The Syrian Air Defense Forces have launched an anti-aircraft missile against an Israeli warplane flying over Lebanon, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) said on October 16.
According to the IDF, the missile didn’t hit its target.
Earlier today,an anti-aircraft missile was launched from Syria towards IDF aircraft during a routine flight over Lebanon. No hits confirmed
— IDF (@IDFSpokesperson) 16 October 2017
Meanwhile, the IDF reported the Israeli Air Force destroyed a battery of the S-200 system (NATO reporting name: SA-5) of the Syrian military east of Damascus.
According to the IDF, the battery was damaged and became no longer operational.
“If anti-aircraft fire is being carried out for any military activity, we will respond as we did now,” IDF spokesman Ronen Manlis told reporters.
The tensions between Syria and Israel are furher growing as ISIS collapses around Syria. Tel Aviv sees the victory of the Syrian-Iranian-Russian alliance in Syria as a threat to its influence in the region.
Israel allegedly notified Russia of the airstrike on the Syrian S-200 in real time.
“The Russians were notified in real time, or maybe just before [the attack],” a representative of the IDF press service said, according to the Russian state-run media outlet Sputnik.
The Syrian Defense Ministry released a statement saying that the Syrian Air Defense Forces responded to a violation of Syria’s airspace by Israeli warplanes.
“The General Command of the Army and Armed Forces said in a statement that at 8: 51 am on Monday Israeli warplanes violated Syria’s airspace on the border with Lebanon in Baalbek area, to which “our air defenses responded and directly hit one of the jets, forcing [the enemy] to retreat.”
The Command’s statement also said that the Israeli enemy fired at 11: 38 am a number of missiles from inside the occupied territories that hit a Syrian army position in the countryside of Damascus, resulting in material damage.
The Command warned of the “dangerous repercussions” of Israel’s repeated aggression attempts, stressing Syria’s determination to continue its war against the terrorist groups, Israel’s arm in the region,” the Syrian state-run media outlet SANA reports quoting the statement.
So all we know is something happened – I’ll wait for the SAA statement to get a true account of what exactly it was
israhell is all arrogance and hollow … it needs that cos its terrorists have been defeated in syria and iraq totally … it is lonely at the deepest end of perm hell
An foot for an eye. Cash. Expected. Syrians are so stupid.
HaHaHaaa… are you trying to be funny, stupid??? If the IDF and Israel will ever want to destroy Syria (which is not their intention) because, they don’t want that shithole Syria anyway??? They could do it, in a flash, even with the baby sitting Russian army there and Putin’s support. The SAA doesn’t exist and is a weak piece of shit army that needs ‘baby sitters’ to win any battle, its the Russian army that’s doing all the work for the SAA and the criminally insane Assad!!! You abortion brain!!!
I did indeed think that all the ISIS dead scum strewn around Mayadan would indeed anger the Zionist scum entity.
You might frequent a globe or take of Your niqab.
You might like to take another look at some of those ISIS clowns. They look like Hebrews to me.
Im not like that. We have about 400.000 muslims here and many of them kind of brown. Many are now danish citicens and fine people. Other are not danish, but they are not criminals by their skin color.
I cant see any Jews should have any reason to rob an empty Syrian bank at all even the shekel is low.
Actually according to UN international law anyone playing any roll in replacing an ethnic people group is guilty of genocide, making the racist invaders criminals with no morals.
you are here too jew jew ??
You might take off your Kippa Jens.
I agree. Let’s just copy pasted this every time he’s trolling.You might take off your Kippa Jens.
I think Jens is paid by the word…..There are so many of them.
Good idea :)
The natural born aggressor and self-declared victim is angry that its plans in the region are failed. One day both roles will be thrown in your ugly face.
I hope Egypt invades once war truly breaks out between Israel and Syria. Any chance that might happen?
I hope that this wil come. togheter with the PMU from Iraq as true Brother’s in War.Once t free Arap ppl from Zionist after 70 years
Makes me laugh. Such things are based on facts. You are busy killing Your own. How many extra to the more then 400.000.
Soon You will need to take all the palestinians and wastbanker to fill up Syria.
