The Economic Situation Of The West

The Economic Situation Of The West

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Written by Paul Craig Roberts

Once upon a time America had a capitalist economy. Bank deposits were used for loans that expanded productive ability. America produced its own goods and grew its own food. America’s currency was backed by gold and inflation was nonexistent. New technology brought into play by new investment improved the productivity of labor, and living standards rose. Profits were plowed back into improved methods and expanded production.

Governments subsidized social infrastructure and education. This lowered the cost of transportation and, thereby, the cost of production and prices, and it provided industry and manufacturing with an educated work force. As an instate resident, my annual tuition at Georgia Tech came to about $450.

This highly successful way of running an economy was replaced by an entirely different economy, the one we have today. Who is responsible and how it came about is a story that can be told later but not in this column.

In the current economy bank loans are not made to finance new investment in new plant and equipment. They are made in order to finance the purchase of existing assets. Loans are made to purchase existing companies, load them up with debt, and sell off their assets. Loans are made to finance a buyback of a company’s own stock, thus raising the stock price and resulting in executive and board “performance” bonuses. Loans are made to finance real estate purchases and thereby drive up the values of real estate, thus raising the cost of housing.

The new economy is financialized. It lives off of interest on debt and fees, the plunder of public assets via privatization, and exploitation of third world economies via dollar-based bank loans that can only be repaid by the indebted country selling its public assets to its American creditors, usually at rock bottom prices.

The new American economy rests on the indebtedness, not the prosperity, of the American population and on the financial coercion of dollar-indebted foreign governments who pay their debts with their country’s assets.

The Federal Reserve destroyed family farms and monopolized food production in agri-business, monopolized the financial system in the hands of the five largest banks, and destroyed the value of the US dollar.

This is not a portrait of a successful economy with a future.

The Western World, especially the US, has offshored its industrial and manufacturing economy to Asia and Mexico. Offshoring has deprived the American workforce of the incomes associated with the production of the goods that Americans consume. When the goods and services come into the US to be marketed, they come in as imports, thus enlarging the US trade deficit.

The reason this exploitative system has been able to continue is that Washington used World War II to make the US dollar the means of international payment, that is, the reserve currency of the central banks of the world. Dollar-denominated debt instruments became the reserves of the world’s central banks.

To be the reserve currency means that the country’s debt is the reserves of all other countries’ central banks. Therefore, an increase in US government debt was not a problem, because it meant an increase in reserves of the world’s central banks. This is why financing the US debt was never a problem.

In the 21st century the US government itself has been busy at work destroying this privileged way of financing its ever-growing debt by weaponizing the use of the dollar as reserve currency. The sanctions imposed on Russia and other countries have created a general move away from the use of US Treasury debt as central bank reserves. Washington’s seizure of Russia’s central bank reserves held in dollars told the world that the same could happen to them. Consequently, the use of the US dollar in international payments has fallen from about 90% to a bit less than 50%. With the formation and expansion of BRICS it will fall further.

As other countries cease using the US dollar as their reserves, the large supply of dollars in the world–I recently read that the US national debt is now $35 trillion–is likely to be a supply that exceeds demand. The implication is a fall in the exchange value of the dollar, already confirmed by the rise in gold and silver prices. In the short run, Washington can prevail on the Japanese, UK, and EU central banks to support the dollar by using their currencies to buy dollars. But this rescue operation of the dollar cannot be forever extended.

When the time comes that Western central banks are no longer willing to risk the values of their own currencies in support to the US dollar and the gold and silver prices cannot longer be suppressed by the practice of selling naked shorts, America will become a third world country.

This is not a subject that interests many economists. The American economic profession is, in my opinion, a collection of people who, in exchange for grants and consultantships, have embraced the lie that offshoring of “dirty fingernail jobs” will result in higher paid new economy jobs for the work force. After all these years there is still no sign of these promised higher-paying replacement jobs. The same economists have told us that globalism, which makes us dependent on imports, is the wave of the future. The future of an import-dependent economy with a weakening currency is permanent inflation.

