Systematic Censorship: Google Bans Tsargrad TV’s YouTube Channel and Entire Account

Systematic Censorship: Google Bans Tsargrad TV's YouTube Channel and Entire Account

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In the very early hours of July 28th, the YouTube channel of Russian TV channel “Tsargrad TV” was entirely banned, without an explanation.

“Now, until the situation is fully cleared up, instead of an official channel with high-quality video content, YouTube shows our viewers a black plug. The million-strong audience of Tsargrad, in fact, was cut off from the truth, which we were not afraid to speak directly on the air.”

TsargradTV is suing YouTube over its channel being closed.

“We have not received any alerts, notifications or strikes from YouTube. Moreover, the administration of the service still does not explain the reasons for the blocking. They simply refuse to get in touch with us, so we plan to resolve the conflict in court,” said the editor of the TV channel Daria Tokareva.

In addition, Tsargrad is preparing an official appeal to the YouTube administration demanding the restoration of the channel. The censorship of Tsargrad was widely covered in Russian media.

Google, however, has chosen not to enter in any sort of discussion with TsargradTV.

Only in an interview with the Moscow city news agency did the press service of Google say the following:

“Google complies with all applicable sanctions and trade compliance laws. If we find that an account is in violation of these laws, we will take appropriate action.”

As such, Google simply said that it adheres to US sanctions on the territory of Russia.

As such, Tsargrad’s entire Google account was also blocked.

Systematic Censorship: Google Bans Tsargrad TV's YouTube Channel and Entire Account

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“Your Google account has been locked and cannot be restored, due to a violation of export laws. If you’ve any queries, refer to a lawyer.”

The reason for blocking of the accounts allegedly was “violation of export laws.”

According to SocialBlade, the channel had 1.06 million subscribers the day before the block.

At the same time, the YouTube channel of the Two-Headed Eagle Society, headed by Konstantin Malofeev, the founder of Tsargrad, was also blocked.

YouTube’s notice reads: “Blocked for violating community guidelines.”

The Tsargrad channel, which appeared in 2015, positions itself as “the first Russian conservative information and analytical TV channel,” since the end of 2017 they stopped broadcasting and completely switched to online.

At the same time, in the fall of 2017, Malofeev created the “Two-Headed Eagle”, which he defined as “a society for the development of Russian historical enlightenment”; its goal is to promote monarchism and the history of pre-revolutionary Russia.

Malofeev himself has been under the sanctions of the European Union, the United States and Canada since 2014 due to accusations of financing the military conflict in eastern Ukraine.

SouthFront itself was recently banned on YouTube without a due explanation, and our team continues the struggle against censorship.


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Zionism = EVIL

The Jew media is trying its best to lock out Russian, Chinese and Iranian media from global reach, the stupid cunts don’t realize that it only gives independent media only a higher profile. The best way to counter the Zionist MSM and Anglo trash media is for the free nations to joint collaborative media outreach. The majority of Eurasian population does not believe a word of Bilderberg Jew media anyway, so this is their dying gasp like the Zionist laughable stunt against Hezbollah today. The Americunts and their poodles are going down the shit hole of history.

Rhodium 10

China dont have such problems because they have its own you tube, facebook, twitter..etc..which are tools of zionist globalism

Zionism = EVIL

That is why they want to destroy China as with a population of 1.4 billion and a global Mandarin speaking diaspora of millions it is fucking up the western media monopoly with its own apps and platforms. Iran also has the language edge as over 500 million people read and understand some form of Farsi based language from Dari to Urdu. Farsi was also the court language of India until 1857 mutiny against the British devious losers. So millions of Indians understand Farsi, especially the 200 million Muslims.

If Russia, China and Iran collaborate on media and internet platforms, they have an audience of over 2 BILLION people, and if you include Syria, Cuba, Algeria, Serbia, Venezuela, ex-Soviet stans, other relatively independent states etc we are talking the global majority. In my own lifetime, I have seen the Americunts and their laptops heading into the shitter, and that is why they are censoring and banning and sanctioning willy nilly, but it is too late now. Anglo-Zionist cunts are done.

johnny rotten

Israhell sees that the world he was hiding behind is collapsing, of course he tries to erase reality, like ostriches putting their heads in the sand, but this will not prevent him from dying along with the shitty world he has built.

