The Idea Of A Multipolar World Will Offer Humanity A Wide Range Of Alternatives – Alexander Dugin

The Idea Of A Multipolar World Will Offer Humanity A Wide Range Of Alternatives - Alexander Dugin

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Written by Alexander Dugin 

The idea of a multipolar world, where the number of poles and civilizations are the same, will offer humanity a wide range of cultural, philosophical, social and spiritual alternatives.

We will have a model with the presence of a “regional universalism” in a particular “large space” that will give to large bands and significant segments of humanity necessary social dynamics ( that is typical for globalization and openness), but devoid of the shortcomings that globalism has taken on a planetary scale.

However, regionalism can also develop in this situation, as well as local, ethnic and religious communities, since the unifying pressure inherent in nation-states will be significantly weakened.

(We see it in the EU, where integration contributes substantially to the development of local communities and the so-called Euroregions).

In addition to everything else we can finally resolve this fundamental contradiction between exclutizivizm and incluzivizm of “imperial” identity: the planet does not appear as one single “oikumen” (with uniqueness of this “cultural racism” in the distribution of titles of “civilized nations” and, on the contrary, the “barbarians” and “savages”), but as several “eykumens” several “universes”, where they will live at their own pace, in their context, with its own time, with his consciousness and his unconscious during several generations.

It is impossible to say in advance what relations between them will be. Maybe both dialogue and confrontation will take place. But thing is of greater importance: the story will continue and we will remove the fundamental historical impasse, where we were brought by uncritical belief in progress, rationality and progressive development of mankind.


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L du Plessis

May God give Russia victory over the satanic West.💪🇷🇺🙏


he forgot to say that these civilizations need to do their homework first


Milking your own daughters death, eh? He sounds like Western libtard pseudo intellectual. Always sticking to his libtard talking points. Repeat… repeat… repeat. A broken record.

A lot of meaningles mental mastrubation. He never mentions any actual problems.

What about telling the Truth, fucker?


Very poetic idealism which is a very worthy goal it is too bad the world is ruled by the biggest stick and that is the nature of man.


Well, unless your blinded by Neo Liberalism, then your probly blinded by any examples.
However; how about the involvement by this Cabal of Washington Elite playing with elections. With characters like Goerge Soros, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, pouring hundreds of millions to paying thousands off in the US electoral system. Including Judges, Lawyers, CIA, FBI and all levels of law.
Over throughing governments by Assassination, coup, color revolutions. Here’s some attempts and successes:
Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Syria, Yeman, Somalia, Ukraine, Syria, Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Yugoslavia, Brazil, Bolivia, Venezuela, Ecuador, and all Cental American Countries. Chili, Greece, Vietnam, Korea, North Korea, Indonesia, Laos, Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia, and this is but a fraction of the Kaos that is sown all over the world 🌎.
How about the green policy that starves most of civilization, without any sane policy in place to even realistically transition. Fake science.
How about the Western Media bought and paid deep state infiltration. All blaming Russia, Trump DeSantis or anyone to obfuscate and blind everyone, it’s themselves that need the boot.


In other words, western “globalism” and “diversity” is a lie — this would actually lead to homogeny, as various cultures worldwide would get mixed together and reduced to the lowest common denominator. That’s why we call them globohomo, it’s short for “globalized homogeny”. And instead of a “rules-based order” and an “international community”, we would really have a ruling class of elites in DC & Brussels lording it over their client states and satrapies (eg Ukraine).

True diversity and fairness will be achieved by a multipolar world, with different autonomous powers and ethnostates each going their own way (with a reasonable amount of trade and exchange). Luckily, Russia has taken up the challenge of building this world in defiance of the GAE’s hegemony.


First of all, let me express what an absolute delight it is to see an article from Alexander Dugin, here on Southfront.

Alexander Dugin is one of the greatest minds of our time, surely the greatest and most renown philosopher of Eurasia, in this generation.

His work on Eurasian Geopolitics, is a work of genius, not only in it’s basic truth, but in it’s simplicity, and universal appeal to all Eurasians.
(A strange truth is, that for all those who come from the lands of Eurasia there is an inexplicable, even irrational, mystic bond to that great land.)

(I don’t know what poisonous madness must have come over the Ukraininas, that they should lift arms against their own “world”, for the benefit of those who would only use them as slaves, and bleed the grain fields of their borderlands dry. I guess a false God was created for them in “Ukraine” – in the same Masonic manner that 2 million Frenchmen were marched to their deaths chanting “Vive La France”. And, no don’t call it “Nationalism” if they were Nationalists, they would have love for their own, greater, Eurasian Community. What sort of Nationalist froths with hatred towards his own race, and crawls at the feet of foreign races? Do Turks hate Azeris? Do Mongols hate Tuvans? Do Syrians hate Saudis? Do Germans hate Austrians? Do Americans hate Canadians?…)

On a sadder note let me express my honest sorrow over the loss of his beautiful and talented daughter, Darya Dugin. Such talent and beauty, is a loss to all mankind, and an even more sorrowfull loss to the peoples of Eurasia. Her loss is a blow to all of us.

On the subject at hand:

A multipolar world will offer a multitude of “worlds” (or meta-communities, meta meaning “over” or “greater”)(Supra-national-communities) – for example:

– a “world” for Chinese and Asia pacific people – which the Japanese (though they did some bad things) called in old times the “greater Asian co-properity spehere”,

– a “world” for Indian/Hindu and South-Asian people, a meta-community of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia etc.

– a “world” for Black-African people, finally free from Atlantic-European based economic neo-imperialism, (wich upholds atificial “state” divisions, denyes African tribes their natural space, props up dictators, keeps the wars going, and pumps billions in wealth out of the African continent every year), and Black-Africans will finally be free to build a better life for themselves

– a “world” for White Western people, finally free of “diversity”, Frankfurt-School “Cultural Marxism” aka. “Liberalism”, culturally destructive universalism and mass-immigration

– a “world” for Spanish/Portugese, South-American and Mezo-American people, a Hispanic “world”, where they can fonally come into their own, as a respected and truly independent world power

– a “world” for Muslim people – where, free from occupation they can finally realize the reconstruction of the Islamic Caliphate

And of course Eurasia.

There is however several points I would like to bring out.

1) Nature abhors a vacuum. Total equality is not possible. Someone has to lead. This is the way of things, the way of human history.

2) The time of dominant powers is limited, finite. Persia, Greece, Rome, The Mongols, – all had their time, and their time came to an end. A wise world power however can survive it’s decline, remain significant, and possibly have another turn. The hysteria coming out of the west is their unwillingness to accept the inevitability of history.

3) The time of dominant powers can be divided up into a) their rise, b) their prime, c) their decline.

The way I see it, is that in this new multipolar world Eurasia is destined to be the leading power FOR a TIME. (others will get their chance too, but this is OUR TIME)

The liberation of Ukraine from the Maidanists, (a terroristic forward detachment/local chapter of the Globalist Cabal, based around the core of the Kiev Maffia, with Globalist Oligarchs born in Ukraine (but not in all cases actually Ukrainian) as the background power – and duped “patriots”/pretend “nazis” as cannon fodder. ) is the begginning of the rise of Eurasia, and the closing portion of the Decline of the Globalist Liberals.

In closing,

The Eastern Sun will Rise!

Glory to Eurasia!
