Syria’s Army Launched Night Offensive in Homs Province

Syria's Army Launched Night Offensive in Homs Province

Our friends from AlMasdarNews report: The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) – backed by the National Defense Forces (NDF) – launched an overnight offensive inside the Al-Rastan Plains after the rebel forces violated the ceasefire by shelling the government controlled villages in the nearby Al-Houla Plains this past weekend.

According to an Al-Masdar correspondent in Damascus, the Syrian Armed Forces attacked the defenses of Jabhat Al-Nusra (Syrian Al-Qaeda group) and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) at the southern part of Tayr Maalah.

The Syrian Armed Forces advanced to Tayr Malaah from their positions at the Division 26 Base; this military installation is located to the south of the aforementioned village.
So far, the Syrian Armed Forces have been able to enter Tayr Malaah’s southern district; however, they were unable to advance much farther than that due to the extremist rebel defenses.
Should the Syrian Armed Forces capture the strategic village of Tayr Malaah, they will be in position to strike Al-Rastan’s southern perimeter.

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