Syrian Army Resumes Its Operation Against ISIS Cells In Homs-Deir Ezzor Desert (Map)

On September 12, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) resumed its operation against ISIS cells in the Homs-Deir Ezzor desert. The SAA cleared the settlements of Wadi Salhub and Bi’r Hajjah advancing alon the road heading toward the T3 pumping station. About 24km of this road are still in the hands of ISIS cells.

According to pro-governement sources, government troops are going to clear the road and then they will focus on liberating the remaining settlements and fields, which are still in the hands of ISIS: the Doubayat gas field, the settlements of Bir Naji, Barabij, Sarayim and Nayriyah.

Syrian Army Resumes Its Operation Against ISIS Cells In Homs-Deir Ezzor Desert (Map)

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Promitheas Apollonious

about time.


With (including that one) three active fronts now, although once upon a time this year were also: Norh Homs (Rastan pockett), East Qalamoun, East Ghouta (and the Yarmouk camp), the most part of Daraa and Quneitra. My dear Apollonious. this make me reminds Homer’s Odissey


At least the SAA is taking advantage of the ceasefire in Idlib to clear the remaining ISIS terrorists supported by the US Coalition of Terror.

A close 24 hr watch will of course be needed to restrict the newly and retrained Salafist gangs re-entering the vast desert regions from the safety of the US base at Al Tanf.

I enclose the current Google Earth images of the newly constructed illegal US airbase at Al Tanf.,+Syria/@33.4373832,38.8355196,2378m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x153e0a85826f8d3f:0xfbaab842977dcbd6!8m2!3d33.48959!4d38.663021

Around the airbase are clusters of what appears to be tented refugee encampments complete with dirt tracks on both sides of the asphalt airfield.

Oscar Silva Martinez

Those yankees are the real terrorists, and yet yesterday they “commemorated” another anniversary of what most of them naively believe it was a “foreign” attack, blaming Iraq and Afghanistan.

Empire's Frontiers

To add, if you head straight south from Al Tanf’s location pin you’ll find the massive Rukban camp along the border, and to the East of that, a large military installation labeled ‘hospital’

Then some other earthworks and perhaps training/testing grounds.

In the years observing the war and changing landscape, there was a time when the google maps very precisely blurred out the camp and installation.

They’re observable, however, in the map version you’ve shared.


Is showing the camps a Google FUBAR or deliberate though do you think?

Empire's Frontiers

Much as my imagination can run, I don’t have any great answer for that.

When I was hunting for Rukban in the past, I found it conspicuously obscured, and an obvious island where that ‘hospital’ is. That struck me as intentional.

I would suppose that there exists some level of partnership and ‘sensitive location listing’ that goes on between the various intelligence agencies and tech branches like Google.

Perhaps Rukban fell off the list, and there’s simply no use in obscuring it anymore, and no harm in showing it.

To say, maybe google moved to a new iteration of the imagery and these coordinates didn’t require attention any more.

In any case, we can now see the several mile long camp that is at the heart of the Al-Tanf zone yet existing.

Jens Holm

It has been like that from those escaped from Eufrat valley. It was up to 70.000. It was spread over Jordan, Syria and a neutral zone between them.

SAA has been there several times and has tryed to remove the Syrian part by they should be refugees under their control.

As I recall it, the Syrian part almost was abandonned. The locals there denied to leave the few weapons they had against robbery and SAA leaft or something.

I expect most of the rest is like the tents at the picture. I have seen good maps of it.

None knows if thats a hospital or what. Facts are this camp is in nowhere and it make sense, there at least are a kind of hospital.


I am sure the mystery will be unveiled in the fullness of time. That is of course IF there is a mystery :)

You can call me Al

4 links below.

Jens Holm

Rubcan area has been under heavy ISIS fire so many times from the Phosfate mine district. I am sure the Iraqians has many soldiers there and they are the right ones in the konglomerate of socalled Iraqi forces.

Some milisias as well as regular soldiers dont like americans and our as well, even we are called in for help after their corrupt army collapse.

A part of the Iraqian soldiers are now relative good ones. Some milisias are good as longs as they dont meet Sunnis, but they still has many many. which are low. But at least the last part dont run away witout their equipment.

