The story of tragedy for Palestine: The Balfour Declaration and the foundation of Israel

The story of tragedy for Palestine: The Balfour Declaration and the foundation of Israel

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I cry every time.

Aristhotle Dungo

Fuck this video. Know your history. Ottoman is done. That is israel already. A foundation must be built on something like ottoman did in the first place.

Don Machiavelli

Ottoman is done. What does that tell you?

If one lesson can be learned it is that nations are not there to stay forever, especially if they act without respect for the law. Israel will face the same future as once Ottomans did if it continues with apartheid.

Fuck you and your retarded comment.


The Jews are evil pedophile cult rapists, and the source of many of the planet’s problems. Their evil cult should be outlawed to create a Jew free planet.

Don Machiavelli

Replace ‘Jew’ with ‘Zionist’. Thank you.

Such talk belongs to the early 19th century. Jews are not your enemies.


95% of Jews support Israel. The other 5% to the best of my knowledge also follow the Talmud. Which makes them Jew pedophile rape cult members.

Don Machiavelli

That is simply not true. Hoaxes like ‘Protocols of Elders of Zion’ did a lot of damage to general perception of Jewish people and with crimes which Israel commits on daily basis i understand why many people start to believe in such theories but if any of them who believe such things does research that subject deeply and objectively with open mind then truth is evident and Jewish people are not blame.

It’s a broad subject and there is hate againt Islam, evident as of recent decades, hate which comes from the same minds out of which such things about Jews do. That can be used as comparison to show flaws of such stories in either case.


What is it about:

“95% of Jews support Israel. The other 5% to the best of my knowledge also practice Talmudic oral suction circumcision. Which makes them Jew pedophile rape cult members.”

that is untrue? Your reply does nothing to disprove my statement.

Don Machiavelli

That is untrue and my comment partly explains why and also i did mention how large topic it is. I do not want to get into discussing anything which is based on things such as this, you can not generalize like that.

There are bad retards or groups of them all around but we can not blame all of the people. That is what Israel does to Palestinians or what it was doing to Lebanese, i wont play their game. None should.


If it’s untrue than disprove it. You can’t so you won’t even try. Your comment disproves nothing.

Don Machiavelli

” oral suction circumcision ”

That alone is ridiculous. I am Muslim. We also do circumcision but oral suction, man please. About ” baby killers ” where are all those missing children? Are the world populations so dumb that some 20 million of people are kidnapping babies for centuries and no one can do shit against it?

Where is logic there?

Don Machiavelli

And yeah, u almost dragged me into discussing it but i will focus on these two questions i made here. Explain please.


This evil cult should be outlawed and Israel’s UN membership revoked and replaced with Palestine.

The Jew criminals pedophile mass rape 1,000 cult babies every week. In NYC alone:

“The ancient practice — known as metzitzah b’peh — requires a mohel, the person performing the circumcision, to suck blood from the incision on an infant’s penis.

It has long been linked to neonatal herpes and has consistently raised red flags in the medical community. …

According to the Health Department, 24 cases of herpes have been linked to circumcision since 2000. Two of the infants died and two others suffered brain damage.”

New case of neonatal herpes caused by Jewish circumcision | New …

“if the victim is under 16 AND the defendant is over 21, oral copulation with a minor must be charged as a felony …

Oral copulation is defined as any contact—no matter how slight—between the mouth of one person, and the sexual organ or anus of another. Neither penetration nor ejaculation/orgasm is required.”

“Woman sentenced for having oral sex with her baby …

A Northwest Side woman was sentenced today to life in prison with no chance of parole for 15 years”

Don Machiavelli

That proves nothing.


It proves that they’re depraved perverts who belong in jail, and that their evil pedophile rape cult should be outlawed.

Don Machiavelli

That is not Judaism.


Just like 95% of Jews aren’t Zionists? What is it about oral suction baby rape is a primary Jew ritual that you don’t understand:

Chief Rabbinate opposes legislation to regulate circumcision – Israel ……/Chief-Rabbinate-opposes-legislation-to-regulate-circumcision-4966...

Israel’s chief rabbinate says oral suction at circumcision is preferred … › Jewish World › Jewish World News

Don Machiavelli

I follow Jewish press and have not so far found any of those texts nor were ” oral suction ” things ever available anywhere, even in most hardcore anti-Semitic sources. Disgusting subject so i rather pass and man you only repeat your self. Circumcision is, as i mention, completely normal thing and we could debate about how it is actually good for hygiene and health. But oral suction is not and i do not know where you got that shit.
Brat milah wiki is completely in line with what i am saying here.


