Syrian War Report – September 13, 2017: Army Prepares To Cross Euphrates River

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Hezbollah declared a victory in Syria as the Russian Defense Ministry announced that pro-government forces have liberated 85% of the country from militants.

“We have won in the war [in Syria],” Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said on Tuesday, according to the Lebanese newspaper al-Akhbar. He added that “the path of the other project has failed and wants to negotiate for some gains.”

The Russian military group’s Chief of Staff, Lieutenant-General Aleksandr Lapin announced “To date, 85% of Syria’s territory has been cleared of the militants of illegal armed groups.” The general added that ISIS is still in control of about 27,000 km2 of Syria’s territory.

According to Lieutenant-General Lapin, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies have killed over 450 ISIS members, destroyed 5 battle tanks, and 42 vehicles equipped with large-caliber machine guns during the operation near Deir Ezzor city as well as unblocked 1,000 troops that had been surrounded in Deir Ezzor Airport.

He added that the Russian Aerospace Forces destroyed 180 facilities, including ammunition depots and command centers, in the Uqayribat area in eastern Hama.

On the same day, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu visited Damascus and held a meeting with Syrian President Bashar Assad. According to the Russian Foreign Ministry, “The sides discussed current issues of military technical cooperation in the context of successful actions of Syrian government forces with the backing of the Russian aerospace force to exterminate the terrorist group Islamic State [ISIS] in Syria.“

The visit came amid the continued battle against ISIS in Deir Ezzor province. The US-led coalition and the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) are seeking to establish control over the oil-rich countryside of Deir Ezzor city and if it’s possible to prevent further SAA advances towards the border with Iraq.

The Syrian-Iranian-Russian alliance is now developing a strategy to find a better way to liberate Deir Ezzor city amid the need to take control of the Deir Ezzor-Baghdad highway that will be a vital supply line between Syria and allied Iraq and Iran.

Meanwhile, the SAA Tiger Forces and their allies started storming ISIS positions inside Deir Ezzor city and preparing for a possible operation to cross the Euphrates River.

The SDF has further advanced in the northern countryside of Deir Ezzor and seized the Sadkop center, the paper mill plant and the cotton storage near the 113th Air Defense Base.

A representative of the SDF-linked Deir Ezzor Military Council has also claimed that the SDF is going to strike back the “regime forces” if the SAA or its allies try to attack the SDF.

In the city of Raqqah, the SDF has captured Thakanah district and advanced on ISIS positions north of it. The SDF advance is ongoing amid an intense bombing campaign by the US-led coalition.

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Nigel Maund

There will almost certainly be a conflict between the SAA & RuAF and SDF and US coalition air forces at Dier Azzor as it is practically unavoidable. The SAA will need PANTSIR’s, S300’s and MANPAD’s to deal with the coalition air forces as this will be the opportunity to neutralise their support for the SDA and push them back from the critical highway to Iraq , the oil fields and off the east bank of the Euphrates River. This will be the final test of the US “Deep State’s” resolve and strategy. A defeat for the SDA and US here will be a decisive turning point in the entire Syrian campaign to recover the country from the Western backed evil ISIS forces and mercenary Proxy Armies such as the SDA,


Very true indeed!

Jens Holm

Very typical stupidity. Not a word about what US, others, as well as SDF can and will.

Just as You handle tanks and therefor has lost so many. Nr 1 should be know Your enemy. You dont. 2) Your lowlife army and airforce can never handle the much smaller SDF if they get some more heavier weapons.

Both tgings say, You should reform childhood in culture and religion. You are a country og obeyers and not indeoended enough to make advanced warfare.


Who the hell does SDF thinks it is ? Hopefully Russia will bomb those US stooges to pieces.


SAA does not need to liberate every corner of Deir Ezzor city from ISIS. SAA just need to cross Euphrates river and surround the city for at least 60 KM buffer zone and then liberate desert area. You cannot win if you are not smart.


Right. SAA and allies should also liberate and hold the oil fields in this region.


If SAA + Allies make a 60 Km buffer zone around Deir Ezzor then in this Zone Omar oil and gas field will also come.

Jens Holm

No. As usual You act as lower thinking part of the human beings. US and SDF is there too.

Jens Holm

And send desert sand to the beaches of Latakia ? Or else … The americans and kurds will send oil out by ballon or faster internet ????

