Afghan National Army soldiers prepare to move out following an inspection of troops at the Regional Military Training Center at Tactical Base Gamberi, Afghanistan, on July 30, 2015. JARROD MORRIS/U.S. ARMY
On August 25, a delegation of 40 officials of the Taliban met with leaders of Afghan resistance forces in the Panjshir Valley for negotiations. The results of the talks are still unclear.
A day earlier, the Taliban attempted to enter Panjshir through a pass in the nearby province of Badakhshan. The attack was repelled and the Taliban sustained serious losses, according to Maj. Wazir Akbar, an Afghan army commando who joined the Panjshir resistance.
All is well #Andarab#resistanceforce pic.twitter.com/q1OmpvLxkD
— Panjshir_Province (@PanjshirProvin1) August 24, 2021
The defeat was apparently behind the Taliban’s decision to hold talks with resistance forces. Zabiullah Mujahid, a spokesman for the group, called on whom he called “brothers in Panjshir” for talks.
Afghan Vice President Amrullah Saleh, who declared himself as the acting President of the country after the fall of Kabul and joined hands with resistance forces, said only meaningful negotiations will be accepted.
In the last few days, Taliban was able to recapture the districts of Bano, Deh Saleh, Pul e-Hesar in the northern province of Baghlan which were seized by local resistance fighters. Ahmad Massoud jr, leader of the resistance, denied in a recent interview with Reuters that Panjshir forces were responsible for the seizure of the districts.
Despite engaging in talks with the Taliban, resistance forces in Panjshir continue to prepare for the worse. More than 6,000 fighters are reportedly taking a stand in the valley.
Alla Akbar
Our Resistance is getting stronger to defeat the enemy.We have only (..) different groups from the #PanjshirValley forget about commando, especial force, Afghanistan army.
Retweet’s = support pic.twitter.com/ZEu8Bk5HVk
— Panjshir_Province (@PanjshirProvin1) August 24, 2021
Afghanistan’s #PANJSHIR Valley: the last stronghold of resistance to #Taliban rule. pic.twitter.com/5WsJpAoJFu
— Panjshir_Province (@PanjshirProvin1) August 25, 2021
According to a recent report by Al Jazeera, resistance forces set up machine gun nests, mortars and surveillance posts fortified with sandbags in anticipation of a Taliban assault on the Panjshir Valley.
The conflict in the Panjshir Valley will not likely be resolved anytime soon. While the leadership of the Taliban appears to be willing to compromise, the more radical wing within the group may push for an attack on the resistance.
The Taliban are True Afghans, idiot.
Saleh and Massoud are Jew puppets.
and so are Kurds, Jew-slaves:
As the evidence shows, the jews are everywhere, turning Muslim against Muslim, Kurd against Arab, Afghan against Afghan …
Time to warm up the gas ovens …
“Time to warm up the gas ovens …”
A complete waste of time and resources. There are methods, albeit a bit messy, that don’t require that much resources.
Now we know who’s the jew …
Taliban were created by the CIA to fight the Russian in 1979…No comment!
Frankly, haven’t seen you for some long time. And frankly you are very right.
on April 27, 1978 Hafizullah Amin, Babrak Karmal and Nur Muhamnad Taraki seized power in Afghanistan with the Saur revolution where Afghan President Sardar Mohammed Daoud Khan was deposed and asked for the help of the Soviet government of Leonid Brezhnev to intervene in Afghanistan through doctrine Brezhnev on December 27, 1979, in response to US government intervention by Democrat Jimmy Carter who started Operation Cyclone on July 3, 1979 which financed the Mujahideen resistance groups in the struggle against the pro-Soviet Afghan socialist regime. The US CIA and UK MI6 helped train the militia resistance guerrillas with secret and separate actions with tactics and strategies. The program supported Islamic groups, including groups with Jihadist ties, who were favored by Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq’s regime in Pakistan. On January 20, 1981 US Republican President Ronald Reagan continued Operation Cyclone, the US funded around $695,000 in 1979, $30 million in 1980 and $630 million in 1987. Al Qaeda was founded by Osama Bin Laden and Abdallah Youssouf Moustafa Azzam on 11 August 1988 in Peshawar Pakistan, which was a fundamentalist Islamic Jihadist group supported by Pakistan, USA and UK against Soviet troops stationed in Afghanistan. with the beginning of the collapse of the USSR regime in Eastern Europe, the Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev started the withdrawal of his troops in Afghanistan on 15 may 1988 to 15 February 1989. abandoning the Socialist Republic of Afghanistan to its own fate that lasted until 27 April 1992 with the victory of the Mujahideen resistance that captured Kabul and installed its pro-US government where the Islamic State of Afghanistan was declared. but with the infighting between the Mujahideen the group was split into several factions that fought for themselves and again started another civil war between 28 April 1992 – 27 November 1996 culminating in the victory of the Islamic Jihadist Taliban group (founded in 11 September 1994 by Mullah Abdul Salam Zaeef e Mohammed Omar) and with the support of Al Qaeda of Osama Bin Laden which established the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. But a new civil war broke out between 27 September 1996 – 07 October 2001, but on 10 October 1996 Ahmad Shah Massoud and Burhanuddin Rabbani founded the Islamic Front for the Salvation of Afghanistan (Northern Alliance) in the fight against the Taliban government who reassumed the power after the US invasion of Afghanistan between 7 October and 17 December 2001 because of the 11 September 2001 attacks perpetrated by Osama bin Laden’s al Qaeda against the US. The new US-backed Northern Alliance government of Afghanistan formed the Karzai administration on 13 July 2002.
