Syrian Army Encircling Saraqib As Turkish Forces Ingore Scheduled Joint Patrol With Russia In Syria’s Northeast

Syrian Army Encircling Saraqib As Turkish Forces Ingore Scheduled Joint Patrol With Russia In Syria's Northeast

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On February 3, units of the Syrian Army liberated the villages of Nayrab and Tornaba near the miltiant stronghold of Saraqib in the province of Idlib from Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) and similar groups. With this advance government forces deployed in 7km southeast of Idlib city, and outflanked Saraqib from the western direction after cutting off the M4 highway.

Earlier on the same day, the Turkish military reported that the Syrian Army had struck its forces in the Idlib zone killing and injuring several Turkish service members. According to local sources, the incident happened near Saraqib, which Ankara wanted to protect by using own troops as human shields.

Meanwhile, the Russian Reconciliation Center for Syria reported that Turkish forces had ignored a joint patrol scheduled with the Russian Military Police in northwestern Syria for February 3. So, Russian forces conducted a patrol without their Turkish counterparts. This incident demonstrates that Ankara and Moscow have a very different vision of the current situation in Idlib. Ankara claims that the ‘Assad regime’ and big bad Russians are opressing the seedlings of democracy there, while Moscow recently promised to mercy to terrorists there.


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Ray Douglas

Go SAA but mind your flanks. Unless you have reserves near at hand you could be encircled. that would be a disaster.

Lazy Gamer

Negative. Now they can shoot everywhere. ?

Xoli Xoli

Putin must sort out that useless Astana agreement shit with terrorists.Putin easily fall for Trump,Tillerman and Erdogan trap.Just by ignoring bypassing Assad and Relocating all surrendering terrorist to Idlib with green buses with their weapon and wife.Instead of splitting them for security reasons.Pressure on Erdogan or risk losing Idlib completely.Rusdian ambassador was killed by Turkey body guard.Turkey down Russian jet.Turkey vessel sunk Russian
Reconnaissance vessel under CIA order in phosphorus strait.Turkey still kills Russian forces in Idlib.Honestly speaking if it was USA their could have closed the entire Syrian airspace and bomb the terrorists with or without harbouring backstabber.


Damn nice picture, 7 km from city of Idlib oh man SAA keep pushing and if ottomans are in your way smash it.

northerntruthseeker .

The seizure of Saraqib MUST be the SAA’s top priority right now…

Seize that key city, and the entire Idlib pocket becomes untenable..


Well that’s it, that’s the power of HTS, I don’t know who or what they were thinking that HTS it is, they are fucking nothing without ottomans supplied weapons, so the ottoman erdo sees that Idlib will be breached and DEPLOYS F-16, howitzers, tanks, hah lol. It is the end of that nasty pocket of Idlib it get smaller and smaller day by day. Turkey/Erdo should take those terror wahhabi fuckheads as he promised to them save heaven in Turkey, well take them in your fucking country and protect them there you cannot stop Syrian ARMY to kill terrorism in their country. FUCK YOU stupid turkish nasty evil ottoman old fucing man.

Assad must stay

yes, he thought he could bet on terrorists to realize his delusions of grandeur, boy did he fuck up lmao why did he ever think that was a good idea? i mean having your own regular army defend headchoppers, what kind of a conscience does this guy have? how does he sleep at night?

Ashok Varma

Turkey is now playing a spoiler role and should leave Syria alone. Erdogan’s fantasy is not viable.

Saint Jimmy (Russian American)

Go to Turkey and hang that tin pan, loud mouthed Nazi fuck.

Zionism = EVIL

Nazis are good people. RESPECT!

Jens Holm

Oh yes, most of them are dead. Great succes for them.

Zionism = EVIL

Most live in Copenhagen and east Danish pastry :) since most Danish fags were their patsies, true story.

Jens Holm

Very optimistic. Small roosters make noise and therefore cant hear You. At least hens are laying eggs.

Zionism = EVIL

When the illiterate street vendor Erdogan was brought to power by CIA and Saudi Emirati money, the liar shit head said that “Turkey will have ZERO PROBEMS with all its neighbors” within a few months, the shithead had ruined relations with all from Armenia to Greece and also started supporting Wahhabi terror in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon. Today, the stupid Turkeys are having conflicts with all their neighbors and fanning terrorism as far as Libya in North Africa.