Solomon Krupacek

maty russkaya betrays you. again. :P

Jens Holm

Now they can shoot back every time they get slashed without reason. That the difference. Before that You saw Yourself as repected honered big brothers – and probatlyu do the same home with Your little siters and brothers.

Shame on You – if You even know, wat that it.

You should give all Vomen all Your weapons and let them shoot anyone, they wish.

And the men still alive give women respect all over, would get 72 wifes already down here.


You can’t avoid conflict with USA and SDF. When USA bombed the SAA, you have had declared war at the “US coalition” and shut down all their aircrafts.

You can’t make peace with someone that want war. Give him what he wants and crush it.


The wise one is whom avoid the fight and wins the battle!


No wiseness with USA. The ones who wins is the smartest ione and the ruthless one. Syria was in defending mode. It was easy to destroy all these planes before ISIS spread.

We all know what was the goal of ISIS.

When you are attacked you say “Right to defend, the attackers are criminal wars, invaders, hainous people, …..” and you shoot those f…. aircrafts. But, you prefer to make a deal with them. So, what do expect ?

Richard M

Sometimes you have no choice. If you are attacked by thugs in an alley the choice of whether or not to fight is not yours.


Wrong. You have the choice. If you let thugs rob you, they will roib you again and again and again.

Richard M

LOL. So you will just tell the thugs that you don’t have time to be robbed?


A bullet in the ass will make them change their mind.

Richard M

You are agreeing with my point. You would have no choice other than fighting or dying. It’s the same with Syria. There were no choices except fighting or dying.

Jens Holm

Its mainly not like that. You becomes an obeyer open for being jail, tortured, killed and treated with no respects as spendable slaves runned by guns an whips.

I can another just as stupid. If You tax people harder and use tax fr steeling, they will work harder.

Thats not true at all. They will produce less, because they get nothing themselves.


There are two coalitions in the world.

1. An evil terrorist leads by America. They harass and kill in the nations and steal their resources rich lands.

2. An anti terrorist leads by Russia to protect the nations and their resources rich lands in the world.


Very true indeed!
100% correct!

Jens Holm

Buying oil isnt steeling and the money isnt where the oil is. Its where its been upgraded to products. Seemes like many oil producing countries not even want to be able to produce simple thing i plastic such as buckets.


America and Israel begging for war. I don’t think it will be wise strategy to open a new front with America and Israel. Yes after liberating Syria completely from US backed terrorists then Syria and their allies can retaliate. Syria and their allies should have to keep defensive strategy with America and Israel.

Jens Holm



SDF think that how much Syrian land they have liberating from US backed ISIS terrorists then that is belong to SDF. If it was so easy then Saddam Hussein liberated Kuwait from their government and included in his country but this is not working because there is international law. You cannot take or claim somebody country or land by fight. Wake Up and don’t dream.,

Jens Holm

SDF in Syria dont say that.

Jens Holm

Thats rubbish. SAA are the agressive ones.

Nigel Maund

What a a complete load of rubbish you write! You’re and out and out US shill! ,,,, end of story! Talk about complete lack of objectivity and support with facts. All you comments are like this. By the way, have you ever been to school? Obviously, English is not your first language and I wonder how much of it you understand?

MD Ranix

with God’s speed and help, superheroes will be victorious




For days there has been fake news of crossings by the SAA.

All this speculating is pointless. Maybe it is best if everybody will just wait and see. All will become clear within a few days, one way or the other.

Imo, whatever happens, at some time there will be agreement between Assad and SDF, likely under supervision of Russia and the US. Assad will not get everything he wants and likely neither will the SDF.


SDF wants nothing. They are just slaves.




SDF will have nothing. Just rats in the desert that will protect the oil and gas stolen by USA and co.
Or maybe you are from the ones that believe in USA “democracy”. XD.

Jens Holm

They have had their own aganedas being updated during time. Its normal muslim countries has kinds of sekular communists – or the refomed and decentralized as those in PYD of Syria.

If SDF has stolen oil its from the Mafiosas of Damaskus, which until the uprisetook all.

So they fill svimmingpools and shower withit ot take it out pr ballon and internet?


You are right. They are U$ slaves!

Jens Holm

And before that, they were free.

