
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) announced that the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has taken control of 85 km of the Syrian-Iraqi border.
According to SOHR, the SAA is now in only 12 km from the strategic T-2 station that lies 70km west of Al Bukamal city near the Syrian-Iraqi border. Opposition sources confirmed on Saturday that SAA has already managed to enter the borders of Deir Ezzor province.
Meanwhile, US-led coalition warplanes continued bombing ISIS in the western countryside of Deir Ezzor. Opposition sources claimed that 8 civilians lost their life as a result of a US air strike on Muhaimadia village in the western Deir Ezzor countryside.
The US-led coalition has killed Fawaz Muhammad Jubayr al-Rawi – an ISIS Finance official – in an air strike on Al Bukmal city at the Syrian-Iraqi border.
Opposition sources claimed that SAA is planning to attack Al Bukamal after liberating of the T-2 station. However, it’s unlikely that the SAA will attack the city – which is considered one of the main ISIS strongholds in Syria – before lifting the siege from Deir Ezzor.
It appears that the US is eliminating ISIS leaders who can implicate the US/CIA with terrorism.
Very smart , its pure mafia-style.
You got it exactly. Tying up lose ends not witnesses.
you guys are so stupid and fool of teoris i could easly say the same thing about russia when they killed isis leader
Except of course that the CIA has been aiding ISIS in Iraq, Syria and I would think the Philippines as well. Oh, I nearly forgot Afghanistan .
And the Rusdians have been aiding Vietcong, Khmer Rouge, Serbian nationalists, Ukrainian rebels, FARC, Cubans, Cubans in Angola, Palestinian terrorists, The Afghans, Hezbollah etc. Do not think the Russians hands are any cleaner. As Disraeli once said:”Nations do not have friends, they have interests”
Mate, Soviet Union is gone and there is discontinuity of organisation, foreign policy agenda and philosophy. Reset the clock and stop counting the ancient past. The same cannot be said about western countries when the same organisations (CIA, MI5, etc) and government models continue throughout. And Russia is not supporting Ukrainian rebels (the fascist junta in Kiev) but Russian populations inside East Ukraine. Also they supported all Serbians, not just Serbian nationalists. And give us some real proof that they “support” Palestinians (actually scores of westerners do support them!) or Hezbollah. The fact that Syrian government is simultaneously supported by Russia and Hezbollah is no proof.
I think Putin said it best at the UN when discussing democracy promotion: “This is what we used to do. We said ‘socialism is so good for you, we’re going to give it to you whether you like it or not.'”
Khmer Rouge never
And the current NATO members and allies were attacking Russia or allying with it’s enemies long before Soviet union was established – Swedes in 15/17 century, Turks, British and French in 18-19 century. Add to that Napoleon, Crimea war, Russo-Japanese war, UKs Great game in Central Asia. It has everything to do with the fact Russia is vast land with resources other nations need badly – regardless of ideology…
a) you forgot poles: 14-17th century
b) in central asia also the russians were aggressors
a) correct, thx
b) aggressors along with the rest of European powers and China
China was not aggressor, centuries belonged this area in their sphere of influence. and basegd on trade and not military power. similar baykal-ussuri territory, also south part of sakchalin island. these territories russia got by lies from chinese. and the chines never forgot, never forgave. will come the d-day, when will remember. china is real emoire. they are thinking in generations. also tengplanned the modernization of china from 1980 until 2049 (100th anniversary of revolution). these are huge two generations. so, until 2050 not probably chinese expansion. but after …
OK, I get it – you don’t like the Russians. Fine. But to say that China IS an Empire but NOT an aggressor – that’s plain stupid. China is a multiethnic society held together by same culture but also and always by brutal force of the central government – Imperial or Communist it doesn’t matter. But even ethnic majority Han Chinese subdivide in a dozen smaller ethnic groups that used to hate one another through history. Chances are that by 2050s, they’ll have a civil war of their own…
you did not got.
i am realistic. i tellonly the reality. there is no chinese-russian friendship. i told only, how was in the 19th century. russia was also imperialistic country. the betrayed chines. similarly as the brits. and this was the reason, why maos china attacked ussr. and they will again, until will not get back the territories. in central asia there is big tension between russia and china. i dont want chinese imperialism. but russia must develope 3x faster then now.
otehrwise you dont know china, i know better. i learned lot of asian cultures, and also my doughter lives now in china. so, your idea about dozens of ethnic groups is not correct. there are different dialects, but id the question come,s all af them are chinese! especially in direction to foreigners.
but the chinese are also weak in several ways. therefore russia has chance to be prepared. but without oligarch, swift development, intensive modernisation, less alcohol, less drugs.
