Salih Muslim (ESMA CAKIR – ROMA / DHA)
On Friday, Salih Muslim, co-president of the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) in Syria, denied “rumors” that the PYD supports the Syrian government, blamed Iran for a “hostile” policy and said that the presence of Saudi Arabia and Gulf countries will help to consolidate the Syrian community and to boost relations between the Kurds and Arab tribes.
“We have no relations with Iran, and the Iranian policy is no different from that of the Syrian regime on the Kurdish issue, which is hostile to the Kurds’ fundamental rights,” he told the Saudi media outlet Riyadh. “They fear that the Kurds will gain their fights in Syria, and the Iranian and Syrian regime have the same attitude.”
The PYD co-president added that the Turkish-Iranian-Qatari alliance is actively imposing various measures against the Syrian Kurds.
The PYD is a political wing of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) and the Kurdish Women’s Protection Units (YPJ). YPG and YPJ members are a core and a major part of the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).
Earlier this month, Ilham Ehmed, a co-chair of the Syrian Democratic Council, (a political wing of the SDF) praised the role of Saudi Arabia in promoting stability in Syria and blamed the “Syrian regime” for supporting “sectarian and national projects.”
Saudi Arabia is one of the main supporters of various militant groups operating in Syria, including Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda).
Experts describe the recent statements made by representatives of the US-backed Kurdish factions as a part of the wider the Saudi-led media and diplomatic campaign against Qatar.
Kurds are what they are. Untrustworthy opportunists with historic of unwise decisions made out of greed.
Hey idiot, it’s called Balance of Power politics – it defines the Middle East. They’re playing their hand to help themselves. Opportunists? That narrows it down! Everyone pursues their interest you ignorant imbecile, and the Kurds are threatening no one by protecting their own interest, unlike the rest of the players involved.
Syria’s north eastern Kurds, currently under US sponsorship, need to be wary of their sponsor’s true ambitions. The US wants to primarily maintain presence and control in north east Syria, as a forward operational means to maintain destabilization within Syria. This is not the same thing as prioritizing Kurdish nationalist or independence ambitions. The US would also dearly like to use Kurdish pan-nationalism as a means to foster further destabilization in Iran via Iranian Kurds – needless to say a policy equally dear to Saudi Arabia and Israel, but again, a policy that doesn’t necessarily have genuine Kurdish interests at forefront.
Spot on. They will dump them like a box of rocks as soon as they lose their purpose.
Nobody has genuine kurdish at the forefront. US at least helps them against their sectarian murderers, even if it is only for the time being.
You will say anything to excuse these dirty animals, and their support for the fathers of ISIS who attempted to exterminate them a few years back. How the persecuted have become the criminal thieves.
It would be nice to read something intelligent here. Still, you cannot give what you do not have. Pity.
At least you have the decency to admit is was the kurds being persecuted.
Thank you.
From your ever so Trashy American and eloquent reply I surmise that you are a Libtard .
It’s called “Gypsy”
I was hesitant to use that obvious link, but yes , I agree. We are plagued with them where I live as well. Cheating and stealing is in their DNA :)
I am afraid this is true for the most part, although I always been found of the Iranian Kurds and befriended many. You hardly ever hear them mentioned.
Kurds are the victims of their sectarian occupiers, all of them intent on destroying their national identity. They owe no allegiance at all to their murderers.
As the weaker party, they will take any support where they can get it and their oppressors be dammed.
If that makes them untrustworthy, then consider how thrustworthy arabs, turks and persians have been towards them. Consistent killers, yes. Sometimes countries beget what they sow.
Why is it that the professional victims of the world are also the biggest arseholes? And , yes, I include Israel as well
Dance saudi puppet dance
Four words that basically says it all.
The Saudi dictatorship is making itself more popular at home still. I’m sure the Saudi Arabs will love it that their government supports Kurds over Arabs in Syria….
wonder what Turkey thinks about it.
Gyppo twats ?
what does that mean?
