Tiger Forces Capture New Positions Around Al-Harak, Opens Humanitarian Corridor In Southern Syria (Map, Video)

Tiger Forces Capture New Positions Around Al-Harak, Opens Humanitarian Corridor In Southern Syria (Map, Video)

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On June 28, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the Tiger Forces backed by the Russian Aerospace Forces captured the village of Rakham and the 52nd Brigade southeast of the town of al-Harak in the eastern Daraa countryside, according to the Hezbollah media wing in Syria.

A source in the SAA told SouthFront that the SAA started its ground attack on the US-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) positions in the villages of Alma and al-Surah, west of al-Harak. The SAA will likely enter the two towns in the upcoming hours, according to the source.

Tiger Forces Capture New Positions Around Al-Harak, Opens Humanitarian Corridor In Southern Syria (Map, Video)

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In a related development, the SAA opened a humanitarian corridor near the town of Da’il in the western Daraa countryside. According to Syrian pro-government activists, hundreds of civilians, including women and children, have left the FSA-held areas through the corridor so far.

From its side, the FSA appears to be unable to conduct any effective defensive operation. This will likely lead to the collapse of the remaining positions of the US-backed fighters in the eastern Daraa countryside very soon.
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Either the SAA 1st grade units have significantly upped their game overall, or these Daraa headchoppers were never much to begin with, and were just lucky to be in a front sector had the lowest priority as far as the SAA was concerned.

Probably both, because I do remember that the 4th Armored division was employed to Daraa last year and achieved dick all. And they were not a low grade SAA unit.


Yeah, while FSA from Daraa and other regions were sitting on twitter making propaganda, SAA units were always involved in attack operations, now SAA soldiers are pretty experienced.
In war timing is important and when you have your soldiers experienced it means they are capable coordinating faster=profit=ez gg.


I wouldn’t be surprised if the FSA headchoppers still had the hope that the US would protect them. In East Ghouta it was probably too hard for the US to do something, considering it was a surrounded enclave deep in Assad territory, but I think that since their CIA handlers and supply lines sit right across the Jordan border they still held the hope that the US could and would do something for them.

And then the US told them they were on their own.


Btw i would have never expected that US would back out from helping their allies and leave them to their fate, such a big surprise.

Promitheas Apollonious

then you have no knowledge of history and what happen to the idiots who believe americans are allies or friends to them.


…i was ironic.

Promitheas Apollonious

my apologies then.


The US betraying its allies? OMGZ!!! Say it never happened before!

Promitheas Apollonious

when you fight for 8 years in this kind of war and survive and from that hard core create an army I dont think many armies can face such warriors even if their numbers are 5 times more than this veteran army is. Combine this kind of army and russian airforce and you have an instant winner.

Let us see if the zionists and allies have the guts to shoot at a russian plane again. The first time they did that they lost turkey and not only, so now they painfully learned that their invention Divide and Conquer is applied on them real time..


Thing is though veteran troops are not always the most eager and willing to take risk. In WWII divisions that had been in combat the longest often experienced a drop in combat efficiency. Those veterans having survived for that long became more cautious and risk averse, preferring to stay alive instead. The British 7th armored division ‘The Desert Rats’ had a good reputation in North Africa from 1940 to 1943, but their performance in Western Europe in 1944-45 leaves much to be desired about. So green inexperienced divisions just in combat made stupid mistakes, veteran divisions become weary and cautious, clearly the optimum lies in between. Bloodied enough to have learned from their mistakes and do better, but not bloodied enough to become risk averse and cautious.

I reckon what does play a role in favor of the SAA and against the FSA is that the SAA has been enjoying a streak of success and is clearly being seen and feeling as winning this war. That creates momentum that fuels SAA troops and depresses its enemies. It’s hard to keep up faith and morale when you know the war is lost. ISIS and Al Nusra diehards may be willing to fight to the death, but I reckon to many an FSA headchopper taking that reconciliation looks mighty more appealing.

Promitheas Apollonious

WW2 and today’s Syrian reality have absolutely nothing in common. Especially for the hard core army, molded in this circumstances. To them fighting is a way of life especially SAA, that they consciously stay and did not run as 5+ million others did, but stay and fight for the motherland and are winning. To them will be over the war, when every part of Syria is free and all invaders are gone or buried where they stand.

I respect what you trying to tell me but I am sure the people on the ground and the historian you quote me with have a different perspective, as it usually happens when someone is reporting based on hear saying…


Barba Papa, your name is awesome.

If I was a drug dealer and pimp master, I’d probably make my gang surname “Barba Papa”.


Syrians aren’t messing around – deployed heaviest armed and most effective units to south:
Syrian Arab Army :
4th Mechanized Division: 39th Brigade/40th Brigade/42nd Brigade (Ghiath Forces)
5th Armored Division: 15th Brigade
7th Division
9th Division: Shock Forces
15th Special Forces Division
90th Brigade
Republican Guard: 105th Brigade/ 106th Brigade
Palestine Liberation Army (Palestinian forces in the Syrian Army)
Tiger Forces
National Defense Forces (NDF)
Liwaa Suqour Al-Quneitra
Fouj Al-Joulan
East Qalamoun Division
Damascus Division
Homs Division
Dara’a Division
Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP)
Liwaa Al-Quds (Palestinian-Syrian faction from Aleppo)
Raqqa tribal fighters


Although I reckon most of those forces are not as big as the names imply. Most SAA divisions are not divisions anymore in the way that a classic table of organization would imply.


Correct about division sizes – however in their current form these are the Syrian brigades most thoroughly and heavily armed, with most recent equipment, the mechanized brigades are fielding T-90’s etc.


Syrian rescue Operation from US backed terrorists.

1. in June and July, 2018 Daraa/Golan Heights,
2. in July, 2018 ISIS pocket and Al-Tanf in Homs will be liberated,
3. in August and September, 2018 Idlib/Aleppo provinces,
4. in October / November, 2018 Deir Ezzor/Hasakah/Raqqah provinces.

At the moment these provinces are with thieves and child butchers US and Israeli migrants.


The Heros of Syria the President Bashar Al Assad and President Putin.

Now they thinking that without elimination of US and Israel from Middle East bloodshed cannot stop. Because on 25 June at midnight the US backed terrorists Israel have targeted Syrian Damascus airport from Palestine by two DIY home made rockets.

Everyday Netanyahu child butcher using barrel bombs on Palestinians. Last night Netanyahu child butcher used barrel bombs with full of chlorine gas in Palestine, due to which many children died on the spot. Now Trump will say in a war and in a love everything is allowed.

Dušan Mirić

Real heroes are men on the front line even if Putin’s front line is hard in other way


Everybody role is very significant in Syrian war. Assad, Putin, Iran, Hezbollah and Palestine all play very significant role in Syrian rescue operation from child butchers Trump and Netanyahu.