Russian servicemen rest on top of an armoured personnel carrier (APC) as S-300 air defense missile systems launch missiles during the Keys to the Sky competition at the International Army Games 2017 at the Ashuluk shooting range outside Astrakhan, Russia August 5, 2017. (photo credit: MAXIM SHEMETOV/REUTERS)
Deliveries of Russian S-300 air defense systems to Syria minimized the possibility of successful Israeli air strikes, Syrian Army political bureau head Brig. Gen. Hasan Ahmad Hasan told the Russian news agency Sputnik in an interview.
“There is no concept of zero probability in military strategy. We cannot say that this probability has been reduced to zero. Because we are talking about open skies, extended borders, various technologies… Therefore, I cannot say that in the end there will not be such a probability, however, the probability of this aggression achieving its goals has been minimized,” Hasan stated commenting on the possibility of new Israeli attacks on Syria following the S-300 deliveries.
Russia delivered launchers, radars and command and control vehicles of the advanced air-to-surface missile system to Syria in early October. The decision to deliver the S-300 system to Syria was a response to the downing of a Russian reconnaissance plane by Syrian air defenses during an Israeli air strike on targets in Syria during the previous month.
Jerusalem Post Arab-Israeli Conflict
“There is no concept of zero probability in military strategy. We cannot say that this probability has been reduced to zero.”
2 minute read.
> Russian Chief Rabbi: Israel shouldn’t rely on anyone, S-300 was ‘mistake’
> Russia establishes channel for Israel-Iran dialogue
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Syrian officer: Russia’s S-300 system minimizes success of Israeli strike
Russian servicemen rest on top of an armoured personnel carrier (APC) as S-300 air defense missile systems launch missiles during the Keys to the Sky competition at the International Army Games 2017 at the Ashuluk shooting range outside Astrakhan, Russia August 5, 2017. (photo credit: MAXIM SHEMETOV/REUTERS)
The deployment of Russia’s advanced S-300 anti-aircraft systems to Syria has minimized the chances of successful Israeli air strikes, a senior Syrian officer said Thursday.
“There is no concept of zero probability in military strategy,” Syrian Army political bureau head Brig.-Gen. Hasan Ahmad Hasan told Russia’s Sputnik News. “We cannot say that this probability has been reduced to zero, because we are talking about open skies, extended borders, various technologies… Therefore, I cannot say that in the end there will not be such a probability, however, the probability of this aggression achieving its goals has been minimized.”
On November 7, another Russian state-run news agency, TASS, reported that Russian technical specialists had completed the reconfiguration of the supplied systems to replace the Russian codes and letter frequencies of the ground radar to the letter codes and radars to Syrian ones.
“All three battalions armed with S-300PMU-2 systems are ready for combat operation in Syria. Syrian military personnel are now to be instructed in their use,” TASS quoted a military source as saying.
Since Russia announced its decision to provide S-300 air defense systems to Syria in late September, Israeli top officials have repeatedly threated to destroy them. However, so far, no Israeli airstrikes have taken place in the war-torn country.
The General must first get the cart ahead of the horse. We need the General to say the S300s will make it harder for his troops to shoot down Russian planes. After we stop his troops from shooting down Russian planes then and only then should we focus on thwarting Israeli attacks. My understanding is the S300s identify friendly aircraft and then tries to stop Syrian troops from shooting them down… according to the General nothing is fool proof. Certainly no one will every spoof Russian aircraft. No one has built a drone that can spoof Russian aircraft.
He said that reduced the probability for the Israeli planes to achieve their goal so yes, that include mistakenly shooting down Russian planes.
He’s just being humble so one can spot the difference between arrogant joo narrative and it’s enemies.
let’s not pretend this rhetoric is smart ;)
Smart means being always a step ahead of your enemy and quit bragging.
It looks like you know everything about being smart.
You’ll be when you stop taking bacon.
All I wanted in my life was to be just like you
you all sound like people who ate a whole lot of shit. just saying.
Thanks for feeling for us like your family.
evidently your real family is aware that yall eat a lot of shit and doesn’t miss the opportunity to remind you.
perhaps they just want your kind to go back to your holes, instead of whining ziojihadist tunes over the web.
evidently you are a failed abortion
Syria ⚔️ must aggressively use S-300+Systems to scare away ? Warmonger Jews ??
Russian Chief Rabbi: Israel shouldn’t rely on anyone, S-300 was ‘mistake’
yeah.. I think the American taxpayer has something to say about that..
Indeed H!! Let’s see what Trump does next. The war against the US Deep State is about to commence “big time” and it’s going to get very hairy over there! Unredacted FISA Report, destruction of Robert Mueller, indictments against a host of key personalities of the US Deep State including Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, James Clapper, Peter Strzok, James Comey, Barack Hussein Obama, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Maxine Waters, Diane Feinstein, Bob Holder and the list goes on and on! What happens next in Syria will be a sideshow……………and there are “very big bones to pick” with the perfidious United Kingdom and its GCHQ and equally perfidious and actually corrupt and stupid Australia and its ASIO!!!……….Conspiring to interfere in the US election on the behalf of Hillary Clinton for the Rothschild’s clan!!. Very big international crime!!
Dear Syria general, you do not know what your talking about. S-300 is not there to minimize, it is there to nullify totally any Israel attack to Syria. Never think about partial victory of Israel, think about total victory of Syria.
You have to hand it to the Russians, they have been very careful no to escalate tensions, the Russians have played a very steady incremental game, they move their pieces very slowly and incrementally, if they tried to deploy these A2AD systems when they first came in, they might’ve provoked a reaction. almost all territories have been liberated, and with the idlib dmz, now instead of running for their victory they took a big step towards it. they used the shooting down of their plane very cleverly to deploy their air defense systems, game on !..