You’re lying.

Don Machiavelli

Thank you for labeling me like that. It’s disgusting. I’ve recommended you to listen to people who speak out against Jews but they separate good from evil. True Jews from liars.

Just check this part written in the Holy Bible. Ty.


99.5% of Jews belong to the same evil Talmud Rabbinical cult that has had blood sucking pedophile rape as one of it’s foundational rituals for thousands of years. It should be outlawed and Israel should be delisted from the UN and replaced with Palestine. The other .5% are probably baby rapers also. These cultists rape 1,000 cult babies a week. You lies, denial and blame shifting doesn’t change that.

Don Machiavelli

You always disregard everything i have said. Sure, i do the same about that oral suction thingy which you have said but, trust me, people who attack Jews in general are Israels best friends.

Especially these days. You are doing them a big favor. That is all i will say.


2334 revoking the Balfour Declaration and San Remo Resolution didn’t do Israel any favors. And neither will UNCRC, UNHRC, and ICC mass rape investigations and prosecutions.

Your support for an evil Jew pedophile rape cult and disregard for mass rape, injury and murder just shows what type of low life your are.

Don Machiavelli

Keep insulting, that’s only thing you can do with lack of evidence about your claims. Aside from insulting Jewish people in general you also insult strangers who try to have civilized talk with you.

I do not play such games, enjoy your greatness alone ;)


You’ve discredited and made a fool out of yourself with blatant repetitive lies. And proven that you’re a Jew pedophile rape cult supporter. Do you like being insulted by people telling bald face lies to you while you’re trying to have a rational debate wit them? I’ve been rational and truthful. You’ve been irrational and lied repeatedly. Just like an evil Jew raped at birth and taught to lie by their cult.

“As a result, several groups have been made into recognized criminal organizations. … These cults have generally been involved with activities like murder, abduction, statutory rape, or other serious crimes. Often, they hold an illegal activity to be a primary focus of their religious teachings, making adherence to the group’s beliefs a virtual guarantee of grossly illegal activity directly harming others.”

Don Machiavelli

Insult some more ;) This tells more about you than about me. What’s worse, you insult every Jew in the world with your words and there are many Jews who did more for Palestinians than you would ever do. You can’t generalize. That’s all.


What your comments tell about you is that you’re a liar, a truth hater, a trouble maker, and an evil Jew pedophile rape cult supporter. What my comments say about me is that I’m a truther and a problem solver. I’m trying to get the mass rape and other Jew crimes and evil stopped. You support the cult committing them.

Don Machiavelli

But hey, cults do exist. No one disprove that. But to say that they are Jews. Nah.

Please, take a look at this link :


Your link that you keep providing doesn’t disprove anything that I’ve written. What is the point that you’re trying to make by providing this link?

Don Machiavelli

Point is that there are sick maniacs who hide themselves behind Judaism. But they are not Jews, they are disgrace to Jews who are good people as much as any of us and they have suffered a lot, mostly because those who hide behind them have used their suffering to gain legitimacy.

That is my point. You should send your anger to the right address because by doing things as you do them you just do favor to those whom you hate.

What is it there which is hard to understand?


Judaism is an evil anti Christian, anti golden rule, anti humanism, pedophile rape cult that rapes 1,000 cult babies every week and is a root cause of many of the planet’s problems and should be outlawed. Individual Jews should be rounded up, imprisoned and prosecuted for their crimes on a case by case basis as the evidence indicates as part of outlawing their evil cult and creating a Jew free world.

The extent to which laws outlawing Judaism and extinguishing their evil cult are retroactive depends on the jurisdiction and how they’re written and enforced. Putting Jews to death as part of the Jew eradication process in gas chambers, by firing squad, lethal injection, hanging, etc. for crimes against humanity like mass rape, murder, etc. and burning their remains in crematory ovens is something that will depend on the sentencing guidelines where they’re convicted.

Giving Jews life sentences for murder, pedophile rape etc. and lesser sentences for endangering the welfare of a child, accessory to rape, sexual assault etc. is something to be determined by the courts.

Jews that haven’t committed crimes shouldn’t be prosecuted. People like you committed to supporting an evil cult like Judaism are part of the problem.


