Syria’s UN Envoy Threatens Retaliatory Attack On Israel’s Ben Gurion Airport

Syria’s UN Envoy Threatens Retaliatory Attack On Israel's Ben Gurion Airport

Syria’s UN Ambassador Bashar Jaafari addresses the United Nations Security Council, at UN headquarters, Jan. 22, 2019. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)

On January 22, Syria’s envoy to the United Nations warned that the UN Security Council did not halt Israeli strikes on his country, Syria would retaliate by its own.

“Syria would practice its legitimate right of self-defense and respond to the Israeli aggression on Damascus International Airport in the same way on Tel Aviv airport,” Bashar Jaafari said. “Isn’t time now for the UN Security council to stop the Israeli repeated aggressions on the Syrian Arab republic territories.”

Speaking at the UN Security Council after a series of Israeli airstikes, Jaafari said Israel was only able to act freely in Syria because it had the backing of the US, the UK and France in the UN Security Council.

It’s unclear if the Syrian military has the ability to strike at Tel Aviv airport. However, any attempt to do so will likely face a military response from Israel.


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An Airport for an Airport!

Zionism = EVIL

I would be happy if they just lobbed a few shells at real Zionist targets on the Occupied Golan and use Kornets and base bleed artillery that can not be intercepted. The most obvious and tempting target is the Zionist ELINT station on Mt.Hermon.

Brother Ma

What is base -bleed?

Zionism = EVIL

Sorry, heard the same song for 7 years now and NO ACTION!

stary ujo

No action from impotent OSN !

Zionism = EVIL

The problem is that talk is cheap and unless a threat is followed though it is meaningless. Jaafari is a good man, but a diplomat, the real problem lies with Assad who is cowardly and only interested in hanging on to his job. Why do you think Hezbollah has gone quiet?

Tommy Jensen

If you wanna see actions, look at power points. Media, Twitter and Power points is the new resistance!!

Zionism = EVIL

I want to see real action and not video games. So far Russia has done fuckall in Syria and if these new weapons are anything like the pot plant S-400 and S-300 then I have more faith in Samsung, at least their phones and home appliances are more explosive :) and cheaper. Syria should be installing Samsung appliances all over Golan.

Tommy Jensen



Hyper sonic Avangard is OPERTIONAL !
Hyper sonic Kinzhal is OPERTIONAL !

Avangard= Mach 27 = 30 000 kmh = 19 000 mph !
Kinzhal= Mach10
latest U.S. Patriot PAC3= Mach 5

Range of best US THAAD missile compared to S-400, S-500

Tommy Jensen

Sure. With paper and ink you can change any reality……………………LOL.


Even the Western expert recognize existence of those missiles.
Should I look for proves that they are “operational” ?!
There are even now old videos with Kinzhal tests…
What exactly you are denying?!
That they do not exist or that they do not have those capbilities?!


All you have to do is compare their leaders: Trump is a weak warmonger and Putin is a Chess master !


Even “Chess master ” needs something to play with….The biggest Putin’s achievement is not his tactics and strategy of which he is so famous of.
His biggest achievement by far is bringing up Russia back from the ashes, to the position of the world power and all that in very short period of time.
That achievement is so big that literally equals miracle.

I don’t think Russians are capable now to recognize him as exceptional leader in the history of Russia, but I am sure that future generations will.


Ok, but as the ancient Greeks said “Μηδένα προ του τέλους μακάριζε”.


My ancient Greek is little bit rusty

Brother Ma

Unless we see a these bring down high value targets for real it is just words and pictures to me.


I don’t know how much you are in military stuff
“Avangard”are 1st strike strategic weapons and by definition they are never to be used for small conflicts or small targets.
Even if Russians make one day some of Avangards non nuclear versions they will be considered “strategic” for their range, sheer power of impact and exceptional speed they have.
Russia can hit with them any place on the planet within one hour and nothing can stop Avangard…
While Kinzhal’s will be used for bigger ships , air carriers and important ground targets on 2 to 5 thousand kilometers away more or less.
If Russia starts to use them that will only mean that they are in WAR.

Brother Ma

I am not an expert on warfare but am learning . I was just frustrated that the much heralded S300 and 400 have not done shit yet.

Yes,I thought the hypersonics are more strategic and prob would be a first -strike weapon so we will never see them unless WWIII breaks out ,which I hope never
Thanks for the synopsis of their capability.