My guess, they now understand they need(ed) Russia. But it’s too late already for Turkey.
Back in 1964 the Kurds were exactly the same, Mulla Moustapha Barzani was very confused, “the degree of inconsistency in what he sought is attested to by his dependence on help from outside powers, which included the USA, USSR, israel and Iran.” Said K Aburish, Saddam Hussain, the politics of REVENGE. don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Disgusting hypocrisy: how can the Kurdish Women’s Protection Units do business with those who consider women as inhuman beings?
Very easy: Kurdish idiot women, doing all for money. Like whores.
Regional politics has nothing to do with domestic ideology. What does their seeking security from a regional power have to do with their support for feminism? Domestic and international politics are largely separate spheres. These comments are filled with ignorant cretins and Arab bigots.
Support for feminism – western ideology – no family value, hatred among family, kids raise by one parent, the mother’s, childrens become the money making machine, man become just the sperm donors and money making machine for child support and spousal support, while the mother rather take care for child have good time with other man’s
From what neolithic bush did you crawl?
They are supporting saudis! the people who planned to enslave the kurdish women and exterminate the men through their jihadist and isis proxies.
Kurdish political leadres don’t have any ideology, never had, they’re just gypsies looking to take advantage of any situation they find themselves in. They have no morals so they don’t mind lying and murdering their way to their selfish short sighted objectives.
Assad government has soft policy for the women’s in Syria. You trying spread hypocrisy and portray yourself and woman;s as the victims and asking for more and more, because of your Kurds greed and what the SDF/YPG did to SAA will create very unstable Syria. It may be that Assad and Russia will close eyes and step aside when Erdogan will march into Kurdish area in Syria and you will regret, because america will choose Turkey air base over Independent Kurdistan or protect Kurds
In a case the turkish military marches in to punish the kurd gypsies they have to do that with their professional soldiers not with consripts (most soldiers in Northern Syria pocket).
its going to be a three way, and everyone will just watch as what could have been a federalized kurdish state of syria is turned into ash.
The Kurds have turned into smart poker players over the years and know how to pick their hands. They know what is coming. They see a collision and know which team and side to invest in
:D They don’t know shit mate. US gives orders, they obey. As simple as that.
Look the Kurds are loyal to their own interest at the end of the day and going with US is in their interest but will it buy off in the end.. I don’t think so but they will surely outlast Assad.
Assad will go before the Kurds mark my words on this one
Kurds bet on wrong horse. Part of american culture is lying, betraying and backstabbing. This will happen sooner or later and for SAA will come time to pay back
The lying , betraying and backstabbing part of US culture are mainly the actions of Zionists.
These stinking kurds are land grabbers and they will pay for it. With which right they believe to built an own country in a foreign land? In fact they have nothing, no infrastructure as well as no other assets and for that they will hang on Uncle Sam’ s fat ass until they are not needed anymore. Then the turkish snake will have a fine bite and spell them out while Syria will support the occupied arabs to assassinate a kurd where ever he moves.
Stupid but funny guy. Fairy tales to the end.
Fairy tales? Leave the Netherlands and have a visit to the regions kurds are shitting in the bush. You will feel what I am writing. And that won’ t be funny.
Kurds become american proxy and gladiators and warriors for americans conquest
Surely you meant Snakes and Ladders players Mountains?
Kurds lost the chance and the Kurds future is very uncertain. Definitely will not be a peace
The kurds had a good chance to negotiate a highl level of autonomy within Syria. There are many statements from kurds, committing to a unified Syria. Also there was a good cooperation in the fight for Aleppo or against the Turkish militias. With the recent support from USA, they may think that now is the time to go for the big prize, the independent state. This will never happen. But it is good to get a clear view on their intentions. I never trusted them. It is just sad that this war will continue for many years. No chance for peace in Syria.
