Syrian Army Is Preparing To Launch Limited Military Operation In Greater Idlib – Reports

Syrian Army Is Preparing To Launch Limited Military Operation In Greater Idlib – Reports

Commander of the Tiger Forces, Suheil al-Hassan, and Tiger Forces members

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies may launch a limited military operation against the remaining militants in northwestern Syria soon in response to the repeated violations of the Russian-Turkish deconfliction agreement, the al-Mayadeen TV correspondent in Syria, Dima Nasir, revealed on November 16.

According to Nasir, the operation, which may begin in the upcoming few days, will target positions, ammo depots and headquarters of radical militants in the governorate of Idlib and the opposition-held areas around it.

Few days ago, a senior military source told the Russian news agency Sputnik that the SAA will attack the militants in Idlib if they continue to violate the deconfliction agreement. According to the source, the militants there have stepped up their attacks against the army since the announcement of the agreement.

The militants violated the deconfliction agreement in the northern Hama countryside, the northern Lattakia countryside and the southwestern Aleppo countryside dozens of times during the last few weeks. In the most recent incident, more than 18 personnel of the SAA were reportedly killed by an al-Qaeda-affiliated alliance in northern Lattakia.

A limited operation will not lead to the collapse of the deconfliction agreement, as it is not being implemented in the first place. On the contrary, such an operation may cool some of the hot heads in Idlib.

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kill them all !

Feudalism Victory

Indeed. Dangerous fuckers need to be eliminated.

Mustafa Mehmet

Saa should clear golan first rest is easy.

You can call me Al

Golan heights will be last.

Mustafa Mehmet

why ?


go and clean it, al-marshal!

Mustafa Mehmet

You got no ball to do that unfortunately. israhell will make you flat as Assad dictator


i am not syrian.

btw., the SAA was able to liberate al-safa after months. from several dozens of isis warriors. how many centuries would need against israel?

Zarko Ciric

You think asshole?Al safa territory near Sweida, was very hard place to aaproach because is a volcano territory there if you know what i mean,meanwhile, Daesh rats have captured more than 20 hostages from that provience,thats why opperation last a bit longer.So,when SAA rescue the hostages after several days the Daesh rats were killed.Dont be stupid go play minecraft!!! its better for you.


@beypuutyina:disqus is too stupid even for minecraft.. he is a moron with zillion accounts and no brain whatsoever, a little slovakian bitch obsessed with hating Russia and sucking yankee and israeli dicks…. pathetic, worthless little turd, that’s what he is.


No you are not… you’re not even human. you are a badly trained monkey…

Zionism = EVIL

It is time to take out the headchopper trash.

Feudalism Victory

Destroy them all! No one in the west will officially thank you for it but no one will shed a tear over dead jihadists. Not even their kidnapped slave wives.

Mustafa Mehmet

with civilian ha…moron

Mustafa Mehmet

hurry up

R Trojson

We will see more and more Syrian Army Sunnis killed but not even one Russian, Iranian or Shia Syrian officer.

Potato Potato

Syrian officers die constantly. Stop repeating the zionist propaganda that SAA is sectarian shia supremacists.

R Trojson

Then what are the names of 5 Shia groups fighting SAA? There are over 20 Sunni groups.

hore ten

They are not sunni groups just terrorist claim to be sunni who terrorize syria as a whole. It was all planned out and not by assad but by foreigners, including governments, intelligence agency’s, and buisness men. I really doubt the jihadist are like lets go kill the shia syrian army, especially because most are not shia muslims.

R Trojson

That is my point all the terrorists claim to be Sunni and none claim to be Shia. As a complete outsider that is hard to believe unless Sunni really are being oppressed. We all know Kurds were oppressed by Assad. Few expected Assad to sell out to Iran and permit oppression of Sunni. Syria will become more and more like Iran.


And what is wrong with Iran?

Tudor Miron

It is light years better than Iraq in terms of life for ordinary people and guess why? Because US is not there.


the 6th december, sz.nicolaus day is coming. ypu should prepare 1 Lada with chocolate stickers :)

R Trojson

The totalitarian dictatorship denies the people of Iran basic human rights like freedom of religion, freedom of speech,.. just google basic human rights. In addition the dictators take the vast wealth from Iran for their own and do not use it to benefit the people.


