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Tag Archives: Poroshenko

Interesting, has Poroshenko’s noose already grown sky high? Originally appeared at Lnr.today According to Ukrainian news agency UNN, the President…

What should we expect from the 70th anniversary session of the UN General Assembly  and the Putin’s speech in it?…

Self-styled Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko has called to start “international secuirty operation” in Donbass and ruled out extension of Minsk peace…

This article originally appeared at Politrussia, translated by Olga Seletskaia exclusively for SouthFront More than a thousand e-petitions have already…

Overview of the Blogosphere This article originally appeared at Regnum, translated from Russian by Olga Seletskaia exclusively for SouthFront The…

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko commented Monday riots in the country’s capital Kiev as an anti-Ukrainian action whose perpetrators must held responsible….

On February 12 on Minsk negotiations of “Normandy Four” “: Ukraine, Russia, Germany and France was signed an agreement to…

A chronicle of the failed state This article originally appeared at Interpolit.ru, translated from Russian by Olga Seletskaia exclusively for SouthFront…

Ukrainian ‘president’ Petro Poroshenko demands 1240 anti-missile systems “Javelin” from the US. According to him, Javelins are “wonderderwarfare” that will help Kiev…

US-backed Ukraine believes Crimean Tatars are unloyal to Russia and wants to use their “nationalistic” attitude.  This article originally appeared at Globalresearch.ca On Saturday,…

This article originally appeared at Ruposters.ru. Translated by J. Hawk at Fort Russ. Estonia’s president Toomas Hendrik Ilves laughed at Ukrainians demanding EU…

Development of Ukrainian Crisis has crossed the point when it influences on European security in indirect mode. This year US-backed…

Forbes Magazine has named Petro Poroshenko, Ukraine’s President, the 8th richest man in Ukraine. The fortune of the Ukrainian President…

Flood in Georgia, Bilderberg group in Austria, Britain recalls secret agents abroad, Albanian march in Makedonia, ISIS forced back thousands…

MERS is spread and 12 policemen killed in Afghanistan. The US under cyber-attack, newly-released letter 9/11, accusations in spying on…