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Tag Archives: crimea

An alleged commander of the group of Ukrainian saboteurs has confessed to the preparation of acts of sabotage on vital objects…

Ukraine is currently forming shock troops on the border with Crimea, right near the Crimean isthmus. Ukraine is currently forming…

Ukrainian media openly announced planned terrorist attacks in Crimea several months ago. The Ukrainians look ridiculous, trying to disown the…

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The video above depicts equipment of the Ukrainian group of saboteurs that planned terrorist attacks in the Russian Republic of Crimea….

Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Kiev authorities have turned to the “practice of terrorism” instead of trying to resolve the…

The Kiev authorities are denying that the Ukrainian group of saboteurs attempted to infiltrate the territory of the Russian Republic…

Original by FSB Press Service; translation by J.Hawk The Russian FSB averted terrorist acts in the Republic of Crimea that…

Russia actively relocates its military equipment to the administrative border between the Republic of Crimea and Ukraine. Russia actively relocates…

Original by Boris Rozhin; translation by J.Hawk A well-proven source which more than once provided accurate information on the Donbass…

The Armed Forces of Ukraine are reinforcing the presence of military equipment and personne at the border with Crimea. The…

Donald Trump said that if he is elected president, he would consider recognizing Crimea as Russian territory and lifting the…

Russia is building a bridge between the Crimean Peninsula and the Russian mainland in order to set a direct link…

President of France’s National Front party Marine Le Pen has received an invitation to attend celebrations of the Russian Navy…

Originally appeared at SP, translated by Caspersky exclusively for SouthFront The illegal Majlis [organization of Crimean Tatar radicals] is preparing to form…