Written by Damir Nazarov
In early November 2024, according to the Gregorian calendar, the Iraqi Parliament elected Dr. Mahmoud Al-Mashhadani as its new speaker. After long disputes, conflicts and disagreements, the leading Iraqi political parties and blocs have finally come to a unanimous opinion. The new speaker was a “veteran of jihad” during the American occupation.
Two questions arise, why exactly did Al-Mashhadani become the speaker of parliament? Why did the influential Halbousi and Khanjar agree to his candidacy?
Answering the first question, I see three main directions, the first is that the Yankees are ceding influence to China, because Al-Mashhadani, according to the Americans, is an “agent of Iran“, Iran is a strategic ally of the Celestial Empire, therefore the new speaker of the Iraqi parliament is a figure who was welcomed in China.
The second factor is the Zionist terror against the Gaza Strip. Due to the fact that the Axis of Resistance is preparing for a large-scale confrontation with the Zionists, all its elements need to have appropriate political figures at their disposal. Unlike secular and nationalist politicians, Al-Mashhadani is a pro-Islamic figure(he is rumored to be a moderate Salafist) with an obvious pro-Palestinian position. This background allows him to influence the Sunni street of Iraq and attract them to a wider participation in the fight against Zionism.
Finally, the third point. Halbousi’s boundless ambitions and Khanjar’s thirst for power form a diabolical tandem, their mutual hatred of each other overshadows the situation, nevertheless, both dictators supported the election of a “jihadist” as speaker of parliament. There is an indirect Turkish influence behind their decision. Turkey has long been the key to Iraq’s Sunni environment* and has its own levers. From Turkey’s point of view, the election of Al-Mashhadani as the new speaker will help expand bilateral relations with Iran, which will help accelerate the implementation of the economic project between Ankara and Baghdad within the framework of the establishment of the Silk Road.
That is why the Turks put pressure on the two main obstinate leaders of the secular Sunnis so that they would not interfere with the victory of the “jihad veteran” when choosing a speaker. Moreover, Turkey turns a blind eye to the “unfriendly” new speaker of the Iraqi parliament, since the geopolitical project is more important than the political nuance in the neighboring country.
The answer to the second question comes from their first, Halbousi and Khanjar do not want to anger the Turkish-Chinese alliance and accordingly accept a pro-Iranian candidate. These two tried to provide their candidates, but they were refused. Of course, Halbousi, like Khanjar, see themselves or their loyalists in the place of the speaker of parliament and will certainly try to take advantage of the chances in the future, especially since Al-Mashhadani is no longer young, but blows provincial dictators, and did not understand that the influential forces of the region are not interested in an alcoholic or a smuggler ruling a Sunni street.
Iraq is in full swing in terms of mastering its new regional role based on integration into the Silk Road. But before that, the Iraqis will definitely have to participate in the elimination of all enemies of the “caravan road from Asia to Europe.” Kurdish separatism, Takfiri enclaves and the Zionist colony, all these vicious elements will certainly be eliminated, including by the hands of the Iraqis. These moments explain why a Salafi jihadist became the speaker of parliament, Hashad al-Shaabi launched cooperation with Turkey, Shiite factions of the Islamic Resistance are preparing a march on occupied al-Quds through Jordan, and the anti-Western Sadrist leader eclipsed the “traditional” Marjiyat Najaf.
*- Nevertheless, at the moment we can only talk about temporary alliances, but not as deep relationships. It is absolutely possible to say that both Halbousi and Khanjar are situational allies of Ankara, but not as trusted persons.
kick the yankees out of iraq and i will believe it
during trump’s mandate us troops will be ordered out of iraq and syria just like they were ordered out of afghanistan. we need our troops home to protect the southern border, round up and deport the millions of aliens that are poisoning the blood of our country.
to late. white mans been poisoning the blood for centuries. feel their pain
no i don’t think he would be so silly as to allow the war mongers carte blanche in the middle east.
where have you been? wait til he gets back in. israel will get whatever they want, whenever they want, no delays, no games, no control…just the required servitude. trump has a new set of kneepads just for the occasion. but, thankfully and due mostly to iran, even sunni’s will soon join the fight to remove not only americans, but those backstabbing, thieving kurds and their mossad offices.
iran hasn’t attacked any country, even its neighbours, since 1734, with only one exception in 1975 when the shah, on orders of washington, attacked saudi arabi’s islands in the persian gulf, so basically itwas not iran but us.
so then, who’s the warmonger ?
how could they be worse than the locals who hold such ignorant views?
his first job is to push out the yankee murdrers off 500 000 iraki babys orchestrated by the witsh allbright. and i hope they go in body bags.
yes, and get the oil and gas stealing yanks out of syria
you’re just so obviously untrue .imo .
listen pal obama had more bombs dropped on moslems in the middle east than were dropped in both ww1 and 2 combined and they gave him the peace prize. he had a bomb dropped, i think it was, every 7 minutes 24 hours a day for around a year non.stop from memory and it was all hushed up .allegedly.
actually it was either once every 3 or 4 minutes or 7 cant remember for certain but only the then daily mail reported it and they not long after had total change of ownership . and went down faster than the titanic into the bottomless pit of murky mickey mouse muck media.
colourful. transparent nonetheless .
it’s fundamental saturn vs the lunar golden solar invictus or silver lunar .
and in between are the jews with the true calendar that incorporates both .imo .balanced.
but having said that i’m not convinced of any politico religio foundational .org religions at all .
never mind him, such schemes promise neither peace nor security nor success.
its hilarious that the stoopid murkhanz once belived that they could understand this nation, let alone rule it thru a satrap. dunning-kruger, applied to geopolitics.
sounds good. now all he has to do is stay alive.
allegedly there is a false flag coming, based on taking out undersea cables and blaming it on russia or iran. the dm is already running the preparation script, with the russian ship in international waters, close to the undersea cables by the isle of man. they are hoping to use the false flag as an emergency for biden-harris to use martial law and cancel the election results.
i read these posts and see that 8200 has rejuvenated itself, at least until hez makes a return visit. then the same trump supporters who are still in la la land of denial. trump set free the worst spy in u.s. history who cost hundreds of american lives and now lives a life of luxury in israel as a hero. i listened to a couple of hasidics talk and were amazed at them discussing what americans barely suspect, as if it were common knowledge. the subjects were jfk assassination and 9/11.
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