Pro-governmnet forces, led by the Syrian Arab Army Tiger Forces, are finishing preparations to cross the Euphrates River, according to pro-government sources.
According to reports, government troops, backed up by Russian military advisers, are going to use pontoon bridges and boats that arrived the city earlier in September.
Earlier this week, multiple pro-government media activists claimed that the Tiger Forces and its allies have already crossed the Euphrates River in response to the advance of the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in the northern Deir Ezzor countryside. However, these reports untrue.
The SDF is now developing momentum in the area aiming to reach Deir Ezzor city and to take control the strategic Omar oil fields east of it. The Tiger Forces and their allies could make a try to cut off the US-backed force from the Omar oil fields.
No doubs that this will draw significant resources from the Syrian military. So, the success of the operation will depend on the ability of government forces to crush the ISIS defense on the both banks of Euphrates. This could also delay the expected government advance in the area.
Government forces are in Deir Ezzor city:
God speed Tigers – the world is cheering for you!
Tigers will cross the Euphrates soon. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6e2e0144ced2ed3412ac1fba0c2d3278463d538b554dab8f130cc8cc9441f94f.jpg
nice cats.
They are across the river and on the east side in areas the SDF claimed they had, as they will probe forward until they get to the Industrial area. They have Russian Special forces embedded in them and any contact with the US first will show you who actually leads the SDF. There is usually a discrepancy in their claims the SDF seem to make as they say they are there but not actually anywhere near there.
This should be interesting Since Russian DM Gen. Shoygu is visiting Syria and the military base.
SAA has crossed the river , and as you said , occupying areas claimed by the SDF .
They advanced when the first panic set in, they used their special fores from the Navy and they surprised ISIS this was their first land battle. they had advanced east down both sides of the river ,1 advance went north and was within less than 10km from the Industrial zone travelling 5km from the river after securing it. The site is now under media blackout as many Syrian news sites are and limited information like they did with the advance to the border.
The US and SDF are just trying to get a rise from the Syrian Government , the US/SDF did this before making huge claims and they nowhere near those positions. They had apparently met a group of ISIS not on the same page with them, 25 miles or so out.
They also sent another wave of troops to DE as part of the third operation. Many areas got new equipment and T90 tanks many army vehicles going to west Aleppo. They have newer tanks in the South advance along the border, this should be interesting.
Personally i think they should not do it, the Americans will bomb them the Russians will not lift a finger to stop such attacks.
The Russian Military airforce in syria is small, they have done a wonderful job bombing the head choppers dont think they will risk an open conflict with the Cowboys.
I Disagree with your opinion about SAA not crossing Euphrates based on Principal. However I do agree that SAA crossing the river puts themselves at risk of being hit by U.S / coalition. Russia, based on thier actions, do not want a hot conflict with the U.S. However they can help deter the US from strikes by letting them Know that Russian servicemen are embedded with SAA. I suspect massive bombing on North side of river to clear area of ISIS and form a landing zone for troops equipment and logistics. I also suspect that with 150 Russian troops being deployed to Deir Ezzor, and maybe more to come, at some point we might see the Deployment of some sort of Russian air Defense system once the security situation will allow safe transport of such equipment either through air or ground, thus extending the range of protection and providing a deterrence from further US strikes.
They crossed at 2 points and are in the areas claimed that SDF had been, and still go east along both sides of the Euphrates now.
Cant find reports anywhere so far. However, if true then that would be a welcomed significant gain.
Had read that on Farsnews which doesn’t provide propaganda on Syria as they get reports from Hezbollah.
If SAA and their allies Russia advancing then it means that they have US air strike countermeasure.
According to Hassan Ridha who is reliable source the Euphrates valey is not the border between SAA and SDF https://twitter.com/sayed_ridha/status/907592412310028289 . I hope SAA crosses the river very soon .
Good. And what is?
None , the Kurds, Israel and the US have no right to invade nor occupy Syria.
that is right. but rusia already has deal with yanks.
which is?
ask assad. shoygu told him today :)
read the title of this article in the language of diplomacy
this is regarding hezbollah, nothing to do with US
i told russia. think over, what does mean 85% done. how many km2 is 100%?
Zajimavy, in Czech, krupáček translates loosely as “crackers”.
Zionist nazi jew.
thank you for your introduction yourself.
i am solomon krupacek.
Russia consider yanks as “not agreement-capable”.
SAA can achieve success by retaking Mayadin now, with a strong position in Al-Humaymah they can maintain enough pressure to succeed. The Iraqi’s need to hold their end of the deal as well.
Yeah I think this may have to be the option now, take Mayadan and cross to the oilfield on the otherside there.