These people are freaks. They belong in jail. Their evil cult should be outlawed and Israel’s UN membership should be revoked and replaced with Palestine.

The Jew criminals pedophile mass rape 1,000 cult babies every week. In NYC alone:

“The ancient practice — known as metzitzah b’peh — requires a mohel, the person performing the circumcision, to suck blood from the incision on an infant’s penis.

It has long been linked to neonatal herpes and has consistently raised red flags in the medical community. …

According to the Health Department, 24 cases of herpes have been linked to circumcision since 2000. Two of the infants died and two others suffered brain damage.”

New case of neonatal herpes caused by Jewish circumcision | New …

“if the victim is under 16 AND the defendant is over 21, oral copulation with a minor must be charged as a felony …

Oral copulation is defined as any contact—no matter how slight—between the mouth of one person, and the sexual organ or anus of another. Neither penetration nor ejaculation/orgasm is required.”

“Woman sentenced for having oral sex with her baby …

A Northwest Side woman was sentenced today to life in prison with no chance of parole for 15 years”

Don Machiavelli

Man there are brutal maniacs who present them as Jews, they lie. It’s even written in the Holy Bible, Quran… Not everyone. Listen to Farrakhan for example, he makes good case against Zionists and separates ‘bad’ Jews from ‘good’ Jews. There are bad people in any group it just happens that Zionists have picked Jewish faith to use as their cover. That is what i believe and i can prove most of it factually. Not all, but most because evidence is hard to get.


Judaism is an evil cult that needs to be outlawed to create a Jew free planet. The Talmud is a wicked anti Christian, anti humanitarian, anti golden rule twisted perversion of the old testament. Pedophile rape is a primary Judaic ritual and has been for thousands of years.


Copy and paste what’s untrue and then disprove it.

Don Machiavelli

That statistic ain’t true but feel free to believe what you like. I said all in other reply.



“94% say that if Jewish state “no longer existed tomorrow,” it would be a “tragedy”

US Jews strongly support Israel, new poll shows – Jewish World ……/Jewish-News/US-Jews-strongly-support-Israel-new-poll-sho...

Moussa Saab

That is because the MSM makes them believe so


I would give US Jews less of a free pass than non Jews. They’re a lot more aware of Zionist crimes.


I agree with what you write, if you separated Jews from Zionists.
I doubt if you do, so whenever I read your comments I change it in my head.
Hitting all the Jews just helps Zionists Richard. They’re not the same.


95% of Jews support Israel. The other 5% to the best of my knowledge also follow the Talmud. Which makes them Jew pedophile rape cult members.


We know your frustration have crossed red line, be careful don’t do suicide.


Palestine: AND Map of Palestine of 1607 from Rabbi Schwarz. Couldn’t find ISRAEL on it, and I am not good at Photo-
Shopping – so, sorry Ashkenazi, can’t help you :-( :


Zionists started to counter this reality with saying: Israel in fact lost a lot of territory!!
They believe they’re cheated by return of Sinai to Egypt. Perhaps the appearance of ISIS in Sinai isn’t out of thin air after all.


They CREATE Reality :-)


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The Balfour declaration was not a treaty or agreement it was just a declaration which has no importance. Anybody can make this declaration.


AND DO what I do- BOYCOTT Israel. Watch for a very small circled letter K and U on packages of “food”. Those represent a KOSHER TAX on the product you are buying, which money goes to Israel

Remember those Ashkenazi “Jews” have been either REMOVED and/or BANNED from 109 lands in the past so lets make their REMOVAL from Palestine and UNITED STATES the 110th and 111th , respectively

The Ukraine waits with open arms.



Thanks for sharing information about K and U. I will take care now.


YOU’re welcome


We should not boycott their foods only but we should boycott every single product and each business of Israel in the world for the safety of this world nations from Israeli brutality and heinous crimes.

There are many products and businesses of Israel in the whole world from which they receive money and then they finance by that money their terrorism in the world.


I agree and I never meant only food BUT is is the most common item , which people buy, with the Kosher tax attached


The Balfour Declaration is a private document written by Lord Balfour to Lord Rothschild. It is not a treaty, nor a law passed through parliament. The Balfour Declaration is a letter of gratitude for big Jewish finance for its support of England and for getting the United States to join in the effort to defeat Prussia. Because of Zionism’s close relations with Jewish finance, had the Ottoman Empire been an ally of England, the Rothschild would have been supporting the Prussians.


