Syrian Army Uncovers Tons Of US-Supplied Ammunition In Southern Deir Ezzor (Photos)

On November 1, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) uncovered a large ammunition depot containing 450,000 bullets during a search operation around the city of al-Mayadin in the southern Deir Ezzor countryside, according to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA).

The SANA’s reporter in Deir Ezzor said that the bullets, which had been left behind by ISIS fighters, were all supplied by the US. Experts confirmed that the bullets are from the 7.62×51mm NATO caliber. The US-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) had used several rifles that are chambered in this caliber, such as the German Heckler & Koch G3 and the Belgian FN FAL.

ISIS likely bought these US-supplied bullets directly from the FSA. Earlier this year, a detailed report by the Conflict Armament Research (CAR) revealed how ISIS fighters in Iraq were able to obtain anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs) only few weeks after the US had supplied them to the FSA in Syria.

Syrian pro-government activists believe that loads of weapons and ammunition, which were supplied to the FSA under the Obama-era armament program, have ended up in the hands of ISIS. The program was reportedly ended by U.S. President Donald Trump in late 2017.


Syrian Army Uncovers Tons Of US-Supplied Ammunition In Southern Deir Ezzor (Photos)

Click to see full-size image, by the SANA

Syrian Army Uncovers Tons Of US-Supplied Ammunition In Southern Deir Ezzor (Photos)

Click to see full-size image, by the SANA

Syrian Army Uncovers Tons Of US-Supplied Ammunition In Southern Deir Ezzor (Photos)

Click to see full-size image, by the SANA

Syrian Army Uncovers Tons Of US-Supplied Ammunition In Southern Deir Ezzor (Photos)

Click to see full-size image, by the SANA

Syrian Army Uncovers Tons Of US-Supplied Ammunition In Southern Deir Ezzor (Photos)

Click to see full-size image, by the SANA

Syrian Army Uncovers Tons Of US-Supplied Ammunition In Southern Deir Ezzor (Photos)

Click to see full-size image, by the SANA

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Tommy Jensen


You can call me Al

Send them back to sender via their heads. US scum.

Ken Nonickname Nonecknom Under

*minus ? :)

Jens Holm

His middle name is copy paste. Like USA here we Cum.

You can call me Al

I meant via their heads, into their bollocks, so to me either works. LOL

Ken Nonickname Nonecknom Under

I thought sending them back minus their heads was a good plan. ;)

You can call me Al

That’ll do.

Jens Holm

The ususal far out common reflex like food faster or I will spank You my dear wife. I bought You because I was told, You were fast.


Jen Shol’m The only thing you ever bought in your miserable life was a kippah. Cost 1 Agora.

Jens Holm



The US and Co tons of weapons and fund still continue to ISIS and Al-Qaeda in Syria. These weapons are just tip of the ice berg. That is why the US economy has collapsed. Now watch and enjoy soon US will call back all ships and army forces around the world.

Zionism = EVIL

Even European reports show that so far over $8 billion worth of weaponry, funding and logistics have been handed over to the CIA’s darling headchoppers, the vast majority of money has come from Saudi body parts choppers and their Emirati lapdogs.

Zionism = EVIL

Thank the dumbass US moronic taxpayers for being the unofficial supplier of SAA and Hezbollah via the Zionist scum. All these weapons were bought in eastern European fleabags like Ukraine, Poland and Croatia and then shipped to Syria via Ashdod in Zionist occupied Palestine.

northerntruthseeker .

I smell hasbara/Jidf here… Only a dumb ass from that group would make this ridiculous statement!

Jens Holm

Most of us already know that very well being descriebed severaltimes in detail. A part of it before this also was, that the old FSA fell apart because it was very ineffective.

By that a lot was stolen as well as ISIS from FSA took with them, what they could.

Good job its found. Its new stuff. So the ammo probatly can be used right away. Very good for the economy “recycling” like that. Well I dont like Assads, but so are the facts.

Concrete Mike

Nice little track loader in the back too…hopefully it still works. Never ran one before…must be nice thougg…spin on a dime.

Jens Holm

Many years ago I actually held a Stinger missile at my shoulder. I understand You and would like to fire a few of those for amusement.

I hope Your wish come true.

Concrete Mike

Lol oh jens you can be so cute sometime…i was talking about the little tractor out back…regardless…. how heavy was the stinger? It seems bulky as fuck.

SFC Steven M Barry USA RET

Those are not US ammo cans.



SFC Steven M Barry USA RET

The “L” in L2A2 is a British designation. But it could be from any Commonwealth country.

Jens Holm

Its Nato standard ammunition. Its doesnt matter, where it is produced. Its for the ones, which use those standards – and thats many.

Several of those weapons also are in licensed productions.


They are NATO, origin probably Belgium. We used FNs in the Irish Ranger Corps, those are the same cans.


US Obama era program for purchasing ordnance stock from international markets to supply to FSA – illegally smuggled into Syria – which is essentially (state to non-state actor) international arms trafficking.

Min Khin Kyaw

How much dollar so far spent by the USA in Syria?

northerntruthseeker .

Billions… and billions more….

Jens Holm

You can find good estimates for parts of it at Internet.

Searching I would also include McCain because he was the Leader of their war commity for many years.

Min Khin Kyaw

Yeah, I found that. It was $13.5 billion, but will be $15.5 billion next to be spent by USA alone. I just wonder how much they have spent altogether since 2013… by different countries against Syria.


Thanks uncle-sam, the SAA will put them to good use.

northerntruthseeker .

The SAA does not carry weapons capable of firing these NATO rounds…. The size is all wrong…

But what this shows is how stupidly the American people are with this showing definitive proof of the US arming the “terrorist” group known as ISIS And yet the majority of dumb ass Americans still believe they are in Syria to “fight terrorism”…..

Manuel Flores Escobar

Because USA thought that terrorist allies were going to win the war!

You can call me Al

But they have the ability to fire any US stuff as they killed many ISIS and other vermin and took their trucks + heavy military.

Jens Holm

Of course SAA can use that stuff. How can You assume that stupidity at all. They have taken bunches of weapons from others.

H Eccles

quote.. ‘ISIS likely bought these US-supplied bullets directly from the FSA’.

oh please!.. stop talking crap.. is not more likely that the US supplied these weapons to the FSA specifically so they could be passed on to ISIS. Southfront seems keen to make it sound like the transfer to ISIS is against US wishes.. which it clearly is not.

Jens Holm

Your version is one of them. USA gave the first FSA anything to give them the best support, they could. And when ISIS(and Al Qaida) became stronger, they “passed” that way too.

But ISIS also bought weapons for fuel.

Jonathan Cohen

How much did ISIS pay FSA? and why did FSA need it?

R Trojson

Obama along with Clinton created ISIS. Everyone knows Obama and Co supplied and funded ISIS. Fortunately Trump has ended this support.


The pigs were lucky.