Jens Holm

More like they was and now can shoot back. Cheep feeling proud as nig brither slashung Your little sisters and brothers for nothing.

Nigel Maund

There will be no agreement with the US whatsoever. Why? …..because any agreement to give the SDF any part of Syria is an admission of defeat and weakness by Syria and its allies. Quite simply, this option will not be on the table for very obvious reasons. Note that Russia has just mobilised a squadron of SU 35’s to Syria to counter any action by the US Coalition at Dier Azzor. If the US Coalition air forces try it on, they will be “painted” ready for shooting down and then they know if they are shot down there will be no comebacks as they have no right under International Law to be there in the first place.


Time will tell.

You would look rather stupid given the aboveifs there pops up an agreement between Ru/Assad and US/SDF.

Like I said, time will tell.


It would be wise to move some S-300/400 and their phased array radar sets to Thardar Mountain and get some air elements forward deployed to the Airport – assuming the Russians are serious of course, anything less will be seen by the West as cuckolding and weakness to be legitimately exploited.

Jens Holm

hahhaha. There we go again. Others them russians are serious now and then.

Jens Holm



Now you will attack and they will say “Right to defend, the attackers are criminal wars, invaders, hainous people, …..”.

So, I don’t know. Why don’t you use that when you were attacked ?


No healthy mind will start a war with US… with their proxies OK


It’s the opposite. What I will do is precisely wake wars with their proxies.

Go to the UN and make a resolution against “war crimes in Yemen” to weaken Saudi Arabia. And give weapons to Yemenis.
Declare israel a rogue state and ban it.

Go to Europe and make true revolutions.

Invade east of Ukraine and give a hard time to west Ukraine.

Richard M

How will you get UN to make such resolution when US holds a veto in the Security Council? I’ll go ahead and answer that. You can’t.


Easy. If they make a veto you say that they are terrorists and war criminals. After that, you take sanctions against them (you don’t bring them into the ISS) and you give weapons to the Yemens to defned themselfs.

Richard M

You can’t impose sanctions because US will veto the resolution. You may not like the rules, but that doesn’t change the rules. Blocking access to ISS would be inconvenient. Nothing more.


no need for UN to impose sanctions. Blocking access to the ISS will be catastrophic for USA and Europe.

Richard M

How so? It’s like the Olympic boycotts of 1980 and 1984. Symbolic. If US and EU have to build their own station Russia will never be allowed access. Orion X-33 will be operational soon. ISS will be an obsolete dinosaur without US/EU technology.

Astar Roth

No man he is right.

Richard M

Tell me how then.

Astar Roth

Because America can’t have Wars on three or more sides with serious enemies.

Jens Holm

Actually they can and have. You seemes to forget Nato and orthers support them in most things.

Astar Roth

How many of those are Super powers? None! Even Turkey is away from NATO, so… Good luck.

Jens Holm

And then some x33 will solve all. very optimistic.

Richard M

Yes. Automobiles will never replace horses. So keep a warehouse full of buggy whips. :D

Jens Holm

Well, it would be better to make those houtis crawl bacj´k to their caves. I have no plus for any old king in museums style supported by Saudis as well.

But letting so many die by sicknes as cholera make me wonder if those countries should be colonies again by Ottomans or Britts.


I say. It’s time to cross the euphrates river.
The US is clearly not going to listen and they won’t stop until they take all of deir ez zor with them.
They must be stopped.


Indeed! Evil, Greedy, pro-ISIS U$ must be stopped!


Expose 9/11 lies.
Give weapons to the Talibans and help them removing USA.

So much ways but noone use them either because they are stupid, either because they are weak (in that case don’t say you are strong) either because they are collaborating with the ennemies.

Jens Holm

Your definitions could be defined better by my 4 year young granddaughter.


Look. Russia took Crimea and what USA have done ??? Nothing. USA can do nothing. USA is bluffing.

jade villaceran

usa cant do nothing because its legal, no matter what they say its an invasion, no conmon people will support and believe them

Jens Holm

Its not legal at all. The dividings of the collapsed Sovjet Union was made in many, had many trades with compromized and got recognized bythe rest of the world.

Therefor Russia are thieves.

If anything to compare with, it could be Turks oretending they are Ottomans even that contry were defeated as such and had collapsed too.


