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Tag Archives: politics

Original by Wladyslaw Gulewicz published by konserwatyzm.pl; translation by J.Hawk “Great Romania” is a geopolitical project pursued by Bukarest in…

Original by Andrey Bortsov published by politrussia.com; translation by J.Hawk Appearing at the XXIV Assembly of the Foreign and Defense…

Original by Krakauer published by Obserwator Polityczny; translation by J.Hawk The West has a sense of strange and wholly unjustified…

A Commander of the Iranian Armed Forces has denounced the continuous aims of the Western nation to take part in…

The revolutionary movement will join FARC-EP in the peace dialogues held with the Colombian government. Published in telesurtv.net, translated by…

Analysis by J.Hawk The “Panama Papers” affair has the unmistakable hallmarks of a net-centric hybrid war operation: a disparate group…

The General Commander of the Brazilian army assured that the Armed Forces continue to be under the authority of the…

Exclusively for SouthFront by J.Hawk The recent Brussels terror attacks are yet another indicator, as if one were needed, that…

An Israeli tribunal condemned seven Palestinian underage kids to spend sentences between a year and 39 months in prison after…

The Ecuadorian president, Rafael Correa, stated that deposing a democratically elected president is extremely serious. Published in telesurtv.net, translated by…

The agreement was signed by the official in charge of businesses of the American Embassy in La Habana, Jeffrey DeLaurentis…

Kurds resisting Turkish assault in the streets of Diyarbakir Original by Darya Aslamova published by Komsomolskaya Pravda; translation by J.Hawk…

Exclusively for SouthFront by J.Hawk The order to begin the withdrawal of Russian forces from Syria, which occurred wholly unexpectedly…

Till earlier this same day, ten different violations to ceasefire have been registered into Syrian territory. In the last 24…

Timoleón Jiménez stated that there is distrust inside FARC-EP in regards to an agreement presented by the Colombian government. Published…