Tensions Between Constantinople Patriarchy And Bulgarian Church Grow Over Situation In Ukraine

Tensions Between Constantinople Patriarchy And Bulgarian Church Grow Over Situation In Ukraine

Metropolitan Cyprian of Stara Zagora

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew has rejected a request of Metropolitan Cyprian of Stara Zagora (Bulgarian Orthodox Church) to perform Divine Liturgy at the Church of Saints Constantine and Helen of the Bulgarian Community in Turkey’s Edirne, romfea.gr reported on October 2.

The report says that the Bulgarian Community in Edirne is in jurisdiction of the Constantinople Patriarchy and therefore, Patriarch Bartholomew has an influence on such developments.

According to Bulgarain sources, this situation is a result of tensions between the Bulgarian Orhodox Church and the Constantinople Patriarchy over the so-called Ukraine question. No local cuhrch has supported the decision of Constantinople to support the creation of the non-canonic ‘independent’ Orthodox Church of Ukraine. Therefore, now, Patriarch Bartholomew is using its influence to pressure local churches to support this dead-born project.


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AM Hants

Somebody is going to a lot of trouble, to cause problems in the Orthodox Community. I wonder why?

Also, there is a lot that does not make sense with Ukraine, the non-NATO nation.

Back in 1997, Ukraine could not become a member of NATO, owing to the Russian/Ukraine borders have never been ratified, in accordance with international law.

2000 – President Putin took over a bankrupt Russia, from Yeltsin, whose special adviser was Timothy Bell. Timothy Bell, whose company Bell Pottinger received over $500,000 to spin the Iraq War. The same Timothy Bell, that Tony Blair gave a lifetime peerage and who happened to be Margaret Thatcher’s special adviser, when she was involved in the negotiations, between Bush and Gorbechev, with regards dismantling the Warsaw Pact and taking down the Soviet Union.

At the time, the US was writing all Russia’s laws and taxes on agreements, relating to Russia’s natural resources, relating to energy and arms sales. The laws and taxes, written on the back of US agreements, that were meant for 3rd World nations. Remember, Russia only received 20 centrs in the $US, for her energy, up until 1 January 2004.

When was it that President Putin sorted out the oligarchs and kicked out those who could not be good Russian citizens? Was it back in 2003? Before Russia took back control of her natural resources?

Burisma Holdings was set up in 2002. Wasn’t it set up by Leonard Kuchma, the President of Ukraine, who exited his position in 2004, around the time of the Orange Revolution. Now what was that all about and who was involved?


‘…Burisma Group Commits to Atlantic Council’s Principles for Economic Policy and Judicial reform in Ukraine. The Atlantic Council brings together big business around key business protection and economic development principles..’ https://burisma-group.com/eng/

Who supports Burisma Holdings

Global Initiatives

Energy Security For The Future
Atlantic Council
Adam Smith Conferences


British-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce
Association of Gas Producers Ukraine
Prince Albert II Foundation of Monaco
Amicus Europae

‘…Role in the election crisis of 2004
Kuchma’s role in the election crisis of 2004 is not entirely clear. After the second round on 22 November 2004, it appeared that Yanukovych had won the election by fraud, which caused the opposition and independent observers to dispute the results, leading to the Orange Revolution.[citation needed]

Kuchma was urged by Yanukovych and Viktor Medvedchuk (the head of the presidential office) to declare a state of emergency and hold the inauguration of Yanukovych. He denied the request. Later, Yanukovych publicly accused Kuchma of a betrayal. Kuchma refused to officially dismiss Prime Minister Yanukovych after the parliament passed a motion of no confidence against the Cabinet on 1 December 2004. Soon after, Kuchma left the country. He returned to Ukraine in March 2005…’ Wiki


Allegedly Kuchma, was involved in setting up Burisma, but, cannot find the article, from a couple of weeks ago, pointing it out. Move on, Kuchma’s son-in-law, Victor Punchuk, who holds the Yalta, but, not in Crimea, Russia, Summits, where all the Globalist rogues flock. Remember the one back in September 2013, when Russia intercepted the ICBM, on it’s way to Damascus, that was launched in the Med?


What confuses me, is the NATO Think Tank, Atlantic Council, consider themselves to have been functioning since 1961. So not sure how Burisma Holdings, could have been involved in their set up or the Soros Open Society come to that. There again, 1961, when Krushchev, who ironically took Crimea from Russia, back in 1954, was the Ukrainian Leader of the Soviet Union. Around the time Allen Dulles was causing a lot of mischief, with his family friends, the Bushes.

It is just strange, why an organisation from a non-NATO member, registered in another non-NATO member State, be so powerful, with regards the Atlantic Council? Together, with the oligarchs that were exiled from Russia,who just happen to turn up in Ukraine and run/control events following the Orange Revolution 2, that was funded by Soros.