Zionism = EVIL

The Turkeys have bitten on more than they chew. As I mentioned many times, and having seen the better days of Turkish military couple of decades ago when they were secular and part of NATO main cannon fodder after their Americunt masters, today the Turkey military is a third world poor Anatolian peasant cannon fodder. As Syria has clearly demonstrated, the Turkeys are incapable of conducting even a regiment sized combined arms operation. They are only good at promoting Wahhabi terrorism. Their best and relatively professional senior command staff is behind bars after the false flag “Gulen Coup”. The dirt poor villages that supply the cannon fodder are getting restless with rising casualties. If the Jew rsehole Putin had not been kissing Erdogan’s arse, this would have been over a long time ago. The Syrians can only count on Iran and Hezbollah as all weather allies and need to keep rolling.

Jens Holm

Thats simplifying of the worst kind.


Then use your wisdom and explain to us ideas.

Zionism = EVIL

Jens is a salami short of a sandwich, a complete nutter!

Jens Holm

Of course I am a nutter reading all kinds of medias about it and some You never has been allowed to hear about.

And of course I am a nutter knowing the backgrpund for what happend before and after the Osmannic collapse.

The real regulars here are the ones believing more on constructed historie tellings for bad nationalisme then vital parts of Islam.

They never has written any parts of the Choran as I have. They only have learn it in light mode short versions given by old men never been able to read a single line in Old Arabic. Woemn of course has to be kept down and men up by birth so several muslim countries are best known for their rape rates and child abuse.

Making walls around it so it can be kept in the family does not improve that impression. And Yes, I do follow law stuff about it even propsed in Your parlaments. I PM proposed something like that here those PMs would be in jail right away for years and had to pay a lot of compensation to the girls and vomen.

And Our version is like that. BUT YOU pay compensation to the familyand almost always blame the girls and women hard.

I mention that part, because thats how You handle complicated things like whats going on in Syria, Iraq and Turkey.

You never allow Yourself to see the real things to be solved in a realistic way. In thissite I see the same. Your own makes no mistakes and are good people drinking tea sitting on Your hands – And then the other attack You verbally offending You and even use guns.

And of course its not as bad as it could be, because You all blame Jews, Zionists. Israel. Mossad, CIA. Americans, Nato, EU and anybody else.

If I compare to here, I should blame MEs for my house is not cleaned even I had 3 muslims here 1 time 5 MINUTES 2 years ago.

Zionism = EVIL

LOL, dude you are a hoot, BTW, what did rant mean and what were 3 Muslims doing in your house? on the other hand please don’t explain :)

Jens Holm

My golden bahthtub is full of oil from Syria as a gift my Trump by a gift from Putin. They were allowed to take a shower at their birthdays.

All 3 women a little too young for me had no clothe apart from some hair under their arms, but now they are permanent dressed in black apart from their heads and hands almost a month. they come back when someone says: I think ISIS can sée You – even in the dark nights.

I only has tryed that kind of adventures few times yet but hope for 1001 arabic nights with them one by one and only one a week.

If they would, they could make sudden death here.

Its a very big change livingh and working here. They do have permanent relative well paid jobs and therefore gets a lot of tax.

When they arrived they were a little skinny and in bad shape and fysical hard laybor and needed doctors several times as well as a dentist. But now they pay back with interest and even insist.

I only needed to learn the being good labor for them and all of us, and they never had heard about tothbrushes. But they know where the Syrian gold is, when some from the Baathparty open the mouth.

Thast why poor Syrians are experts in soup. So may Syrians drink wine for medical care and more then Noah recommended.

So thank Your for that Mr Trump and Mr Assad.

I was winner in some lottery for men having having lost their wifes with no grandchildren over 18. Now I might even might get some from the start too.

Trump seemes to be sponsered by some named Black Water.

Jens Holm

Thats no my ideas, but as long as You only read Your own medias and not the many sober ones, You are not able to see, whats going on as well as making any kind of peace unless all enemies are killed.

And You dont reflect at all about all the millions of refugees and displaced ones. You dont relflect on the dead ones. You dont refælect on the destruction.

Ypou just say: Thats the price. BUT IT IS NOT. Thats the and kind of mismanegement YOU CHOOSE.


Your ideas please as I am willing to know !

Jens Holm

Unfortunatly I dont decide.

I would go back to the end of WW1 and make new borders and several Emirates. It seemes as perople in the Region apart from the Turks are not able to run bigger states such as Syria and Iraq.

That also goes for Libya as well as Yemen, Pakistan/Afghanistan and fx Sudan.

By that I would make Emirates for Damaskus, Homs, Aleppo, Raqqa, Diabykir, Mosul, Turkish kurdistan in iraq and the Shiit part of Iraq.