Kurds lost the chance to have voice post war Syria. Now, will not even Russia will support to be part of the negotiations. SDF/YPG aggression towards SAA shows the Kurds real face
What the hell are you talking about? Erdogan is the danger, playing every side as it suits him. One minute he’s in NATO begging for help, next he’s crawling up Russia’s arse, and now they’re scheming with Iran, despite having ruined Syria by trying to topple Assad. You’re a total ignorant.
Ignorant that is you, raised in cave with 0 education and intelligence. You should crawl back to you cave
cave gypsy
slavery for kurds!
Hehehe thats à little harsh m’y Friend, just à good boot to the arse would Do.
Here is à question, are There différent kurdish factions??
There wont be slavery, by they will be sold to the turks like wild animals
“despite having ruined Syria by trying to topple Assad. You’re a total ignorant.”
In a previous post you advised the Kurds to stab Assad in the back and front.
You seem a little confused. Is your carer on holiday ?
Kurds have never had true sovereign state; their statehood is still in some respect on tribal level. For example the Iraqi Kurds (under Barzani) don’t have common goals with the Rojava Kurds (Easter Syrian Kurds), because Barzani is currently in some shaky alliance with Turkey. Affrin Kurds are natural if not willing allies of Assad because to the north of them is Turkey, to the west – Jihadist Idlib, to the East – Euphrates Shield Jihadists, to the south – SAA in the area of Aleppo, i.e. they are screwed if they try to act against Assad. The Rojava Kurds have the control of some oil wells and they have more prospective military situation because they are supported by USA. So in the moment there is a big game between the different alliances in the region, because USA will try to create independent Kurdistan, but the big question is who will be forming the primary core of this state, how many Kurd tribes will be joining and on which terms they will be willing to agree.
Thanks, this is good information. I totally agree. Actually nobody is interested in an independent Kurdistan, so the threat of a Kurdish state may unite Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria to fight a common enemy. The situation is extremely complex. For now, everything is possible. But I rely on the high level of diplomacy shown by the Russians. They like to play chess.
You mean kurds are just like the arabs? Your description exactly fit arabs, tribal, no cohesion, no nations.
Hey you goto believe you are fighting for something, cant have that dutch mustache get wasted on a terror organization
Oh, and when was that? Please give specific details as Assad stated again and again kurds love him and only criminals and terrorist oppose him.
Kurds were treated well by assad, but like any whore, they go to the highest bidder, its not love, baby.
It will be an gruesome awakening for those backstabbers. They killed themselves with this behaviour. So sad because (syrian) Kurds played their cards very well at the beginning of the conflict. Now they are at the brink of being eradicated, like daesh, nusra and other zionist rats.
Who are they backstabbing, the Assad regime? Here’s hoping they stab them in the front too, for good measure.
Which ‘rebel’ group you belong to?
He belong to the gypsy rebel group (also knows as the “Kurds”)
The Troy Horse
ah ok. A kurdish troll. We were missing that kind so far on these pages.
To those rebelling against assadophile stupid rethorics.
here is a regular kurdish troll
By reading your comments, looks like your being raised in cave
Poor misguided fool, your goverment is lying to you to Hide the fact that your fake economy is on life support.
Enjoy the shitstorm thats headed your way ans Good luck
The sad part about the Kurds is that after many years they eventually got their own country, Syria. Assad gave them full citizenship a few years ago and unfortunately the Kurds have abused it and turned on Syria. Makes no sense or logic, why throw it away.
assad did not give them full citizenship. so, the picture is not b&w.
Thought you had more intelligence, have a look at the links.
this is nothing. this is after revolution.
and until today the kurds can not use their language. so, this is no real citizenship
Thé language point is stupid, in Canada we have the first nations, they can use their language amongst themselves, but State business is in english, and they are still Canadian citizens. And this is not à révolution its à proxy war, period, Assad gave Them citizenship. Dont you realize that the alternative to the non religious Assad goverment is a sunni sharia law state??
How the hell is that better than Assad, its not simple as that.
The best for all Syrian citizens is Assad, not nusra not SDF.
Only Israël and Saudi Arabia benefit from Assad falling, nobody else.