If South Front really wants to educate people about Balfour, it needs to publish the information contained in the two links below. The above video had good intentions, but they missed the most important point.

The Balfour Declaration was not made to gather Zionists support for the war effort in November 1917. Rather, it was made as a reward to Jewish Zionists for having successfully brought America into the war a few months earlier. It was a pre-negotiated deal actually made one year earlier in 1916. The Declaration was just a big payoff to the Zionists for what they accomplished as their part of the deal.

If South Front really wants to educate people about Balfour, it needs to publish the information contained in the two links below:

Germany got it’s revenge when Hitler later came to power. But, the Second WW would not have happened had Zionists not made the deal for the Balfour Declaration. Eighty million people were killed in the second WW. The Zionists Jews brought all of the misery of the Holocaust down on themselves (and everyone else too).


Benjamin Freedman was part of the Jewish delegation that was at the table during the Paris peace conference in 1919. He made this audio recording in 1961.(see the link below)

The complete speech is also on several YouTube channels. Just go to YouTube, and type Benjamin Freedman. This is just an excerpt below:

“The Zionists in Germany, who represented the Zionists from Eastern Europe, went to the
British War Cabinet and — I am going to be brief because it’s a long story, but I have all the documents to prove any statement that I make — they said: “Look here. You can yet win
this war. You don’t have to give up. You don’t have to accept the negotiated peace offered to you now by Germany. You can win this war if the United States will come in as your ally.”

How did they do it? It didn’t have much to do with the sinking of the Lusitania, which is the common belief.

The Zionists used Supreme Court Justice Brandeis, President Wilson’s best friend, as well as a massive propaganda campaign from their Jewish controlled press, to get the US into the war.

The Germans only found out about this Balfour Declaration at the 1919 Paris conference.
This is what led them (Adolph Hitler) to turn on the Jews, who up until that time had the good life in Germany.

Needless to say, WWI would have ended in early 1917. The Holocaust would not have happened had this betrayal by the Jews not occurred. Hitler never would have come to power. The 80 million people killed in WWII would not have happened. A peace deal with justice for everyone would have occurred in 1917, with no need for another world war.

The Jews brought all of this misery down on themselves (and everyone else too).

Don Machiavelli

That speech was eye opener. Thanks to Mr. Benjamin. He urged people to safeguard their common sense as it’s only weapon against Zionism.


NOT the “only weapon” and DEFINITELY NOT the Best weapon against Zionists.

BRUTE FORCE will eventually be realized that it should have been used, but wasn’t

Don Machiavelli

There is no brute force option. Only isolation from economy. Samson option doesn’t like London, Rome, Paris… You get the picture ;)

Iran, for example, would not sacrifice Israel civilians to destroy Israel. If it desired that Israel would be gone but you can’t make peace and good future by killing millions of innocent people that’s why i believe that brute force is not the option. Samson option aside, with it in equation i would not risk having Europe covered with nuclear fallout.

Don Machiavelli

Aside from that, on its shortest part Israel is only 15km thick, on it’s widest, about 114km.

Such area can be leveled to the ground only by conventional weapons and that could be done long time ago but Iran, Syria, Libya, they are not murderers like Israel is.


So you don’t see a difference between DEFENDING oneself and “Murder?

I am talking ,of course about Palestinians, Syrians, Iraqis and Iranians RIGHT to defend themselves by killing Israelis and Americans if necessary !

I see a huge difference


Who is talking about “killing millions of innocent people”?

You and most of of the people have no imagination which is why you and mankind are losing. I come from an Irish Rebel family who did not kill “millions” Our enemy and OCCUPIER, the British did and in fact, killed over 5 million of our Brothers and sisters.

There is more than one type Brute Force AND to whom SELECTIVELY it may be used

WE did and finally won in 1949

I wont waste anymore time by arguing with your unthinking nonsense

Keep losing.

Don Machiavelli

”Brute force”, you and me have different definition of it.

How can you say that i do support killings? Did you even read my reply? I believe you did not at least not in the context it was made, your claims are disgusting, first you propose brute force than, even tho i wrote why i do not support murders, you accuse me of exactly that.

Any type of aggression done on ‘them’ will result into stronger oppression in occupied areas. I do not support that, didn’t Palestinian people suffered enough long ago? Why make it worse?

So, now i am working for ‘the enemy’? Your attitude speaks for itself, you would disregard any type of pressure and diplomacy in favor of trying to do the same fucking thing which Ziofucks are doing for over 100 years now.

