Syrian government forces have started the ISIS-held neighborhoods of Deir Ezzor city, the Russian state-run news agency RIA reported citing own correspondent on the ground.
According to the report, government forces, backed up by artillery units and warplanes, are destroying ISIS fortifications in the al-Hamidiya area.
ISIS units respond with an intense mortar fire and have conducted 3 suicide vehicle-borne improvised explosive device (SVBIED) attacks. No info about the army casualties has been provided.
Meanwhile, local sources say that the advance inside Deir Ezzor city is led by units of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) Tiger Forces and the Syrian Republican Guard (SRG).
Meanwhile, the SAA and the SRG continued operations against ISIS in the vicinity of Deir Ezzor Airport securing this strategic facility. The goal of the operation is to turn the airport into a launching pad for further government operations against ISIS in the province.
Well, somebody has to make room for this new Deir Ezzor City Council that the SDF is forming. Can’t do having ISIS still in control of those parts. Although I wonder how many of those leaders and elders will be seen on photos of former ISIS meetings.
The SAA will not give up DE to some governing council of the SDF. Not unless its all part of a wider negotiated settlement to end the war
Not negotiable “give up DE to some governing council of the SDF”, this nation will remain as such purchased by their treasure and blood of their brothers and sisters and secured by their brothers in arms coalition/s.
Israel needs to make room for their Kurdish friends (dupps) in pre 1948 borders along with a return of Palestinian refugees and a right to vote for their future. I am sure this can be done considering their heart felt feelings for them, NOT!
The Kurds have no chance as they are now supposedly fighting ISIS forces at the outskirts , but they said the US troops who are spearheading will have it cleared. This is a fact about the US they keep making claims of deaths in Afghanistan of US soldiers dying in Syria. The US has been at the front of every SDF fight with ISIS these ones they can’t buy.
The usual Field Marshal Woolpuller bullshit. There have been US 11 deaths in Afghanistan yet he expects us to believe that they were actually in Syria.
You must have missed the article they are nothing but ISIS members even the leader of the Shammar tribe who sold himself long ago. Brett McGurk all he ever does is deal with terrorists it’s his job.
Like the other rebels, the Kurdish commanders should consider joining the SAA.
Syria has guaranteed Kurdish autonomy. All the Americans offer is being an American colony surrounded by a hostile Iraq, Turkey – and Syria.
Could you provide some supporting proof for your assertions?
These Kurds are controlled by the PKK currently and the US why you see the Red and Blue of the PKK on their commanders.They are being led by terrorists and they are partnered with terrorists including the US at the forefront of the terrorist army.
A lot of Syrian Kurds probably just want the war over and don’t have a problem with Syrian citizenship.
Syrians don’t want any terrorists in their country and that is why many are opposed to these PKK Turks in the region, even local Kurds want them gone.Try to understand no one wants any terrorist group in their backyard, why Issa Zahreddin wants not one who has taken up arms or continues to do so against Syria to remain or he will kill them.
There are reports that they’re involved in ethnic cleansing of non Kurds in non Kurdish areas to add those areas to what they’re trying to succeed with. I’m assuming that they have Mossad and CIA agents embedded in their command structure who are assisting with the succession attempt.
Winner ! Winner ! Chicken Dinner!
They have a couple of Israeli bases in Northern Syria the french have 1 or 2 about 75 special forces in the region. Israel has been training the Kurdish YPG Asayish secret police in arresting local Kurdish opposition members and anyne who has is an activist etc.
Of course, but right now they have made pact with the devil (USA), and it will very difficult to get rid of him.
Your average Kurd doesn’t have a lot of imput. It’s the leadership that’s pushing succession.
YPG consider themselves to be kurds, but Syrian kurds. Just not as Assad’s puppies,
so what puppies they want to be? Muhaysini puppies?
…it’s in the consititution.
Could you provide a link or copy and paste?
You can’t be bothered to look it up yourself?! I feel even if I gave you the link you wouldn’t read it.
I don’t what it is in the constitution that you’re referring to, or even which constitution. I wouldn’t have asked for it if I wasn’t interested in reading it.
At this stage it looks like a moot issue because the Kurds have gone Jew world order, circular filed the constitution, probably have Mossad agents embedded in their command structure to assist with the balkinization of Syria, and have turned into just one more regime change element that has to be dealt with.
And Iran as well.
It does not matter what kurdish commandes are considering, they are behaving as USA-puppets so far, and continue behaving like that. SDF must be STOPPED by SAA as soon as possible. Does this means war with SDF ? It does not matter, you have to do what you have to do for the future or the nation and people, independently of the consequences. If SDF wants war, ok, let us have war with them, we are already in war.
Indeed; Kurds are the “enemies
Please give the site where those non existing promises can be found.
Early 2017 Assad rejected a Russian proposal for a federation and or autonomy.
Beyond that, what is the worth of promises by a dictator in trouble?
Ah, your comments are no longer worth reading as you declare President Assad is a dictator. Yeah! Dictator of a government of national unity (elected 2015). What balls you talk. Blocked.
Yet they love him!
Even if they didnt, what right does the USA have to come and change it!
No right!!
if they dont get across that river it’s all for naught!
They have to get the air defense capabilities in place to insure that there isn’t non Syrian government coalition air activity impeding their eastern and northern advance. So that eastern airspace can be controlled like western and central airspace is.