Taliban are Not Mujaheddin sponsored by CIA in 1980’s. Taliban was created by Mullah Omar responding to a complaint that Ass fuckers like Dostum were kidnapping and raping young boys. US did not help taliban ever – show proof. You are confused between Taliban and 1980’s anti-Soviet Mujahedin. Dumb Fck
você esta sonhando gay…… vai beber a porra dos soldados afeg e americanos .
Screw you prick,this has nothing to do with the Russians and they are not arming the Taliban,the Americans already took care of that LOL!! now fuck off.
Lol to the dumb asses that believe Afghanistan is way better off under the Taliban, these are the same freaks that chop heads, you wont see it now since all eyes are on them but give it a few months and let them settle in and get comfy with there power hold on Afghanistan and the head chopping and mass killing will start a new, the only good talib is a dead talib
Every single country in the world begins as some form of Taliban-like state.
i.e, ruled by religious nuts for a few hundred years until they evolve.
Afghanistan needs to evolve up the chain like everyone else – without the White Man fucking it down the hill everytime it makes some progress.
The Taliban are no Angels, but they’re Afghan, and they’re far better than the Redneck Taliban from Amerikkka!
Taliban chop heads? This has never been reported , even by MSM. You are a confused dumbFuck
Fuck talib scum
Fuck Irani Majoosi and Hindu Cow worshipping Scum.
on April 27, 1978 Hafizullah Amin, Babrak Karmal and Nur Muhamnad Taraki seized power in Afghanistan with the Saur revolution where Afghan President Sardar Mohammed Daoud Khan was deposed and asked for the help of the Soviet government of Leonid Brezhnev to intervene in Afghanistan through doctrine Brezhnev on December 27, 1979, in response to US government intervention by Democrat Jimmy Carter who started Operation Cyclone on July 3, 1979 which financed the Mujahideen resistance groups in the struggle against the pro-Soviet Afghan socialist regime. The US CIA and UK MI6 helped train the militia resistance guerrillas with secret and separate actions with tactics and strategies. The program supported Islamic groups, including groups with Jihadist ties, who were favored by Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq’s regime in Pakistan. On January 20, 1981 US Republican President Ronald Reagan continued Operation Cyclone, the US funded around $695,000 in 1979, $30 million in 1980 and $630 million in 1987. Al Qaeda was founded by Osama Bin Laden and Abdallah Youssouf Moustafa Azzam on 11 August 1988 in Peshawar Pakistan, which was a fundamentalist Islamic Jihadist group supported by Pakistan, USA and UK against Soviet troops stationed in Afghanistan. with the beginning of the collapse of the USSR regime in Eastern Europe, the Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev started the withdrawal of his troops in Afghanistan on 15 may 1988 to 15 February 1989. abandoning the Socialist Republic of Afghanistan to its own fate that lasted until 27 April 1992 with the victory of the Mujahideen resistance that captured Kabul and installed its pro-US government where the Islamic State of Afghanistan was declared. but with the infighting between the Mujahideen the group was split into several factions that fought for themselves and again started another civil war between 28 April 1992 – 27 November 1996 culminating in the victory of the Islamic Jihadist Taliban group (founded in 11 September 1994 by Mullah Abdul Salam Zaeef e Mohammed Omar) and with the support of Al Qaeda of Osama Bin Laden which established the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. But a new civil war broke out between 27 September 1996 – 07 October 2001, but on 10 October 1996 Ahmad Shah Massoud and Burhanuddin Rabbani founded the Islamic Front for the Salvation of Afghanistan (Northern Alliance) in the fight against the Taliban government who reassumed the power after the US invasion of Afghanistan between 7 October and 17 December 2001 because of the 11 September 2001 attacks perpetrated by Osama bin Laden’s al Qaeda against the US. The new US-backed Northern Alliance government of Afghanistan formed the Karzai administration on 13 July 2002.