Taiwan, US Sign Deal to Maintain Island’s Patriot Missiles

Taiwan, US Sign Deal to Maintain Island’s Patriot Missiles

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Technicians from Raytheon and Lockheed Martin will be sent to Taiwan under a contract worth about $78 million

Originally published on AntiWar

Taiwan has signed a contract with the US for maintenance of the island’s Patriot air defense missile systems, a move that comes as Washington is working to bolster Taipei’s military.

According to The South China Morning Post, the five-year contract is worth $77.8 million and will send technicians from Lockheed Martin and Raytheon to the island through 2027.

A Taiwanese military source told the Post that the technicians will be sent to Taiwan for the long term and that the arrangement will provide “timely servicing for our systems.”

Taiwan, US Sign Deal to Maintain Island’s Patriot Missiles

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The source said the deal was especially necessary since China practiced live-fire exercises in August that included firing missiles over Taiwan, which came in response to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) visiting the island.

The signing of the contract comes as the US is looking at ways to get more weapons into Taiwan’s hands. It was revealed this week that the US is considering a plan to jointly produce arms with Taiwan so weapons could get to the island more quickly without delays.

The Senate wants to give Taiwan $10 billion in military aid over the next five years and has included the measure in its version of the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act, which senators are expected to approve after midterms in November.


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The biggest warlord, the US Defense industry, making billions of dollars again.

Chico Pidgin

Aww Chinese doing virtue signaling again. They all fucking the same – carbon copies of each other. Nobody have ever seen differences in character between 2 Chinese.

Last edited 1 year ago by Chico Pidgin

At least China must be happy that Taiwan is buying a worthless, deprecated missile defense system from the 1990s. That will do nothing against anything modern like a Khinzal or even a low flying Cruise missile.


I think the Chinese will never attack Taiwan of their own accord and the US will feel obliged to start the war directly with a “false false flag” where they cause destruction in China and blame the Chinese themselves for it. The only problem for the US is that China will target them, instead of Taiwan, in any case, ruining their plan to create a second Ukraine. The US will be drawn into a high casualty war it can’t win, and have to abandon the Pacific theater.


The War is over TSMC – a company that is years ahead of everyone. Its where all the Apple, Samsung, Intel, AMD and every other companies state of the art chips are made (not potato chips)


Save the roos?

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

The first goal of China must be to take control of Australia.


LOL Patriot is junk


This is what you happens when you fire a Patriot(tm) system against a incomming target. You get a extra explosion as your Patriot(tm) interceptor turns around and strikes the area around where you fired it.

L du Plessis

Patriots are limited unlike S400’s


The funny thing is USA does not make the high tech stuff (never did), except for maybe USA Intel company a decade ago. Its all produced in Taiwan (TSMC)

Everyone knows it's the Jews.

And meanwhile Iran can crank out a missile in the low 20K range. So sure, piss away money. That’s what Americans do to it’s citizens. Piss their tax money away starting trouble overseas.


That’s not going to save Taiwan. What is going to save Taiwan is peaceful reunitification with the mainland before it’s late. The whole world will only change their profile pictures to support an island under siege, nothing else. Reunification is the actual independence for Taiwan. Independence from being a pawn of the biggest terrorist organization on the planet, the US Government.

Iran Drones will hit Usa in taywan

Iran Drones will destroy patriots and electricity .. no worry .. taywan will surrender with Iranian Drones helping


Patreon is a completely outdated 1990s missile defense system, which while it was revolutionairy in terms of efficiency, today is far surpassed by every modern system, and lacks in almost every aspect, from short range of engagement, high minimum range, Comparatively low interceptor agility, aged radar system and lack of compatability with modern radars.
Etcetera etcetera.

The fact that my (swedens) goverment bought this ready-to-be-scrapped system over other alternatives reveals the deapth of american colonial power over us, and the treason of the responsible authorities and ministeries.


Will the chinamen on Formosa be dumb enough to destroy themselves for the collapsing angloZionaZi empire of shit like the rump Ukrapper naZis in fast evaporating rump Ukrapland?

China can take back Formosa in days and have the local criminal triads in China death camps in a matter of a week and USSA can and will do NOTHING whatsoever about it.

It’s inevitable and all the overpriced dummy Pentacon crap is powerless to do anything about it.

“Patriot” my a$$
