Written by Elijah J. Magnier: @ejmalrai; Originally appeared at his blog
During the International Institute for Strategic Studies 14thdialogue in the Bahraini Capital Manama, Bert McGurk, the US envoy for the global coalition to defeat the Islamic State group (ISIS), took leave of his designated function by expressing unusual solicitude for Syria when he said it is “necessary for the Iran-Backed militias to leave Syria to ensure a stable and independent country”. The US presidential special envoy also said he is looking forward to promoting “mutual US-Iraq interests and for the Iraqis to strengthen their own interests and sovereignty”.
McGurk, who was directly involved in the formation of the Iraqi leadership (Speaker, President and Prime Minister) in the last few months, didn’t manage to return his favourite candidate Haidar Abadi to power and failed to prevent Faleh al-Fayyad from coming to power. According to private sources in Baghdad, al-Fayyad will be nominated as Interior Minister, a position that requires coordination with US forces in Iraq. McGurk clashed with Fayyad on several occasions when he unsuccessfully sought to limit the activity of Iran and Hezbollah in supporting the formation of the new Iraqi leadership in Baghdad.

The US is mustering all its diplomacy against Iran in preparation for unilateral implementation of full sanctions against the Islamic Republic, expected on the fourth of November. This is why McGurk is attacking Iran in Syria and Iran. Nevertheless, the new Iraqi government is reversing Abadi’s concession to the US: the new prime minister Adel Abdel Mahdi has ordered Hashd al-Shaabi to deploy its forces along the Syrian-Iraqi borders. Abadi kept Hashd away from borders where the US forces are deployed and where they occupy part of Syrian territory and the al-Tanf crossing between the Levant and Mesopotamia.

Washington wrongly believes its forces can limit the influence and movement of the Iranian and allied forces in Syria by keeping the Marines in the country. Iranian influence is well established in Syria today, following its unlimited support to the government of Damascus. Even in Iraq, the US presence failed to limit Iran’s leverage on the new government.
US concern is indeed justified: Washington and its allies have lost and failed to “change the regime” in Damascus despite seven long years of war. The Americans used all possible tools and pressure to no avail. US leadership used the “chemical attacks” excuse to bomb the Syrian army without creating any change on the ground. It has used also the card of the Syrian refugees, trying to block their voluntary return. It failed to keep the Jordanian-Syrian crossing at Naseeb closed to prevent Syria from recovering part of its economy. It is also keeping al-Tanf under occupation to stop the flow of hundreds of millions of dollars into the pockets of Damascus from the considerable trade between Iraq and Syria.
The US establishment did not hesitate to support al-Qaeda in Idlib indirectly – after its direct military and training support to al-Qaeda throughout the years of war – by launching a serious warning to Assad in case of any attack against rural Idlib and Latakia where jihadists are based, and Turkey has failed to dislodge them. Moreover, Washington is using the Kurds of al-Hasaka province as human shields to protect the US forces occupying the province. And last but not least, the US is using the UN to try and alter the Syrian constitution, a move only the Syrian parliament can do.
All the above didn’t stop McGurk from calling for the withdrawal of Iranian-backed forces “to ensure a stable and independent Syria”. The US envoy forgot that the US forces were never invited to Syria and are considered an occupation force. Moreover, it is Damascus who asked for Iran’s support against the jihadists when the US and its allies (Saudi Arabia and Turkey) allowed a free passage to these hoping to create a fail state. Therefore, it is not up to Washington – nor to Moscow, as Russian officials have reiterated – to seek the withdrawal of any non-Syrian forces from the Levant.
During the seven years of war, the US never ever aimed for the stability of Syria nor did it work in harmony with the “interests of the people”. Νo Syrian institution gave the right and freedom to the US to speak on its behalf. US forces are blocking al-Tanf crossing in order to impoverish the Syrian population. The US has protected ISIS in the north-east enclave without destroying the jihadists. Not only that, ISIS attacked, imprisoned and killed dozens of the Kurds acting as US proxies in north-east Syria who allowed ISIS to move in and occupy areas around Hajin. When units of the Syria army looking to combat ISIS moved hundreds of meters east of the Euphrates into an ISIS-controlled area a few months ago, the US destroyed them, thereby supporting ISIS’s ongoing presence in the region.
The US establishment is in denial. It has not come to terms with its defeat in Iraq and Syria. Today, it is moving unilaterally against Iran to implement further sanctions that can certainly harm the Iranian economy. Nevertheless, the Americans will not be able to uproot the Iranian ideology that has taken root in Iraq and Syria precisely because of the failed US foreign policy and regime change strategy that was meant to protect its hegemony and dominance in the Middle East.
Proofread by: Maurice Brasher and C.B.
“The US establishment is in denial”
I don`t think so, the US is acting out of it`s unilateral, indispensable belief and its hegemony over the world.
It beliefs it has the right to act as it pleases and is above any international law and rule.
In a way, your points show that the US establishment is in denial.
Yes, i see your point!!
” The US is mustering all its diplomacy against Iran in preparation “.
That is the most depressing aspect of all of McGurks malevolence in my opinion.
Gunboat Diplomacy was a favourite of the British Empire and the US is not capable of any rational these days.
Diplomacy to the US is ‘shouting and screaming’ but that’s a Jewish and Gipsy trait as well .
I look forward to the Vietnam result for the US in the Middle East.
Perhaps the ‘Peace Talks’ can be held in Paris :)
It’s a fake idea that the US are the hegemon in the world, its a very dispensable belief, as the US are going to know sooner than later. The only indispensables believes are those who have direct report with reality, nor the upside down believes about the reality, or, what is the same, denials of the reality
The US need eliminating NOW. I am so sick and tired of their politicians spewing out BS, trouble and evil everywhere they go.
As a side issue, whilst I am sure it has been discussed before, I never actually realised the reasoning behind the Al-tanf base, until now. Again the scum have no respect for anyone inside or outside the US.
Al Tanf has always been about disrupting the Iran-Iraq-Syria-Lebanon silk road that leads to trade and the Mediterranean for Iran. The US will fail eventually, but only after every ounce of US blood and taxpayer treasure has been expended attempting to steer the balance of power toward the real failed state in the region, ISRAEL!
Foreign Liars in Syria will be caught and dealt with. Why must US go on to the wrong side all the time, since 1999 and Yugoslavia under Clinton and up until now.? MAD Crazy, Reptilian people in Wash DC won’t stop until they kill millions of Americans in the coming war. Soros included. He is a major bogeyman and also a Reptilian, just take a good look at his face. They think they are Exceptional and can hide in tunnels and undermountain cities while the despicables perish.
Many poor hungry people without jobs or healthcare in USA. Most of country is below the poverty line. Only 10% and above life well. Rest of us giving or working sweat and blood taxes to pay for bombs to support ISIS and kill Christians , chop heads and burn churchs. The Lord sees all and will repay on His own schedule. Fear the Lord.
Why is everyone still using the word jihadist to designate terrorists? Syrian soldiers consider themselves jihadists, iraqi soldiers and militias consider themselves jihadists, iran and hezbollah consider themselves jihadists, Houthis consider themselves jihadists. Using jihadist as title for terrorists makes no sense. Call them what they are: mercenaries and/or terrorists.
Well, we have to name them to see the difference. I name all military forces as “soldiers” but add last name for them too.
Not long time ago I counted about 50 different flags in Syria and many in Iraq. Apart from the Marxist they probatly all have God on their side as well.