Bobby Twoshoes

I’d rather use my time productively than consume Zionist lies. If they ever manage to ban all truth I’ll have a nice garden and plenty of time on my hands to make trouble for the state.

Trap Is Not Gay

That’s what I realized, too.

The power is in us, not them. When you break away from all the circus, it’s over. The “narratives” and alt-narratives in response (more bullshit) aren’t shit.

We are free in fact, but many chose “to follow” (leaders, groups, etc) and the noise is the power of some.

Lone Ranger

CIA—>Alphabet Inc.—->Google—->YouTube.
I think that explains everything.
Russia should ban Clown News Network from Moscow for the start.
Let them taste their own medicin…


Ohh noo the pain will be unbearable

Lone Ranger

Rest in pieces UT…


That was closed 4 yrs ago, still happy?

Lone Ranger

Of course :)


That’s why you’re so happy, cause you’re living in the past :)

Lone Ranger




Lone Ranger

Present* :)


Btw I didn’t know about that channel before today, I just googled it. Still pretending you are not Ruskie?

Lone Ranger

Im not pretending anything.
I live in the EU, they pushed it real hard but failed.
I guess people doesnt like lies or the fact that it was a soros creation…
But you are not from Europe, I know that…
Probably a Canadian ukrop, or a Syrian jihadi…


Yes, I am. You are not. Maybe you are working in Hungary but you are a Ruskie, Europeans don’t get frustrated when anyone bash Putler, that’s basic.

Lone Ranger

No you arent.
I am.
Born and raised in Hungary.
By Hungarian parents.
Beat that…
You only live here.
But not for very long.
I can tell.
You dont know basic things about Europe or the EU.


Like what, that Putin is the leader of EU or Russia is the greatest country in EU?

Lone Ranger

Putin is the Leader of the Free World.
Amd Hungary is the greatest country in the EU.
We are the ones whom keep rapefugees out and liberalnazis down.
Hero status confirmed…


That’s impossible because in Hungary there are no little muziks that cry every time someone says something bad about the kremlin goblin.

Lone Ranger

That’s a lot of salty tears Ukrop…
Are you on your period again…?
Better grab your XXL Tampax…
Putin is lived all around the World, so is Russia.
Standing up against bullies, saving countries… Building a better future for Mankind.


No, that’s Kim Jong Un, you lil moscal. Putin is the servant if Kim.

Lone Ranger

You are overdosing again…
You aren’t very coherent when high…:)


You think I’m very rich I can afford drugs every day. Or you have no idea about anything since living in mum’s basement.

Lone Ranger

Thanks to Uncle Sam drugs are dirt cheap nowdays.
Especially synthetic bath salts and opiates.
You don’t have to be rich especially since CIA/Soros trolls get it for free.


Actually those salts are made in china. Some even are worthy to try.

Lone Ranger

And the U.S.
I knew you already did…
Explains a few things…


Actually they are banned in EU, you found them in that semi-secret Russian bases from Cuba.

Lone Ranger

Cocaine is also banned in the U.S.
CIA still imports it…


True, the same as krokodil is banned in Russia still they have the most consummers cus other drugs are too expensive for the white trash.

Lone Ranger

Was true 20 years ago.
Not anymore.
U.S. consumes 80% of the drugs nowdays both legal and illegal.
Worst drug epidemic in Human history.
And you are a part of it…
You can than the cia and soros and your ukropnazi parents whom did educate you better about the dangers…
Its never too late to start over…
Just lay off the drugs…
Say no to your handlers…


@occupybacon is actually from Romania. Probably a cheap, paid troll from some shithole CIA basement (Romania is full of nato brothels) or just a braindead neonazi retard who worship ukromaidan terrorist (but too cowardly to actually join them).


Russia has the greatest suicidal rate in the world. That says everything.

Lone Ranger

According to soros news…
In fact its the U.S. nowdays.


Accourding to their own data. But the truth hurts the most. No U is the BDSM password to stop chocking ya.