That of course cover Turks should let their halfs of Aleppo, Raqqa and Diabykir go and maybee some small part to Iraqi Kurdistan of today.

Those all should decide all local stuff themself by own parlaments and independent tax collaction.

Every citicen there should have a bankaccount and share incomes in oil and gas as single persons. Children should get only half and that oly should be used for education for them.

Almost all need education or extra education. A good argument is, that too many from outisde the country actually also takes jobs from the locals, because the locals are not quilified to take over and even seemes to deny that.

Another parts is – as SDFs has done – to take away all nationalistic history and history books and burn them. No oictures for any Assad or for that Maliki or naybody else. I see those pictures make more fear then any trust. Use them on money or creditcard only.

And its not only oil and gas. There will be much less water in the rivers and we also see Turks take morte and more. Regulations are needed and thats not a countrý thing. The waste of water is too too high. A reform is putting much more water in pipes, making bigger fields and irrigate lad land but better and use machines.

By that You can create well paids jobs and make advanced ones by oil, by foof for export by a cooled transportsystem as well as maybee improve the cotton and clothe production.

But the main thing is Syria, Iraq and the eastern parts of Turkey is one big zone and market, where things are not in tribes anymore. Land can be bought by any anywhere even soe selectivity will be used.

More sekularisme makes same rights and duties for all and unite people. Today most history told in tribes, languages or etnicities tell everybidy else are not good people, but they are themselves. Unfortunatly thats not true at all.

Those Emeirates by that also are protected zones. If You wish and dont like fx Kurds, You freely can get a new Region Passport aand be protected by the local county javing its own polices, courts and for that matter jails too.

I see no reasons for Neo-Colonialistic borders made by French and Britts not long time ago should be permant as killed for. So I go back in time and look at the traditional border made by Ottomans partly copying them from the Greek Roman Empire but also Persians.

And on warmaps of today I am confirmed. Aleppo province is its own by Jihadists and Turks. SDF kurds had the Raqqa province. Kurds and somebody else then Bagdad has the northern Iraq.

So Damaskus, Ankara and Bagdad should retreat. None of them have good structure as well as they dont understand parts of their artificial territory.

But the can make roads, aorports, internet, TV, negosiate good contracts for oil and gas and a lot of things. They should be reduced to those things and by that need tax for that.

army is needed. because they have no enemies. The armies there are very expensive and mainly are used for dirty bad internal conflict denying any peacefull and sober solutions.

And forget Golan. What so important. There never was any Syria before 1946. How can any claim Israel to not be eble to defend themselves after 1967 and next 1973.

Damaskus was not able to join Baathist in Bagdad with them. Gamel Addel Nasser was a failure. Wars since 1948 against Israel has been failures. Invading Lebanon was a fiasko. Russia taking over most of Syria is a succes.

50% unimployment for Syrians,Iraqs, Lebanese and It´ran is a succes. No job , no food, nó clothe, no roof and no hopes are pefect for recruoting soldiers – Isnt it.

We have seen no grow in most areas in the region for decades. But no change because the stae governes are power keepers as well as not een having structures or allowing such for improvements.

The only ones having any plans for the future are the SDF kurds, and none likes them.

So Counsils, name them as You wish – Emirates, Counties, Villayets should be allowed and allow people in them to be rewarded for needed changes.

And I forgot an important last thing. No more censurship lying all the time or even worse. Syrians and the other should have reliable acces to anything from the rest of the world, so they as a minimum can copy the good parts. I dont care its form East, West, North or South.

A very good version, which by the way also is Russian is, that the large middle class not even exist. We see You are learned how bad those rich mainly rich Jews run things, and we also see the many poor well.

But You never show the several 100 millions there doing fine as well as many of the poor in USA are less poor then the poor ones in Syria and Iraq ever has been.


Encircle the whole of Saraqib and the Turkish op, hope you have the manpower.


Things go well, it’s time for Putin to come out and say that Russia has troops on the ground

Jens Holm

Most of us has known they have small good units here ans there as well as Wagners being more or less their own.


So what?

Zionism = EVIL

Dude, the Danish cupcake is a fruitloop and you are trying to debate with him :)

Zionism = EVIL

The Shia militias and Iranians are doing most of the fighting and they have about 10,000 battle hardened fighters in the region with 15,000 SAA including Maher al Assad’s 4th Republican Guards and Soheil Hassan’s “Tigers”. The terrorists and the Turkeys number 30,000 armed men and to dislodge them a very sustained air and artillery campaign will be required. The SAA is still less than half of its pre-2011 strength, however, the quality and motivation of the newly formed brigades has increased. Hezbollah as usual is spear heading the fight.