Seemes like Egyptians have their own problems and have to pass a jihadist strongzone first.
Hard to unnderstand so many know so little about facts in Your own region. Makes me laugh SAA should attack Israel. It will probatly be after some tour de 2 times around Al Tanf and T2 in 3009.
Trump will always side with the Israelis no matter what they do. Many of his constitutents are Christian Zionists (they don’t call themselves that but that is what they are). They are a dangerous cult: http://www.newsilkstrategies.com/opinion/fellow-conservatives-we-need-to-talk-prt-2
They are just slightly less dangerous than wahhabi moslems if they get into real power.
Do Wahhabis have nukes?
Why not vince.they certainly have chemical weapons.pakistan learned how to make nukes.so wahabs can be given some nuclear,make a dirty bomb and in a false flag blame syrians or russkies for it or some other abc group.
Ok but a nuke in the hands of a terrorist group would not start a world war. Ask why if you need to.
They might. If there’s a conditions that can be used by political actors. Even a whistleblower end up as spy.
Thanks for asking. Because no world power wants a nuclear war. All the hawk talk is politics. If a terrorist group sets off a nuke, no one has the will to destroy the planet by attacking another world power. That’s not good for the legacy..
The Muslims, Jihadists Terrorists all want ‘NUKES’!!! Because (in their warped and twisted abortion brains) a nuclear explosion will propel all of them to the 72 virgins and Allah in heaven, like the ‘Concord’, mad cunts, always were and always will be!!!
there is no false flag with nukes.
Have you heard of a dirty bomb like i said?
Brother Nathanael “Moral Rot Of Zionist Christians”
Exposing Zionist Christians
How The Jews Mock Jesus Christ
The Jewish Talmud Exposed
Israel’s Master Plan
Who cares? s200 is useless.
right, tell that to the passenger of the airliner shot down by the ukrainians in 2000 over the black sea
yup, undefeated civil planes. the only taget, which can hit.
Syrian dont have S-300/400..only old SAM5 and medium range missile ineffective vs long range AGM 142 IDF missile!…Russia dont supply that weapons as Israel dont build gas pipeline to Cyprus and to EU!..thats why israel can attack Syria!
They were targetting a drone and hit an airliner a huge distance away killing innocents… big success …
That wasn’t s200, but buk missile system
Please help is this s-400 a system or is this not yet fuel containers on trucks.If it’s a system why is it not functioning.
According to the report, s-200 was hit. s-200 is a prehistoric air defense system that never managed to hit something in the sky as far as I know.
s-400 is a new, modern air defense system operated by russian military inside Syria and the red army won’t fire its missiles towards any target unless they (themselves) are threatened. Of course, they should not.
Had the missile been hit Israel jets, there wouldn’t be any news, at all.
Damaskus was in ruins or something. Israel never bend. So there was news after that.
How did the S-200 battery become damaged ? What weapon system was used to damage it … ?
How did IAF fighter plane manage to avoid getting hit … ? Was that fighter plane F-16 ?
so many questions …
Non mystery at all. Of course, Russia saw Israel plane and the attack, but Russia does not want to bother Israel at all. Russia allowed Israel to attack Syria, that’s simple.
This was a military intelligence gathering operation by the Russians/Syrians that is why they used such an outdated system, no real loss but they acquired tech info from the Israeli missile launch. War is in the details which we are not privy to.
and the brave russian system s-200 was not able to hit the shitty, dirty zionostic flyng machine.
yeah, in Solomonia S-200s never hit israeli jets.
hm, today in syria did not hit.
but zionost slinger desroyed syrian battery.
see, even if they are honest, they wouldn’t know, which makes them dishonest anyway.
They came under fire from a battery and launched ARMs in self defence according to them.
That means they don’t have any way to know if they hit anythig, because as it was a sudden, pop-up threat, they would not have drones or recon planes over the S-200 battery. ARM missiles don’t call back to report hits neither.
IAF may claim anything, it doesn’t mean it is the truth. Maybe no battery was damaged. How are they going to check? Probably a local spy, but all they are going to say is that a bomb hit the target.