Idiot – Iran is a theocratic Islamic Republic – Syria is a secular Arab Republic – they are allies due to common regional interests – not sectarianism. Such standard Israeli/US disinformation – ‘ the great Shia threat’ – just won’t work here.

R Trojson

Iran and Syria are not allies. Iran is slowly gaining control over Syria. It is not one friend helping another, instead it is a predator prey relationship. Iran bought and paid for Assad and is using him to take control of the whole country. Who in Syria can stop Iran… the answer no one can or will stop Iran. That is why Turkey is taking 15% of Syria and the Kurds are taking 30$. Kurds have first hand experience of how they are persecuted and exterminated in Iran. ISIS still has 10% of what is left of Syria. The rest is controlled by Russia-Iran with Russia looking for a face saving way out.

Tudor Miron

“We all know” – stop that BS

R Trojson

According to you the Kurds were not oppressed by Assad. Get your facts straight.

Harvey Swinestein

It is not a sectarian conflict. Those that tried to destroy Syria are trying to paint the war as sectarian to mask their perfidious involvement . .

Tudor Miron

Well… It is sectarian in some sense but not the one that West is trying to feed to their sheeple. Its (part of) a war of Talmudic zionism against Humanity.


Most of SAA personnel are Sunni. Your point is?


Idiot – the Syrian Arab Army is majority Sunni.

Potato Potato

So? 80% of SAA is Sunni. There are also Sunni pro-gov groups like Liwa al Quds and PLA. Your point?

Tudor Miron

Those (20 groups) are not Sunni but nothing other than stupid rats fighting for greater Israel.

You can call me Al

Just block the parasite troll. I have, read your comment to him, so I can only imagine what BS he is spouting today.


Bog-standard Israeli/US disinformation troll. Many, many, Syrian Arab Army officers from across the social board have been killed in fighting – militant mortars are a constant problem. Likewise, a number of Iranian advisers have been killed, often in similar mortar attacks. Meanwhile, the Israeli’s pulled an irresponsible stunt that directly resulted in the deaths of 15 highly trained and experienced Russian air force personnel – both in flight and surveillance. You talk total garbage.


Doing nothing is better than doing limited war. The elimination of the terrorists in Idlib must TOTAL, including Turks¡ish. I SAA makes a kimited war to terrorists, the terrorists will do a unlimited war to Syria people. You will see it, and it will be too late then to remove such a strong terrorists army. Most of us have the impression that all terrorists must be eliminated form Syria…not to leave a safe heaven for them.

Mustafa Mehmet

Gusta. just 1 Turkish casualty and you will see what will happen.?


Nothing special. Just a lot of loud cluck.

Mustafa Mehmet

yes Jerry the mo…s try and find out

Feudalism Victory

About time some balls grew back on the syrian anti terror coalition. Who cares if they make up a chemical attack?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Hader in west Aleppo is the perfect place to begin this operation, and it should then finish 60 km to the west at the Turkish border, hang on, that’s what I keep predicting is going to happen, maybe this time I’ll get it right, maybe the SAA are about to do what I think they are and surprise the halfwits. It shouldn’t be too hard, just keep them up for a couple of nights with a 24/7 bombing campaign and the jobs half done. The murderers will wake up to SAA guns pointed at their heads and say, “I want to go back to bed mummy” but the SAA won’t be giving them a swift clip under the ears and saying “no, get out of bed], they’ll be permanently putting them to sleep. The times coming you smug bastards.


limited operation???? will not lead to a breakdown of the agreement??
this gets more rediculous by the day

Promitheas Apollonious

what agreement, the one is never kept?

Rafik Chauhan

Idlib border with Turkey has to be close from lattKia area and also move all the way towards Aleppo to seal the border of idlib that the only option to trap them inside and the weapons flow will be cut

You can call me Al

Limited, why limited ?.


With luck , “limited” just means “no nukes”.


Syria must make preventive attacks on Idlib just like Israel does in Syria and in Gaza.