Syrian Army Prepares For Operation Around Idlib, Sends Warning Messages To Civilians In Area

Syrian Army Prepares For Operation Around Idlib, Sends Warning Messages To Civilians In Area

Commander of the Tiger Forces, Suheil al-Hassan, and Tiger Forces members

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has begun its final preparations to launch a large-scale military operation around the northern governorate of Idlib, which is controlled by several radical groups, the Syrian news outlet Muraselon reported on March 3, citing a military source.

“The terrorist groups crossed the line recently by killing many civilians, injuring others and causing severe damage in the infrastructure … This is a clear violation of the Sochi agreement [between Russia and Turkey],” the source told Muraselon.

According to the source, the operation will be aimed at capturing the militants’ positions inside the demilitarized zone around Idlib. This mean that the operation could cover northern Lattakia, northern Hama, southern Idlib and western Aleppo.

Few hours after this report, Syrian opposition activists said that the remaining civilians within the demilitarized zone received messaged from the SAA asking them to leave the zone immediately.

Syrian Army Prepares For Operation Around Idlib, Sends Warning Messages To Civilians In Area

One of the warning messages sent to the civilians by the SAA

“You are in a special operation area, leave the area immediately,” the SAA’s message reads.

In the last two months, the SAA massed large forces around the demilitarized zone. However, many sources said that the army was just reinforcing its positions there.

The claims about a nearing military operation around Idlib came few hours after the attack by al-Qaeda-affiliated group, Ansar al-Tawhid, on the SAA positions in northern Hama. More than 16 Syrian service members were reportedly killed in the attack.

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Bull shit again, they tried and failed again as long as Turkey is there they can keep dreaming of claiming idlib, propaganda outlets of assad are doing their best to destabilize the region.

Poor Turk

Go and stop assad.


Another ISRAHELLI deceiver pretending to be turkish !

Promitheas Apollonious

no. mongoloids are actually this stupid, as he sound.

Promitheas Apollonious

ease on the opium kid, it does not do any good, to your single cell capacity.


So profit and go there on a touristic trip.


Its the presence of Turkey which has destabilised the area providing safe haven for these scum

Sadri Salah

You Turds will lose again, mark my words, your Erdogan Islamic fascist regime lost allready

Mustafa Mehmet



I agree with you regarding Turkey. Turkey is the wild card. They play so many hands you don’t really know where they stand. Best if Russia starts some type of support for political change. Erdogan is in a fantasty world several hundred years back. Good that Russia is working with Iran and Syria to provide some stability in the region. Erdogan has mad dreams of Ottoman Empire rebuilding instead of focusing on making his country an example of democracy, financial powerhouse and providing stabilitity to the region.


Cockroach terrorist piece of shit.


sorry disqus, its all about dissenter now. my comment is on the other tab

steve smith

The Demoralized Zone extends all the way to Idlib city, so the SAA units better be carrying a few weeks worth of provisions

Promitheas Apollonious

I dont think they will have a problem with supplies.

Jens Holm

All planners and deciders of this should be operated in their heads or be removed.

Leif Manson

I think you mean demilitarized zone. Not sure whose morale you are referring to in the demoralized zone.


Freudscher Verschreiber?

Es sollte eigentlich um eine “demilitarized” zone gehen, nicht um eine “demoralisierte”. Krass ist, das sdie Diskussionsteilnehmer bisher wohl nichts von dem freudschen Verschreiber mitbekommen haben und in ihren Beiträgen eifrig denselben Quark reproduzieren.

Leute: Lernt lesen und schreiben! Und denken! Und urteilen! Und so weiter…

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

“…around the demoralized zone”


Alejandro Bonifacio

you know: demilitarized zone, jejejeje

You can call me Al

Damn it, you beat me to it. I wasn’t sure whether to laugh at the wording or cry for the people.


The real demoralized zone would be in the Euphrates Valley. The US has remora-lized them by letting them go after liberating the gold that they had before they let them go.


We must realize that Putin gave Idlib to Erdogan and does not allow Syrian Army to take it back. Putin is so please with the selling of a few S400, nuclear power station and the South Stream to his friend Erdogan. There are no more terrorists in Idlib he said to Putin, only pro-turkish rebels.

Astrid Watanabe

Ok, and now Putin switched from Erdogan to Netanyahu. Is that supposed to be better? I am confused.


Russia military is for Syria, Putin is for money.


Politics being the whore it is, maybe Russia can discuss U.S. giving it international support for some type of attack on Idlib in return for U.S. protection or agreement with Assad for Kurds. This would screw Erdogan two ways.


Why the demilitarized zone is still a thing is beyond me.
How long the Russians can keep this shitshow going on.

George King

For those who have been following this disaster since Russia entered (2015) the alliance of Syria, Iran, Iraqi SMU and Hezbollah units should understand the difficulties in what is a belligerent international conflict (proxy war) by Empire/s. There are politics and Nuclear parties involved and we all know about the American system having conflicting agendas between the State Department and the neocon MIC which has led to the Russians remark/s that the US is a non negotiable agreement compliant party.

It is remarkable what has been accomplished in three years and may continue for another before all Syrian proper is free of terrorist proxy armies reduced to some occasional hit and run activities. Then there is the issue of the Golan Heights that Israel is exploring and drilling for oil which is what it usually is all about (resources) via failed states and chaos (modus operandi) repeat and rinse. The cat is out of the bag and is faltering in Venezuela as we speak for the world to see.


Waiting for the US to withdraw!
An attack on Idlib could mean a cancelation of the US withdrawal!
Idlib will be easy!
They have no airforce, artillery is much cheaper than airstrikes, insider warfare will be made within idlib between the rats. Any threat can be destroyed with an airstrike or missile strike!

u can already assume this war is over!


“the operation will be aimed at capturing the militants’ positions inside the demoralized zone around Idlib.”

This is exactly what needs to be done. The DMZ agreement expired on December 31st and was never replaced or formally extended, with the Turks in gross default of their obligations at the time that it expired. And they’ve done nothing since it expired to rectify the situation. Moving the front lines forward in Idlib and resuming recovery operations will be a positive development in bringing the war to an end.


Even because the S300 syrian crews are almost ready, the yankees are saying they only retreat in summer and the Idlib front against al Nusra must be eliminated to create a single front against the Turk proxies and eventually the turkish army (but Erdogan can’t go to a real war).


If Syria-Hezbolah-Iran-Russia ground troops do not lunch an offensive on Idlib area, any military operation is just senseless. Russia must stop pleasing Turkey and its terrorists.

Jacob Wohl

The barbaric Assad Army should then prepare for a massive US Military response. If Idlib’s freedom fighters and civilians are harmed, thousands of tomahawk missiles will be raining down.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

My nose will be used as an aircraft carrier! And all tomahawks will be launched from my nostrils!

Jacob Wohl

Yeah I’ll be coming back :) Also filed a lawsuit against Twitter for violating 1st amendment rights. They’ll have fun when it comes for settlement hearing.


the commander of the tiger forces should have statues of him all over syria!
His face should be right next to Assad’s on all billboards!
He should be the ultimate commander of the entire Syrian army!
This man needs the ultimate respect awarded to him that is humanly possible!

Mustafa Mehmet

second man looks bit worried. How the hell We Gonna Do It


They have already done it, it’s an old photo.

Joe Doe

Turkey failed keep commitment per Sochi agreement and Turkey have been playing both sides, Russia and USA. Therefore, now is the time to take Idlib and bring peace to Syria