Jens Holm

So why do they not go there and behave like tourists and after that get jobs as construction builders or undertakers. Iran grows nice flowers for graves too.


Brilliant progress! If only they had done this sooner!


Ok. Finally that god forsaken Astana agreement is dead.
The one good thing Erdogan did in his life.

Now the next move will be that Erdogan pushes to resume the operation in the north.

And then things will get really messy.
But now that the delusion of Erdogan being a partner for Russia is dead, there may finally be a true future for Syria in the cards. And for Lybia too.


I look forward for not one but two disasters for Turkey: one in Libya and the other in Syria. After this, Erdogan might be dead meat.

Joe Doe

Erdogan play Putin for long time and Putin mistakes are main reasons war still in Syria. Putin created main nest of terrorist in Idlib and Syria is playing the price. Putin has demonstrated many time, pleasing Turkey, Israel and USA at the Syria expense. Only fool would sale most modern weapon to enemy, which later can be used against Russia soldiers. Turkey demonstrated many time there will not be friendship with Russia. Turkey or Turkey proxies kill so many Russians and Putin has done nothing to stop. Under Putin Russia lost respect and Putio is lousy protector


Every inch. Kia kaha SAA & allies.

Xoli Xoli

Putin as commander in chief of armed forces of Russia is in serious collision cause with its troops and Generals.Troop are not happy to pass on their fighting skills to their enemies by wage drills which are later applied against colleagues.

northerntruthseeker .

I read this and all I can say is… “Huh”? For it makes no sense at all….


That’s why he is called :
“Houdini the Mysterious One” !
Master of disguise !
He even hides meaning of his words from himself !


He tries to say that Russians shouldn’t patrol with Turks anyway, but in retarded.

Xoli Xoli

Thanks for your honesty.

S Melanson

Erdogan overplaying his hand believing the Astana Process was basically give everything Turkey wants. It seems Assad will be having none of that.

However, Russia bears some responsibility for Erdogan treating the Astana Process as a convenient cover for advancing Turkish interests as noted in another SF article “…once again [recent events] demonstrated that Turkey was pursuing solely its own interests regardless its formal status of one of the the ‘key Russian partners’ in the region.”

The Astana Process was a fiction from the very beginning and Russia will have to think carefully how far it will go to pull Turkey into its orbit. In my opinion, Erdogan already fully understands the situation and is manipulating Russia accordingly, although he overestimated Russian control over Assad.

Russia has to decide and I hope it is to choose to honor the alliance with Syria and be faithful to that alliance going forward.


“Turkey was pursuing solely its own interests
True, can’t agree more!
What was that moment of selfishness so uncharacteristic of Turkey and Erdogan?!
Erdogan is widely known for his altruism and having other countries interests at heart

S Melanson

Erdogan no doubt has adopted Cheney’s angelic moral compass – after all, Cheney has been a beacon of light in dark times… a true role model for aspiring ‘do-gooders…’

P.S. you seem to have down voted my comment while agreeing with what I say…???


WellI couldn’t really decide between Chney and Jhon Bolton

Erdogan already fully understands the situation and is manipulating Russia accordingly,
What “situation” is that Erdogun “understands“?
How does he “is manipulating Russia ” exactly?

S Melanson

I see, good questions.

Erdogan understands what Putin is trying to do and the great importance attached to succeeding – pull Turkey out of NATO and US orbit. So Erdogan is using this as leverage to get Russia to back Turkey in ways that are not in Russia’s interests such as Syria and Libya – Putin called for a ceasefire when the LNA had the upper-hand over the GNA.

We can see the limits of Russian influence – Assad is not playing along, neither is Haftar, and remember when Putin said foreign troops should leave Syria – meaning Iranian troops should leave as desired by Netanyahoo. Iran’s response was a terse rebuke as might be expected given betrayal (deconfliction agreement between Israel and Russia).

Tudor Miron

I think that you’re misinterpreting the reality. Erdogan is manipulating? He may well be thinking that way but I suggest that we wait and see what the end result is.
Also, to think that SAA is acting on their own now (without Russia’s direct help and direction) = ignoring facts.


