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Tag Archives: chemical attack in idlib

According to a fugitive Syrian General, the Syrian government had hidden hundreds of tons of chemical weapons from the OPCW….

The Russian Deputy Ambassador to the UN has called on his British counterpart not to insult Russia and other countries….

According to an unnamed source of CNN, Syrian military and chemical experts discussed preparations for a chemical attack in Idlib…

According to MIT professor Theodore Postol, a White House’s report on a chemical attack in Idlib “cannot be correct.” Theodore…

According to a former marine, he voted for Trump “to make America great again, not make the Middle East great…

According to US military officials, the Pentagon is investigating a possibility of Russia’s involvement in a chemical attack in the…

US Defense Secretary James Mattis is going to brief US President Donald Trump on military options against Syria in connection…

According to last reports, US President Donald Trump is considering a possibility of a military response to the chemical attack…

The Turkish Justice Minister claims that autopsy results have confirmed the fact of the usage of chemical weapons in attack…

US President Donald Trump called a chemical attack in the Syrian province Idlib an “affront to humanity” that has changed…