Chinese are as one when dealing with foreigners – but remember all ancient ethnic hatreds good – i.e. Hakka and Punti wars. I agree with you that Russia and China can’t be friends – geography and history wouldn’t let them. As Peter Hitchens says – Wouldn’t you be paranoid if your neighbors were Germans to the West and China the East?! – Best check on Chinese Imperialism would be strong and developed Russia as an ally of strong Europe. US/NATO policy of anti-Russian war mongering in order to boost US weapons sales in E Europe is forcing Putin to make friends with countries that could never be his long term allies – like Iran…
As Peter Hitchens says – Wouldn’t you be paranoid if your neighbors were Germans to the West and China the East?!
i agree, but russia should not be paranoic, but solve this problem in other way. russia and prussia were friends. the brists turned russia against germany. they worked 30 years on this project (another one of few nations, who are able to think in generations, therefore never underestimate them!). russia must change the philosophy. to find friends. and not such countries like iran, which is islamic state and if would be enough strong, would support islam in russia, like does saudis.
i know, america makes divide and impera. and i am not happy, what is happening in the EU. but russia should make less imperialistic and more friendly policy to countires surrounding him. in central asia they have influence only by help of dictators. when they will be changed, the influence will fall. chine is doing steps in this way. therefor for china is more important the southern bow of the berlt, via central asia, iran, turkey, and not the northern bow via russia. so, russia must jump in economical sphere. i know, this country could be the source of huge innovations. but they have no know how. russia must put lot of money to create own silicon valley. in japan there are 2 bigger concentration of innovative parks then the amereican silicon valley is. to kepp at home the talented people, take them from abroad, this is the first thing. and eliminate the corrupcy. this is big, big problem. lot of russians left russia, becouse the corrupcy stops their debvelopment, their rise.
therefore i always write, the key is in hands of russians. they have potential, but never used this potential. always have chosen the simply way.
It’s not realistic to expect Russia to change it’s policy of having buffer states between itself end the rest of Europe/Asia – there’s about 30 million reasons against it only in 20th century. And I wouldn’t call present Russian policy “Imperialistic”. They don’t need more land – inhabited with hostile population. They want either friendly or client regimes and a status quo. Also that’s the reason why they try and uphold international law in bilateral relations. Current international world order is Russia’s best defense. If US manages to abolish it – as you yourself said – Russia will be a pray for China, Japan and Islam. Russian GDP under Putin increased 7x – they became 11th economy in 2016 – and all that under sanctions. The west had ample opportunity to engage Russia on equal basis and even help it develop more liberal and democratic political system (within bounds – it’s still Russia and it’s never going to be Sweden). Instead they choose to rape it economically and almost destroying it’s socially. I can’t remember a point in history when the West’s only offer to Russia wasn’t – submit or be destroyed. As for China and One Belt – for them it’s preferable to build it across Russia or Russian sphere of Central Asia. Southern rout across ME ending up in Turkey is too risky and too vulnerable to US influence. In the end of the day, for China to be No 1 – they’ll need to drag US from the pedestal – that means war. One belt is economic part of the war. And I predict shooting one in the Pacific some time in next decade…
Even Vietnam does not trust China
sure. but 1 thing you should know. during ww2 france took several chinese oslands in south china see. after the war promised, will give back to china. but when they lost war in vietnam, the islands gave to vietnam. this is the source of conflicts. without these islands vietnam has much less tight to gas fields under south china see.
tipical western politics. divide et impera.
oh really, they came to us first and later we visted them
see you, ant the poles call me russian scum, when i remember them ;)
In central Asia generally the Russians were welcomed by the local tribes. The British in general were not..
they were conquerors. also fights. brits were never in central asia. they were stopped in afghanistan
Its sort of the name isnt it “The Great Game” it need two players, just like the British supported the Turks the Russians suppeorted the Fghans against the British. Also you seem to think all wars in wich one part went agianst russia happended in a power vaccum, they didnt. Russian imperialism was allways a part, Sweden as the dominant baltic power was threatened. Just like Russia was with the japanese in asia in 1905.
