The Illusion Of “Strategic Autonomy”. Europe Throws A Self-Defeating Challenge To The US

The Illusion Of “Strategic Autonomy”. Europe Throws A Self-Defeating Challenge To The US

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After the scandal in the White House, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky decided to seek solace at the summit of European leaders in London. The event in Foggy Albion was a warm bath for the Ukrainian leader after a cold shower. All the participants of the summit expressed their solidarity with Kiev’s position and their firm intention to continue providing financial aid. The problem, however, is that the lion’s share of the aid came from the United States. Most importantly, only the American military-industrial complex is capable of meeting the needs of the Ukrainian armed forces. Neither the French, nor the British, nor the Germans simply do not have enough weapons.

“I see a lot of people in Europe saying that it is necessary to be polite to the United States. We need to be polite, but we also need to defend what we are. The answer is not to submit. I am against “happy vassalage”. Europe must rediscover the taste for risk, ambition and strength,” said French President Emmanuel Macron during a visit to Portugal on February 28.

These conversations at the Elysee Palace have been going on for years. Paris’ favorite topic is so-called “strategic autonomy” from the United States. At the same time, it is not at all clear how such a desire could be realized in practice. When Charles de Gaulle withdrew his country from the military organization NATO in 1966, Paris had much more influence on the course of world events.

Europe has reached a dead end. When the Old World swore an oath to Washington, it was an oath based on anti-Sovietism and Russophobia. The change of course by the American ruling elite has left the European establishment in a stupor.

“We should be less worried about Putin and more worried about migrant rape gangs, drug lords, murderers and people from mental institutions coming into our country so we don’t end up like Europe,” wrote US President Donald Trump in the TruthSocial.

However, the proposal to deal with acute domestic problems goes against the very essence of what we call the Eurobureaucracy.

This ruling class is extremely ideologized. For them, eastward expansion is an end in itself. Russophobia is not a propaganda stamp of the Kremlin, but a real phobia in the classical sense of the word. The European elite fears Russia and its political influence. Brussels is well aware that a significant part of Europeans is ready to accept ideas coming from Moscow. To accept what the European Commission’s jargon calls “Kremlin narratives” and “Russian disinformation”. Even the nations that were only recently under tight Soviet control are seeking mutual understanding with Russia. Hungary, Slovakia, Romania – these countries seemed “safe” from any Russian influence. But their fatigue with the dictates of Brussels is too great.

The Oval Office scandal marks a possible US withdrawal. Trump told the Ukrainian president directly: either you come to a peace agreement, or we will leave you alone with your problems.

The Illusion Of “Strategic Autonomy”. Europe Throws A Self-Defeating Challenge To The US

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In fact, this is an ultimatum not only to Ukraine, but also to its European patrons. It is likely that London and Brussels will reject the American leader’s demands. Then the question arises: what can Europe do on its own, without Washington’s help? According to NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte, the creation of a European army in place of the North Atlantic Alliance will lead to a sharp increase in military spending. If the White House requires its “allies” to increase defense spending to 5% of GDP, then in the case of the formation of a pan-European army, spending will amount to about 10% of GDP, Rutte warns.

European and NATO leaders defense summit

The Old World can choose between two options – bad and very bad. Very bad means building the European army with colossal expenditures. The bad one means a sharp increase in NATO contributions. US military spending now accounts for 53.83% of all North Atlantic Alliance spending. Germany is second with 8.28% and the United Kingdom is third with 6.28%. The U.S. economy is 6 times larger than Germany’s and 8 times larger than Britain’s, but Americans spend 14 and 13 times more, respectively, on defense. The U.S. has the second highest military spending as a percentage of GDP (3.36%). Only rapidly militarizing Poland is higher (3.83%).

For many decades, European states accepted as normal the situation in which the American taxpayer bore the entire burden of military spending. The social welfare of the European Union was paid for by America.

“Let’s face it: the European Union was created to deceive the United States. That’s their purpose, and they’ve succeeded. But now I’m president,” Donald Trump said recently.

Is he right? The statistics gives an obvious answer. Germany spends only 1.52% of its GDP on the military, Spain 1.51%, Sweden 1.47%, Canada 1.29%, Belgium 1.21%. Even the nuclear powers – Britain and France – barely break the two percent threshold.

Foul play is evident in virtually everything, not just the redistribution of NATO spending. In 2024, America’s trade deficit with the European Union increased by $26.9 billion to $235.6 billion. This is comparable to the trade figures between Russia and the People’s Republic of China. The White House announced the introduction of 25% tariffs on all European products, although earlier only tariffs on cars were announced. The strategic goal of the administration of the Republican president remains the radical reduction of the foreign trade deficit.

Will Europe be able to withstand a double blow – one after it stops all cooperation with Russia and the other after it starts a trade war with the United States? It is highly doubtful. So far, European politicians are only making the situation worse for themselves by solidarizing with Vladimir Zelensky. It will be impossible to scare Donald Trump with the “loss of allies”. Washington’s offensive policy towards the EU is eloquent proof of this.


