Syrian security forces have seized large weapons caches left behind by militants in the provinces of Homs and Quneitra, according to the country’s state-run media.
In the villages of Briqa, Beir Ajam and Rasm al-Sanad in Quneitra province, security troops seized communication devices, a reconnaissance drone, US-made TOW missiles, various weapons and ammunition, including missiles, tank shells, mortar rounds, anti-tank shells, explosives detectors, jamming devices, and night vision binoculars, as well as multiple vehicles.
In the area of al-Houla in Homs province, security forces captured a number of machineguns, various ammunition, mortar shells and homemade rockets.
The uncovering of weapons caches is a coomon thing in the formally liberated areas across Syria. This shows that the security sitaution in the country still remains complicated because the Damascus government has not enough resources to rapidly secure all territory it controls. One of the main reason of this is that Damascus is focusing its efforts on solving the terrorism problem in the northwestern part of Syria.
Photos of the weapons captured in the province of Quneitra:
Wow some serious dosh, to be sent to Hezbollah.
Does anyone know what the last vehicle is ?….. mobile crematorium ?.
Could be the Jihadist raised the antenna high to cry out for help.
But it did not make a difference. :D
Incredible amount of weapons that USA-Israel-NATO have sent to terrorists, and this is just a small part of it. SAA must keep looking for more because I am sure they have stored in hide places for future (?) use.
The grease paper wrapped SPG-9 recoilless artillery with munitions in sealed plastic – likely Saudi purchased order-shipments from Bulgarian arsenals:
First photograph looks like the equipment for a CCS. . . . . .