There’s no power vacuum in history. I just point out that Russian position as the worlds biggest country and one of the richest with resources this side of Africa – made her a frequent enemy of same people again and again. That has nothing to do with Soviet union or ideology. It has to do with geopolitics – and thanks to the fact that it spans 2 continents – Russia is in the center of all geopolitical games since early 1700s…
Russia did not become the Largest country in square miles without imperialism, much imperialism. At times that imperialistic agenda crashed with other imperialistic agendas. Actually Russia is not a nation state it is soemthing a lot more sinister just like Turkey, But to claim the Russians have any less blood on their hands than the other great imperialistic powers is just plain silly. At the present moment they are among the worst, right up there with the Chinese and The Turks.
Russia was imperialistic – I agree. As for the amount of blood on their hands it comes a close second to UK – IMHO. Lately, US is doing it’s worst to claim the 1st place and make Russians “the 3rd violine” As how it became the largest country on earth – just like in any other real estate deal – position, position, position ;-) and a large amount of plain dumb luck since most of Urals and Siberia was unclaimed and sparsely inhabited by nomads…
Unclaimed is the same state as the British found India,Africa, the Americas and Australia, New Zealand etc. Do not say much other than imperilistic ambissions have been carried to their fullest extent. Look at the state of the Sami people of Russia, most have been exterminated, the ones in Finland, Norway and Sweden are thriving. This is clearly a result of Russian imperialism, unlike the NATO founding member of Norway… THe list is endless, but to deny the lomng list of Russian imperialistic abuse is just plain stupid.
How you can compare the history of Sami people with UK/France/Spain pillage of the world is beyond me. How long back in history are we allowed to go in this analysis? Surely not in the time of the vikings and their particular brand of imperialism and Scandinavian type genocide. Ok, let’s go back little later in 17-18th century – right about time Russia started it expansion – and talk about Sweden controlling both sides of Baltic and half of Northern Europe. Too long ago fore you?. Ok. Lets go back to 8 April 2011, the UN Racial Discrimination Committee recommendations were handed over to Norway with regards to Norwegianization of the Sami people. No such thing was given to Russia, Finland nor Sweden, so it’s quite obvious that Norwegians take the best care of Sami people. Lol. Nobody is denying imperialism of a country that was as of late known as “Russian Empire!. But you trying to depict all of Russians with horns and hoofs is quite ridiculous…
I compare the subjugation of indigenous people when I see it, and in the case of the Sami-people they are split between the west and Russia, it gives a valuable window into Russian imperilalism. Today most russian samis do not know of ther heritage nor does the Russian imperialistic govenrment want them to know. As for the UN it depends on the admittance of wring doing and the signing of ILO convesion nothing that the Russians have ever done..
None of those groups you listed are terrorist. Stop the BS nonsense. It kills brain cells.
but murders.
Khmer Rouge would today be called a terror organizatoon and both Hamas, branches of Fatah, Hezbollah, and FARC are today listed as terror organization. Oh, I forgot the Kurdish terror of the 80s was also a Russian invention…
far not. khmers were the government. like nazi regime.
And how did they get to government? By election?
civil war. like lincolns government in southern states. and the nazis never won any elections. they made coup.
The nazis never won any election? Where did you get that from, your ass? Hitler was democratically elected by the people.
sure? then check the history again, you asshole!
After the US bombed Cambodia back into the stone-age , in three months they dropped more ordinance than in ALL of the Second World War , even though Cambodia had no involvement in Vietnam . Pol Pot walked into the capitol with twenty soldiers , and as the government was dead , took over .
That’s what the U.S. government and western puppets wan’t you to believe that they’re a terror organization when they’re not. Just because they have those you mentioned listed doesn’t make it true. I can’t
comment on Hamas since they’re kind of suspicious to me and seem like a Israeli made/founded group to use as a propaganda for their needs and to continue to blame Palestinians for whatever that group do. Hezbollah, FARC and IRA aren’t a terrorist/terror organization, I don’t care what you or the U.S. gov say. Study the history of these groups and what they stand for and stop getting brainwashed.