How the planes avoid getting hit? IAF flies over Lebanon on civilian air corridors, and even using civilian aircraft as cover when they attack. If you shoot with missile you may hit the civilian craft, and the PR fallout would be huge. So the missile shot may not be safe until it’s too late, and then it is just a warning shot. It’s a bit like daesh using civilians as a shield. Despicable.
Syria should make a air-defense-deal with Libanon to protect both from the zionist – nazi aggression! YEA – even known members of the knesset acknowledge, that Israel ist an apartheit staat of race discrimination and extreme harassment! –
May be the best would be a no fly zone over all Israel – so everybody could down every israelien combat-aircraft.
hahaha, this was in bekaa. in 4h syria lost all of its air defence system :DDD
according to who?
reality. this was so big bang, that the commies fall in moscow. i remember that thing. they realized, west is far away and must change the system. therefore came gorbachev.
s-200’s are old AA. should have been more than adequate for ‘ISIS airforce’….. Syria thanks Israel for giving them a reason to upgrade to S-400. Israel cannot outspend Syrias new defensive arsenal supplied by Russia. I hear China will be helping with infrastructure rebuilding, so no US contracts post war on that front either
Israel can EASILY outspend Syria, as Russia’s pockets are not that deep that they can give away state of the art free toys. Whereas Israel only needs to ask Washington for free stuff and it will bend over backwards to accommodate. Whatever it wants Israel will get.
yet they run the risk to make the entire sunni world understand that they’ve been using them as cannon fodder against iran by wielding the saudi leadership, who probably has been promised dominance over the oil markets worldwide.
I don’t think the Saudis have much cred with the average Arab. Maybe all the Sunni governments such Saudi cock, but most Arabs know damn well that Israel and the Saudis are in cahoots. Iran’s main problem in the Arab world is not so much that they’re Shia, but that they’re not Arabs. They used to have a lot of street cred opposing Israel and the US, but Tehran’s support for Assad, which the Arab streets sees as a bloodthirsty dictator, has cause most of that cred to evaporate.
my take is that the Saudis has a large degree of influence over the sunni world because it wields a powerful religious entity such as wahabism, although i’m pretty sure that they have their hands in the entire spectrum of sunni “parties”
The Saudis main source of influence is that they control the two Holy Places, Mecca and Medina, and thus who gets to go there, and that they have shitloads of money to buy off other governments. Other then that nobody seems to like them that much. It’s not like their corruption and subservience to the US and Israel goes unnoticed on the Arab streets.
As for their sponsoring of wahabism, wahabism preaches a return to pure Islam, not subservience to the Saudi state. It sounds strange that the Saudis would sponsor this but it makes sense if you realize that there is a compromise between wahabists in Saudi Arabia and the Saudi state. If they don’t rock the boat and accept the status quo in Saudi Arabia, they get money and the freedom to proselyte their brand of Islam. As such wahabism is a product of Saudi Arabia, but its not a product of the Saudi state. It’s independent. That’s what I seem to get.
Russia has done great stuff in Syria probably saving the region and the world(after Syria would have been Iran and who knows where this could have led to).However, I think both Syria and Iran were let down when it comes to weapon sales.If Russia can contemplate selling S400 to Turkey and worse yet Saudi Terror Arabia then why not to Syria and Iran.I know that people will tell me that Iran has S300 but remember that came with many delays and that Syria cannot afford S400 presently but it requested it before all that western manufactured chaos began…
Russia knows what it is doing. It has S-400s in Syria but in Russian hands. It knows that if Syria controlled them, there’d be a risk of them shooting down an Israeli jet. There are several reasons to avoid this, incl Russia’s ambition to lead talks betw Saudis and Israel on one hand and the Shiites on the other. They would lose this opp if they were perceived as biased.
I though Lebannon was an independent country, what is Israel doing flying over it?
Short answer: Lebanon has virtually no air defense network and Israel has violated their airspace with impunity for decades.
Hisbollah too.
Hisbollah are native shia lebanese moslems.thus no invasion,unless you take account of original invasion of moslems into there in 600 700 ad.
Hesbolah is mainly mad Iranians Iran cant handle themselves.
