The Turkey-Kurds-US Triangle Is Becoming Increasingly Dangerous

The Turkey-Kurds-US Triangle Is Becoming Increasingly Dangerous

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Written by Damir Nazarov

While Turkish officials are actively visiting Damascus, in northeastern Syria, pro-Turkish formations have begun the second phase of the fight against the PKK. The main target of the national Syrian army is Manbij, Kobani and up to Raqqa. The “Rojava” administration is trying to bargain with Ankara in the hope of getting at least something from the previously captured Arab lands, but Erdogan is adamant, “the PKK has no place in the future Syria,” the Turkish president says.

The so-called “Democratic Forces of Syria”, knowing about the tactical alliance between Tahrir al-Sham and the Turks, are trying to find a gap between them, playing the dialogue card specifically with Damascus, ignoring Turkey, in response to which the former leader of the local al-Qaeda assures that “the Kurds are part of Syria, but the PKK must leave.” However, the Tahrir al-Sham forces were not seen as part of the SNA in the north-east of the country.

Nevertheless, the main attention is focused on the Americans, who, to the great regret of the Kurds, are in an extremely unfortunate situation due to the results of the recent elections. Trump’s victory forces the Democrats to pursue a complex policy depending on the statements of Trumpists on Syria. For example, as soon as Trump announced a month ago that he was ready to withdraw troops from Syria, the Pentagon decided to increase its contingent to several thousand. Then Trump indicated that “Erdogan holds the key to Syria”, after which a delegation from Washington went to al-Julani, which should be interpreted as a positive signal to the Arab autocracies to establish themselves in Syria, as a counterweight to Ankara. However, Trump’s adviser Michael Waltz then stated that the fight against ISIS is the first priority of the United States, Israel’s security is the second, and the third is expanding relations with the Gulf countries. Waltz clearly indicated that “Kurdish friends are the main partners of the United States in the fight against ISIS”.

This will explain why the current government in the United States has organized a series of attacks against the Takfirists and is trying in every possible way to prevent the pro-Turkish Ottomans from eliminating the PKK in Manbij. Biden’s team does not want to be responsible for the defeat of the Kurds, so as not to allow the Trumpists to openly criticize their policies. However, supporting the PKK in Syria is fraught with Americans, regardless of party affiliation, distancing themselves from Turkey, which has suddenly become number one in the Middle East. This is the dilemma that Washington will have to resolve, but whatever the decision, China has already won on this part of the chessboard.

Zionism also does not want to be on the sidelines on the Kurdish issue. Its priority is to provide all necessary support to the PKK-YPG. Since the “Israelis” see them as the main ally in the common fight against Iran and Turkey. The Kurds are encouraged by the Zionist support, since “Israel” occupies a key place in Trump’s cabinet, which, according to the Kurds, can delay the fall of “Rojava”.


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Sultan of Anatolia

their days are numbered and i say patience. it is absolutely and imperative that this so-called kurdish entity disappears. it only serves the interests of israel. read this carefully gentlemen “israel likes disorder around it, that’s how it strengthens itself” never forget this sentence.


exactly. israel wants to use these kurds to steal the syrian peoples oil and sabotage turkey from the inside out. they after all also want to annex antakya from turkey its on the greater israel menu. turkey better wipe the slate clean so atleast syria can be unified again. then work towards israels withdrawl from the 1974 ceasefire line and reinstate the un observers. you need a strong unified syria if you want the zionists to withdrawl.

Sultan of Anatolia

the kurds who will read me. when will you understand that you only served to bring down the beast (isis) that the united states created. the americans create monsters that they cannot control afterwards. instead of sending western soldiers to destroy isis they found you and sent you into combat. you on the ground and the west in the air without any risk. today you serve as a prison guard and oil guard.


yes both sdf and isis are american/jewish inventions to destabilize the middle east. syria was stable under the bath party until the jews sabotaged the country by all means. those terrorists are all supplied and funded by the cia and mossad covert operations schemes. john mccain was photographed with al bagdadi or shall i say simon elliot a jew

Last edited 2 months ago by Thehandrubbingjew

the kurdish activities were only possible due to the turkish and arab funded invasion of jihadis from the entire muslim/ arab world. you can share the credit for destroying syria with the usa/ gb/ france, the isrealis and arab gulf countries.

Last edited 2 months ago by kotromanic
The Kurd

we dont give af what u think or say. as long as the usa is there u can eat dog shit and cry your heart our while we establish a second kurdistan at your border and not you or those filthy sna mercenaries or hts terrorists can’t do shit about it.

Sultan of Anatolia

your race really doesn’t understand anything. 1 you are the terrorists. you are illegally occupying syrian territory and want to steal syria. 2 kurdistan does not exist and will never exist. 3 when trump and his administration take power they will bring american troops home. we are just waiting, we are just waiting. why rush when everything will happen by itself? patience and in the end you will cry again.

Kathleen Parrish

what a web is being weaved !!! just sayin peace peace


i hope they start killing each other.


erdogan better take out the communist kurds before they start a revolution inside turkey with their stolen syrian oil wealth. in the end that is how the jews plan on carving up turkey and the euphrates will be the boundary between greater israel and the kurds if you agree with me that we should not let it happen then also wake up and see that the jews use turkey and the sdf to do the dirty work for them.


you know its not the kurds who take the oil common. uncle same never lets a chance to steal oil go unused.


syria was a regional power that stood up to israel. now syria is just a mere colony for israel and turkish ambitions

Last edited 2 months ago by Thehandrubbingjew

and a springboard to do the same to other arab countries and iran. it took 12 years but still the result is the same as if assad would had fled day one.


and it still doesn’t make sense. i don’t care what people claim of how they syrian arab army lacked money and officers corrupt. no army of 200,000 with artillery advantage and air superiority surrenders to 30,000 terrorists. i keep saying every time the good guys seem like they are winning some bs that doesn’t make sense happens that sets them back. russia in ukraine. syria. lebanon. etc.


türkmeneli̇ cumhuri̇yeti̇ kurulacak


if you want to know what is happening watch the 2012 movie the dictator. a lot of smoke and mirrors for the public but the objective is pumping oil just as in libya. everybody have a wonderful christmas 🎄🫶🎄


the russians were wise to pull out…. this is beginning to look more and more like a setup to further draw the dumb war hungry over stretched americans into another prolonged and useless wars.

The Crunge

maybe thi’s is the zio american plan, district and big down turkey with the kurds. that way they’ll have carte blanche to do what want militarily.

it might work. unfortunately.

R. Ambrose Raven

lebanon too, as hezbollah is attacked by the other political sects.

both netanyahu and erdogan will put their own interests ahead of those of the u.s. it will be forced out or to the side. western media would give cover, just as it demonises assad and the axis of resistance while trivialising zionist genocide in gaza, mass murder of lebanese, and the invasion of syria.

Assad must stay

inshallah all these clowns fall away and syria will be terrorist free once again



willy Van Damme

the kurds are a tool of zionism in order to create problems for the arabs and turkish state. theret is an essentiel disargreement between turkey and the west. turkey will win this, not today but later next year or in 2026.