With robotics and artificial intelligence replacing the human work force while millions of immigrant-invaders enter the country annually, the future is also one of permanent unemployment.

The US economy is run by short-run profit maximization. The absence of vision means a bleak future even in the absence of the Great Reset.


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Conan M

yes indeed pcr it is “over”!…

Last edited 5 months ago by Conan M

bullshit. the fake economy based on fed will be only replaced by even more fake economy based on crypto. they can kick the can down the road easily as long as they want, or more precisely, until the first nuclear explosion happens. and after the explosion, surprise surprise, all the electronic virtual currency will be destroyed, what a surprise – everybody who survive upcoming nuclear holocaust will give shit about destroyed money, you can believe me.

Conan M

but what will be left after that “nuclear explosion” they will start that will force russia to respond in kind, that will also include iran… china… india… which will mean that there won’t be much left when the dust settles. if you ask me personally?… after 9/11 i pray that the u.$. military in it’s entirety either grows it’s sanity back by mass mutiny when they are given the final orders that will be their suicide in launching those weapons…

Last edited 5 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

or. they will have one helluva reverend jim jones kool-aid shin dig that will see them all collectively checking out together! for all the damage they have done around the globe under their collective watch…. because after what the u.$. military has done the last 25 years alone is enough to want to put a gun in your mouth, pull the trigger to blow the back of your head out!… god “damn” america!… and that’s an understatement coming from an american!!!

Last edited 5 months ago by Conan M

everything from government spending to the usury note itself, to sham pension funds and looted social security from lbj on was designed purely to siphon the wealth of the nation for themselves. in true snake-oil salesman fashion: a lie for every penny spent and stolen.


scofield, the revisionist bible thumping conman responsible for ‘rapture’ and popularizing christian zionism was funded and brought to prominence by the same jew lawyer who worked for the rothschilds and the ‘legal’ mind behind the ‘federal’ reserve private usury banks. do things become more clear with larry dink’s blackrock stealing everything and running it into the ground for child raping israelis?

Last edited 5 months ago by BunkerDwellers

i don’t even bother to read the crap from the sf idiots. the western economy is fake since about 1914, when rothschilds founded the fed. since then, the bottom 99 percent were doomed in modern slavery, as the top 1 percent rob them of everything through inflation and wars. the problem is that neither putin nor anyone else has officially addressed it. during the cold war the so called western elites give their servants at least some space to show they are better regime then communists.


since financial competition destroyed the communists during the cold war, western elites no longer bother to give their slaves any living space, which is why the economy, freedom and information are oppressed in the west. western slaves are destined for extermination because they pollute the planet for the top one percent. when it comes to china and russia, the elites have shadow deals with putin and xi jinping, and that is why these two dictators never officially go against the rothschilds.


propping up the soviet union so that it could be an enemy was done by the same people. enumerated again by albert pike. hydrogen bomb technology stolen by jews and brought to their ziofilth control-freak who went on yet another killing spree of goy.


stolen by whom and take to whom? france and the us gave nuclear technologies to zionists officially. first research reactor in dimona was french. western sodomites gave this tech to their zionist pals, it’s one gang or like pirate captains on tortuga who can conflict sometimes, but have the common goal to rob others.


you can find out for yourself, i am not in a debate club with obtuse robots. people who want to know can verify for themselves.


you simply don’t know what rhetoric question is. you said not truth that “hydrogen bomb technology stolen by jews”, i answered to this — not stolen, but given by westerners to their zionist pal, captain of one more pirate ship in sodomic tortuga. by the way, new york, tel-aviv and amsterdam are the most comfortable cities for lgbt in last decade. ta holds the biggest pervert-parade in asia. one sodomic gang.


“i don’t even bother to read the crap from the sf idiots.”

…and starting to shit in comments as always.

Last edited 5 months ago by Антон

“nor anyone else has officially addressed it”.. hjalmar schacht tried to adress it. after ww1 germany was ruined and have no gold to back a currency. the currency was backed by real économy during nazi era. it was perfect to rebuild the country but also for war. a far left french politician and economist francis delaisi visited germany in the 30’s and describe the german economic system in his book : francis delaisi – the european révolution. it’s a must read.