If you study the History of for instance the IRA you find nothing but terror, often with the short term goal of ethnic cleansing. I can still remember the bomb in Birmingham, that should have disspelled all such myths. Much the same about FARC and their unique blend of terrorism and organzied crime, its a bit har to destinguish what is for money, what is for terror and when do the two intrests convergw…
They are cleaner, since they have helped the people against invading west
If you look at North Vietnam, Vietvong Khemer Rouge and most of these conflicts it was the commies who did the invading.
no way
france and americans were the imperialists. they ancients 30 000 were never in this part of world.
If we look at the Post french era in vietnam there were few if any french and only a handfull of US military personell when the insurrection began. Had the south won, there are little to no doubt the vietnamese would be better off today.
peter, historically reality is, the america attacked noirth vietnam and so began the war. they lied about tonkin.
and be sure, vietcong had no chance to win against america and south, if the most of the population did not want them. for vietnam the commies were better than america.
If that is the kind of history you have been reading I feel sorry for you. The US never invadeded North Vietnam, President Johnson forbade it. The North however invaded the south, the evidence of this is as close as wikipedia..
wiki is not source.
and tonkin is reality.
finalyy, youd did not try to think about i wrote: without support ov citizens would have no chance the viets to win.
very nice, that the cowboys were kicked out.
What, can you read, as you clearly cannot write, again please?
@ Peter Magnus.
And in all of those conflicts the US has either lost or been on the wrong side of history. Or both.
All countries that are helping Syria are helping the cause of justice. They are helping the Syrian people in there fight against Wahabi barbarism aided by gulf countries and NATO. Before mentioning Vietnam etc you should first go through the history of those conflics, who were the aggressors and who were defending. The USA cries hoarse about democracy, but it’s greatest friend is the is the KSA. Have you ever thought about it?
The Vietcong formed in 1958 , after America cancelled the election that was called for by the Geneva Convention . Eisenhower said to Nixon his VP ,
“We can not allow the election , Ho Chi Minh would win by 80 % “.
Do you have any proof of it. I bet not. Btw give me one reason why usa would fund isis in philippines. Philipines are there fucking allies and why would they support isis to fight there allies?
US needs the Philipines under constant threat for the same reason mafia throws the brick in your shop window and then offers you protection. It’s called the racket and has been a steady source of income for people too lazy to actually work for a living fore centuries. I’ll give you the proof that US created ISIL when you produce the proof that ALL US political and military leaders in last 100 years were criminally insane – written by the heads of insane asylums they escaped from before they got to play with armies and diplomats. Because you essentially say messing up ME is not US fault – from setting up alliance with Saudis and Pahlavi to creation of Israel and destruction of Iraq, Libya and Syria. If you believe that Paul Bremer sacking 500K Iraqi Sunni military and security officers was his call and an honest mistake and that US had no way of knowing it’s gonna end bad – after fighting insurgencies non-stop for the last 100 years – I think you need to get your head examined too…
The disbanding of the Iraqi military forces by Brennan was an idiotic move concocted by short sighted leadership whose goals were immediate control of Iraq and it oil infrastructure. Also not understanding internal tensions between Sunnis and Shias exarcebated the matter. You give American neocons more credit than they deserve, they are not deep thinkers and seek instant gratification. Their ” grand strategy” after disbanding the Iraqi army led to a intense insurgency that cost US thousands of lives and trillions in treasure.
And neocons do no understand cultural realities their delusions have to deal with, the same way pre neocon US found out in Vietnam.
Are you serious? So they had the intelligence to create the Badr brigades to attack the Sunni population with but not the intelligence to know that disbanding the Iraqi state would lead to an insurgency?
If you believe that then you know nothing about counter insurgency warfare (fair enough we havn’t all read Col Frank Kitson). But if you do know your CI warfare then what CENTCOM did in Iraq was text book perfect. Just like what they do so well around the world.
Issue is if you believe the media then you will think ‘oh this was a mistake’ because the media also believe what pshyops professionals tell them to believe.
I suggest reading “Gangs and Counter Gangs” – then you will understand how the world really works. Kitson wrote this for the British Army and it remains the manual for modern imperial warfare.