When you resort to cuss, I can’t hold my smile! Go on! :)
Really? I thought that they were Lebanese civilians who got fed up with zionist terrorist outrages and kicked them out of most of south Lebanon. Ooh-aah Hezbollah.
Jensy, your pro zio trolling is below par lately.
Hezbollah Can Wide Attack to Israel Every Moment .
They have Everythink like :
SA-16 / ATGM / Near 50/000 Fighters / Many MLRS / Heavy Infrared Guaide Mortars / Zelzal-3 and Fateh-110 and Fateh-313 Missiles and Anti Ship Missiles and ……. Every Think that you cant think dear jew jew
Not only Muslims, there are Lebanese Christians in their ranks too.
Hezb belongs to the lebanon you ignorant supporter of zio criminals and land grabbing gypsies.
See my comment with links for him, above
Do you also know that Honest Rabbis admit the only TRUE Prophets were Islamic ? https://youtu.be/mlLZKUuc2jk
My Islamic friends call me FAROOQ for good reason, although I am Atheist by decision :-)
That’s kinda impossible, as Islam has only been around since the 6th century A.D. and there were many prophets of Israel years and years before that.
Do you believe everything you hear?
NO, and especially I don’t believe you exist.
I could tell right away that you lived in your own little version of reality.
Thank you
When you are able to discern it, and you are not.
Hezbollah are SEMITIC and thus INDIGENOUS to the Middle East but ISRAELIS are NOT Semitic and thus NOT Indigenous.
They are Khazar/European and have no NATURAL RIGHT in the Middle East : https://rehmat1.com/2013/09/21/israeli-historian-jews-are-not-semitic-people/ AND http://www.the-scientist.com/?articles.view/articleNo/37821/title/Genetic-Roots-of-the-Ashkenazi-Jews/ AND https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHj5aH4Mox8 AND http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/03/01/new-genome-study-destroys-zionist-claims-to-palestine/ AND http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/10/10/jews-must-die-if-they-have-to/ AND http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/leaked-report-israel-acknowledges-jews-in-fact-khazars-secret-plan-for-reverse-migration-to-ukraine/#ixzz3LZazleF2
I have many more including reputable “Jewish” sources, if you need them on your journey to KNOWING what you are talking about
I was one of the FEW who saved links BEFORE GOOGLE decided to CENSOR, because……………..
I know the MIND of the (FALSE) JEWS
You are confused. Very confused. Why do you make these things up?
Are you saying all those links are “made-up”………Why do fools like you exist?
You really do believe everything you see and hear, don’t you?
Ever hear of P.T. Barnum: “There’s a fool born every minute”? Well, you fit the bill.
I understand. from your style that you are Branum’s protege
Thanks for the excellent links.
It is obvious that Palestinians, being the survivors of 2,000 years inside the great mixing pot of Palestine, probably have more Biblical Jewish blood in them than the fake European Jew converts that are stealing their land.
There was no Diaspora. Following the destruction of their Temple, the indigenous people living there (including Canaanites) didn’t go anywhere. They became Romans, and then Christians, then Muslims, then European Crusaders, then back to Muslims. Now, we just call them Palestinians.
Thus, Palestinians are God’s chosen people, and are entitled to the land that God gave to them.
So TRUE and you are most welcome.
All Palestinians are Semitic ( Christians, Muslim and Jew) who were there BEFORE those European (KHAZAR converted )”Jews” invaded.
Rubbish, palestinians also have aryan blood from sea peoples and minoan and mycenean greek and later the Gentiles of the holy land ie hellenistic greek descendants once maccabbees jews took over .
You are right that they are mostly semitic however.
The only thing which matters is they are SEMITIC and what else you say WITHOUT PROOF, I might add is simply irrelevant and the REAL RUBBISH but thanks, anyway for your comment.
Please note I PROVE what I say with SOURCES where are yours???
http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/10/10/jews-must-die-if-they-have-to/ AND http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/mapstellstory.html AND http://www.the-scientist.com/?articles.view/articleNo/37821/title/Genetic-Roots-of-the-Ashkenazi-Jews/
Free spirit.
My education did not start this year,last year or even ten years ago.it is life long. So i do not have links at hand.my facts and knowledge of history even predate internet.