Im tired of being Saudi hired goons.
you are liar. there are also not english schools. and the french minoroty has official french language.
Lol you dont understand Well Do you. First nations have There own language but State business is in english.
There is one province that is french, Québec. There is one bilingual Province new Brunswick, wich im from and Im french.
Your missing the point and thats on purpose.
Language is not à sovereignty issue period.
no. you dont understand the goal: kurds ARE 1st NATION. in canada 80% are immigrants. this is not original minority. in europe we mahage this hing better.
so, kurds, whi live there >30 generations, should get ight to use their language where they live. and inkanada should use english or french.
applying standards to syria that dont apply to anyone else in the world, nice, 20 shekels for you
yes, boy, the 21st century came in ME.
You better hope the yanamami dont start immigrating over, that language is a bich to learn
you are simply fascist
I am not. just because i hate communists doesnt make me a fascist. anyone with a brain hates communists.
Lol so you think first nations in Canada is 20%of the population??? LOL maybe 2…maybe
Anyways, your basically saying what ive been saying all Along, just had to call me a liar twice.
Long story short, first nations in Canada use their own language, only State dealings are in english, never seen french natives, maybe somewhere in northern Québec but I dont go there its quite remote.
Kurds are not à first nations, they never were, 30 génération is not long compared to first nations that have been here since 10000bc at least and could bé way more.
Nice try keep trying,
Are spanish canadians not citizens because spanish is not a language in canada? that is a stupid standard, not applied anywhere.
immigration and old nation are 2 things.
you are british is i remeber. welsh, scottish people also can use tehir lenaguage. and habits,
in russia is also legitim this thing
when you immigrate to a place, the place doesnt need to accept your language, you have to accept the place.
BS. You do not even know your own country. In Quebeq french is the official language, not English. And two other states are bilingual. So you are blabbering based upon nonsense.
Only one province is bilingual, thé one i live in. Québec is à spécial case that we dont need to get into for you guys. Which is the other bilingue province? Ces où??
We have 10 provinces and 3 territories, no States. Your also missing the point , wich is the language issue.
Regardless, i know m’y country better than you think.
I Will admit I didnt raise the french “issue” because its not an issue anymore, and I was talking about thé first nations as an example because they are à minority that has not been treated Well by our country , its a still good example but you guys got sidetracked by something not really related.
I dont go and insult you guys if i disagree with you, some of you should cool it and keep the discussions civil
can chinese immigrants claim they are not citizens because you cant use chinese in canada?
Go to Vancouver city. There are whole sections mainly chinese speaking.
That is a retarded thing to say. Its like you don’t understand the
English language. Of course there are Chinese people in Canada, but it’s not a recognized language.
Ah, but we were not talking about recognised languages. That is a matter of politics.
citizenship doesnt mean you get to throw monkey shit at the wall, you get treated like all other citizens, equal not special
i think, you have no idea, what about i am talking.
i will admit, sometimes your grammar stumps me
Solomon gets his news from CNN
“…assad did not give them full citizenship…”
In 1962, Assad’s father conducted a rather heavy-handed survey of Syrian Kurds to determine their status. Many undocumented Kurds were economic immigrants or otherwise in the country illegally, but some were legitimate Syrian residents that just lacked the proper papers.
As a result of that census, approx. 80% of the Kurds then in Syria were certified as official Syrian citizens. The remaining 20% – about 300,000 – were not. They were no ‘denied’ citizenship – Syria couldn’t figure out if they were legally citizens or not. They were no deported or asked to leave, but as non-citizens they didn’t have access to various government services like passports, and could not own land. No different than any other country does today if a potential immigrant’s status cannot be determined. In fact, no different than at the UN’s own refugee/death camps in Turkey: if they can’t determine your status, then you don’t get a ticket to Europe.
The 2011 act by Assad was meant to correct some of the mistakes made in 1962 to the (then) 300,000 Kurds that had no status. It was not meant to automatically grant all of them citizenship because many were never Syrian citizens – the were illegal immigrants. THAT program was sort of a flop, only settling a few thousand cases. Then the war started and nothing more was done. So today, some unknown portion of that 300,000 who should have been certified as legal Syrian citizens remain without status.