Shame on you.


WE get POORER and LESS FREE, in spite of so-called “wins” in places like Syria. FREEDOM is NOT winning in Syria, as I have demonstrated in previous comments, through the many years I have been commenting, THUS WE are not winning

The ILLUMINATI WANT us to think we are winning but they know WE CANNOT WIN because we OFFER NO SOLUTIONS, nor are we acting, in any way, shape or form, to STOP them with regards what they are doing to us! So we arrest a few of their “useful idiots”, who are totally REPLACEABLE, and ARE replaced, all the time, I might add !

WE have a lot of KNOWLEDGE but we are not using it

WE are doing the “Same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results” – TALKING and COMPLAINING about and to Psychopaths. They provide a lot of things for us to talk about and they love it, because as long as we talk about all the EVIL which they do, we feel better and we DO NOTHING, except complain more. Does “Divide, Conquer and RULE” ring a bell???

THAT, which the majority are doing, is defined as “Insanity. I define it as STUPIDITY

We CAN WIN, but not by TALKING about winning or talking about how evil they are !

Here is what they HAVE BEEN DOING for many years, continue to do and in fact are IMPROVING upon, while we keep telling them, in effect, what “BAD PEOPLE” they are :

To add INSULT to INJURY, they are laughing at us, as evidenced by the fact so much of what they are doing to us is so obviously IN OUR FACES, which only a complete idiot would not notice or realize !!!

Here is only ONE example from HUNDREDS, showing what happens when People BELIEVE that NEGOTIATING, with Psychopaths, versus putting your “FIST in their FACES” and standing up to them, is workable. You DON’Tt always need to use the FIST, but as a “back-up” it cannot be beat, against insane Bullies:

P.S. :Here is a GOOD EXAMPLE of a person with Wealth and Power DOING SOMETHING meaningful :

Don Machiavelli

Man you take Syria in picture now, it’s irrelevant there is war for long time now. Try to be reasonable and realistic in what you are proposing.

Don Machiavelli

Your words :

” I have 77 years of RESEARCH and EXPERIENCE, not-with-standing teaching for 15 of those years and writing for a MAJOR newspaper. to back up my WISDOM. ”

I should take your word for it?


I don’t care if you do and thanks for reading my comments


Adolph Hitler was a great leader of Germany he had knew that Jews create problems for Germany and for the whole community of this world. Jews had wanted Palestine from Palestinians that is why they had created world war I and then World war II. Due to these two wars 100 millions people killed. Majority of Jews are still involve in heinous crimes in the world.


Here is the article that documents (with tons of footnotes) everything I said above.


The Balfour Declaration and San Remo Resolution were recently revoked by UNSC Chapter 6 Resolution 2334. Originally sponsered by Egypt.


In all fairness and justice, Arabs have 22 independent countries and the Jewish people deserve to
have their only one Jewish state in their ancient Biblical homeland known as Israel. Those who are mourning the birth of the Jewish state are those who wish the Jews to be an eternal, stateless and persecuted refugee nation with no place to call home.


The Jews are evil pedophile cult rapists, and the source of many of the planet’s problems. Their evil cult should be outlawed to create a Jew free planet.

America’s Jews Are Driving U.S. Wars — Philip Giraldi ……/americas-jews-driving-u-s-wars-philip-giral…


If America’s Jews Are Driving U.S. Wars, that is NOT the fault of America’s Jews. That is the FAULT of US citizens.


It wouldn’t be happening if the Jews weren’t pushing it from their control positions. They’re the causal factor.

Moussa Saab

There is nothing they can do. They (Zionists) have full control over the government, military, police, economy, media etc.. What do you expect the citizens can do? Most of the citizens are brainwashed by the media, the only thing that can be done is to try and educate the population. Only then can we expect a response by the people.


Well said. America First is anti Jew war, anti Israel first. Many Americans have learned what the Jew criminals are.

Moussa Saab

Not much (American citizens) yet, but soon with the collective effort of us and organizations like southfront, saker, zerohedge…yada yada yada we can educate, or enlighten if you like, the American population.

Bobby Twoshoes

Apples and Oranges, Arab is a race and Judaism is a religion. You only want Jews to control Palestine so they can bring about Armageddon because your book of fairytales says they will, don’t try and take the moral high ground when your goal is the end of humanity. Also, don’t be so arrogant as to think that Jews can’t integrate into other cultures either, I know plenty of fully integrated Jews who call my country home and more importantly, don’t support Israel repeating the formula of the Nazis in the name of their religion.


