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Tag Archives: crimea

Originally appeared at Svpressa, translated by Mona Lita exclusively for SouthFront There are no problems with financing the Kerch Bridge…

On June 17, the European Union extended for a year a ban on business dealings with Russia’s Republic of Crimea,…

Why did Venice recognize Crimea as Russian? The author of the resolution on the recognition of Crimea’s status in Russia,…

Originally appeard at Svpressa, translated by Don Courter exclusively for SouthFront On May 10th at the Feodosiya Shipyard “Sea” in Crimea,…

Originally appeared at A-specto, translated by Borislav exclusively for SouthFront “Tonight you applaud not me, but the people of Crimea”…

Written by Brandon Turbeville; Originally appeared at Activistpost The 13th Islamic Summit entitled “Unity And Solidarity For Justice And Peace,” set up…

The third thread of the energy bridge to Crimea became fully operational, RIA Novosty Crimea reported on April 19. Thus, the…

A research, conducted by the Russian state owned polling agency VTSIOM shows that the majority of the Russian citizens believe…

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This article originally appeared at Novosti.rs translated by Stevo Marjanović exclusively for SouthFront. From a correspondent in Moscow. Leadership of…

  Original published by Russkaya Vesna; translated from Russian by J.Hawk Genbank, Republic of Crimea’s largest financial institution placed under…

Original by Dmitriy Sergeyev published by Zvezda, translated from Russian by J.Hawk Russian Ground Forces’ formations could be deployed to…

Original published by ntv.ru; translated from Russian by J.Hawk Russia decided to stop commercial electricity deliveries to Ukraine. The contract…