First I agree…
Loser Erdogan is definitely not manipulating Putin.
When it comes to Assad I think that both of you are right to the extent….
Assad was never true allay of Russia even though people are completely detached from the facts “misinterpreting the reality
Russia have never had single agreement with Syria of that kind.
And Assad doesn’t really have the same policy in Syria as Russia.
The same goes for Iran and Assad.
Assad wants benefits of Russian protection but refuses responsibilities

S Melanson

Hi Tudor, sorry for the delay. I paste below my response to Z.P. As it explain my point of view. I also give my opinion on how Russia may deal with Erdogan going forward – look foreword to your thoughts.
Pardon the length but the topic is quite involved.
Why are things not working out for Erdogan? Well I state why – Erdogan overestimated Putin’s ability to deliver on Turkish demands but this is, as I also mentioned, a consequence of Erdogan overplaying his hand. In other words, Erdogan may understand he holds some aces, but he is playing his hand rather poorly.

As for Erdogan manipulating Russia, I state that this is how Erdogan sees it and his actions are guided by this although in a very highhanded way. Now Russia has contributed to this impression, for example, by calling multiple ceasefires and another is the rather convoluted arrangement involving border security with Syria and Turkey that is prone to violations, some quite serious. The constant violations in Idlib should have been reason to demand Turkey bring order else kick Turkey out of the Astana Process for shielding the militants and worse, arming them and overlooking their transgressions as they use Turkish supplied weapons to inflict casualties -on both Syrian citizens as well as SAA soldiers.

I see this as attempt to keep Erdogan from running back into the arms of the US but this short term strategy seems to me to come at the risk of damage to Russian diplomatic prestige that could be costly in the long term. I also do not think appeasing Erdogan is necessary at this point.

Erdogan is not about to eagerly run back into the arms of Trump who is expected to win a second term. Trump has not ended the policy of supporting the Kurds and now has them sitting on Syria’s main oil fields.

The S-400 drives a wedge in the long term and creates Turkish dependency on Russia. Further, Erdogan remembers who incited a coup against him and also, Trump will not forget any time soon the embarrassment Erdogan caused to MbS and Trump over the Kashoggi murder.

Lastly, NATO is now a big question mark as to its future and this uncertainty will continue whether Erdogan is appeased or not.

Lastly, I agree that it is not a formal alliance but Russia wants permanent bases in Syria so a strong and stable Syria is desired as this will greatly reduce terrorist threats enhancing security. Therefore, Russian and Syrian interests are aligned and Russia has helped Assad push back the terrorists decisively – so while not formal allies, they are natural allies and media refer to them as allies.

The problem is that for Russia, Turkish hostility towards Russia and Syria is an important security consideration regarding long term viability of Russian bases in Syria. This creates a tension in balancing Turkish interests and Syrian+Russian joint interests. Erdogan understood the tension and the leverage he could use to advance Turkish interests but I think he overplayed his hand as I said before.

All in all, I think Russia and Syria are de facto allies with or without formal agreement. Note that the Syrian invitation to Russia to have military assets operating in Syria is a type of military alliance. If Russia were to consistently act against the interests of Syria, Russian forces can be asked to leave by Damascus. Certainly Putin would not want to become an occupier, making Russia no different from the US – so Russia has to behave within reason.

To me, Erdogan does not need to be appeased to the extent of what has been in the past. Going forward, Erdogan needs Russia as much as Russia needs Turkey (or even more one might say).

So Lavrov, start cracking that whip so it whistles in the vicinity of Erdogan’s buttocks.


If “Erdogan understands what Putin is trying to do
how come he is not winner but banal loser ?
Normally when people are more intelligent they have advantage to know everything in advance and that gives them possibility to checkmate opponent.
What was that” leverage” about if he is about to lose?

I do not see that as “limits” of Russian influence.
Despite the fact that you talk about “alliance”?!?
There was never ever single formal agreement between Syria and Russia of any kind!
They are merely informal “allays” of convenience. Assad went to Paeris to ask for help in 2015. When he understood that he will get no help from France he went to Putin as his last option to ask for help!
So it was that formal invitation that makes them some kind of “allays” of convenience but with NO FORMAL AGREEMENT to the present day!
So Russia is not really an allay (like Iran for example)
So “limits of Russian influence”. never existed.
Since there are no agreement and no “influence”.
There was true agreement and “alliance” between Assad’s father and USSR only.
Belarus is the closest Russian allay
Today even China is close Russian allay (much more than Syria will ever be).
There are other SCO allays. But those 2 are the closest.