Agree with you completely. Just a side note L Paul Bremmer -self described anti-terrorism expert – worked for Kissinger and Ass. and Marsh & MacLennan, with office in WTC North Tower and is one of those “lucky few” that managed to be “miraculosly” late for work on 9/11…
The Badr brigades were Iran officered military wing, that made up some of the new standing army after Saddam’s army was disbanded.
US did not create these forces, they favoured the Shias at the expense of the Sunnis, who had special privileges under Saddam.
The Sunnis were not happy and insurgency ensued. How did US benefit from such development? Blowing trillions of dollars and thousands of dead?
That is not a new mode of imperial warfare, it is an idiotic way of wasting resources on meaningless and never ending military drama.
Think about what you just said my friend… did the occupying army just fail to notice these brigades or something..??!
US worked with SCIRI (Iran) to create the brigades. Strip the Sunnis of any defence and then slaughter them and waited for the response – a response that the Saudis and Egyptians created for them.
As a result of such actions US spent several years fighting an insurgency war coupled with a surge in troop levels at the expense of trillions of dollars and thousands of dead. You think this was part of the plan? A plan to waste trillions of dollars and cause high casualties and embroil US in a meaningless war, while their adversaries, Russia and China were forging ahead with a rearmament program and development of weapons that outclass existing US weapons. If anybody plans a war for self defeat and waste of financial resources being mired in a quagmire for decades, such minds are complete idiots without any perspective and common sense understanding.
Imperial wars are nasty, expensive and lots of people die. I’d suggest reading some history my friend and then you will understand.
I do know history my friend Roman imperial wars were decisive and lucrative. Wars always produced hundreds of tons in gold as booty.
Just ask Alexander the Great, in Persepolis alone he acquired 30,000 talents of gold.
Unlike US who fights wars wars to bankrupt itself, for the interest of a few corporate entities.
All wars are fought for profit. The people who control the political system in your country have done very well for themselves with these wars! I don’t think there was a macro-economic analysis done in the days of the Roman empire?
Wars make profit for the people who control the armies. Sometime (usually) they have a positive effect on the economy of the empire. But this isn’t always the case.
The Iraq war wasn’t fought for direct profit – it was a geo-political war to permanently wreck Iraq. The US decided to take the opportunity to destroy the threat of a power ever rising again in Mesopotamia. Same as the British strategy for Iraq – if you can’t control a strategic country then ensure it remains weak and divided.
Iraq was buffer towards Shia Persia for centuries. Delicate balance of Iraq consisted in the fact that people were mostly Arab – which means they weren’t keen on Persians, Shia or not. Also Shia owned the land and had money, Sunni were mostly soldiers, bureaucrats and professional class. As long as the country was ruled by Sunni, they had support and open credit lines of their Sunni neighbors. The system worked because until late 1980s there wasn’t any talk about Sunni-Shia rift in Iraq – Shia were fighting in Iraqi army against Iran without any serious defection. To think that Neocons instigated Shia rebellion in 1991, helped Kurdish separatism until today and then destroyed Iraqi society out of need for a quick gratification – is naive on your part. Even if Americans like quick fixes that don’t really fix things – their Israeli handlers have been dreaming of instigating an new Sunni-Shia 100-years war ever since Ben Gurion wrote that the greatest threat for Israel’s existence would be emergence of an Arab Ataturk – i.e. secular leader who will have the knowledge and guts to control Islamist, unite and modernize the Arab world.
The Israeli handlers did not do a very good job since Israel’s main adversaries along its borders are still Egypt and Syria that were subject to attempted color revolution and civil war. Egypt is getting back into the Russian orbit, and Syria albeit weakened because of the Islamic insurgency is gaining valuable battle experience and winning with Russia having a solid presence in Syria. Hezzbolah is gaining good battle experience and improving their arsenal, while Iran is becoming an a long range threat to Israel.
The most important thing Israel has to worry about is Russia, since Russia is not going anywhere, maybe not under Putin, maybe someone more hard nosed and willing to push the envelope. If something happened to US, natural disasters on a great scale, or terrorist attacks that cripples US leadership or infrastructure……Israel will be in deep trouble.