Their airforce is better then most in the area. SDFs trust them helping in Syria. Not long time ago they told, that they only needed som big helicopters for transportation.

Iraq will go on for years like Syria. Militar winning only is a start and sometimes a start from long time ago.

You can call me Al

Agreed; but it is about effing time. For me, they should have done this first.


What has been done is forcing Erdogan to play his hand sooner rather than later.

You can call me Al

Ah, could be, the more I think of it, yes,I believe you are right. It’ll be interesting to see the outcome for Turkey. The have tried to play both Russia and the US – I doubt or hope it will come back to haunt them.


In the morning almasdar was saying 30 km, so, they have advanced 6 km in a half day. And there’s no ceasefire in Idlib, only the airplanes stoped their operations, and by sure you know why (war propaganda or psychological war it’s an military branch as all the others, so, we can say that the aviation had to coordinate with the counter propaganda).

Bobby Twoshoes

You shouldn’t use Google or Facebook apps here as they all have an auto login and are members of PRISM. Now the NSA knows everyone with a Google account who has read this article.


Bobby, I don’t give a dam about. It’s hilarious the pretense yankee control of the world information whem this happens:

Bobby Twoshoes

I’m not suggesting they “control the world” simply reminding people that certain sites function as data harvesters for US intelligence. I’m sure some people would like to show up in their database as little as possible despite your laissez-faire attitude. By using their data harvesting apps when alternatives are available it is you who is accepting US dominance.


There’s no US dominance, and I like to fool them, believing there is.

Bobby Twoshoes

Stop fixating on control and dominance, if you aren’t worried about organisations whose reason for existence is assassinating foreigners having an indexed dossier on your movements and those of your friends and family then you’re not smart enough to fool anyone.


You are saying that the NSA’s reason of existence it’s only to assassinate foreigners?!? And not also north americans of the US?!? Sorry, threeshoes, but you are sure an NSA boy.

Bobby Twoshoes

Fair point, the NSA monitors local traffic, but they still share information with the CIA and most “foreign” traffic travels through an NSA monitored server at some point. The CIA’s program is just as well resourced as the NSA’s however but I can’t recall the acronym they use for it.


Good night, hundred foot, and don’t call anytime anyone moron or donkey. And from my cultural latin point of view, the better is to gard the word “stop” to use on ourselves. If we use it on others may be they can say we are control and dominance schyzophrenics

Bobby Twoshoes

Wow, I’m sorry mate I never called you moron or donkey but if you’re going to get pissy and self-righteous like that I’ll happily call you a delicate little crybaby. Take your advice and tell yourself to “stop” being such a sensitive snowflake. Do you think “schyzophenics(sic.)” is less offensive than moron? Do you think spelling your insult incorrectly proves that you are not a moron?


One thing is sure, you are not of latin cultur, nor indian, nor chinese, nor russian, so, more one may be: may be one of this days you can ask yourself a little question: who the hell you are? “May be” it’s better than “stop”

Bobby Twoshoes

So now you’re racist as well as stupid? Fuck off you slimy little cunt, if all Latin people are like you it’s no wonder the US has made you their slaves.


Vai para a puta que te pariu, ó filho da puta!

Bobby Twoshoes

I guess if you can’t get at me then calling my mother names is about what I’d expect, is disrespecting old ladies who have nothing to do with anything a Latin thing or just a moronic, donkey thing?


Pot, be wise.

Bobby Twoshoes

So “ó filho da puta” doesn’t translate roughly to son of a whore? You go fuck yourself, and if you want to avoid confusion speak English on English speaking sites.


But how to translate “vai para a puta que te pariu”? That is the question! It’s a serious thing, NSA’s fan.

Bobby Twoshoes

No it isn’t, the question is whether you insulted my mother. By avoiding “the question” and telling me to go fuck myself again you haven’t made a very strong counter argument. I can tell you this on the subject of worth; I have had my fun now and you are certainly not worth any more of my time.


Okay, Bobby fiveshoes.


He was gracious to you earlier yet you dragged it down to this.

