muslims should convert to russian orthodox christianity, since islam is a religion of death and suffering. muslims are taught to love the prophet, angels,etc, etc, i.e. everyone else besides their own blood, parents,children, societies. that’s why they don’t care to come to the palestinians aid.
you should ask your mind slavers to let you get out of your cave. big countries have differents cultures, religions inside their own territory, the goverment should only take care that everyone respects the laws and live a peaceful life according to their traditions. the islam were taken to the extremism because since long time ago they were fighting against christians empires, british empire tried to enslave islam, and the arab spring promoted by usa empire and so on.
“in amerika stupidity is a virtue”. charles pierce
1 year ago
funny propaganda video, but on the other hand very true. brics is already bigger and stronger than the usa and the eu, which actually isolated themselves from the world with sanctions. few dare to invest in these when you can lose your money and property just because you are a citizen of the wrong country. how did you think it went, eu?
inflated bank deflated at a moments notice, how they keep their perverted swine in cheque…
1 year ago
creepy joe biden on the floor again.. ahhahaaa@…
Edgar Zetar
1 year ago
everybody knows usa empire is number one by far away, also their grown children’s are well raised to follow their master, you have big enslaved countries goverments like japan, sk, germany, france, england, israel they are all on the same team. i won’t take so easy if the empire is attacking me using a proxy like ukraine, because they controlled everything in the west… the path for russia would not be an easy one, but i think they can fight the usa empire successfully.
you think so?.. do you know why open borders for migrants are enforced by the usa, just to enlarge their population. compare all the military power of the usa empire, it’s the number one by far far away second to none.
why only moron economically declining nations w stupefied poorly educated people sanction russia?
King Ralphie
1 year ago
braggadacio is so unbecoming. if you don’t stop encouraging american and other jds(juvenile delinquent or so-minded adults) there will be consequences, consequences i advise!
tim rourke
1 year ago
my goodness! aren’t the russkies feeling smug these days.
muslims should convert to russian orthodox christianity, since islam is a religion of death and suffering. muslims are taught to love the prophet, angels,etc, etc, i.e. everyone else besides their own blood, parents,children, societies. that’s why they don’t care to come to the palestinians aid.
you should ask your mind slavers to let you get out of your cave. big countries have differents cultures, religions inside their own territory, the goverment should only take care that everyone respects the laws and live a peaceful life according to their traditions. the islam were taken to the extremism because since long time ago they were fighting against christians empires, british empire tried to enslave islam, and the arab spring promoted by usa empire and so on.
frank how did you manage to survive till now being so stupid? life must be a challenge for you
“in amerika stupidity is a virtue”. charles pierce
funny propaganda video, but on the other hand very true. brics is already bigger and stronger than the usa and the eu, which actually isolated themselves from the world with sanctions. few dare to invest in these when you can lose your money and property just because you are a citizen of the wrong country. how did you think it went, eu?
it’s the money changers who really run things. the political show is just a distraction.
so america has it’s own clown like ukraine although he is not very funny but you should see his bank account
inflated bank deflated at a moments notice, how they keep their perverted swine in cheque…
creepy joe biden on the floor again.. ahhahaaa@…
everybody knows usa empire is number one by far away, also their grown children’s are well raised to follow their master, you have big enslaved countries goverments like japan, sk, germany, france, england, israel they are all on the same team. i won’t take so easy if the empire is attacking me using a proxy like ukraine, because they controlled everything in the west… the path for russia would not be an easy one, but i think they can fight the usa empire successfully.
usa empire is number two, in between china and india.
it’s the number one reason they’re losing in ukraine.
you think so?.. do you know why open borders for migrants are enforced by the usa, just to enlarge their population. compare all the military power of the usa empire, it’s the number one by far far away second to none.
i am expert nazi senility diplomacy
why only moron economically declining nations w stupefied poorly educated people sanction russia?
braggadacio is so unbecoming. if you don’t stop encouraging american and other jds(juvenile delinquent or so-minded adults) there will be consequences, consequences i advise!
my goodness! aren’t the russkies feeling smug these days.
us hillbilly do not feel, we bitter inferiors
human semen in my intestine amerikan diplomacy