I think you are uneducated and know nothing about history or you qould not have reacted as vehemently about what i said. I reckon you dont even know half of the peoples or timeframes entailed or you would have mentioned them.
Yet i will remember your name and when i find some refs i will send them to you. I did the same for someone else here a month or two ago.
Mine started 77 years ago and I get fed-up with Zionist like you who want Goy to believe YOUR WORD is enough
Sorry but it isn’t and your distracting TACTICS don’t work with me
Now SHOO fly, until you provide proof and thanks for stopping by
That is not true.sephardi and mizrahi jews are not khazar at all.they are semitic jews in the main.
Proof please in the form of LINK SOURCES
Wow.very touchy!! Let me guess ,you dont know what mizrahi or sephardi jews are?
Mmmhh! Touchy personality, rude,infantile insecure behaviour. You would not be stereotypical muslim are you?
Proof please or are you saying you cannot provide proof that 98 % of Israelis are not ASHKENAZI
Never said they were
you as stupid as dutchnational
They are the same.Same troll..2 fake accounts
Without the determination of Hezbollah the Lebanon would likely have been part of Greater Israel by now.
Hizbollah is Lebanese. How can they violate their own country?
Syrian rockets are foreigners too. Why did Syria withdrew.
Lebanon was a part of Syria until guys like you draw own border line you ignorant supporter of zio criminals and land grabbing gypsies.
“Routine flight” over Lebanon . They think this is normal !
For them it is ;-)
so they are dirty jew jew
Defeating ISIS in SYria will not end the war. SAA will need defeat FSA and most and Israel. Therefore, Assad need purchase better military hardware, including Air Plane, Air Defence System, Attack helicopters and infantry weapons in order to have a chance with Israel
where take assad money?
Assad is stockpiling a ton of missiles, no worries Israel won’t dare start a war, if they’re dumb enough to do so they will get wiped out once and for all, it will be the greatest event in centuries.
Who are you trying to kid??? The SAA and the previous Assad got his ass kicked many times by the IDF!!! Nothing has changed and its gotten worst these days. If this current Assad ever tries to attack Israel but, Israel doesn’t want that shithole Syria anyway, Assad and his SAA will get their feet stuck that far up their ass that all of them will be walking on their heads, you dumb ass!!!
OK don’t have a heart attack now
There is no “in-between” people
It is either ZIONISM or FREEDOM!
The WAR in Syria and Middle East ( and Western countries) will NEVER end. It will simply TRANSFORM, as I have been saying, using different words, for over a year now, UNLESS and UNTIL we “take out” Tel Aviv, or at least the Rothschild family
If you don’t agree, it is because you are Zionist yourself OR you have not read any part of the TALMUD and PROTOCOLS of ZION
Endless war is a Jew world order cabal business that they make a lot of money on.
Freespirit is right you ignorant supporter of zio criminals and land grabbing gypsies.
Thank you for recognizing TRUTH. The world needs more like you BUT sadly it is lacking
A ZIONIST Laughing on the OUTSIDE but CRYING on the inside?
Thanks for enjoying my comment
HaHaHaaa what a fu*King ReTard you must be!!! Every post is an anti-Semitic hate post! You must have allot of problems especially in you brain and very troubled times at home and take it all out on your keyboard and the internet!
The TROLLS are really out in this article so thanks for showing me another example
Take care now
You are an agent provocateur and I suggest you boil your bottom, you animal food-trough wiper.
Thanks for stopping by. Even you TROLLS are welcome because you reminds me of the STUPIDITY of so many
What are you. haSSbara or USuk fraud?
I am NOT you, that’s for certain.
How many names, TROLL, are you using this time???
Another one. You’re a busy little boy, are you not
hey ‘Freespirit’, what a fucking abortion brained retard you must be!!! But then again, you are just a keyboard ‘COWARD’, as only COWARDS spew and troll like you!!! Are you a fucking retard or just trying very hard to be one??? Fuck off!!!
May I suggest a REVISION course in English for you.