Lone Ranger

Another magic wand moment…
Meanwhile in the U.S. the morgues were overfilled long before Covid struck due to the opiate epidemic, suicudes, and gun violance.
Hundreds if thousend of U.S. citizens die that way every year.
Just a lil reality check for you…


Putin propaganda inspired from Kim Jong Un. At least Kim doesn’t send their women into prostitution.

Lone Ranger

Swap Putin with CIA/soros and its legit ;)
You are a Prime Example…


I am Optimus Unapologeticus Prime, you are?

Lone Ranger



One US veteran commits suicide every 65 minutes. But at least they won’t die of coronavirus… or from AIDS and cancer like you….


And with all those US veterans commiting suicides still Russia is on the first place, like all the Russians are suicidal veterans, you must hate your life, that’s why you hate and pray others to die, it’s the only thing left for your tormented minds to distract from your painful lives.

Lone Ranger

I need my beauty sleep now…
If I don’t get at least 6 hours I will be in a bad mood…
Night night.


Sleep thight dream bright

Lone Ranger


Lone Ranger

Only Canadian ukropnazis call Putin Putler…

Black Waters

The funny part (not funny actually) is those twisted Ukrops calling Putin that way when they are the ones butchering civilians at the same time being invaded by the U.S, as always ukrops cooperating with the U.S like the did with Hitler.

Lone Ranger

Its called projection.
Ukropnazis and nazis are mentally handicapped…

Lone Ranger

They will meet the same fate.
History is repeating itself…


Putler is a world-wide meme, only Ruskies believe other nations kiss his ass as you do. Like North Koreans believe Kim is respected by others.

Lone Ranger

Only ukropnazis think that..
Is that why EU is moving closer to Russia away from the U.S…?
How many times did world leaders visit Putin and how many times did they visit Trump?
You really wanna go there lol…?


That’s the goal of dictators to visit and to be visited, who needs food when your leader knows do many leaders. USA can work even without having a leader.

Lone Ranger

Yeah diplomacy is for dictators…
You should eat something I sense a lil hipo glicemia from all the coke..
U.S. can’t even work with one…
As we can see..


That’s why Putin loves expensive gifts and luxury because he’s a good diplomat. Hungry Ruskies don’t need food if the leader is rich.

Lone Ranger

You are mentioning food in every sentence, are you really that hungry?
Your handlers are only giving you drugs and no food?
Aw, poor thing…


Sorry if mentioning food upsets you, i’m a moron. Please don’t listen to me, food is for imperialists and fascists.

Lone Ranger

It only upsets me you don’t get any.
Maybe with the next aid shipment…


I will starve as long you wish. Hell I will even drink vodka on empty stomach to see how a Russian feels every day.

Lone Ranger

You already do that, except it’s not vodka but liquid speed….


Nah, that’s your mom that drinks liquid squid so you have your buckwheat next day.

Lone Ranger

I doubt that :)


But still not sure… You are very sure of Musk didn’t sent astronauts on ISS instead but not if ya mum drinks semen. Understandable.

Lone Ranger

Only because your mom is a prostitue in Toronto, doesnt mean everybody else is.
Is that why you escaoed Canada?
You couldnt look at her anymore going downhill.
But you love drugs too, and you sold yourself as well…
Sad story really.
I start to understand where your deep frustration and inferiority complex comes from…


Aww stable boy is horny, his throbbing ass is burning of desire. Baconhead comes to the stables to frenetically posess the nasty stable boy and ruin his anus for two weeks like an animalized convict meeting first wore after a long detention.

Lone Ranger

With that level of drug addiction you wont get old.
Hope you know that…


But what if America falls in 3-4 months ‘as experts say’ and I will be broke ass like you, better die young.

Lone Ranger

Im not broke, neither a drug addict.


Ahh we have a winner here. Waiting the capitalism to fall and the old order to return,whenbservile collaborationists like your family were given one food stamp more to tell to police every month what neighbours are talking and if anyone insulted the great leader. All of you waiting shit like the cargo cults.

Lone Ranger

You are mixing me up with your fellow food stamp trolls :)
Im not waiting for the fall of capitalism as it has already fallen.
Especially in the U.S.
Im waiting for its return.


