The Dystopic Mission Of Mark Carney, Episode 1 (The Ghost Of Maurice Strong)

Originally published by Canadian Patriot Press


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Conan M

to mark carney. you and jerome powell keep doing what you are doing as au hits $10,000 an ounce!… would only help if poutine de-pegs the russian commodities trade completely from the u.$. and encourages phyzical ownership to his citizens and a new benchmark for opening lines of credit to russian banks through the purchase of phyzical pm both nationally and internationally!… if he did this he would completely destroy the western banking system!

Last edited 3 hours ago by Conan M
Andrew Jackson

it was the british who herded american women and children into churches then setting them on fire. british meddling in american politics to the point of control of the democrat party is evident. they are the prime source of biden’s agenda. yet their media control and propaganda are so intense that may americans regard them as friends as they british try to re-colonize the entire world.

Conan M

it was also the americans that embraced the british accredited registry bar as their legal system thereafter which has usurped the rights of so many in “lawful courts” ever since!… the idea that he colonists broke free and won their independence in 1789 is an illusion!

Last edited 3 hours ago by Conan M
the narrative

there were moments when america did not have a central bank . but tyranny has returned in full force .

Conan M

always been 1 step forward 2 steps back. but the one constant the laws use to be able to carry and enforce were the guarantees afforded under the bill of rights that were once strong enough in finding or at least searching for equity and “equality”…. after 9/11 it entered it’s worst phase and there has been regrettably no looking back to a time before it’s self-imposed “state of emergency” that has no “rear view mirror”…

Last edited 1 hour ago by Conan M
Niccolo Machiavelli

“the church-burning scene in the patriot is actually based on an incident from world war ii, when nazi soldiers burned a group of french villagers alive. there is no evidence that a similar event took place during the american revolution” – harvard university. actually there were practically no “british” enlisted during the war of independence, they were prussian mercenaries. england had no standing army.


his daughter does cute cooking programs on youtube – i wondered if that’s a pr exercise to seem a like normal apple pie family
