Syrian Army Uncovers Loads Of Weapons In Hama, Al-Suwayda And Deir Ezzor (Video, Photos)

On October 3, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) uncovered several weapons caches during search operations in the newly liberated areas in the governorates of Hama, al-Suwayda and Deir Ezzor, according to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA).

“The authorities continued to secure areas, which had been cleared of terrorism, in northern Hama, eastern al-Suwayda and eastern Deir al-Ezzor in order to remove booby-traps and uncover the caves and fortifications of the terrorists,” the SANA’s reporter said.

The weapon caches included:

  • Eight Bulgarian-mad Fagot anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs) and a launcher;
  • A Soviet-made Malyutka ATGM;
  • Several Russian-made MRO-A and RPO-A thermobaric rocket launchers;
  • Several French-made SNEB unguided rockets;
  • Several US-made M72 LAW anti-tank rocket-propelled grenades;
  • Several Russian-made RPG-22 and RPG-18 anti-tank rocket-propelled grenades;
  • Several rounds for the Czechoslovakian-made RPG-75 anti-tank weapon;
  • Loads of ammunition and many machine guns of different calibers.

These weapons were supplied by the U.S. and its allies, mainly Qatar and Saudi Arabia, to Free Syrian Army (FSA) groups in northern and southern Syria. Most of these weapons found a way to the hands of radical groups such as Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra) in northern Hama and ISIS in eastern al-Suwayda and eastern Deir Ezzor.


Syrian Army Uncovers Loads Of Weapons In Hama, Al-Suwayda And Deir Ezzor (Video, Photos)

Click to see full-size image, By SANA

Syrian Army Uncovers Loads Of Weapons In Hama, Al-Suwayda And Deir Ezzor (Video, Photos)

Click to see full-size image, By SANA

Syrian Army Uncovers Loads Of Weapons In Hama, Al-Suwayda And Deir Ezzor (Video, Photos)

Click to see full-size image, By SANA

Syrian Army Uncovers Loads Of Weapons In Hama, Al-Suwayda And Deir Ezzor (Video, Photos)

Click to see full-size image, By SANA

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Smith Ricky

Thank you

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

wow great find SAA :))) wish i could test some of them lol


One can only imagine the ‘shitstorm ‘ of violence in US and EU cities if US,EU,UK weapons found their way home :)

You can call me Al

They already have in London.


If Tow ATGM’s arrive and a few backstreet workshops start producing mortars , munitions and IED’s with readily available and low priced machine tools and chemicals, as we have seen manufactured in the terrorist enclaves within Syria and Iraq, many UK cities could ignite.

All this possible mayhem would only be fuelled by the UK policies of Identity Politics that set ‘belief systems’ against each other.

These days funding for such gangs can easily come from anywhere in the globe as we have witnessed in Syria. Even the UK has been illegally ( to UN rules) been training and funding terrorist warlords in Syria and illegally conducting military operations within the Sovereign Nation of Syria.

You can call me Al

Unfortunately and sadly, I agree with you.


I fear it will happen Al.

The complete panic mode of NATO nations about spies under every bed suggests that the public are being fed a diet of old style propaganda.

We also have the bellicose statements from the US and Israel about Syrian S300’s that are DEFENSIVE weapons.

Is all this just intimidation against Russia and by extension China and all the BRICS nations ,or is it the precursor to a hot war that the madmen in the West think they can win with little damage ?

You can call me Al

Well in my world, it is the Kikers causing these problems as usual. Trump is a figurehead ruled by them (maybe Trump Jr. running the show). The only hope I have is that Russia and China + others, maybe even India know this and are fully prepared.

I do not think it will happen yet, maybe May / June next year, but something is going to kick off, but I have hope that by that time contingency plans are in place and the US government is annihilated, US military in neutralised.

The US has to something now as they will collapse soon, imposed, manipulated, military …. whatever.

PS Just remember though, a civil war in the US could break out daily.

PS eff it, get a beer / wine or heavier, sit back, relax and watch.


It would indeed be a joy to watch, only tempered with the knowledge that those Americans of all colours and creeds who are not paid up members of the ‘walking brain dead ‘ will also suffer.

However it is incumbent on the sane and educated Americans to meaningfully attempt to sort out their own countries ‘ hazardous political waste heap ‘.

This can only be achieved by the complete eradication of the current dominant political class from within or the de facto neutering of the US from without.

Those in seats of power today largely belong in mental asylums or graves, not in Congress, the Senate,Banking , Business or Religious and Quasi religious cults. Including AIPAC :)

You can call me Al

I totally agree with you.


What US and their stooges are doing in the world for global power for that someone should have to intervene and ask that what are you doing, are you mentally sound. This is called compulsive intervention. Russia doing their job most honestly to save the world from Its enemies.


How do we know where they came from, South Front? Syria was at different times a colony then an ally of France then for many decades was firmly allied to the Soviet Union and now Russia. In the early stages of the war the Rebels were using civilian grade weapons, black market buys, and most importantly captured SAA stores. Recall there was a point when Assad was losing and SAA soldiers were deserting en masse with their weapons.
So I ask again, how is it possible to if any much less all of these weapons were supplied to pro-democratic forces by the US/UK forces? It wouldn’t surprise me if many of them were but you shouldn’t assume especially since you don’t list these Rebels affiliations either.


Syria has never been a willing ally of France. What you are suggesting is like saying the prisoners of Auschwitz were allied with their guards.


(CNN) Trump says Saudi Arabia’s king “might not be there for two weeks” without US military support. Therefore, Saudis should pay for it. This is a big insult. Trump increasing pressure on his closest Mideast allies over rising oil prices. Saudis have created all chaos in Middle East just for US and UK targeted Yemen children, wedding gatherings and funerals etc.


It is however true, the Sauds would be fertilizer if not for their American guards.

You can call me Al

All Saudi Arabia needs to do is to mobilise all the Muslims.


Many in the oil bearing parts of the Kingdom are brutally oppressed Shia.

You can call me Al

Yes the South East (or West, near by is Bahrain ++.

We shall see how it plays out.


A border town in the Kingdom was surrounded by Saudi troops in 2016 if I remember and the Shia inhabitants were and probably still are being terrorised.

Bahrain also has a large and oppressed Shia population. A few years ago the Saudis helped the Bahraini Royals to brutally put down Shia demonstrations there.

Amazingly the Western Media was largely silent about both of those violent clamp downs. :)

You can call me Al

The Saudis literally went into the SW areas with Shi’ite tribes inhabiting them, killed, imprisoned and tortured innocents.

Pay back will be sweet.

Ivan Freely

I doubt many would follow the House of Saud. Many of them dislike their leadership.

You can call me Al

Agreed, but you must remember the brain dead imbeciles in Pakistan, India (up North), Indonesia, UAE and a large minority in the rest of the Islamic nations.

You can call me Al

As you say, “This is a big insult.”, whether he can come back from that I am unsure, but insulting XI, PUTIN and even, yes even the Europeans is just a No, No – it is not the arrogance exactly, it is the way Trump / US have done it and the personal insults and the insults to the Countries culture, history etc.

He has definately gone to far now, but I assume the US will get there way and get WWIII as planned – but now, they will have few allies participating.


The Houthis and Taliban need this western bounty.

You can call me Al

Give the PLO and Hezbollah some as well; they helped the Syrians.


Plus , any Israeli munitions could be donated to Hezbollah :)


Good call.