Piggy, you will drink nato pizz and eat yankee feces like a good romanian wh0re… perhaps they even give you a cookie or two from 1960s. Or at least a banana from your yankee masters ? #BananaLivesMatter #occupybanana #bananaRepublicRomania


The buckwheat got angry in your belly, lil muzik? Too expensive to throw up, swallow it back, one big soar gulp and the belly is full again, no need to buy more food for today.


Wtf that even means you braindead bitch, some gypsy romanian slang from CIA gay brothel in Bucuresti? You probably learn it from from 10 black marines gangraping your sissy throat with bananas… you are expert of swallowing, stop projecting and keep sucking… keep sucking you lame gypsy hooker.


Ouch that burns really hard… almost as canibal Russians cooking their children during 20 century famines. Highest rate of suicides in the wirld, nit being able to build a competitive industry with all those naturalbresources, fearing Ukraine and Turkey, a failed country with no dignity. The internet is full of Russian prostitutes, fairly high chances your mom and sister to be among them.


I’m sure it does, but keep crying and keep begging bitch! …you’re repeating yourself you braindead shiteater, nothing but feces and cancer in your empty head… you are obsessed with suicides and incest, sick little psycho, no surprise you worship ukromaidan degenerates so much, lunatics and losers just like you. Go tell them about famines and cannibalism and whatever sick garbage, read about the Oregon trail how your american masters ate each other (and you eat their shit today). That’s your pathetic history – eating shit and being a slave,
“Dignity” hahahahaha you don’t know what the word dignity means you lame little bitch, you was liberated by Russians -TWICE – you infinitely pathetic, shameless, braineless pile of pigs excrement. Personally I blame Russia for liberating you cunts, you belong to Turkey.


Melon, write less, don’t expect my gypsy ass spent minutes of my life reading your diharea.


Piggy, I know you can’t comprehend more than 3 words, even you admitted you were a moron. “Life”? You don’t have a life, this site is your life, you are always here. I visit this site once per month or two, and here you are, spamming garbage as always… how the fck these evil Ruskies didn’t even ban you so far?

Oh, and I don’t expect you to read my diarrhea, i expect you to eat my diarrhea :D

Still too much for you? Bah. Here something short (and long) just for you: ?


That looks like Putin peepee in real life size. Still dirty worms like u and your mum somehow manage to pull it from ass to mouth and back and switch sides like frying on a hot pit. But don’t pill it cause that’s how Ruskies were eating bananas, when they started to visit European restaurants after 90’s


Lol Bitch, now you reply my comment from 2 hours ago, yet meanwhile I brutally raped your empty skull at least 10 time on different comments? Seriously, you are the dumbest pile of donkey shit ever, you are stupid, stupid, stuuuuuupid beyond belief. ‘ur mama’ yeah ur mama suck dicks and lick balls and drink piss, we already established she is a dead whore. Who gives a fck. Putin? Read my 10 other comments that you failed to reply. Dumb cretin.


Another long ass comment from you, I read first and last sentence as I told you already. Please go beg for attention somewherelse.


Well, I was going, I already said you are boring and I humiliated you enough, but then you return every time and make some dumb reply to something 3 hours ago… and then I have to kill you again. But because you said “please”, ok I’ll stop bully you, I am merciful (sometimes) :D


Ahhh sorry I made you wait so much for my reply. I don’t want retards make obsessions for me. Go play some pubg or csgo, maybe kill something there. And tell your mom to shave.


@occupyswinebutt: “Please go” :D
I kind of pity how miserable and sad you are bitch, begging for mercy in your own blood and piss (just like your granpa in Stalingrad) hiding in your mom’s rectum
And only when I left, you return with another retarded pussy ‘reply’… actually TWO :D

Yeah that’s exactly how cowardly and miserable you are pathetic little fag. You don’t desreve mercy, you deserve to be mericlesly raped until you die (just as your mom), you deserve a boot on your ugly, monkey skull… until it cracks with all manure inside…. just like your boyfriend’s from Azow SS, pity you are too cowardly to actually join them and die like a man instead of spamming worthless garbage every day. But who knows, perhaps one of these days Santa Claus visits your shithole village in Moldavia… and bury you under pigs stables… until then go hide to your mom butt while she’s sucking Adolfs one ball again. In hell.