Russia has got her 2 military bases in exchange for assistance and weapons & ammunition – to destroy terrorists as common intrest Syria and Russia also.
Yes ” foreign troops should leave Syria ” since it was impossible to ask only US to leave without offering everybody else to leave as well.
Of course Russian’s in those 2 bases would stay since they have regular contracts with Syria.
It is absurd to expect that Iranians stay in Syria AFTER the WAR in greater numbers and that Israel doesn’t see that as clear sign of hostility.
Syria can do whatever they want of course..
But by keeping those Iranians they are scarifying their peace for Iranian interests only.
Russia has her bases and is not concerned by Syrian choices and politics. Those are Assads problem


hey, you former soviet officer! You tell now something else what told putin in 2015.

You are simply extremly weak, local middle power, you have no power to save any friendly country.

you are liars.

S Melanson

Why are things not working out for Erdogan? I state why – Erdogan overestimated Putin’s ability to deliver on Turkish demands but this also relates to another issue I pointed out which is that Erdogan is overplaying his hand. In other words, Erdogan understands the cards he holds in his hands, but he is playing his hand poorly.

As for manipulating Russia, I state that this is how Erdogan sees it and is playing it (in a very highhanded way) and Russia has contributed to this impression by calling multiple ceasefires and a rather convoluted arrangement involving border security with Syria and Turkey. The constant violations in Idlib should have been reason to demand Turkey bring order else kick Turkey out of the Astana Process for shielding the militants and worse, arming them and overlooking their transgressions as they use Turkish supplied weapons to inflict casualties – both Syrian citizens as well as SAA soldiers.

I see this as attempt to keep Erdogan running back into the arms of the US but this short term strategy seems to me to come at the risk of damage to Russian diplomatic prestige cost in the long term. I also do not think appeasing Erdogan is necessary at this point.

Erdogan is not about to eagerly run back into the arms of Trump who is expected to win a second term. Trump has not ended the policy of supporting the Kurds and now has them sitting on Syria’s main oil fields.

The S-400 drives a wedge in the long term and creates Turkish dependency on Russia. Further, Erdogan remembers who incited a coup against him and also, Trump will not forget any time soon the embarrassment Erdogan caused to MbS and Trump over the Kashoggi murder.

Lastly, NATO is now a big question mark as to its future and this uncertainty will continue whether Erdogan is appeased or not.

Lastly, I agree that it is not a formal alliance but Russia wants permanent bases in Syria so a strong and stable Syria is desired as this will greatly reduce terrorist threats enhancing security. Therefore, Russian and Syrian interests are aligned and Russia has helped Assad push back the terrorists decisively – so while not formal allies, they are natural allies and media refer to them as allies.

The problem is that for Russia, Turkish hostility towards Russia and Syria is an important security consideration regarding long term viability of Russian bases in Syria. This creates a tension in balancing Turkish interests and Syrian+Russian joint interests. Erdogan understood the tension and the leverage he could use to advance Turkish interests but I think he overplayed his hand as I said before.

All in all, I think Russia and Syria are de facto allies with or without formal agreement. Note that the Syrian invitation to Russia to have military assets operating in Syria is a type of military alliance. If Russia were to consistently act against the interests of Syria, Russian forces can be asked to leave by Damascus. Certainly Putin would not want to become an occupier, making Russia no different from the US – so Russia has to behave within reason.

To me, Erdogan does not need to be appeased to the extent of what has been in the past. Going forward, Erdogan needs Russia as much as Russia needs Turkey (or even more one might say).

So Lavrov, start cracking that whip so it whistles in the vicinity of Erdogan’s buttocks.


“Erdogan understands the cards he holds in his hands, but he is playing his hand poorly
This is pure oxymoron statement!
Pure nonsensical contradiction where you want to have it both ways in the same time.
You even call Putin stupid by claiming that Erdogan has “overestimated Putin’s ability to deliver “?!?
So according to you: despite the fact that Erdogan is already more intelligent he even overestimated Putin “?!?!!
And Erdogan still has lost despite all that “advantage”?!!!
So according to you Putin is some kind of half idiot, not capable to “deliver” his own plans the way he has planned…And on top of everything Erdogan see all those Putins plans in advance( which is above exceptional human capacity)
Yet despite Putin’s half wit and Erdogans genius he fails becasue he can’t execute his plans properly?!?
Erdogan can not be so intelligent to “understand in ADVANCE Putin’s plans and intentions” and be so retarded to “play poorly” his own game in the same time!
Either he is more intelligent than Putin and he is seeing and “understanding” everything in advance or he is idiot not capable to play his cards well.
I state why
Yes you do.The problem is that your statement doesn’t make sens.
Putin has outsmarted so many world leaders yet you present him as totally inferior to Erdogan despite FACTS on the GROUNDthat deny your logic?!
And on top despite giving exceptional perspicacity to Erdogan you call him stupid by labeling him not to know how to execute his own plans.