S-300 will be used by Syrians against Israel VERY PROBABLY
and soon…But crews must learn and be ready to use them like true professionals first

Syria is not Russia so Russians can not shot down any airplane including Israeli jets unless their soldiers are in danger.
So I doubt that S-400 will be used because US are SCARED to challenge Russia despite whatever they say…

So if you are impatient with S-300 targeting Israeli F-16 tell those Syrian crews to hurry up in learning how to use S-300 properly!
Those S-300 rockets are VERY expensive and nobody can afford that soldiers make beginners practice with such expensive stuff.
So they must be 100% sure to know what are they doing .

Brother Ma

Hahah. So either Russia or Syria is sending its dunces to be trainers or antiairmen because these S 300 s were meant to be operational at least a month ago.

There is a war on! Putin and Assad should start cracking a few heads to get the dunces to perform.


“meant to be operational at least a month ago.”
By whose estimates?!? By whose standards?!?
Maybe Russians need LESS TIME to train their crews to use S-300, S-400 but these people are SYRIANS not Russians !
You must understand that those Syrian crews will be ready when they are READY !
They can NOT shoot those very EXPENSIVE rockets just to “try” !
They must fucking know what exactly are they doing before they press the button!

Brother Ma

Like I said ..dunces.


OK it might be also that language barrier creates lots of problems.
Russian crews works normally on Russian language and Cyrillic.
While this here is English (export version) of S-300!
So Russians are suppose to explain in ENGLISH and Syrians are suppose to understand everything they say.
For them both it is main condition (not only spoken) but also written English that must be mastered before they start.

And what if both sides speak modest English?!
There are too many TECHNICAL words for average English speaker to know them at all…let alone to understand what the fuck are Russians talking about.
And Russians are suppose to explain about using very sophisticated system in DETAILS !
I only say good luck to them!


Kinzhal is not strategic weapon and it could happen to be used
Hyper-sonic non-strategic missiles without nuke warhead could easily be used much sooner than many would think.

Hyper-sonic weapons in general will become very ordinary in 5-10 years time because many will have them
Soon China will come out with their version of hyper-sonic glider…

Dušan Mirić

If you don’t mind I’ll add something I heard from professor Milinovic, cloud of plasma that forms around warhead flying in the cloud of plasma can’t be hit with a laser beam


No why would I mind?!
Actually professor Milinovic is probably right.
But than we are talking not about laser tech that is used today…
but about new generation of lasers in 10-20 years time
Because today’s lasers would need huge power and ideal meteorologic conditions even to do small damage to the supersonic jet that flays 15-20 times slower than Avangard
Such laser doesn’t even exist only less powerful versions exist that can shot down drones (again with good meteorologic conditions)

Dušan Mirić

I just had on mind the USA’s revival of Star Wars which were based on lasers and high energy particle weapon. It is obsolete against avangard in advance.

Concrete Mike

Cowardly assad??

Do you read before pressing send??

If he was such a cowars he would have ran like mubarak like yanukovich la the saleh.

Assad did not run.

The only thing that is running is your mouth again.

stary ujo

syria need to use rule airport to airport , when OSN l.t.d. USA , do nothing should dont exist ! Western are underfuckers ,why OSN dont do sanctions opposite Israel ?

Zionism = EVIL

What SF has not printed is that the Zionists have opened a new military/civilian airport at Eilat using pathetic puppet Jordan’s airspace.

Jordan protests against Israel’s new Ramon airport violating ‘airspace sovereignty’

Ramon airport is about 18 kilometres from the Israeli Red Sea resort of Eilat and the adjacent Jordanian port of Aqaba and both Israeli civilian and military aircraft use Jordanian airspace for landing and take off to gain altitude.

Israeli media have said that a 26-metre high, 4.5-kilometre long “smart” anti-missile fence has been installed to help protect Ramon airport, which is adjacent to the border with Jordan.

“In an emergency, not only will Israel’s entire passenger air fleet be able to land and park there, but also additional aircraft,” the IAA said.

Tommy Jensen

Jordan is part of ancient Israel, therefore Israel can do whatever they want on Jordan soil, and Jordan cant do a sh.t because US already occupy Jordan…………………..LOL.

Zionism = EVIL

True, Jordan’s midget CIA installed “kings” are Zionist arselickers. Jordanian scum sold out the Palestinians in 1948. However this is interesting and just came out of Moscow:

Russia has opposed an anti-Iran summit due to be organized by
the United States in Poland as “unacceptable” and “counterproductive,”
saying Moscow will not attend the so-called Middle East security forum,
which is merely meant to “shift the international focus” from the real
crises gripping the region.