Your comment is too short. Type more, bitch!


You have to wait in line to be spitroasted, that’s the muziks job.


I’m sure it’s a long line of ukrainian muziks, neonazis and terrorists waiting to throatfuck you sissy gypsy bitch again and again….


My respects to Motorola, Givi, Zakharcenki and the other worm food.


You are a moron, no doubt that… a pathetic romanian imbecile with no brain, life or purpose except to spam retarded antirussian garbage 24/7 on this site.


What can I say, if Putler ass kissing clowns get butthurt, it’s a successful day. All tyrany worshipers deserve a bit of pain, I’m just the medicine of the mother nature. Was buckwheat soar today?


Hah Putler, says a dumb neonazi shiteater like you…. you romanian slaves were kissing Hitlers anus back in 1941. first he raped you, everyone gangraped Romania in 1940, and then you pathetic sex-slaves join him as a cheap cannon fodder LOL…
Then Hitler bombed you but you still love sucking his butthole, masochist degenerates… I guess your cowardly grandpa is still rotting somewhere near Stalingrad, Germans used his as a donkey… and now dogs piss on his shallow grave. Go join him soon, choke on black bananas and swine diarrhea (your favourite)


You can’t even swear without repeating my words, that’s what worshiping Putler did to your brain, what can I expect from a moscal forever hungry, stealing food and kissing great leader ass all day long. Waiting and hoping for civilisation to fall for 100 years and surviving on the hope that others will be as poor as you are.


Lol what “your words” you retarded pile of excrement? You are stealing my words all the time, I don’t need you 3 pathetic illiterate words to rape and terrorize your lame ass. Brain? You don’t have a brain, just a pile of goat’s manure. Romanian gypsy talking about being poor, how ironic. Laughable actually hahaha
Civilization? Abusing goats and serving foreign masters, thats your entire ‘civilization’, your culture, your everything.. You don’t belong to Western Europe, you are not russian, not even turkish. You are nothing. Piece of shite with inferiority complex. Hating a country that is 100000000 more powerful than your shitty Gypsyland. You are a mosquito on bears butt. You can only suck it a little bit until they squish you. They need one rocket to annihilate you all. You probably don’t worth that much too. So keep hating until you die.


Just a honest question cause I still read the first and last sentence of your long ass comments, how will Romanians die?


Yeah, I throw pearls before swine (actually I throw shit before swine in your case) I’m kind of inspired to terrorize someone, but you’re way too stupid and boring, no challenge at all – I killed your only brain cell with my first comment long time ago, now just flogging a dead horse (that’s probably some gypsy tradition?)……… your question? Go ask Antonescu, he’ll explain.


All you can throw is shit because your hooker mom made you with a shit that was beating her til shat a real stinky one like you – that throws shit and when shit gets thrown back you are asking why I’m not banned :) I got your pussy nature long time ago when you did the same thing. Good luck with that, turd!


Romanian diarrhea from pigs rectum, yeah I throw shit and you swallow, and then I throw more shit again and you swallow again, yet I throw even more shit and you eat it all… and you come back to eat even more shit! Amazing. You ate enormous amounts of feces, oceans of excrement (even more than your dead rotten mother back in 90s) and here you are again: begging to eat more shit. What else is your purpose, you barely can talk, you have zero arguments, you are a fcking imbecile. Even you said – youa re a moron.
So yes, I ask again: why the f they tolerate such a pathetic idiot like you? You are not even a troll, you are the shittiest turd from Bucuresti cesspoll. Or perhaps even from Moldova, now that’s a shithole. Now say somehting about Putler and how you love to eat shit and how many german tourists your mama did per day.
Because what else you can say?
Your IQ is 10. Or more likely: -10.


I really don’t read more than the first and last sentences of your comments. Typing like you have a meltdown just shows me that I triggered you, my purpose is fullfilled. Understand keyboard whore?