There is no ISIS forces of any strength on the east side of the Euphrates. That’s by design. The US intended to have their arab merc ‘SDF’ forces march down to the Khabour – Euphrates fork relatively unopposed. From there, the SDF would proceed down to al Bukamal, claiming that city as part of SDFistan.
Didn’t anyone think it a bit strange when the US took out every single bridge on the Euphrates south of Raqqa? That was supposedly to prevent ISIS from crossing over to the sparsely-populated east bank of the Euphrates all the way to the Iraqi border, not the other way around. The US really wanted to trap/confine ISIS on the west bank along with the SAA. The Kurds need the light, sweet crude from the Omar oil fields to blend with the heavy crude they will steal from the Suwaidiyah and Rumailia fields, otherwise it will be difficult to sell to Iraqi refineries.
The US was also looking for another air base further south – somewhere between Deir EzZor and al Bukamal. The ‘secret’ US air defense and surveillance network would then extend across Syria along the Euphrates with overlapping coverage. I’m sure THAAD or some anti-missile toys would be part of that to protect Israel from Iranian… well, whatever it is that Iran supposedly has.
“Didn’t anyone think it a bit strange when the US took out every single bridge on the Euphrates south of Raqqa?” I don’t think it is strange at all. It is a standard military tactic to deny your enemy easy lines of communication. Even the Russians agree: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/video-russian-air-force-obstructs-isis-supply-line-destroying-bridge-deir-ezzor/
I guess that means the US didn’t take out every single bridge…
Consider WHEN they were blown last year. There were no ‘communication lines’ to be cut – there was no resupply from Iraq across the desert. They would have just drove through the al Qaim/al Bukamal crossing (both held by ISIS).
The bridges were taken out the same time the US was taking out other Syrian infrastructure. The purpose was the same: to punish the Syrian people and make life unbearable for them. The secondary purpose was to impede the SAA from retaking anything east of the Euphrates. It had nothing to do with ‘stopping’ ISIS.
ISIS are on both sides of the river. To argue that there were no communication lines to be cut is a nonsense.
There was nobody to fight ever since they kicked al Nusra out of the Euphrates Valley. Do you think ISIS wasted time and resources ‘guarding’ anything east of the Euphrates? Were they expecting an attack by Iraq? All the Syrians to be extorted were in the villages on the west side of the Euphrates – that’s where the main ISIS forces were. There may have been a presence east of the Euphrates, but that dried up after the Russians started bombing tanker convoys and the US started bombing the oil wells and roadside refineries.
So there has been a huge vacuum east of the Euphrates? Yet somehow the SDF and its allies never took over this strategically important but totally undefended space? your claims lack credibility.
What SDF was there to take it over? The Arab warlords were still on ISIS/al Nusra side back then, remember? They only ‘joined’ the SDF (with sufficient bribes) a couple of weeks ago.
The bridges were taken out the week following the USAF taking out the SAA on Thadra mountain . I would say the primary purpose was to impede SAA from retaking anything east of the Euphrates .
However , that failed , SAA has crossed the river and is occupying areas the SDF claim to have taken . SDF do have the black – opps propaganda machine trying to slow down the SAA .
Yep IS moved everything via boats anyway, this was mentioned at the time as nothing more than destroying infrastructure to stop SAA from moving to the East bank.
Why they (SDF/USA) are waiting until few days ago to take east side of the Euphrates?
They had to finish 1) sufficiently bribing the ex-ISIS tribal warlords to work for the US/SDF instead, 2) evacuate CIA/Mossad/Saudi ‘ISIS’ commanders working in the area, and 3) finish the Train and Equip program for the Arab SDF tribal fighters and mercs (who will mostly be useless in combat). These are not the seasoned Arab fighters from Raqqa – they can’t spare those.
The problem is they forgot to bribe ISIS around DE , besides the Russians knew the plans and have countered as usual with limited response enough to cause the US some consternation in the area. You don’t need much with the US as they will back down in a real fight which they don’t want.
The problem is the East side of the Euphrates is secured in the hands of the SAA and Russian forces and Hezbollah, now they have passed areas the SDF have alleged control over and no SDF or US troops insight. Looks as they went half cookie again and did a snow job on everyone with not enough troops to even conduct the operation.
Nice i hope so.
i like your analysis.
The SAA has already gone across in two areas since they are in the east from the north and then again further east they have crossed there and from Muriya farms should be getting through on further along that advance. Everything west is almost under control they they captured 85km2. The Russian DM Gen. Shoygu will be heading to the base after his visit with Assad.