The situation has become far worse. Since 1963, there have probably been hundreds of thousands of additional Kurds that have immigrated to Syria illegally during the wars. The original 300,000 have had children, and their children have no legal status in Syria. So the problem is probably way more than a half million and more than 20% of the Syrian Kurds today, total.
I’m not taking sides here, just explaining that it’s way more complicated than evil Assad ‘denying’ citizenship to the poor Kurds.
i am criticising the fact, that the kurdish citizens could not use their language. this is big repression. and until today assad did not alowed kurdish schools.
like the druzi in israel?
israel is shit country
They wont give you shekels for this kind of post
It’s more complex than you suggest. How does Syria print passports for Kurds when Arabic alphabet does not even have the same letters as the Kurd alphabet? Why do the Kurds get to rename Syrian towns to Kurdish names and ignore the Syrian name? How can Syrian Kurds serve their time in the military when they don’t speak Arabic?
If Syrian citizens have some basic standard education provided by the state, why should the Kurds get special Kurd schools just for them paid for by all Arabic-speaking Syrian citizens? What about all the other ethnic non-Arabic speaking minorities in Syria?
Should Syria reprint all road signs in Syria in both Syrian and Kurdish because 10% of the population are Kurds? If a Syrian kid who speaks Arabic gets sick in Qamishli and goes to a government hospital there, should he/she have to learn Kurdish to communicate with the doctors? Does the entire hospital staff have to be bilingual?
Assad didn’t put anyone in jail for speaking Kurdish, and there were MANY other non-Arabic speaking enclaves in Syria that got along fine with the Syrian government.
this passport systemis solved in many countries.
in usa is no official language. how can serve hispanians? otehrwise, the arab can be the common language, but where they live, also the kirdish is official. such system is in europe wide spreaded. all personal documents are bilingual. when i was in germany and need local driving license, the test gave mi in my mother tongue. in all alnguages of europe you can make the written part.
so, the cultural autonomy is the base of stable multinational country. check the russian policy. in russia there are 300 minorities, nations and all fo them have much more rights like indians had in usa ever. for example the tatar autonom republic has own international code for planes.
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7aacd711833f3d1d2ee031115ea047d139cecb3df3fc0cabc709a80567e1e6a2.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/93eb8489172b069cb0de9cb4777d47eb59c1c57e71a4d94445a5b89dc62ffc98.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/56a29db1ad61ef18ddd7c5092f0766562c8b4137ff4e8ee9bb18fc54241d8ff1.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/af631561f3c6fe867a316883831bf7c81229ddf3cce4589685b39cef0577b10a.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a71c94b684e879b63b3815f7b6d30dab37e1116b7d4511c7625127779f209d8a.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cf59abd10ff3f1e38a922bc230259b2fe99251d24c1468e224bf9d8680e66983.jpg
Suddenly they have become Zombies! (Monotone) “Saudi Arabia is a stabilising influence in the Syrian conflict…” Blah blah blah. I reckon when CIA/Pentagon decided to back the Kurds someone asked: “Whaddawe gonna call those dumb fucks?” Someone else: “Syrian Dumb Fucks! D-F! Democratic Forces.” Applause all round. We should return to the original name.
Bwahahaha that was great dude
They tried training them as Al Qaeda and that failed so they called the Stupid Daesh Fucks .Thought it was a food dish originally Sum Dum Farces ,learned the hard way , Chinese don’t make that dish guess its the Americans again with a new chop suey .
assad abandons afrin
Time to affront the Afrin-kurds as a first warning for the Kobane-kurds.
Maybe first talks with Turkey took place?
It gives back the pilot or it gets the Turk
Watch how the gypsy Kurds ethnically cleanse non-Kurds from Syrian land that does not belong to them.
