Threat Of New Counter Offensive: Ukrainian Landing Operation Thwarted On Kinburn Spit

Threat Of New Counter Offensive: Ukrainian Landing Operation Thwarted On Kinburn Spit

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On August 27, Russian forces thwarted another landing operation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the Kinburn Spit in the Kherson region. As a result of the battle, two Ukrainian landing crafts and about 10 servicemen, including Polish mercenaries, were destroyed.

The Russian Ministry of Defense revealed details of the attack. Russian reconnaissance spotted Ukrainian assault crafts moving early in the morning. Ukrainian group was moving on a high speed from the port of Ochakov towards the Kinburn Spit.

According to the footage from Russian reconnaissance UAV, in total, at least four bots were involved in the attack.



The landing was supported by Ukrainian artillery. When the crafts approached the Russian shore, Ukrainian artillery opened massive fire on Russian military positions to allow the assault group to land on the spit. However, this did not help to complete the goals of the operation and gain a foothold on the territory under the Russian control.

Russian forces that are defending the coast of the Dnieper Estuary on the Kinburn Spit let the enemy to approach the coast within striking distance of their anti-tank weapons. When Ukrainian boats approached, they launched guided missiles from the Kornet ATGM, destroying the first boat with Ukrainian military personnel.

The Ukrainian military launched a guided combat bot which exploded on the shore and allowed to clear mines in a small area. The first Ukrainian group attempted to land on the shore, where it was destroyed by guided missiles of Fagot ATGM. Then, a shooting battle began. Russian anti-tank paratroopers of the airborne artillery unit destroyed the personnel of the Ukrainian assault group, among whom, there were foreign mercenaries from Poland.

The Ukrainian military leaves no hope to land on the poorly protected spits in the Kherson region in order to gain a foothold and launch offensive in Russian rear to cut the entire Russian grouping from the Crimean peninsula. Ukrainian special forces launched several attacks on the Russian coast in recent weeks but all of them resulted only in Ukrainian losses. LINK, LINK, LINK

Amid Russian advance on Donbass frontlines, various military experts believe that the ongoing military operations in the Kursk region may be a deceptive maneuver of the Ukrainian military aimed to distract Russian forces from the possible counter offensive in the south.


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after ukraine poland should be nuked into submission


stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

what’s wrong with them? may be it’s the white powders 💉💉💉and 💰💰💰money that drives them?


i thought japanese kamikaze were complete lunatics, but this is insanity. what is wrong with these people?🤡

Last edited 6 months ago by thewhiterose

drug addicts. the only drugs are in obundance here.


the ukro cannon fodder is pityful. the polish mercs don’t deserve any better. are they stupid? ehat did they expected facing the allmighty russian army?

Charles Darwin

these although somewhat patriotic ukro cannon fodders are what scientists call evolutional dead enders, just a little less pathetic than the way dumber us military evolutional dead enders fighting and dying for zionist master netanyahu and his gaza genocide; and all these while the us southern border is being overrun by freeloading, welfare funded illegal aliens that will by the end of the decade be the majority minority .

Last edited 6 months ago by Charles Darwin
Crocus Shooting Gallery

soon usa supplies nukes to afu…soon moscow burns…heheheh

What is American?

you won’t escape it idiot.


the americans barely saw fit to give them thirty used tanks, and you think they’re getting nuclear weapons?