Thank you
Do you notice how inefficient is the Syria army ?
according to israel, they are inferior to israelis, who have extraordinary intelligence and a daring spirit.
nobody forces us to not think otherwise though, especially those who arent jews.
whitecockie, but you personally talked about taking back of golan by saa ;)
when? care to point me to that comment, because i dont remember ever talking about that
months ago
yeah, the ISISrael have killed your generals, soldiers, aid personnel, etc, etc, and you did nothing, apart from brushing feathers, but ends up with nothing, not even mumbling, even when we all know whom is behind this, against the Russian forces, do you know what That reminds me of, huh, silent compliance, is to me as good as doing it, to your self, by constantly ignoring the problem, ISISrael.
Again, I have nothing but an itch, and that itch is scratching, more and more, double speak, where some can do whatever they want.
What it is, we can only assume, why, also, but the facts are obvious, what is it, that ISISrael have, or what they are, that makes an super power like Russia but cheek spreading in front of the scums, that, have I never fully understood, greed, threats, what, oil, since Russia is already cooperating with the Kurds, and now talks about Syria/Iraq as nations while they deals with the Kurdish scums.
Russia, my final warning, they have killed you before, millions, burned down lands, have no morale nor trust, and yet, you ignore the truth, and you will, again, bleed for that, are you blind, Russia, ignorance isnt a bliss, its an deadly force.
And I am afraid you will be gone, in 10 years, You and China will be gone, the cross road is straight ahead, fight or die.
Errr.. fight or die or peace? So which is it?
So more hysteria (again). The western attempt at regime change didn’t pan out, so they throw their monthly fit. Even massive amounts of airstrikes won’t win a war without ground forces, and Israel simply doesn’t have the means or manpower to try that. Probably explains why they need ISIS scumbags to help them illegally occupy the Golan region. Also, in the future it might be better for Syria to avoid exposing their air defense positions unless they are in immediate danger. Just saying.
Seems unlikely Syria would attack an Israeli plane outside it’s territory. More info please!
My point of urgiment is whenever SAA is attack Russia isalways notify prior to the incident but does nothing.
Fantasy moment…
Iran sends 1 Battery of S 300 with reloads to Damascus
Tells Israel ahead of time they will.
When asked by Russia why are you doing this,
Iran reply’s,……..”We want to know if these systems work…..or if we just bought useless junk after waiting for years”
“In real time”? That means they gave Russia no time to warn Syrians. Why even bother telling Russians? That’s no courtesy call, that’s rubbing their noses in it.
That Russian made S-200 was gifted by Russia, who waived 90% of Syrian military debts, and is now paraded in headlines as utterly worthless in defending anything.
How would you know where the s-200 came from?
Although Russia could have donated some in these years as far as i remember the missiles in Syrian inventory were sold by the Soviet Union in the 70/80ies.
dont phantasize, cockie!
I wonder when someone will call you by your real name and you will again start screaming “hate speach!”, “SF, Help!” as you did so many times.
Israel is the main enemy in the ME and is master of mayhem and destruction and has been for decades. OK so they kncok out an outdated S200 battery – let’s see how they do against S300 or 400 and Pantsir. The time will come when the Syrians will have to down IAF jets like it or not to drive it home to the Israeli’s that they are no longer master of the ME and can do as they please. We all know who funded trained and armed ISIS; i.e., Israel, so we know who the purveyor of terrorism is to both the ME, Europe and the US especially if they do not get their way in the ME.
I agree, at the moment the Syrians are taking on one enemy at a time but once the US head-chopping, heart-eating rapers have been seen off and the Kurds dealt with, the fascist pigs will get their turn.
“OK so they kncok out an outdated S200 battery”
actually it’s the claim they made. The syrians claimed to have shot down one israeli plane.
Wonder why we should believe the israelis if no proof is provided.
AMN confirmed
i don’t believe it.
provide technical proof.
In the past syrian claims of downing aircraft were proven false. But the israelis have no problem with their shitty bombings etc.
Fair comment – thanks!
It’s about time that the zionist antisemite bastards got taught some manners.
And who backs Israel?
dat dude?
they believe in it
kike Jews
hoooh, hey, you, antizionosts, howw will defeat syria israel with so shitty equipment????
lol, maniac, the israeli can’t even confirm they hit anything.
damascus confirmed