it was rewarded instead of punished or silenced. these things would work better. and it shows what the society as a whole can do different to achieve.

Last edited 8 months ago by Viewer

trolls just pounding today. let’s see if we can encapsulate: “putin bad. putin killed navalny. russian military undermined by putin. putin bad.” is that about it? meanwhile, how’s the ukrainian cia puppet project going? how’s that 9 trillion in garbage assets taken on by the fed since 2019 working out? homelessness in the us? narcotics use in the us? thanks for playing.


russia is for the most part a one party democracy. there is no significant political opposition. united russia has almost all seats and p his party has held power since he took office. it has 75% of all seats. there are a few minor opposition parties of which the communist party is by far the largest. elections are insignificant. it is for the most part a one party democracy system.


a majority one party system has its pros and cons. it has enough time to run through all legislation. unlike other democracies it can plan for many years if it wants. it has more freedom to operate and fully implement its ideology and political goals and developments it depends on the leaders and if they work for the interest of the people or for the interest of their own pockets too much. all political systems are suspectable to corruption however without checks and balances.


i thought the t80 has a gas turbine like the abrams which makes it unreliable especially in dusty conditions, russian tanks returned to diesel for a reason. good systems can result in bad leaders and bad systems select good ones. which uk party can you vote for that supports russia not ukraine? choice of the same thing is no choice.

Last edited 8 months ago by Nobodyinparticular

gasturbine is fine. t80 has much better armor then t72-t90. t80 had some losses in the chechen war but it was mountainious terrain with gurillia fighters. in ukraine they do alot better. gasturbine is also alot lighter. i hope good leaders put an end to the war and suffering through diplomacy.


still they should have just kept him alive and honor his human rights. even when he was in the prison camp. locking him up in a work camp penal colony was also bad pr internationally. locking people up in work camps is considered ww2 auschwitz holocaust criminal regime here.its a voilation of human rights.
in that case when he came back they could just have denied him entry to the country if he was so much of a trouble maker.
the latter is less bad press.


now i read he was a cia asset who planned a coup plus that they were promising him 20 million a year to make it happen there is a video about it on twitter were he was recorded discussing this.

in that case he was rightfully arrested and in prisoned


are all you trolls on a first name basis with carlson?

Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

queime no inferno navalny, arda teu corpo em chamas que nunca se apaguem! glória à rússia!


vai- te tratar atrasado mental , brasileiro filho de puta, tens menos neuronios que uma papagaio, por isso o teu país é um balde merda gigante


next stage will be push out hollywood from russians tv’s, russia govern scared of the smell of freedom, as long as they manage to keep the people zombie everything is fine


american journalist, gonzalo lira, was tortured to death by our ukranian allies.


in terms of who benefits most from navalny’s death, that surely falls within the west’s advantage. putin’s vast popularity in russia on top of the popular interview with tucker carlson. of course navalny may have been murdered, but it is extremely doubtful putin would be considering that rash reaction when he’s riding on a high.