Field Marshall Terra Cotta Woolpuller with his secret information known only to him….. heaven help you if you ask him for a source. I think the top secret intelligence is beamed directly into his tinfoil hat….
too bad this plan will most likely fail as well for US, such a shame lmao
Great analysis. However my main concern is the SDF controls the dam upriver of Deir Ezzor, they might open the flood gates to sabotage the Tiger Forces attempts to cross the Euphrates.
They don’t care if the SAA does cross and take the farms or residential areas right on the east bank of Deir EzZor.
The US/SDF goal is NOT Deir EzZor despite the usual SDF propaganda spew. That’s just the cover story they want everyone to believe. They always do this.
The SDF needed to control the main rail line one the east bank (done – ‘Industrial Zone’)
The SDF needed to cut off the SAA from advancing northeast up Hwy 7 (done – unless the SAA wants to try to push through them and get attacked by the US)
Now the SDF needs to continue down the east bank highway and main rail line as fast as possible to Mayadeen and then to al Bukamal. The point is that any territory they claim to have liberated is theirs. That’s the deconfliction deal. If the SAA tries to push through any territory SDF has already claimed, then they will be attacked by the US crony coalition air forces for ‘threatening’ the ex-ISIS, newly-minted SDF head-choppers. The SAA knows this – they’re not going to throw away their few tanks on a race they already lost. The US land and oil-grabbers WON. It’s over.
Thats why I think forces in the South may go for Abu Bukamal now while SAA sweeps down the Eastern bank and secures Omar
If they can pull it off, Kell. I’m rooting for the SAA here, but the SDF has the momentum – they can just choose to ‘go around’ Deir EzZor and keep heading south on the highway without getting bogged down in a fight. The SAA has no choice right now – they have to fight their way through to the east.
Its still doable with some providence, especially since this was anticipated I mean we all anticpated this would happen.
This situation, like most of Syrian war is 4D chess. Kurds have absolutely no reason to fight and die for Deir Ezzor. There’s no substantial Kurish minority in the province and in no negotiated settlement would it ever become part of Kurdish federal entity, let alone a Greater Kurdistan. But pitting SAA against YPG is the only way US can, if not save then, prolong the shelf life of ISIL – a universal remedy for all Zionist problems in the Middle East. No1 priority of “the coalition” is still to chainsaw Syria as well as Iraq into small and manageable pieces that could never threaten Greater Israel project. And if you watch yesterday’s presentation of Yair Golan, they are quite willing to sacrifice 1/3 of Turkey to achieve that goal. Next move we can expect is for Iraqi Kurds to start causing trouble on their side of the border soon. Therefore crossing the Euphrates just became first priority for Syrians. If they manage to take Khusham and crossroads to the north they check YPG/US and be able to advance down both banks of the Euphrates towards Iraqi border. Any attack/provocation would have to be initiated by the Kurdish side and RuAF would have reason enough to start dropping KABs. Especially if Russian engineers and SOFs were to be mixed among advancing SAA, as some sources suggest.
Kurds have absolutely no reason to fight and die for Deir Ezzor.
they have. the promised kurdistan.
The Kurds are a bunch of theiving jews as everyone here predicted.
they are not jews
They act like them, are funded by them and supported politically by them – Oww gawwd who could they be?
Imo, just mine of course, is that SAA does not control the river banks, has not cleared them in such a way that IS will not have fire control on both sides of the river banks and does not (yet) have enough reserves to hold a bridgehead on the other bank while having to defend the west sside of the river.
They might lose all.
Once, if, they cross, they will run into SDF and if they attack, SAA will be bombed by the US as per agreement with Russia. The one that attacks gets bombed.
So if they cross and if they can hold it, it will be useless.
Daesh has precious little hardware to fire control anything any more. Did you hear of any substantial Daesh arty attack against advancing SAA in past month – nothing bigger than an odd 82mm mortar. All Daesh opposition to crossing the river can be cntained by Syrian arty and quality CAS by RuAF. And short of Daesh introducing suicide river barges Tigers will eat them for lunch.
They still have a few pieces of artillery. See: https://southfront.org/intense-fighting-continues-between-syrian-army-and-isis-in-southern-raqqa/
Field Marshall Terra Cotta Woolpuller was even able to identify the ISIS artillery as coming from Albania! lol…is there anything he doesn’t know?
It does not matter what the cost (lives and equipment) would be (with Russia air support would be very little). Syria oil fields in Omar must be protected right away and now by SAA, in fact, these field should have been protected since three days ago. I hope Russia aerospace give a very strong protection and support to get this difficult task.