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allora li lanciate questi bellissimi missili oreshnik stiamo aspettando.


this is assuming that this is not a good cop/bad cop routine from the us and the eu.

recent history has shown that the only skill these people have is lying.

even if eu countries were to raise their defense budgets to 5% or 10%, it is already too late for ukraine. the time these changes make any effect, ukraine would have already capitulated a long time ago.


nue ne va arunca pe. front. n are metalurgie si mananca fasole. si scoate obuze pe. fund. asta e realitatea. taxele de mediu ne omoara in roministam. politica guvernamentala nu scoate eroi din oameni flamanzi.


marea retragere aureliana pe stil nou americana se produce deja de cel puțin 10 ani. de la marea caspica spre vestul europei. wh pol a iesit anul trecut din europa.


asa. ociolacule… pune ne taxe de mediu. îndrepta ne spre confruntare civila. fa ne flamamzi. fa ne muritori de foame.


ociolacule… vei numara oase de prosti din roministan. asta vrei. bolovan viseaza la maciuci de metal… combinatul de oteluri speciale de. la targoviste a. fost salvat? sau ingropat? sau morusula confunda teava de obuzier cu teava de la. clisma cu cafea! moarte prostiei?!!!!

the narrative

the wind up toy is making rounds to control the media . all the eu will stand with him as he falls . the real eu analysts know the war is is lost . running cover will be the brussels agenda until it no longer can . will polymarket predict a zelensky suicide ?


you don’t keep up .


if trump really wants it to stop he just has to stop supplying weapons


this might be very true for the war against palestinians by israel. the support from eu to ukraine can lat least extend the war until ukraine is running out of fighters.
and too much help from us might cause wwiii….


“most importantly, only the american military-industrial complex is capable of meeting the needs of the ukrainian armed forces” this is a by product of post-world war 2 (neo) colonialism in europe by the usa, which saw a de-industrialization of europe, especially the german military industrial complex. this is by design to ensure america’s hegemony. is it a coincidence that two biggest american military bases in europe are in germany and italy?

Last edited 4 hours ago by Vegard

no of course not .i’m.not so sure they are there’s always claims made about that. regardless the point is italy can’t defend itself and of course gernany had rhe wall against communism .


europeans buying f-16s, f-104s, f-4s, f-35s, for sixty years. us is the world’s largest arms exporter. this claim of bailing out europe is tripe


it was no scandal except that zelensky imo intended to make sure trump didn’t get to end the war with intentions knowing he would be flying from there straight to england to meet the king .. then they suddenly decide that the uk and france will save the day and broker the peace deal with putin .hahahaha as if .so that’s the situation the hiccups in the 100 year will happen until trumps out .allegedly .

Last edited 3 hours ago by Annon

they will not allow trump to have the historical triumph and
they have no intentions of not winning. imo .allegedly .they won’t bargain with putin either. they know he isn’t stupid. macron will maybe have ” talks ” ….


that is a moronic cartoon. drumpf fanboy garbage.


frankly, it would actually benefit both europe and the us to put some distance between themselves. keeping a bunch of satellite states afloat is a huge burden on the us. and for the europeans, in the long term dependency on a foreign power will always do more harm than good.

Boris Orlov

this was the all european championship for the most stupid person. without knowing the jury’s decision, from their stupid looks i’d guess the finish billbilly is ahead of the bunch but competition is fierce. gb looks to be second, macron, tusk, and the nato freak share third. but that’s just my guess, give me your thoughts.


this photo depicts the problem right here : when the us or russia can adapt to circumstances because they only have one decision maker at the top, the eu and nato are stuck in groupthink and fear of not appearing a team player, even when going into a catastrophic direction.


in addition, with propaganda and censorship and repression of people no thinking or voting the right way, they have insulated themselves from the very signals that they would need to course correct. an organism that doesn’t feel pain isn’t invicible : it is in a danger of dying without even noticing.

you have to marvel at the stupidity and arrogance of these people.

Last edited 2 hours ago by MacZ

all of them are lackeys ruling satellite countries of the jewish global empire. but the official head of the empire, the goyim serving as potus, trump, doesn’t work anymore for the global empire but for us and israël only. now, the lackeys doesn’t understand from who to receive orders. powerless….

Have fun europe

europe lived very well so far, and this is because the united states.usa paid all europes expenses. eu did not pay for weapin for troops, eu payed money just for sex, transexuals, cix men, drugs and others.. without usa eu will be russian colony in 6 months. good sex to european union with muslim arab 3rd world scum.

Have fun europe

europe lived very well so far, and this is because the united states.usa paid all europes expenses. eu did not pay for weapin for troops, eu payed money just for sex, transexuals, cix men, drugs and others.. without usa eu will be russian colony in 6 months. good sex to european union with muslim arab 3rd world scum immigrants especially germany united kingdom and france

Last edited 49 minutes ago by Have fun europe