In a statement released on Tuesday, the Russian Foreign Ministry
denounced the event, slated for February 13-14 in Warsaw, as
Washington’s latest attempt to “promote its unilateral geopolitical

“Following a thorough analysis of the provisional agenda and program
of this conference provided by the organizers, Russia has decided not to
attend it for the following reasons,” it said.

The ministry complained that the Warsaw conference will not cover
basic problems in the Middle East, particularly the Arab-Israeli
conflict and its core element, the Palestinian issue.

Tommy Jensen

Thanks. The Russians are correct.
But whatever it is, a crypto-jew group in Kremlin, or handcuffs we dont know about, it seems Israel has Russia on the balls.

Tommy Jensen
Brother Ma

First nations should kick out whites in Usa as they were there first.


I presume until they get their S-300’s online, it’s only going to get a stronger retaliation from Israel. What does Russia have to conclude?

Zionism = EVIL

Russia will never hand over S-300 pot plants to Syria. Putin and Nutter Yahoo are simpatico.


Well we shouldn’t have to wait too long to see them in action :)

Zionism = EVIL

Yeah, more chance of seeing explosions in my laundry and pants if I buy another Samsung :)


Still 3 years going strong for mine. Perhaps we will see those S-300’s take down a few targets after all :)

Brother Ma

I am still waiting. Now we hear bs saying that the Syrians have not finished their training. Yeh right! Just like the Afghans have not finished thier army training after fifteen years of lessons. Lol


So Israel is hitting hard before the S300 goes online.


It is not retaliatory by definition, as it does not imply an act of mere revenge – which against an technological superior enemy would hold no purpose – but a prophylactic, adequate measure to ensure safety of syrian and allied personnel by eliminating the main source of trouble.

Prince Teutonic

Bla bla bla… They don’t even dare to attack occupied Golan heights…

Zionism = EVIL

Smart man. BTW, new post strike assessment is showing that the Zionists did more damage than ever before and almost the bombs and missiles hit their targets.

BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:00 A.M.) – The Image Satellite International
company released several photos showing the level of destruction in
Damascus and Al-Sweida that was caused by the Israeli Air Force on

In the first photo released, Image Satellite International shows the
destruction of a weapons warehouse, a radar site, and Pantsir-1:

#ISI #intelligende report revelas the #aftermath of the strike in #Damascus #International #Airport (20 January 2019), which destroyed #Iran’s storehouses and #Syrian #radar and #Pantsir (SA-22). #BDA

— ImageSat Intl. (@ImageSatIntl) January 22, 2019


The images shown ARE ONLY A FEW sites out of more than 50 missiles launched. That means failure .

Israel first fired a small volley of missiles to find out where the radars are when the became active .. next round they targeted the Radars but managed to hit ONLY one.
passive non active one.

Pathetic performance I would say.

Israel wants Assad to retaliate in my opinion so that they have an excuse to participate in the war to help the terrorists by being the terrorists’ air force.

Well let’s see how it goes.

Brother Ma

I am champing at the bit for Syria to fight the Israelis back! Maybe raining lead on Golan would do that without giving Israel the “moral”cover to attack Syria in a big way?


You are a dead man walking, israfucky.


They have attacked it.

Zionism = EVIL

When and with what? FLOWERS?


A while back. They tore it up but good and Israel knocked it off or a while. It was before the SAA and Co. cleared the SW side of the country, maybe before Douma was cleared. Don’t remember exactly.

Zionism = EVIL

The SAA and particularly Iran have nothing to lose and everything to gain by launching targeted sustained retaliation on the Golan, which is totally illegally occupied land and under international law it is an obligation to defend your lands and people under occupation. I hope time for empty slogans is over.


Don’t get me wrong Zionism, I want them out of there too. This crap needs to stop. But, it is just a cog in a much larger situation.

Now I remember a bit more. You have jogged my memory. ;) There was an Israeli attack and very unusually, there was a strong SAA/HEZ/whatever it was retaliation. Logistical and CC sites in Israeli occupied Golan were hit. The IDF put the hammer on news coming out of there about the counter battery attack. Supposedly there were IDF personnel killed. What could not be covered up or brushed over, was that 10s of thousands of Israeli settlers in the Golan were absolutely freaked out and that news was not contained. The fact that the UN Rep for Syria is brining this up now, is putting subject close to the front burner. Once the rest is cleaned up, Israel will be their main attention. It will not be pretty for Tel AVIV.

The IDF in material terms has been warned about what can happen to them. It is just that BN and a few others are completely nuts. Get them away from the halls of power and I think a lot calms down very quickly. My take on it. I wish you well.