It doesn’t make it world-wide just because 1/3rd of the ukranian population ran to all parts of the world in order to escape the menacing Poroshenko and co. Funny though, they are still too stupid to see who robs them and their country, lol. And the funniest thing is that the descendants of the galician nazi collaborators and the cleaning help from US and Canada are telling the ukranians how to live and who to vote for imho.


Pain? You romanian hookers know all about the pain, especially in Bucuresti brothel… pain while being raped by turks for centuries, then by hungarians, then by germans, then by soviets.. I guess you hate them because they fucked you 50 years or so, treated you like bitches? Still butthurt? Not even paying you $0,1 per blowjob like your yankee masters, huh?
Those Ruskies, shame on them, fucking your entire family 50 years for free!


Yeah I’m butthurt cause Ruskies are selling their women for cheap alcohol. Your moms had to prostitute in the 90’s to feed you, a mass phenomenon. And that’s why you cry like little bitches when someone says anything bad about Putler cause you perceive it like your fathers, since they were forever gone either to drink or to make space for the clients that fed you.


Piggy, see how dumb you are, even you admitted you are a moron. I’m talking about history while you talk how many million dicks your dirty mom swallowed, oedipus complex among so many other mental diseases you have . Leave that dead gypsy hag that spawned you from her anus to rest in piss, it’s not her fault her abortion failed so miserably. We know 90s in Romania were so great… almost like 80s hah!
Btw you’re barking at the wrong tree bitch, I’m not from Russia you dumb dog, but I’d be proud to be from nation that defeated Carolous Rex, Frederick the Great, Napoleon and Hitler. I’m a true european, not a little turko-gypsy mutant like you, turkish abortion. You don’t belong to Europe, only as janitors and hookers. It’s so funny when you and ukies trying to be European, lol. And everyone laughs how pathetic you are. HA HA. What you’re gonna cry again? Go to your mama. In hell.


Dammit, it was too long for @occupyswinebutthole again, now he needs 2 hours to read and another 3 days to comprehend (half of it).

How about this one: ???♨


Ahh another Ruskie that screams that he’s not a Ruskie and lose his shit every time someone bash the little green from kremlin. Something new on the internets, never seen before. Tell your goblin president to eat less children bellies cause your population is declining.


Yeah, whatever. Actually you are way more Ruskie than me, your family was f8cked by Russians for 50 years :D
Who is your president, colonial governor, whatever? Pompeo? Biden? He loves little kids, their bellies and their… everything… Perhaps his son? His aunt? His butler?
Certainly not that Klaus Shitolescu, Gypsolescu or whatever his name is. Perhaps that clown from Ukraine?


Shut up and keep sucking my balls muxik bitch, be a good whore like your mom.


U mad now bitch? Lol. you have no balls, dumb cowardly cocksucker, nor brain, nothing but yankee semen in your mouth and horse manure instead of brain…
you are sucking my dick for two hours, I brutally destroyed you, repeatedly raped your empty skull, humiliated you again and again, exposed your extreme stupidity, you absolutely don’t know what to say…
…you tried to beg, you cried, you tried everything.. and the only thing you can do now is – 5 y.old level trolling and talk about your dead $1 gypsy mama?
Pathetic. Truly pathetic.

Take this banana once again, this time as a reward – the shittiest troll ever and the dumbest monkey in Romania: ?


Poor moscal please don’t kill yourself to type so much, I only read first and last sentences.


Gypsy shiteater, I’m surprised you can read at all lol, you are an imbecile with a single digit IQ. To quote @occupybacon: “I am a moron” :D
Actually, I’m killing you, and I enjoy it: you are almost dead, your monkey brain already died long time ago… only your mouth still working. Hopefully not for long.


Ahh so you was actually the stinky Romanian Gypsy, I should figure out. Ok turd go back to your stinky shithole before they cut your Internet since you never pay in time
or I kick your broke ass.


Oh is that a threat you pathetic gay cocksucking pile of shit? First you beg me on your knees to stop raping you sorry ass, now you ‘threatiniong me’?


crying little gypsy pussy, coward like your romaina gypsy granpa… You can LICK my ass (again), but first clean your filthy shithole faggot mouth.