You don’t understand the point of Israeli strategy. They can handle individual Arab nations even in a conventional war. ALL Arab nations under unified and secular ruler with modernizing and liberal agenda – they lose even with the nukes. If Arab society truly modernized – educating a generation of people and eliminating endemic corruption – then using it’s money, diplomatic influence and military might to challenge US/Israel – Zionist would be forced to nuke few million people and in return get nuked themselves, or compromise. And compromise is the death of Zionist idea. Right now Israeli agenda works well. Egypt is in economic chaos and security wise can’t even handle it’s own Muslim Brotherhood. Syria, if they manage not to get Balkanized will be able to threaten Israel only by proxy – Hezbollah. But if Saudis manage to turn their Arab NATO against Iran – that war among Muslims in general and Arabs in particular will not end in our lifetime, resulting in perpetual… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9211d0981dc4e5b63cbee8facf0a728721a598032c41d10ab69109124683ea32.jpg
Who is going to be part of the Arab NATO? Those sheiks that have not accomplished anything in their lives, who are willing to hire mercenaries because they are too soft and lazy? I see the Shia Crescent being far more potent, and China bringing the Silk Road through the area. I think you are understimating Egyptian military capabilities, they got Muslim Brotherhood on the leash.
As far as Syria, after they clean up their country they can purchase some more potent equipment from the Russians. Iraq, they are fed up with the US, and ready to throw them out of the country. I see the Arab world being polarized between the Shia Crescent against Arab NATO.
In case of a conventional war with Syria and Egypt, Israel would suffer significant casualties, and if the Russians tip the the balance, their EW would render Israeli weapons useless. Maybe you can explain what the ZIonist Plan is according to your understanding? Does it envision a territory multiple times larger than current Israel?
Egypt is giving up it’s Red sea islands in exchange for Saudi handouts. Syria will need aprox. 500 bn $ just to rebuild to pre 2011 status – and pre 2011 SAA was in shambles. Don’t get me wrong, I’d really like to see smug Zionists on the ropes and a just peace on the ME, but you are dreaming. Every day that passes Arabs are further away from a chance of standing united on the battlefield against Israel again. There’s no more Gaddafy to help pay for Egypt’s new AF and sent his Mirages like in ’70. There’s no Iraqi army to send its armor and stop IDF in front of Damascus like in’73. Find me one SAA soldier, today, willing to sacrifice for Egypt and Hamas after they helped Saudis and Qataris destroy their country. I don’t presume to know Israeli end game. But their mid term strategy is clear – Let’s help Muslims help us by killing themselves in a religious war.- And who knows with no constraints maybe some new and even more extreme Israeli PM decides he want’s land south of Litani and that Aman was ancient Jewish capital…
I don’t think I am dreaming, Russia’s presence in Syria is a stabilizing factor in the ME, yes, Syria will need hundreds of billions to rebuild, that can hypothetically happen in 1 or 2 decades, China might allocate some money as the Silk Road moves west; Syria’s armed forces pre 2011 was deplorable because of inactivity, lack of equipment modernization, and Russia’s reluctance for more robust assistance.
As far as Egypt they can sell the two islands for economic reasons, I do not see Sisi groveling before the Saudis supplanting the Pakistanis as their private army.
Egypt is still weary of US and their covert support of the Muslim Brotherhood that overthrew Mubarak, and Sisi is well aware that US/Israel/SA axis cannot be trusted.
Egypt will lean towards Russia Iran alliance, and at the same time see what deals it can make elsewhere.
Russia’s presence in Syria *could* have been stabilizing given a commitment to keep the local apes in line, and yes in the Middle East that means busting a few skulls. Russia’s elite is just unwilling to jeopardize any lucrative economic ties and frankly they may have no alternative. Let’s face it, even with SDF midgets the best they can do is letting Turkey gobble up even more of Syria by whacking Afrin–not so stable.
Of course Sisi doesn’t “trust” the Axis of Donald; doesn’t matter, he still needs the cash. Just a year or so ago he leaned towards Assad and Russia; then Russian wobbling, US weapons and the Saudi checkbook got him back in line. It is what it is, and is Egypt even an ally you should try that hard for.
The only skulls that have not been busted yet are Israeli and US skulls, childish provocations will exist from those that are child minded, Russia does not have to react to such provocations.
Russsia can play Turkey indirectly against US which will buy them time to clean ISIS and establish secure borders with Iraq, US intents are clear to everyone in the region, they are running out of options.