I have no interest going into the details and development of your premise since it is built on fundamentally wrong logic.

i thank you for your time and effort. It was interesting talking to you.

S Melanson

If you have no interest in debating with me, you have a strange way of showing it. But I am glad that you made the effort nonetheless.


The point is Mr Melanson is that my hypotheses from the start is that;
Your premise on situation between Turkey and Russia is fundamentally wrong and contradicts facts on the ground.
Your explanation of that contradiction (of the facts on the ground ) is also pure contradiction in itself.
So elaborating all that or making some other logical pirouettes to compensate absence of logic will not bring us any closer to the right answer.

Let me put this way: We agree to disagree.
And we are not getting any closer to clarifying the problem, through our exchange. So it is pointless to continue.
You stick with what you believe I have no problem with that. I just do not agree with that.
And you haven’t change my opinion not even tiny bit (at the contrary).
Bye and take care.


Atmospherics from Turkey, is how I view this. Not much weight to it. They are just mad about their guys getting killed. Who wouldn’t be?


So all the new Turkish outposts are being flanked!
This is too dam funny, Love it ! :DDD

Saint Jimmy (Russian American)

Big macho Turk Erdogan must be horribly embarrassed. Seems like Turkey, Israel, and the cia have the smallest dicks.


Even “the smallest dicks.” can get even smaller !
It’s not over til it’s over !

Jens Holm

Maybee You are not as important as You think too:)

Xoli Xoli

That is why their wifes and girlfriend s ran to Africa as tourists for sexual entertainment by us.


When we change our leadership next month, you will see who has a smaller dick. Patience.


Yes, I’m almost shocked to see Foua and Kafraya there too!

Joe Dickson

No mercy for terrorists… dead Turks fit the bill.


It seems to me that when SAA cleans up Idlib from the vermins then Erdogan will be history with some “suitable” accomodation provided by the succeeding new government in Turkey even before the end of the current year I imagine.
Would not it be a lovely new year present for the greater part of the population of Turkey? ?

Dear SAA and Bachar El Asad
You are now writing a great history not only for Syria but for all of us.
I thank you with all my heart.

Assad must stay

it is nice to see the former roman emperor siding with SAA at this time hahahaha :))))


“Ankara claims that the ‘Assad regime’ and big bad Russians are oppressing the seedlings of democracy there,”

Eureka, proof positive that Erdogan’s script is being written by Adam ‘Shifty’ Schiff of the US fake Democratic party.


I am sure that Russian air force will do their over-time and maximum effort to make those terrorist animals pay dearly for the lives of those 4 Russian soldiers !!!



Turkish army is is creating observation outposts on the Truk-Syrian border to verify and “observe” if the SAA has arrived there already!


Turkish army now rushing to set up OP’s on the Turkish side of the border. LOL


That sounds like reasonable idea !


See, exactly as planned. For now, Saraqib City is a top priority target, let people say whatever they like about SAA, Russia and other allies, blah blah blah blah blah in the media will not change the facts that occur in the field! There are already enough sacrifices made by Russia in helping Syria. Show a little gratitude! Without Russian help and intervention in 2015, maybe we wouldn’t comment about this at Southfront at this time. Maybe we will comment about the terrorist flags that are flying throughout Syria and the heads of innocent people who are being cut off every day! Whatever it is, the SAA war machine and allies will keep going every day, cleaning every inch of their land from terrorists!


Sell S-400 to the Turk was Putin big error ….


And what if he had kept a secret button enabling him to switch off the sold system from the distance, when necessary or or a bug enabling him to identify its location and destroy it?


Tigers seem to be cheating here, by bypassing the Turkish roadblock on M5 and approaching Saraqib from the west. Turkish delegates are sure to complain at the next Astana or Sochi meetings. :D

Bill Wilson

This is quite interesting! It appears that the SAA et al have realized that the HTS can’t muster a resistance to the SAA advance because the extremist group has lost the support of the local moderate militias that were forced to join them. I think Erdogan had his army set up positions on those highways not to block the SAA but the moderate militias that were withdrawing to the west.

Zionism = EVIL

Bill you need to get your head out of your dumb Jew arse, there are no moderate terrorists. They are all child killers like your IDF vermin. The Wahhabi ones also chop heads for free.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

All the years of hard work Putin’s put into cultivating a good relationship with Erdogan/Turkey may have all been for nothing, what’s even worse is the fact that Turkey actually loses nothing by going back to the US/NATO relationship, they actually gain more from it, [sanctions dropped], but Russia will lose out big time, I keep using the game of snakes and ladders as an analogy for the Putin/Erdogan relationship, we can get nearly all the way home and still lose the game, but sadly in this game where the players have betted money on the outcome, only one of the parties actually had the cash to make the bet, the other ones just offering his word as a stake, which means Erdogan doesn’t care if he loses this game, he’ll just pack up and start playing with the other side again, and he won’t be paying his debt either.