What you gonna a do more, beg me some more, crying? Lick my ass, c’mon bitch lick it while I fart in your sissy face – fa fa faaaaaart!


Cool moscal noizes. Make more!


Say please bitch! Beg me again! Ok one more time – FAAAAAART! Now inhale, it will protect you from coronavirus :D Not from your AIDS tho…. You want even more?! Damn.

btw what is moscal, you romanian gypsy shiteater? I know you love sucking ukro assholes, but “Moscals” don’t exist. Moscow was just one, small russian city, Novogorod, Vladimir, KIEV, all russian cities. So-called Ukrainians never existed. Same with your fake ‘romanian’ nation. 100% fake. Made of turkish wallachian sypsu slaves…

Oh, sorry that’s too much for you, no pearls before swine, only shit and fart in your face! faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaart! ♨


Louder, muzik bitch, can’t hear ya!

Ashok Varma

You seem to spend all your time here, so you must not have much faith in western propaganda either.

Ashok Varma

This should be expected as the west declines, they can not control the fake narrative now as their sick societies implode and people seek real objective news elsewhere, so their only option is fight a losing media war by censorship and exclusion. Banning the truth is the last refuge of tyrants. Next they will burn books.


Few in the West read books anymore :)

Harry Smith

Fahrenheit 451 was prophetic? :)

René Artois



It was indeed prophetic , yet based on human history where the destruction, in all its forms, of ‘unwanted’ history has been attempted many times.
Religious and Political cults have usually been the catalyst for such destruction, even self destruction, and we are now entering a period where the Zionist West is immolating itself in just another attempt to keep the ‘royalty’ in power.

The frightening issue for the ‘foot soldiers’ families of the West is that the destruction reaped globally on the orders of Zionist Western Royalty has sucked so much wealth the globe, that a wave of barbarians from looted nations with nothing to lose are now climbing the gates of the West.

Zionists have a massive mental flaw. They want all the profit at any price, yet a chain of business has to stay intact to allow the flow of money.
Break the chain and everything is cast on the winds of change.
For good or bad, those with the most to lose will fare the worst, in my opinion.


Western media has been hijacked by a fake Zionist narrative and has lost any credibility in age of instant news cycle. Yesterday’s staged Zionist incident in South Lebanon is an example. BBC and US channels were the first to buy into the fake Zionist narrative despite even an iota of evidence. Even Jerusalem Times questioned the Israeli narrative, however MSM bought it hook line and sinker. No wonder we are living in a fake news era and rational people shun MSM. SouthFront was the first media outlet to question the veracity of Zionist claims and rightly so.


US and most western nations rank as the most ignorant nations in all the polls. US ranks as the most ignorant, and most of its population does not read books or travel. Things are worse now as they are impoverished as well.


To late Google, evil Putin is already using his telepathy to influence next US elections and accelerate “climate change” and spreading of COVID19 while spreading anti vaccine propaganda.

Luckily we have “exceptional nation” that defends the planet.


When you see the US losing power everywhere from social media to simple comments about an article, that’s when the fear machine kicks in hence having Google/CIA/NSA and Facebook/CIA working together to remove the truth and push propaganda instead. It’s also the reason why major MSM are removing comments as they are losing a lot of ground there as well as people are pointing at their lies. Yahoo is the latest one to remove comments but it was not a huge surprise as anti-US propaganda comments surpassed pro-ones by far.

The one tool the US HUGE propaganda machine/CIA could always count on to sell lies, the media, is now showing just how badly the US is losing through the MSN.

Get use to it as it will get worse. The truth to the USA is like water to fire.

“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” — CIA Director William Casey, 1981

Black Waters

Google is a tool for the Pentagon, it’s called fascism.

S Vladimir

Along with Tsargrad, the channels of Alexandr Dugin, and Katehon Think Tank have also been banned. Any significant and accurate critiques and opposition to zio liberalism is gradually being disappeared.


Give me control of the Media and i will turn the people of any Country into a herd of Pigs.
Joseph Goebbels


Russia should ban all western propaganda outposts in Russia, especially CNN and BBC. Also, also all NGOs still operating there . No reason to tolerate their bs.