Zo Fu



This is an official step. It is not a quote from a military official, who is unamed. The game is on now.


It is wise for Syria and allies to get all their ducks in a row before launching any sort of retaliation against Israel aggression. They obviously want to build a strong legal case on the international stage that firmly vindicates Syrias actions if they were to take retaliation seriously.

We can only hope that the counter attack is large and sends a VERY destructive message to the Israeli people and government. But the cynic in me just doesn’t really think it will happen, at least not soon.

There is, after all, a war raging still raging in the other half of the nation.


I agree BlueGreen. I think this is exactly what is ensuing now. That process has begun. BN and his crew really need to tone it down or there will be trouble they are not prepared to deal with. Syria is ‘doing it by the numbers’ and that needs to be heeded by everybody.


And get air defense up to par.


In all honesty, given how good the performance of the current Syrian air defense is against Israeli weapons. It would be logical that all Syria needs is more batteries, many more batteries to adequately fend off the saturation attacks.

Basically double the current fielded AA systems. Expand radar and expand AA trained troops.

Dušan Mirić

I agree, but if they are only going to focus how to repel attacks giving up of counter strikes on the enemy using stand off weapon…


An eye for an eye.The zionist scumbags are looking for war ,their Isis terrorists failed in their mission to take over Syrian land,so they are in panic mode and think they can do it themselves. Israhell needs to be taught a lesson,big time.

Zionism = EVIL

Upvote, you at least have a fighting spirit, hopefully Assad reads SF :)


After 7 years of ‘civil war’ (exact term is unconventional warfare) I think that Syria can not hold a direct confrontation with Israhell. His economy has collapsed and army exhausted.

Brother Ma

Yes but his army is filled with veterans now..Israel’s isn’t.

Henk Poell

Yes, it looks as if Israel is looking for a war. To be more precise: Israel looks for an excuse to strike Assad’s resources, especially his remaining air force, in order to help the jihadists in the north-west of Syria. And keeping the jihadists alive and kicking for years to come is a fantastic outcome for Israel.

So Assad should retal with propaganda only while the country is not yet united again. The damage Israel does on a regular basis is sustainable. A strike on Tel Aviv airport, justified or not, is like falling into the trap. It will quickly be breaking news on all networks as an “unprovoked attack” by a “dictator and madman” on an “innocent ally”.


Satanyahoo’s plan is to damage Syria’s normalization, to keep the image of Demascus as the “Beirut” of the 21st century. Retaliation is the only way to stop this.


Syria and allies should focus on freeing Idlib from the terrorists first after they will be able to response to the Israeli aggression properly.

Brother Ma

When will Idlib be retaken? Those shithadis have put roots down there with families etc. Time to uproot those israhell -inspired squatters.


Exactly! Idlib should and MUST be liberate first! This is the key thing and everything else will then be easier to deal with!

Brother Ma

Surely Israel would have destroyed Syria’s airforce already if it Could? The fact it hasn’t tells you they are still scared of Syria’s Russian-type SAMs whatever vintage.
Or Israel never wants a War and simply wants to degrade Syria Libya-style as was done by FUKUS. So Syria better be up to take Attrition -war or bite the bullet and simply fight back for a short war whatever happens. I would go for short and sharp.


I wouldn’t hold my breath for it.


time to get the gloves off………

learn from hezbollah


I would rather like to “learn” from your girlfriend there on the photo

Brother Ma

Me too.

Zo Fu

Just another stupid proclamation from Syria/Russia crybullies.
As I stated million times:
-Putin is fine with Israeli attacks on Syria as they are part of the deal between Putin-Netanyahu
-Putin is fine with genocide in Idlib done by Turkey and it’s ‘moderates’ and ISIS allies
It is the same story as Donbas-Luhansk regions in Ukraine where Putin is fine with killing civilians by Poroshenko Ukronazi regime.
Putin-Lavrov are weak pussies trying to please the West with empty ‘deals’ and ‘ceasefires’.
How many stupid deals actually Putin-Lavrov did and what is their value in real life ?
For example what is the value of Minsk protocols ?
What is the value of Idlib’s de-escalation zone (deescalating exists only on paper).
What is the value of the rhetoric airfield for an airfield ? (Russia didn’t any attack on Israeli warplane or facility since IL20 was shot down and S300 systems were bolstered).
Liar, coward and traitor Putin, shame on him.

Xoli Xoli

Who ever kills Russian s,Iranians,Syrians and Hizbollah is Putins best friends.He make a quick deals without including the major affected ones.