Jens Holm

Its not a matter of Turjey going back to Nato at all. Turks fo have their own agaenda. Got it. They aleays have.

Most of Nato was not eben happy having Turkey as Nato member, but they could see Turks partly blocking for Russia and the Black sea.

Americans gave them about half of their weapons – And good ones. They also upgraded the Turkish capability.

Being a frind with Russia or not being not even a question or nat makes me laugh an cry. Simple maps show Ottomans systematicly was sliced by the Russians and history og Armenia split in 2 and the kiling there is very well reminded. Some might even say, that the Russian Tzars and their exoansion was an important reason for Turkish warries and the mass killing.

So forget friendship of any kind. Turks and Russians can use each other here and there well. That makes a lot of sense. We also see the hoped Turkish expansion at east at the socalled Rurmennish new Countries has not given, what the Turks has hoped for.

I kind of compare it with Austra-Hungaria was thrown out of Germany and the only way for expansion was the Balkans. Only Bosniaks accepted their new Masters and were positive. Some might know why(The Serbian exåansion).

So thats where Turs are. The have improved at lot but also have made several fiascos and minusses. One way could be a kind of Finland to Russia. They are able to produce several good products in large scale on not only for consumers. Tempting to see a car factory more.Even Japanese owned they do produce some kinds of Toyoatas well for the consumers. Russia are not able to produce cars, which Russians prefare.

Another part of it is AKP could and would not affiliate with EU unless Erdogan should decide. Thats not how EU is. We try to make rules and we try to keep them. Here Turkey might be a relative big player and should not by that be a spolier for us. EU already is a very big and ytoo heavy machine – Even it gives a lot of plus.

So Turks by that are not investment country number one. And we – as Nato – As well as USA dont like what Turks are doing in Syria and Irak.

Pave Way IV

Can’t find any definition for ‘Rurmennish’, Jens. Is that like the Caucasus countries east of Turkey or the countries beyond the Caspian Sea?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Every country has its own agenda Jens, that’s a fact.
The Ottoman Empire resurgence is already in full swing, first north eastern Iraq, then Syria, and now Libya, they were all once the property of the Ottoman Empire you know.
Putin was the one responsible for helping Turkey’s economy get out of the doldrums, Erdogan would’ve gone broke by now if Putin hadn’t come to his aid, the US sanctions would’ve destroyed Turkey if Putin hadn’t intervened. So if Putin abandons Erdogan, both Erdogan and the Turkish economy will be on their own, at least until Erdogan is removed from power.
And have you forgotten Turkey’s nobbled itself intellectually, Erdogan sacked half the Turkish military command, half the Judiciary, half the government bureaucrats, and half the teachers, you can’t run a smart country doing that Jens, and what about the 10,000 people he locked up and tortured after the coup, that wasn’t helping Turkey’s economy either.
And most importantly, the US, EU, UN, NATO, Arab League and China all love Turkey, in fact they all absolutely love Turkey to bits, it’s just the fact they all hate Erdogan and the AKP party/ Muslim Brotherhood that makes it look like they sometimes don’t get along with Turkey.

Jens Holm

You are highly biased. Russia has not saved the Turkish economy at all. Kemals are not better for EU at all. Its seeemes You dont know how big and small even the Smallest Osmans was in its late days. When did Turkey have any control of the bandits in Libya. Etc.

MeMad Max

FUCK erDOGhan, he is an INVADER and TERRORIST just like the so called humans he is supporting in syria…


GO SAA!!!!

Zionism = EVIL

Erdogan is an illiterate scum and was put in power by the Americunts to destroy the Arab world. His AKP Wahhabi shitheads were funded by Saudi, Qatari and Emirati scum.

Jens Holm

Very funny version. I do agree in “scum”.

Toni Liu

Damn its good, I thought its too early to make a push near idlib city, but what ever hope this two city fall at once and all terrorist in idlib province crumble and just leave little chunk in the south and northern allepo and isis shit in near deir ez zor, then all part next to deir ez zor river to be liberated

Jens Holm

If You can find a map, You can see Idlibe divided into sectors being Turkish or not. That narrow one is a non Turkish sector.