This is funny:

BRILLIANT! Corrupt Congressional Dems Ask Trump State Dept for Ukrainian Docs – Get Crooked Hillary and Biden Docs Instead! (VIDEO)… https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/10/brilliant-corrupt-congressional-dems-ask-trump-state-dept-for-ukrainian-docs-get-crooked-hillary-and-biden-docs-instead-video/

Plus, does anybody remember how they went for General Flynn? Quite a dirty story behind how he was treated, by the same crowd involved in events.

IT’S TRUE: New Evidence Shows Mueller Gang Threatened Gen. Flynn’s Son, Forced General to Sacrifice Himself or See His Son Destroyed… https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/10/its-true-new-evidence-shows-mueller-gang-threatened-gen-flynns-son-forced-general-to-sacrifice-himself-or-see-his-son-destroyed/

AM Hants

Going back to Burisma Holdings, does Kolomoisky own it or Punchuk?

Interesting article from moon of Alabama.

When Ukraine’s Prosecutor Came After His Son’s Sponsor Joe Biden Sprang Into Action… https://www.moonofalabama.org/2019/10/biden-timeline.html#more

Privat Group took over Burisma, and Kolomoisky owned the Privat Group, which like Burisma Holdings, was registered in Cyprus.

Victor Punchuk, the son-in-law of Kuchna, who allegedly set up Burisma. The same Punchuk who provides over $25 million, to the Clinton Foundation and holds the Yalta Summit, even though he cannot run the summit out of Yalta, Crimea, Russia.

Now why would Burisma, registered in a non-NATO nation and run in another non-NATO nation, be heavily involved in the Atlantic Council, together with Soros and his Open Society Foundation?

Paul Christo

Keep going pal !,you make some very interesting points.

AM Hants

Cheers, I feel as though I am ranting my way through it. However, since following events in Ukraine, going back to 2014, personally I have been waitingfor things to get to this position and seriously hope the story keeps growing, till the MSM cannot ignore it.

Those involved in Burisma Holdings, including the Adam Smith Institute, are also heavily involved in funding the White Helmets, over in Syria. Vanessa Beeley has done some good work, with regards the Adam Smith Institute and White Helmets. I do believe that the Adam Smith Institute is also heavily involved with ‘Integrity Initiative’, where you will find Anne Applebaum and Bill Browder, in team ‘Integrity Initiative’.

Adam Smith Institute, a tax payer funded NGO think tank.
How many tax payer funded NGOs, does the average tax payer actually support, not just in the UK or US?

White Helmet Fund Raisers and Government funded NGO supporters:




Integrity Initiative UK Inner Core

Paul Christo

I agree with everything you are saying,I do follow Vanessa and her work in exposing the terrorist ‘white helmets’ organisation,I actually used your quotes on her post about the situation in the Ukraine and credited it as your good work,hope you don’t mind,it needed to be put out there to a larger audience.

AM Hants

Here is another piece of the jigsaw. Most kids go down the Job Centre, to try and get work, not, expect Mummy and Daddy to get Foreign Governments to provide a position for the kiddies.

Joe Biden- son
John Kerry – step son and financial mentor
Nancy Pelosi – son

I wonder how many other Democratic Politicians from the US, have managed to find lucrative positions over in Ukraine, in order to keep their kids in employment?

Paul Christo

No doubt that the Nuland family has benefited greatly too !.

AM Hants

I only found out a couple of weeks ago, her husband, Robert Kagan, along with the US Ambassador to Venezuela, Elliot Abram and Bill Krystal set up the PNAC. Vicky to the left, Robert to the right. Where does the far right end and the far left begin?

Stealers Wheel ~ Stuck In The Middle With You [LYRICS]… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WROJl6QtNMk

Anyway, going back to Nuland and Abram, together with many more US Ambassadors and Anne Applebaum (who is also part of Integrity Initiative), they sit on the Board of Directors of the National Endowment for Democracy NGO. PNAC – funded by US tax payers, as an NGO. NED, funded by US tax payers, as an NGO. Soros Open Society, funded by various nations tax payers, owing to NGO status. Integrity Initiative, funded by UK tax payers, owing to NGO status.

Why does Soros Open Society work in unison with the National Endowment for Democracy, NGO?

Soros, who funded the violent coup d’etat, back in Ukraine in 2014.
NED, who provided funds, training and support for Navalny, and his army of trolls, parading as Russia’s opposition.
NED who provided funds, training and support for Giuado, the goon who believes he is the President of Venezuela, whilst receiving no votes.
NED, who took over from the CIA in Hong Kong, around 1996, when the UK were due to hand Hong Kong back to China. The CIA had got themselves a bad reputation, so the NED were sent over to continue their work. Which we now see on the streets of Hong Kong.

How many nations are the NED linked into? What does it cost the US tax payer? What benefits do the US tax payer get in return?