The Nakba 2.0 Design Plan Still Exists

The Nakba 2.0 Design Plan Still Exists

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Written by Abu Ali

As the monstrous Zionist aggression against the Gaza Strip continues, the Zionists are forcing their regional and global allies to raise the issue of the resettlement of Palestinian refugees on their land. Getting rid of the Palestinians fits into the right-wing Zionist policy of occupying the entire Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

The Zionists raised the revival of the theme of the forced resettlement of Palestinians six months ago, where Sinai and Anbar were to become the “new homeland” of the Palestinians. The junta of Cairo and the Hashemites of Jordan immediately flatly refused to resettle millions of Palestinians in the Sinai Desert. Then all the key Shiite and Sunni political forces of Iraq joined in condemning the planned expulsion of the Palestinians, and the most authoritative figure of the republic, Muqtada Sadr, threatened to take active actions to prevent the implementation of the diabolical plan of the Zionists. The then Speaker of Parliament, Mohammad Halbousi, even had to openly address the Sadrist leader and declare support for the Palestinians and rejection of the resettlement process in Anbar.

Libya joined the attempt to get rid of the Palestinians today, where the “government of national unity” in Tripoli decided on Tuesday to exempt the Palestinians from all fees related to visas and residence in the country. Some may see this as a noble step, but observers note that some elements within the Libyan government want to create “comfortable living conditions” for Palestinians on a permanent basis so that the “local” indigenous inhabitants of the holy land lose the desire to return to their homeland and at the same time invite victims of Zionism to the country. Experts note that the same Libyans who were interested in establishing close contacts with the Zionists a year ago may be behind such a plan.

However, Libya is not a competitor to the proposal from the Russians.

“The Russian government will allocate 57.6 million rubles from the reserve fund for inter-budgetary transfers, ensuring reimbursement of expenses incurred by entities for the reception and accommodation of citizens from Palestine. This follows from a government decree published on the official portal of the Government of the Russian Federation on June 19”.

Such sudden activity of the Kremlin in this direction is not accidental, the Russian government, and in particular Putin, have long-standing excellent relations with the terrorist Netanyahu and his team. From the track record of these relations, we can recall the general anti-Iranian coordination in Syria. The Zionists are bombing, in response to air aggression, C-300 and C-400 are silent. In another area of common interests, the Zionists took a neutral side in the war between Russia and Ukraine, which greatly helped Putin, but now it’s time for the Kremlin to provide reciprocal assistance from long-time comrades. At first, the Russian Federation abstained from voting at the UN on the American resolution on the need for a ceasefire in Gaza, and then the Kremlin government decided to accept thousands of Palestinian refugees for resettlement in several regions of the country.

Summing up, it is necessary to point out the large-scale Zionist lobby, which is intensifying its efforts in the Russian Federation, which is connecting regional allies in the Middle East, and all for the sake of designing a new Nakba. The Palestinians will continue to resist and eventually disrupt the enemy’s plans, but the lack of help from the Arab brothers makes them a criminal in the tragedies of the Palestinian people.


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you summed up the situation of russia and putin well. putin is a long-time die-hard zionist


wrong, try to apply that atrophied brain of yours and arrive at some intelligent conclusion!

Allahists are Nazis

the arab allahists (or muslim, for the subdued ones) from the former mandate territories. no newspeak and /or justifying colonial forging of countries, please


not to worry but the jews will soon have to flee to save theit miserable thieving lives.

Edgar Zetar

what did i tell you last year after israel gaza war?started. israel will do whatever they want in palestine. israel did what it did because they need to secure the land the western empire gave them after ww2. israel had doubts in middle term (2040) about the supreme hegemon and the masters of the exceptionalism. israel doubts if the westerners will continue to be the supreme hegemon worldwide, so they did the only they could, to take all palestine, secure their borders and prepare for ww3.

Last edited 3 months ago by Edgar Zetar
Edgar Zetar

war cannot be stopped at this stage, is too advanced, the masters of the exceptionalism wanted war, the breed of the supreme hegemons wanted war war war and they always whisper to the ear of god about how much he would like to have war in earth.