Bobby Twoshoes

Lol gracious, righto mate. He called me an NSA boy and falsely claimed I had called him a moron and a donkey before I “dragged it down to this”. I figured I would make it clear that when I want to insult someone I don’t mince my words like some pseudo intellectual hipster. I would be happy to call you a cunt too if you continue to act like one. Or if you want to have a civil debate bound by logic and reason without false accusations and aspersions cast against my mother then I’m just as happy to do that.

Concrete Mike


Luke Hemmming

Geez Jorge take a chill pill and calm the fuck down no need to be so agro. All Bobby was doing was pointing out was that the NSA monitors all internet traffic including FB, Google etc and other social media sites. So he was warning and reminding others besides you ţo be wary of using Google maps whilst logged into Google. It was a warning for us security conscious individuals who DO CARE ABOUT our personal internet habits been monitored to use caution and to people who weren’t aware that the US does this through the NSA as well as the CIA and a few others to. Gee take as it was meant to be, just some friendly advice.

Concrete Mike

I. Get what youre saying. For me , i feel we are being tracked alk the time anyways, once i was out of orovince for a concert, fucking google notified me i was going to be late 5 minutes before the show. Even though my location services were off ect ect….i found this episode disturbing. Now i just have fuun with it. I tell my phone at least once a day “fuck off google you spying peices of shit”.

At least im not willingly giving my info away like facebook users ate.

Bobby Twoshoes

Yeah, at least Google has some useful stuff, I still use their apps but only ever with dummy accounts over a proxy connection in a private browser tab, as long as you don’t associate a phone number with any of your accounts they can’t really tie it to an irl person. Facebook is the absolute worst though, they take everything and give back nothing (unless you are a vapid narcissist).


I was unaware of that but I would expect that the NSA is fully aware of all that is said here and by whom as Discus is a US entity.

Bobby Twoshoes

Likely true but with this kind of analysis it is not about the individual bits of information, rather how you can tie many different bits from varied sources together to create an unnervingly accurate predictive model (despite delusions of free will people are on average predictable with ~70% certainty by a trained human, let alone a trained neural net running on military hardware). I doubt any of us will ever be worth the expense to assassinate but that’s only the most egregious thing they do with the models. I don’t mean to sound like that tinfoil guy but whatever they want the model for probably isn’t in my interest so why make it easier for them?


I agree with that Bobby .

Concrete Mike

Thats ok nsa and googgle can kiss my ass


This is a major contribution to Israel’s security.


It what way Ace ?


It’s a major U.S. expense for something out in the middle of nowhere that vindicates no U.S. interest whatsoever. It does, however, serve Israel’s interest in splintering or hampering Syria in every way possible. I should have appended the “/s” marker. :-)


The problem that you have is being logical and rational Ace:) None of those attributes would get you a career in the top echelons of the US Military of the Washington Beltway.

What we see there are wilful ignorance and partisan decisions that only serve to make the general US population poorer and enslaved with debt ,that in turn only really serves the real masters in Israel.

Icarus Tanović

Ceasefire? Never heard of it.


I found the information here and in other reports as well Icarus.

“The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) continued their missile and artillery strikes on the southeastern countryside of Idlib this week after taking a short hiatus to observe a silent ceasefire.”

Romeo Pesiao

And why the SAA did not attack Al Tanf if so many ISIS were there?? ??


The rather obvious answer to that question is that the US military are defending that illegal terrorist enclave Romeo :)


This road want on previous maps. Maybe it’s new?


It is.


Appears to be the pipeline maintenance road.
It probably has been improved over the years.
ISIS used to have a lot of Bulldozers, etc. Not any more. :)


Google maps even has a bus stop logo there. :)


Many green buses did stop in this area.
Dumping off ISIS trash from S Damascus a while back. :DDDDD


I understand that some of the terrorists now have Green Cards as well now PZ1V :)

Concrete Mike

Yeah caterpillar gave em a bunch

Jens Holm

Its not, I can find it at Michelin map any time in “detailed maps” . Its in a warzone. Hard to believe SAA or ISIS should improve there.

On the map above I guess its upgraded because of its importance.


Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

very good SAA take back this area, keep pushing and split it in half among that 24km line :)))


Good that the Syrians are covering the backs of the garrisons along the Euphrates.