“with robotics and artificial intelligence replacing the human work force while millions of immigrant-invaders enter the country annually, the future is also one of permanent unemployment.”

99% in canada and the us are immigrants. mexico consists roughly half immigrants and half native indians. so who is invader? robotics and future automation is inevitable, luddites can’t stop this. seems as people in future will get free bread like in ancient rome, but only loyal ones.

Jim jones

because sf is run by closet white-nationalist/ neo-nazis which is kinda ironic in the current climate but it is always like this with them. full of hypocrisy. imagine having a gaul to call other races invaders… whilst squatting on native american land. smh


very short limits of sf doesn’t allow to say all in one message. it was rhetoric question. i was simply against such marks as “invaders”, though illegal migration is a crime. organization of it is heavy crime, because illegals are used as slaves. this is happens in russia too as in the second largest country by immigration. this is disgusting, but it’s not invading simply because authorities allows it. remember mutti merkel with her guests and multi-culti. or shelter-cities in caliphornia.


after be janitor walmart 43 years i have 26$ month pension—my nazi trailer welcome gay mulatto from detroit

Guy Metdrapedes

keep fantasizing

Last edited 5 months ago by Guy Metdrapedes

very good analysis. well done!
people confuse capitalism with free market. this is the end state of capitalism.

Last edited 5 months ago by Erikassimo5

united snakes – $35 trillion plus in debt. $2 trillion budget deficit. $900 billion plus interest payments.


decline is uneven —angloshere the most severe & germland…..morons require incompetent leaders

Jim jones

“invaders”. sf is run by closet white-nationalist/ neo-nazis which is kinda ironic in the current climate but it is always like this with whites, full of hypocrisy wether slav or anglo. imagine having the gaul to call other races “invaders”… whilst squatting on native american land. smh


this is what paul craig roberts said, not sf. he is not a nazi as far as i know. and this is not main part of his speech, it was about economy, not migration.


yes! these brave and noble natives killed, captured and eradicated several tribal

pizdet amerikanski

express your moron mulatto stupidity envy inferiority complex in amerikan gay bar–they will buy your pitiful victimology


92% of russian homes are owned by the peoples completely,russias poverty stands @ 0.1% today!

pizdet amerikanski

russian govt data—89-90% own habitat–half also dachas—most recent poverty stat i know—9% from 2020—probably less now…unlike amerikans that worship $$–russians do not—“there is nothing bourgeois ugly or stagnant in russia—russians rarely che herzenat eachh other; russians. do not need written agreements or contracts”. alexandr. herzen….”russians are anti bourgeois; russians are socialist by instinct”. nicolai berdayaev


far more, ~10%, don’t misinform others.

pizdet amerikanski

in any russian village a child can enter a garden or any home and will be treated by the parents as their own children fed encouraged to play indulge in folk music fables etc—the entire village governed by elders is in effect an extended family “. geoffrey gorer

Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

glória a ti hezbollah!


once the row has managed to liberate the world of all jews, then the accumulated wealth of the jews gone, can and should be used th de-debt the world to provide a better world.


check out these sites on exposing the satanic west: thecradle(dot)co, thegrayzone(dot)com, psychonomichistory(dot)com


economic situation in europe is bad bad, debts everywhere, personalndebt and corporate debt and nations debt – wonder where the holders of the lending is hiding. one thing is clear and that is that the eu isn’t for the people but for the corporations and that eu under nazi-princess von der lugen, is paving the way for the corporations, usually to the detriment of the people concerned. and free speech isn’t somethingbto be tolerated.


see thierry breton’s letter to musk with threats and despite that the eu offered musk a deal avoiding the dsa-regulations if he played along! eu corrupt to thr core of unelected officials that can decide issues with no insight. and this is what the people of europe will have to endure – let von der lugen swing from s lamppost without delay!