Arabs are one race but they have 22 independent states all of them Arab states. Jews are also one race and is it not just and right that they have their own one and only state?

Moussa Saab

You are digging yourself deep isn’t it.
Judaism is a religion and was always so, like many other comments here there is no such thing as a jewish race. Search it up on google, I am sure it will disappoint.


(.. there is no such thing as a jewish race..)

Your words are like oxymoron. You your self, you are calling them ‘Jewish’ in your comment above, identifying them as particular race and yet you are contradicting your self in the next word by saying the Jews are not a race! Judaism is a religion for the Jews, the children of Jacob (Israel) and is propheted by Moses (as the Torah) as scriptures have said.

Bobby Twoshoes

Yeah, really.

Moussa Saab

The word Jewish does not necessarily mean race, but means anything that has to relate to judaism.

eg: Christianity is a religion.
Christian church, christian bible, christian follower…

So compare ‘Christianity’ to ‘Judaism’
and the word ‘Jewish’ to ‘Christian’
The word ‘Christian’ does not mean a christian race, same applies to the word ‘Jewish’..

“you are calling them ‘Jewish’ in your comment above, identifying them as particular race”
In my sentence I was saying that Jewish (Anything that relates to Judaism) race is not real, I don’t see anything wrong in my sentence.


Peoples of the world have different religions but are of different nationalities, races and nations. Hinduism is primarily for the people of India (the Hindus) but some religions like Christianity and Islam have many different races and nationalities and nations who believe in them. Judaism (The Torrah) was and is primarily invented by God for the Jews race and is propheted by Moses, an Egyptian Jew as the Bible and the Quran both confirm and support. There is a whole section of the Bible and the Quran that talk about this and relate stories about how the Jewish race descended from the Patriarchs (Abraham, Isak and Jacob) and how God promised many blessings for them as a race if they would follow His Torrah (Judaism) religion and how He will give them this or that and how they were enslaved in Egypt as a race, how they crossed the Red Sea as a race, pursued by the Egyptian Pharaoh , how they disobeyed God in the dessert as a race etc, etc. In fact, the Jewish were primarily identified as a particular race (the Israelites) by the holy scriptures long before the prophet Moses brought the Torrah or Judaism religion for them and to deny or reject all that is to reject the teachings of the holy scriptures, don’t you believe this Moussa? What was the race of Jesus, Moses, David, Solomon and many other prophets? Were they not of Jewish race? If not what is their race of origin?

Bobby Twoshoes

No they’re not and no it’s not. All you religious fruitcakes are equally wrong and being wrong doesn’t confer any rights to anything.


NOT be stealing from others and it is my understanding that the TRUE Semitic Jews( not the fake Jews, in Israel, those Khazarian Ashkenazi – see Revs 2:9 and 3:9) who disobeyed “God’s Law” cannot yet have a home until they accept Christ as the “messiah”, but that still will NOT give them the right to steal from others.Their( the TRUE JEWS) “home” is in Palestine with PALESTINIANS, in peace and harmony, NOT by THEFT, MURDER and DESTRUCTION

Correct me it I am wrong

I’m Atheist by the way

Solomon Krupacek

jews can make new hoime on antarctis. but not steal land of other people.


Their home WAS Khazaria, so let them rerun there

Solomon Krupacek

in russia there is one Jewish Autonomic Territory.

Michael Qiao

next, report on how the holocaust never happened

eric zweistein

The founding of Israel was Zion’s biggest strategic blunder ever. As the mafia of all mafias, Zion’s is working most efficiently in the shadows, by night, hidden by murky waters deep in the swamp.

Israel forced Zion out into the open. The farce and comedy we have been witnessing over the last 70 years is unparalleled in human history. Central bankers, rabbis, Clintonistas, cabbalists and oligarchs pulling each others legs 24/7 in front of the cameras might not make great art, but is certainly enough to win all Oscars, every years. How very funny – play it again, Zion!

Simon Steil

how about the 800,000 jews kicked out from the arab countries who were integrated by israel as opposed to the arabs setting up ghettos for the first generation of refugees and unwra designating all future generations as refugees. un organization that has not given this designation to the millions of hindus and islamists refugees of the 1947 independence wars in india/pakistan as well any other conflicct refugees,