Crimea is Russia!

Black Waters

Russia took Crimea? lol
A referendun was voted and signed by the people of crimea to become (once again) part of Russia, most of the people are ethnic russians (like 91%)…

Jens Holm

That wasnt because of international recognized voting at all. But Im sure the mainpart prefared to be russian.

Astar Roth

Absolutely, Americans can now see that they losted this, because of backing the Wahabies.

Jens Holm

It was never theirs. It was russian, became Ukrainian and today is russia.

Jens Holm

It was totalluý wrong Ukraine should have Crimea as well as those 2 100% russiand counties.

You seemes to forget Ukraine at that time had control at all atomic bomb for western europe and now they have none.

You also forget so many other russian colonies became independent.

The forgoten main thing was like in Syria: People were not asked. Parts of those many new countries shóuld be russian today by voting about it as well as russia a few small area should back off.

crimeria should never have been given to Ukraine.

Belinda Boundreau

Recalling when police attacked or stood down while criminals attacked White Nationalists and Free Speech advocates here in America. Hoping President Trump can save it, but not in it’s presently broken condition.

Richard M

Just to clarify, by “it” you mean the Republic and Constitution?


Yes a lot of people learned a shocking lesson that day – there is no free speech if you are white and yes the system is not only not with you its out to get you, I could see the shocked anger and confusion on the faces of those there that still belived that a piece of paper could do anything to help or protect them – it is only a piece of paper and that realisation was devastating to them.

Jens Holm



Trump won´t save anybody. He is himself part of the problem. But it gives me hope that more and more Americans are finding out that a deep state actually exists and that there is a serious problem at the core of the entire system. It is all nothing but a huge deception. just like this “war on drugs” is used to push an obscure agenda, terrorism has been designed since day one. Yet, the system (a pseudo democracy conveying the illusion of choice) works with the most sophisticated propaganda machine that the world has ever seen- moving towards a dark future of total surveillance and mind control of the masses.

Jens Holm

You might have got too much deep throt and Your brain has become damaged.

Jens Holm

Hard to call those whiste trash for nationalists. He was a supporter of a state based on slaves. You would like to put statues up for those and become one ?

Richard M

The treachery of SDF by invading 100% Arab regions of Syria in order to seize and loot Syria’s oil resources is a violation of the tacit peace agreement with SAA. The consequence is going to be an SAA/TAF alliance of convenience. SDF could have chosen peaceful negotiation in order to achieve autonomy in a Kurdish region within a Syrian federative style government. Instead they chose treachery and backstabbing. All at the behest of their CIA/Mossad backers. When the Kurds are fighting a two front war of annihilation they can look in the mirror to find the persons to blame.


SDF chose nothing. They don’t decide. They are just a brand made in USA.

Jens Holm



Many predicted this is exactly what would happen and it did – a shame.

Jens Holm

Yes, and they send oil already out by yellow ballons and internet.

Richard M

Bilal was happy to deal with ISIS. He will deal with YPG too, as long as the profits roll in to his crime syndicate.


SDF is like the front of a shop without the shop. You think that there is a shop behind but there is no shop.

Jens Holm

Like You have eaten by chopsticker yourself and now You have no ice.


The US is determined to block the free flow of Shia movement from Iran to the Mediterranean by preventing the Syrian and Iraqi governments from controlling the territories around their respective borders. First they let their ISIS proxy do this for them, but with the decline of ISIS the gloves are off and the US is going to have to do it themselves.

Simultaneously with the liberation of the Deir Ezzor pocket, the SAA should have advanced along the Iraq border to Al-Bukamal. Further away from US/SDF reach, it could have crossed the Euphrates there. Now it may already be too late for that. The Euphrates is likely to become the front line for another prolonged cold war between the US/SDF and Russia/SAA, just like the Elbe river was 72 years ago.


Yes I fear you are correct – id redeploy forces take T2 and make a run for Al Bukamal now if airborn forces cant get across and take the oilfield.
Other option is Al mayadan and cross there but its likely a slow and hard fight as IS wont be engaging the SDF and only the SAA.
The Iraqi PMU seem like they are still locked in the dog kennel and not likely to be realesed anytime soon which impedes the future of iraq and Syria.


Greater mobilization of the Shiite militia is needed on the Iraqi side border now!