Another scenario where Syria losses. That’s all that you come up. They’ve made it this far, they’re not turning back. They may hold up a little if the air cover isn’t sorted out yet. But I’m sure that the equipment to do that is on the way and some of it is already in DE being set up.
The SDF is in no way near there 15 km out and still no US or SDF ,and the SAA have fire control for 40km away from Thardeh with artillery and will control the river banks and beyond. The SDF and US pulled a snow job on where they actually are as they were hit by ISIS who these leaders are backed by the prophet. The US/Coalition and SDF went half cookie on this and may have to retreat.
Sources? nah…I didn’t think so…..
Yep the big 300mm Smerches have 70km range, havent seen any yet in pics but ive seen 220mm Uragans
Please SAA, Tiger forces, etc don’t let your supporters down.
I’ve been supporting you guys since a long time ago (2014 or so)
At one point, I thought Syria is history, but you guys proved me wrong.
Please win this battle for us.
I don’t wanna see those FSA supporters or SDF supporters celebrate their victory.
If you guys lose then we lose with you.
In fact, all of humanity loses with you!
I don’t wanna lose my faith in humanity yet.
I wanna see the good guys win!
Syria is one of the very few countries who refused to become Western puppets.
Don’t let the bad guys win, please!
I hope Assad doesn’t let us down.
Assad must know that there are many Non-Syrians like us who also support him outside of Syria.
We believe in you and we support you.
Therefore, don’t let us down, please!
Good luck SAA!
Good luck Syria!
Win this battle for us!
I hope that after the Syrian war, only the SAA supporters get to have the last laugh
dont worry they gonna win ive no doubt about it :))
Yes they are under hard pressure but winning and winning well, the energy of victory is with them as are the good people of this earth.
US agressor now need Kurdistan against Syria , Turkey Russia and IRAN. Kurds again exploited with USA.
They crossed it before you even typed your comment.
In your face YPG/PKK!
It is the Kurds, not the US, threatening the SAA with airstrikes if they cross the Euphrates.
Even if it were true, the Russians have upped the ante before by embedding vanguard Syrian troops with Russians and daring the US to attack.
The SAA will cross the river directly East of the Airport. They have probably set up a heavy artillery fire base on Tardah mountain, directly West of the airport, which they captured a few days ago. Anything that moves within a 25 mile radius can be hit on short notice. Once they cross the river, there will be a kill zone extending 20 miles to the East. The SDF-YPG are right now within this zone, but of course won’t be attacked unless they strike first.
Meanwhile, the SAA should not attack ISIS attacking toward SDF positions during the ISIS counter attack on the SDF-YPG Kurds. Let Kurds bleed for awhile and get bogged down while SAA crosses the river near the Airport.
In fact, the SAA should make a deal with ISIS still in Deir Ez-Zor for a cease fire and guarantee the ISIS still in Dier Ez-Zor an escape corridor in exchange for the bridge remnants over the Euphrates on Hwy 7 inside the small area ISIS still controls there.
Here is a map of what I’m talking about. The red marker just West of the airport is the recently captured Tardah Mountain, a logical place for a heavy artillery fire base. The scale for the map is in the lower left corner. Twenty miles of kill zone East of the airport can be captured within a few hours, with the use of artillery.
They had captured that area already on Sunday after they dropped the FOAB on the Command Bunker there they took out it’s top command leaders and other sub commanders in the attack. They have already placed equipment there as they know it needs air defenses and there was a mass of military equipment sent to DE and everywhere, West Aleppo received T-90 tanks and other equipment.
Syria is gearing up for an attack on all fronts from the US backed proxies.
Yep thardar is easily defendable and the extra height of the mountain gives you extra range, maybe making up that its a few kms back from the airport, not only this but it can protect against IS attacks against your flanks south and east as well as firing over the river at Kurds or IS or whomever supporting your units fighting fwd.
The Kurds again are being used to fight proxy wars
haha its like a dragon :)))
The SAA pushed east from Sukhna and Palmyra area and will push north and east.
An amphibious crossing with armor takes about the same time as using a bridge. And you can do it in a lot more places.
They did that already,lol.
That would be my assumption. Isis can’t be everywhere all of the time. If the river bank is suitable for ingress and egress. It doesn’t take any longer to drive across the river than it does to drive across a bridge. Unless they’re getting hit with unreported air strikes. My guess is that they have at least a small armored and infantry force on the other side now with gunship and fixed wing support on an as needed basis. And that they’re adding to it.
Looks like one of the Donets contortions in the Izyum area.