Xoli Xoli

Israel won’t be able to wage full scale against Syria or Iran.Israel is I’ll informed by UK,Macron,Mattis and wannabe western partner Putin.The only tactic which Israel enjoys is hit and run and can cause serious damage if not stop now.Israel was unable to destroy Hamas or Hezbollah.Just hit bilionaires houses,infrastructure and airports.Put Israel civilians and bases under constant attack and France ,UK,Germany plus puppets will call for de escalation and stopping of cessation of hostilities.Their don’t want to die but like looking for shit.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Why doesn’t anyone listen to the right people anymore, this is the right person to listen to, he’s telling us all exactly what’s going to happen but still no one seems to believe him. They told the Israelis they were going to start tit for tat operations and they have already, 1 AA missile with surface strike capability was shot into Israel the first time, the second time it was a surface to surface missile being launched from Syria into Israel, and the third time it was at least 2 surface to surface missiles that they fired into Israel, I think the Israelis should be taking the hint and not waiting to be told again.
I think eventually a combined strike by Iran, Syria and Hezbollah will show them exactly what they can do, lets see what the Iron Dome, David’s Sling and the US Patriots can do when a thousand missiles and rockets arrive in one big barrage from 3 different directions, not much at all I suspect, and combined Syria/Hezbollah/Iran have a lot more than just one thousand missiles and rockets, probably 10,000 or more.
An Airport for an Airport, a base for a base, that’s the old traditional way of doing things, and always works best too, I think Assad’s polite way of saying ‘no please don’t’ isn’t working, it’s time for him to smack them right in the mouth and accompany it with a stern warning of ‘do it again and you’ll get even worse next time’, that always works best.
Send in 100 missiles next time, a mixture of cheap unguided rockets and the better more expensive guided missiles and ballistic missile, that should do some real damage and also send a clear message.
I suspect it’s only Putin holding them back from doing it now, but he won’t be able to stop them forever. The Iranians have the capability and the will to do it, even more provocation from the Israelis is all they need now to actually progress to the next step, which is to the brink of a war before the actual start of a war, hopefully Putin pulls another magic trick out of his bag before it come to that and pulls the Israelis back into line, but if he can’t, I think the Iranians will at least try to.
I think the next Syrian retaliatory strike will use more than just a few missiles to send the next message.

Xoli Xoli

Israel doesn’t want their are dam scared of it their only want to use hit and run tactic.Like know their are monitoring action if not apply their plan another hit and run which very dangerous tactic if not severely responded to.The next hit and run is coming.Take defence system to Lebanon and Israel border.Israelis are fed up of hiding in underground shelters because of Satanyahus irresponsibility.

Promitheas Apollonious

You said that one too many times and never done it, so none any more believe you. So stop threatening you will do it and just do it.


This is precisely the method to use too.Throw it in the UN’s lap, put the onus on them to stop dangerous escalations.

Manuel Flores Escobar

Its very easy for Syria to attack Tel Aviv airport with his Bastion P supersonic missile ( 450km range for ground targets) and 3000km/h in low fly….Israel dont have capaqbilities to substain continue airstrikes for more than 3 days as can lose its arsenal of cruise missile while Syria can launch in that days continue rockets and ballistic missile…israeli population in panic and hide in shelters with continue warning alarms can paralize the country and airspace!..not good for israel to keep a war vs syria!

Chris Chuba

Once Syria builds up its artillery and missile arsenal, how about a simple counter-battery fire on Israel’s observation posts and missile batteries on the Golan Heights first. Hitting a military target sends a strong message and is less escalatory. They did this once before and it quieted things down for weeks. That was the missile attack falsely blamed on the Iranians.


Waiting the big bomb……hope it will never come it will be a catastrophe as Putin said.

Jean de Peyrelongue

Israel aggression is an indication that peace in the Middle-East is not for tomorrow . It is also obvious that the US, UK and France will be supporting Israel whatever crime they are commiting.
What puzzles me is Russia’s behavior ? I understand that the Middle-East is too far away from home for Russia to feel that they can have a war with the US, NATO and Israel. But at the end of the day for the russian soldiers in Syria just having to count the syrian deads due to Israel air force or the US coalition’s bombs, is probably a awful feeling. It is not the sort of feeling that you can get rid of by just washing yours hands as Pontius Pilatus.

Dušan Mirić

“Barking dog don’t bite” Croatian proverb


if the missiles come from Russia they will be more effective.
purchase them there for delivery to Israel, free shipping in 15 minuets!!!

Rob G

Syria would be digging its own grave if it attacked Irael’s airport.


When a dog barks, he never bites. Better to bite and forget about bark.