Sisi will play both side of the fence, I think a raproachment with Russia will be more genuine than the appearance of cooperation with Saudi Arabia. Egypt has had a long history of Russian cooperation until Camp David accord. US meddling and support of Muslim brotherhood and other terrorist organizations has left Egypt in a quandary.
Yes and no; we will see. On these pages we sometimes see joos behind every tree and seriously how long will Americans continue to accept this kind of government, but indeed Turkey’s transgressions are more substantial than Israel’s and the Kremlin indulges them in much the same way. It is what it is, there’s finite global clout behind this intervention without China on board.
And don’t upvote your own posts: you may have walked on water, but your comments should stand on their own merit. ;-)
I believe in what I say. My comments stand on their own merit, I get to vote with what I agree.
The current type of government in the US reflects the decrepit intellectual and moral condition of the society, it will eventually self implode.
As far Turkey’s transgressions compared to Israel’s, that can be debated, I am Armenian, so I look at Turks with greater indignation for their actions than Jews, even though their are not better.
Russia is playing a good hand handling Turkey and every other player in the area, in my opinion Putin can be more forceful, however, his approach has yielded good results.
That still no proof a proof is a video, picture or dokment. Thats still a teoru
Because in 2016 the democratically elected leader of the Philippines, Duerete, very publicly called Obama a ‘son of a bitch’ in response to US State Department criticisms of Philippine war on drugs policy/ harsh methods. Duerete told US in no uncertain manner to butt out of domestic Philippine policy matters and significantly implied he would consider reducing US-Philippine military ties in future (read threatened current US bases in Philippines).
This sort of independent approach, in what US considers its direct sphere of influence – recall Philippines is an ex US-military subjugated colony – does not go down too well in Washington and Pentagon.
Then, hey presto, suddenly, in 2017 a surge of very well armed and equipped ISIS units (loaded up with satellite phones, M16’s, RPG’s etc) appear in Philippines in offensive mode and make serious progress against the state. In foreign policy circles, some argue this is simply the rawest style of Geo-politics in action – and all main players concerned fully understand this – that it is deep-covert US sponsored activity to give Duerete a frightening dose of US-power based reality to pull him sharply back into line.
So, all a big coincidence, maybe, then again, maybe not.
As in Qatar selling gas to China and accepting Yuen instead of US dollars .
There is proof if you wish to look. Do your own research or continue believing all CNN tells you. I care little either way . The US has no real allies,only vassal states ruled over by political predators .
I hate cnn and love rt but i love the truth and its not the one where isa supports isis
@ Gleni Polus,
Just to help you on your disturbing journey into reality.
Because Philippines are switching alliances to china and Russia.
They already said they are not a colony of the US.
Their new president hates the US.
Maybe u should watch his interview RT and see what he says about “the CIA are going to kill me soon”.
Ull understand a little more when u see it.
Because the Philipinnes is looking more east to China and Russia and trying to get out from the USA control of there foreign policy. the Philipinnes is so damn tired of being under the control of america. why dont you actually find out the truth about something before spouting your rubbish!
and Libya
Yes, indeed. Another country ruined by the United States of America and her vassals in NATO.
you could say things like this of the Russians, but it wouldn’t be true.
Yes because you dont have proof that russia funds isis. And the same thing goes for the us you dont have any proof that they are funding isis. And teorys are teorys with no proof at all. In this way i can say that all russians are demons but thats not true becaus there is no proof of it.
there is no proof to your satisfaction, but there are mountains of evidence, coordinated attack by c130 aircraft and isis storming forces, transfers of western weapons, and ideological partners like saudi arabia who pretty openly arm isis with raytheon made weapons. I guess it all depends on how many bricks it takes to make a wall.
Usa maybe wants isis to win but they are not supporting isis direktly there scared thats what i mean
I have no dowt that saudia arabia has supported isis
Blood in, blood out.
Yes, it must suck to have to do it this way, find the leaders from the air etc. They were hoping that ISUS would take over Syria providing an excuse for US takeover. Ah well, didn’t go to plan…
100% correct i support that point.USA fears the captured terrorist will reveal everything to SAA and Russians.
USA is in deep shit. Info is gonna leak along with hard evidence. Gonna have a hard time defending themselves for funding Isis and aiding Isis.