This is a war but we are able to track on news sites like this one every movement of the SAA. Dont you find that a bit strange? I think when it is reported that the SAA is getting ready to cross the Euphrates, they have already crossed..At least I hope so
They passed Jafra some time ago and have approached on 2 crossings with one going to flank along the Euphrates and the other which has bypassed all alleged positions of the SDF. They will see them soon is my guess since they were hit 25 km north of DE by ISIS.
They control Saqr Island crossing in that area and they crossed further south around Jafrah , they have a lot of new equipment an Arab version of the BRDM-2 T90 tanks and equipment everywhere in all areas.
Then the only variable then is air cover. If Russian air cover holds. Neither Isis or the SDF can stop the Syrian government coalition from clearing DE on the east side of the river and advancing north up 7, and east across the desert to the Iraq border, if they choose to go that way. And then north and south from there along the Iraq border.
They were headed towards the industrial area and went East on both sides as they do have more than enough manpower, but my thinking is the US and SDF went half cookie and didn’t expect ISIS resistance 25-30 km north of DE and last heard they suffered heavy casualties and were trying to go around ISIS. The problem with the SDF they are never where they say they are. That’s why the Tiger forces closed off Raqqa from the south at the University to allow people to escape, US sure picks some winners.
The SAA needed to go to these operational areas quickly and start advancing to cut off the SDF , besides like what was said earlier they don’t have the manpower. Think they are taking travel videos in my opinion with all that media they have in tow.
Yeah some IS unit Nth of Deir Ezzor didnt get the Israeli memo to stand down and flew into the SDF and mauled them, how funny is that lol
Of course you are right , as Terra Cotta says , this is all ready done , you don’t tell your enemy what you are about to do , you tell the world after you have done it .
About 5 miles south of Saker Island there’s a narrow section of river only 200 feet across with what looks like a boat launch on the west side and a flat beach on the east side. That would be less than a 5 minute crossing in an amphibious apc, which all https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/289cf31e4e9ce5125534de8921f77228fd34ebf7febaf043434523c0523e63d1.png BMPs are.
On Wikimapia “the boat launch” site is described as a water pumping station. A prerequisite surely would be for there to be road access on both sides. this has access on just the west side. Tracked vehicles might not need roads but very soon after they cross trucks will require easy access.
If they cross the river it will be reported by some source. There are millions of people watching this unfold and willing to report what they see. Yes … there is a lag time. But, they haven’t crossed yet. It could be starting right now. We’ll find out in a few hours.
It will happen in the next few hours, and at multiple locations and multiple methods, including airlifts of heavy equipment.
It is going to be massive. Too much is at stake for it to be anything less.
If the Goyim USA slaves or their master Israel bomb the SAA in a way so it is significant enough to turn the course of the war and even the most brainwashed American Goyim slave, will understand that Israel and the US government are ISIS, the Russians will shoot them down.
probably fake nwes. if its true, assad will lose his elite units like saddam his republican gard in kuwait.
the warmongers from potomac will die due to series of megaorgasms.
In your turbid sexual fantasies maybe
yup bro, the usaf will destroy like saddamms army. if assad sends hios best troops in death, he is on IQ level of worms.
Yeah just like they toppled Assad and won the vietnam and afghan wars
The Syrian Tiger’s are on the move with claws out.This fighter really special fighter.Russia should take them to Arctic after the liberation for a break.
A Russian source citing an Arabic language news source says the SAA is already across:
An Iranian site also cites the same Al-Watan newspaper.
Deir Ezzor represents the symbolic end of the Daesh, but securing Omar oil fields and the oil fields along the northern bank to the Iraq border will be key to securing the long term security of Syria and reduce the SDF’s intent to balkanize Syria.
The Tiger Forces will be tested for real this time if they can live up to their moniker, the speed of bridging and sending forces across the Euphrates will determine their success with the Omar fields. The Tiger Forces must beware that the SDF controls the immediate dam upriver and may sabotage by releasing the flood gates at an inopportune moment.
Yep time to get the Airport at DZ going and foward deploy some Frogfoots
https://twitter.com/hashtag/Euphrates?src=hash&lang=es https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8b23aa9214b17bf8e35c26f33865ea5c751f6b4eaba203207103a60a94760522.jpg
This night SAA had successfully crossed #Euphrates south of #DeirEzzor, est. fire control, prepares for the further advancement
Do you have to make a big announcement that you are going to cross ? Please, better tell people which is your position, what kind o weapons are you carrying, how many soldier you have….yes, prudence is not one of your strong behavior. JUST CROSS THE RIVER AND STOP SDF (kurds, USA-puppets) and control your oil fields.
Right Gustavo. At this point of all activities is would be better to inform interested people about results not about plans and tactics.