Amir Irani

You re absolutely right

Jens Holm

ISIS is there.

Gengis Cane

What will happen to these useful idiots of SDF? Russia can’t let USA draw red lines in Syria. It would be a defeat.

Solomon Krupacek

my words. but i thoink, putin already accepted the red lines.shoygu told, assad has 85% (of 100% area, what will belong to damascus)

Nigel Maund

No he hasn’t. Where did you get this BS from, some fairy story in the MSM? Are you actually able to see it from the Russian and Syrian side and contemplate the consequences of even surrendering 1% of Syrian territory to a foreign power for no sound reason, or are you totally blindisided by your support of the US? Let’s say we invade the US and say well our Red Line will be the whole of Texas. Would the US stand for that?……….. I don’t think so! Try and think if your going to make a comment on this site that is not going to be ridiculed by other readers who are able to see bullshit for what it is.

Solomon Krupacek

also AMN, SF reported anout shoygus meeting with assad. the message with 85%was very clear.

you, latinos are not able to understand.
your problem.

i understodd this russian betray year ago.

Nigel Maund

Proof? You have no grasp of the English language. I am Australian not a latino! Your post is just gobbledegook!

Jens Holm

I have never seen a gobbledegook. If they are like Solomon Krupacek, I hope You feeed Your tasmanian devils with them.

Jens Holm

Well, those americans in each of their states has more independency then You ever have. If they dont want their leader in fx texas, they can just elect some else. Thats why uprises are limited.

Your goverment chnages are just like Syria – chaotic and only the shoeproducers and coffinmakers are gained by it + building reconstructers.

You reallydont get the difference. Texas also have its own homeguard and most there has their own gun. It will be a hard time for SAA as well as ISIS to invade anythingin Texas.

Jens Holm

So why has Putin accepted this – if its true. And no, Syria belongs to its people and not some corrupt mafiosa dictator regime in damaskus.

Jens Holm

All have to wish. Im sure only enemies ´see SDF`s as usefull idiots wishing them all bad as they have done since ww1 and Your area became runned by 4 little nationalistic dicatorships in ´stead of an ineffecive cosmopolitic Konstantinople.

Gengis Cane

I dont’t like cosmopolitism. In Italy in the last years we had a great aumont of “cosmopolitism”: I let it all for you, thanks. I prefer Italian culture to camelgunners, bantu warriors and 5 wives for a man, thanks.

John Marks

Needs an urgent parachute drop to As Suwar, coordinated with Iraq.

Solomon Krupacek

be a volunteer


The US-led coalition and the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF)
are seeking to establish control over the oil-rich countryside of Deir
Ezzor city and if it’s possible to prevent further SAA advances towards
the border with Iraq.

The time is coming to take these terrorists out too.

Jens Holm

Its not about oil. Well that too. Before the uprise Assad only shared it with friends in damaskus.


It’s about geo-strategic interest and influence.

Tom Tom

WW3’s about to kick off. The globalists that control the west (and U.S.) want this war to eliminate 80% of humans. They’ll get the rest later.

Jens Holm

Some would make a ww3 for/againsts something inthat region is out.


ISIS was just a place holder of territory for the US/Israel invasion. Likewise now SDF. ISIS uniforms from yesterday have been changed to SDF uniforms today.

Jens Holm


Keith Smith

US have stated they are one bad day away from somebody asking what are they still doing in Syria. They went in under the pretext of chemical weapons attacks which were found out to be funded and supported and launched with aid from Turkey

Jens Holm

Thats not correct. 20 of 27 chemical attacs are done by Assads. None else has caoasity to use big scale killing fx 80 in one attack.

Keith Smith

No they were not, dont be ridiculous,

Gary Wells

It would be very difficult, if not impossible for the US to justify attacking the advancing SAA. They certainly wouldn’t be able to say it was accidental. Are they really going to willing to up against Russia aircraft. The same goes for their proxies, the SDF. As long as the Syrian Army doesn’t go actively looking for a fight with the SDF. If they play this right, maybe they can get the SDF and the US to back the f’k off.

Jens Holm

US already has told stop is top at least twice and Assads should stop advancing themselves. Told again for crossing Eufrat at Deir El Zor.

I think You twíst things 180 degrees.