They have s-200, s-300 and s-400 all of which are mobile, no excuses.
I’m assuming that the best place to put at least some of them is at or near the DE airport. They’re in the process of clearing a radius of opposition heavy weapons range so that it’s secure. You don’t secure airspace against peer opposition by driving a few trucks in to get mortared by their proxies. Clearing a radius includes enemy opposition on the other side of the river. SDF can be considered enemy opposition from the sounds of it.
Unlike Isis they have peer air support, at least to a limited extent. So that’s a factor that needs to be, and I’m sure is being taken into consideration. As the eastern Syria air defense network is set up. They just there, they’ve only been there a week. The peer opposition includes advanced tactical and strategic nukes. Driving a few trucks in and putting up a sign saying airspace closed to intruders doesn’t get the job done under those circumstances.
I am with you on this one Richard. They are advancing right now close to the river and a crossing is being set up. A couple of trucks with machine guns are not going to stop the SAA. S-300, S-200 and Pantsir systems will stop Coalition incursion. Once the air strip is set up and safe, they can do all kinds of ops that the SDF is light years away from in capability. It is a tense situation. However, considering who has what in their inventory on a local level, who would you want to put your money on? The SAA of course.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the SDF is running into opposition from commando units that have been operating on the other side of the river for a while. And maybe even some air strike, artillery fire from the west bank, or indigenous loyalist tribal activity.
Absolutely. Boots on the ground recon is still part of the game. I read today that reports of Tiger Forces on the other side of the river were untrue but, I doubt TF is going in cold.
Like you stated, they get that airbase up to speed and imagine the impact of that.
The biggest threat is another secessionist Kurdistan outside of central government control with Israeli and NATO bases constantly stirring up trouble for everyone in the region. DE as a strong eastern hub capable of closing airspace to invasion and extending control into the Kurdish area makes a lot of sense.
You have to do what you have to do to protect your country and the future of your people, it does not matter the size of scarify you have to make…! SAA MUST CROSS EUPHRATES RIVER RIGHT NOW TO PROTECT ITS OIL FIELDS IN OMAR, it does not matter if a Nuclear Bomb explodes in from of them…. that is my point, and that is I would do in that situation.
And what if they get hit with US air strikes because the airspace hasn’t been secured against them yet? All that you’re going to get is dead people.
They still need to secure the airport by being on the other side of the river to give it safety from that area of attack.
Once they clear the west bank I don’t see them not going over and doing the same thing on the east side.
They need 35km to keep the airport secure and they have passed Jafra and are moving further that way and Syria has their own homegrown BDRM-2 armored vehicles. They had the brand new Helicopters Mi8 which are mainly for troop transport, they have a lot more armor and newer equipment being sent to Aleppo area and DE. There is major pushes they are managing out of DE, they have added 5 former FSA units and ten commanders from Idlib. This may look bad if the Turks decide to refuse the US access to the bases.
In the afternoon local syrian time the SAA entered the strategic town of
Jafra. Jafra is east from the military airport. That brings them nearer to good places at the riverside to cross when the suburbs are cleaned and the airport is prepared for starts and landings.
Maybe the Russians don’t have strong air support sufficient to secure the airspace if the US decides to hit Syrian ground forces engaging the Kurds. Aircraft can’t provide top cover 24 7 without air defense systems to fill the gaps. And right now that looks pretty spotty until they get the DE airport secured and substantial advanced systems brought in. The closet systems operational of any substance are probably Palmyra, which is quite a ways away. They don’t want that advanced stuff falling into enemy hands.
I never hoped that the army will be able to secure the gas fields to the north of the Euphrates, but if the Kurds manage to cross the river and capture an inch of the land, then I would consider the army defeated.
We now are all afraid of your gypsy company you idiot.
Hey bro, sorry if I angered you. I am frustrated why the army did not cross the Euphrates couple days ago.
Why are you frustrated when an army is unable to do what it is unable to do. It is just as useful as being frustrated by bad weather, It just is.
ISIS forces are sandwiched/surrounded in Deir Ezzor, they are going to die fighting a futile battle.
After the airfield is secured and areas around it cleaned up, Russia shuould consider seriously of making Deir Ezzor an A2/AD bubble, providing air protection and defense for a radius of 300-400 kms, well into Iraq. Such bubble would thwart any US ambitions of of balkanizing Syria.
Stop storming whatever your are storming and cross Euphrates river to protect your oil filed in Omar. That is what you have to do right now. Ask Russia por air protection and support to do this. Do it right now, today, as soon as possible, this is urgent. Dear Ezzor city can wait since terrorist are trapped and they know that this is their end of your miserable life.
The Syrians need to consolidate first or they’ll be hoist by their own petard. The Syrians and the Russians need to be as one in their intentions for the east bank.
Russian special forces in Syria
Nope, the Kurds wants their own state; They have shown their true colours by joining with an illegal group like the USA illegal squatters so, I hope Syrian Parliament follow the Iraq Parliament which has voted NO and will take military action as well. You have the Palestinians with their country stolen from them by the stealth of the Jews and Zionism. They were then ethnically cleansed and thrown out of their country Palestine. You have Kurds working with the 2 International Terrorists gangs eg USA and Istahell. Not good! Kurds are also ethnically cleansing areas in Syria of other religions and ethnic groups.