Soviet Union fell 27 years a go.
USA next.
20 trillion in debt
Here come the bread lines!
Think about it; US and its coalition of more than 60 countries have been killing ISIS for 7 years and this bunch of cannibal ragheads expanded in first 5 years until Russia stepped in.
Evidence in the past 7 years and common sense bring no doubt to me that US is ISIS. Whenever the US says they killed a terrorist, it’s absolutely fake news.
Gotta love that anti-dust muzzle device.
Great that SAA has a land link to Iraq.
But I do not see how the salient advance to T2 will work out.
Their flanks are in the air. In Anbar province the border area has not been secured. The Iraqi army is still sitting on their ass in Haditha. Unless the PMU is moving north on their side of the border, is there any news of this ? This SAA operation towards T2 is over long desert roads. The closer they get to Al Bukama, the more chance that can be hit hard in the flank by ISUS.
Helos would help a lot, especially that tight in. Just a guess at what they are doing.
“that tight in” could you please clarify? T2 may be a bit far from where helo support can be provided effectively. Seems most SAA units get motivated to, you know, liberate their country once they’re reminded that they’re not the only suitors. May be a bit like how the Kangxi Emperor got hold of Taiwan. It is what it is, none of us are in their shoes.
It seems a waste of human lives NOT using air support if and when available. Besides in a running fight in the desert an eye in the sky (with few missiles attached to it) is a must. It usually turns into semi blind a mad dash between supply points and equally mad counter attacks – one would almost wish all that Iranian drones weren’t just for show…
They have limited amount of Helicopters and are pushing on many fronts .
RuAF has plenty. T2 base with half a dozen Mi-25/28s and same number of Mi-17 for supply and evac missions. BUT- supported by recce drones to cover 40.000km2 area of operation and lead air assets to ISIL targets. Desert front will decide the real winner of Syrian war. It deserved a dedicated air force detachment IMHO.
No shortage of human lives getting wasted so far. I don’t get this: tank looks badass, advances in the desert, and prompty becomes ATGM fodder–again and again. For each individual crew it may seem bad luck, but the officer corps is there to see the pattern and adjust, right? Infantry seems to light up in IR when the Americans hunt them. Can Russia provide adequate drone support or whatever else you’d need, or just not on all fronts simultaneously?
Russians lag behind in drone technology – that’s way they relay on choppers and old school air strikes. They were buying recce drones from Israel up until few years ago. I don’t think they operate significant number of armed ones and apart from Orlans that are tactical birds have a handful of larger drones with adequate range.
AtGM is becoming less and less effective vs SAA and crew. They have had to dodge so much of it, they pretty much know what to do now. Attack helos are perfect or the terrain and available air defense offered by the other side. The SAA is strecthed pretty thin but, they get stronger everyday, not weaker. It would not surprize me to start hearing of constant CAS by AHs in that area, in the not too distant future.
Hello Ma_Laoshi. Tight in means close. Russian attack Helos would help a lot there, especially considering they are focusing on setting up for the big border closing NE of T2. It is also going to take time to rehab that base. So, the sooner they take it the better. Have a great day.
“Tight in means close” I figured that, like “keep it tight”. Reminds me of the firing-range instructor asking for our experience, and me truthfully answering “only video games”. “Games are fine”, he said, “learn to go prone and look down the sight, and you’re halfway there.”
But I’m still not sure “close to what”? From the follow-up, I guess close to a base from which they can operate. Thanks for your answers and Hrky75 as well. And why are Iranian drones only for show–unarmed? Wouldn’t that still help?
The Iraqi Army new policy is to not report things but the PMU have linked up with the SAA along the border up until they diverged and believe they started a push on Qaim earlier . They will await any permission from Iraq to enter Syria .The problem is Syria has many fronts going in Khanasir and Ithyria highway ,Jobar etc.
T2-T3 road will be controlled by SAA much like Kanasser Ithryia road – albeit for much shorter time. Any meaningful ISIL counter attack would presumably come either from Bukamal or Mayadin – head on towards T2 or a flanking move through the desert. I hope RuAF brought enough longer range recce drones for early warning and on-time Su-34 interdiction
I need to really sit down again and really analyze the current situation on the ground and come up with best strategy lol