Keep in mind that these Zionist foot soldier gypsies commit all these crimes against history despite the fact that there has NEVER been any such entity as Kurdistan or anything similar in history. Kurds are not even indigenous to Syria. They are recent migrants from Turkey. Kurds have no history of independence, self autonomy, or civilization. All their claims to such are based on lies and not accepted by any reputable modern academic source.
jew = kurd, betrayal = jewish follows betrayal = kurdish
Yeah they are very similar in behavior, which makes me think they could possibly share some DNA with one another.
Disagreed, and it stupid to call everyone you dislike a jew.
Jew often stands for betrayer at all.
wtf this “FuckBob Shitpants” kurd idiot is trolling here around? Is the psychiatric hospital open for today?
This is the green light for an all out Turkish attack on the Kurds.
Because Iran has failed to crush the Israeli allies called Kurd’s, the Kurd’s one day may yet wave the Red Communist Star over Tehran. The Georgian-Stalin helped invent the Kurd’s with the sole purpose of using them to crush Iran. This has been going on ever since.
Saudi, Israel, US, UK, all the gangster fake-Monotheist are embedded into Kurdish ranks.
Their is not salvation for them, they will never change there ways.
They must be seen as what they really are, expansionist. If Kurd’s had the ability to conquer Earth, you can believe they would do it and kill all of us non Kurd’s to do it.
Luckily Israel has not given them Nukes… yet! But rest assured, Mi6 or Israel will arms Kurd’s with nukes at some time within the next 20 years to become a 2nd Israel.
Bizarre. Simply Bizarre. The Kurds have more alliances then a 2 cent county whore. Troubled by their current alliance ? Wait a moment and it will change. You therefore understand what any kind of “Alliance” with them is worth.
How many allies has Assad? Iran, Russia, Hezbollah, PMU, mercenaries out of Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq? So how does that compare to SDF, US and maybe in time some money and or weapons from KSA? It seems Assad is a for free whore.
No argument there, however one does not negate the other.
TOWN İS AN ARABİC CİTY. and it will be.
pyd can do any thing, stay, wait and see………
The message from the Kurds to the Saudi’s has just been leaked by a CIA unidentified source as ‘ Very Confident ‘.
A translation of the message reads :- ‘ We will all be your bum boys for eternity if you just give us a little money ‘.
Kurdish…they now try to ‘milk’ funding from wahhabi kingdom, what’s next? join HTS? Now they make wannabe Ottoman words about them was the truth. After ISIS fall in Syria, next enemies of Syria was US backed terrorist FSA, Saudi HTS, and US-Kurds.
Turkey would not accept it, and they would be right
A sort of alliance between SDF and KSA would be like a marriage of conveniance. Fundamentally they are very much opposites, though the kurds and arabs within the SDF are basically anti MB sunnis and opposed to a shia crescent between Syria, Iraq and Iran, the more so when their lands are supposed to be included.
SDF will accept any outside help as long as in does not endanger their objectives and their basic alliance with the US.
I do not expect this paring up between KSA and SDF to be longlived unless there is a basic reconfiguration of borders in the area. Were Shingal to become part of an independent Kurdestan, Anbar to be independent too or taken over by KSA, that would make for a different ballgame.
It is all about divide and conquer with instigated terrorist attacks and false flag ops getting to get all of the factions at each other throats, or engage in a mutually even more destructive war, without any of the dupes asking whose interests they are really serving. Forget your differences and the crimes of the past and look to the future. There is enough in resources and jobs in every existing ME nation for prosperity and happiness for everyone. Keep on warring to destroy the nation states and you will have nothing, not even the land. That is exactly what those who have instigated the wars and who control the rebels and insurgents do not want the people to realize. They want the resources and the land.
“Turkish-Iranian-Qatari alliance”
He knows that there is no such alliance. So what he means is, KSA is sending him the money they were giving to ISIS. Since ISIS is pretty much obliterated.
Turkey will enter officialy war against Kurds from different Axis.
Kurds are naive and they are not prepared for turkish aggression